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1 Mental Conditioning: The key to consistently applying all other forces. This is the one
that will make you or break you. The untrained mind is the most destructive force on
the planet. The trained mind is a blessing and the greatest gift you can give yourself. To
master your body and your life, you must first master your mind.

2 Sleep and Recovery: Without the proper dose of sleep and other recovery techniques
all of your hard work could be for nothing. Lack of sleep disrupts hormones, robs you of
vitality and makes you feel like H-E-double hockey sticks.

3 Nutrition and Supplementation: You must fuel your body with enough of the right
nutrients. There is no one diet that works for everyone. Every body is different so lab
testing is needed to determine the best strategy for you. Once your body is properly
fueled it is a force to be reckoned with. You become a lean, strong detoxifying machine
with inexhaustible energy levels.

4 Hydration: Even a 1% deficit in hydration can decrease overall body strength by as much
as 10%. Dehydration not only lowers testosterone levels but can reduce metabolism by
40%. Proper hydration improves every system in the body.

5 Resistance Training: Nothing will change your body or your life more than willingly stepping
into discomfort regularly. Resistance training causes the release of body transforming
hormones but the real reward is who you become in the process.

6 Cardiovascular Conditioning: Becoming conditioned cardio-wise, can produce up to an

additional liter of nutrient-rich blood in your body. In addition, intense cardio sessions
create more mitochondria in the muscle - this is where fat is burned in the body. This
leads to greater vitality, energy and endurance.

7 Structural Balance and Mobility: If you are in pain then nothing else matters. It’s
challenging to live your best life when you are in chronic pain. Structural balance and
mobility allows you to push your limits without breaking down. It unleashes your
athleticism and makes you bulletproof to injury.

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