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Family Cultural Traditions Webquest

A WebQuest for 2nd Grade

Designed by

Karley McInelly


For this assignment you will be learning about different Family

Cultural Traditions.

The Task:
Your task for this assignment is to interview a family member(s)
and figure out what your family cultural traditions are. The first part of
this assignment will be learning some new vocabulary. Then there will
be a presentation that is due in class on what you have learned about
your own family cultural traditions.

The Process:
1. Read Coming to America: The Story of Immigration
2. Pass out vocabulary booklet, family interview page, information for
parents, and the rubric for the presentation
3. Then cut your vocabulary booklet out and staple together
4. Once that is completed introduce the vocabulary words from
the book
5. Go over the family interview page, the rubric for the
presentation and what is expected for the presentation
6. Work on presentation after interview with parents
7. Present the presentation to the class on what you have
learned with your family cultural traditions

Once you have completed your vocabulary words and
interviewed a family member start working on your presentation.

Credits & References:

Lesson adapted from:

Family Cultural Traditions Project Grading Scale

Student’s Name ______________________
______5 points I filled out the Family Interview with my family.

______1 point My project is about a family tradition.

______1 point My project explains something interesting and unique about my family.

______1 point My objects, pictures or written reports are connected with my family traditions.

______1 point I talked to my family about the project.

______1 point I practiced talking about my project at home so that I would be ready to present
it to the class.

______5 points I shared my project with my class.

______/15 points Total

Teacher Comment:

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