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Philippine-Japan Friendship Highway, Sasa, Davao City

College of Teacher Education
1st Semester A.Y. 2020-2021

(GRADE 10)

I. Objectives

Content Standard:

The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as
ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts.

Performance Standard:

The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive
techniques and devices.

Learning Competencies:

Evaluate literature as a way of expressing and resolving one’s personal conflicts. (EN10LT-Ii-

Intended Learning Outcomes (Objectives)

1. Make a slogan that describes the character of Dionysus in the story.

2. Explain the moral of the “story of Dionysus”.
3. Appreciate the importance of the story of Dionysus through daily life scenario by creating
a short paragraph.

II. Subject Matter

B. Reference:
C. Materials: Cartolina, Pictures, Marker

III. Procedures
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Attendance
3. Classroom Management
B. Activity (Motivation)

1. Show a picture of a father and a

2. The teacher will ask the students
to share their observations and
understanding about the picture.
3. The teacher will ask the students
about the importance of “father’s

C. Analysis (Discussion of the Lesson)

1. The teacher will discuss the story of Dionysus.

Dionysus, the youthful, beautiful, but effeminate god of wine. He was the son of the god

Zeus and a human named Semele. Semele was not Zeus' wife, so when Hera (his real wife)

found out that Semele was pregnant, she tricked her into getting herself killed. After she died,

Zeus took the unborn Dionysus from Semele and sewed the baby up in his leg. Zeus then

carried Dionysus in his leg until he was ready to be born. Hera was very jealous of Dionysus.

When she found out he was still alive, she ordered the Titans to kill him. They eventually did,

but his grandmother, Rhea, brought him back to life. Then, Zeus protected him and gave him

the power to live forever, called immortality. Once Dionysus was grown, he learned to cultivate

grapes and became the first to turn them into wine.

Later in his life, Dionysus traveled to the underworld, which was the land of the dead ruled

by the god Hades. Dionysus brought his mother back from the dead and took her to Mount

Olympus. Because of all of these stories, Dionysus was said to represent rebirth after death.

2. Divide the class into five groups.

3. Each group will describe Dionysus by making a slogan.

D. Abstraction (Generalization)

1. The teachers will ask the students randomly.

1.1 Who are the characters in the story?

1.2 Dionysus was the god of?
1.3 How was Dionysus born?
1.4 Why do you think Dionysus is different from other gods?

E. Application (Connection to the real-life situation)

1. The students will create a short paragraph by answering the following guide questions:
1.1 How can you compare the story of Dionysus in real life?
1.2 Would you do the same thing as what Zeus did in the story?

Content 10 points
Grammar 10 points
Support and Development of Ideas 10 points

F. Evaluation

Individual work: Answer the following questions in a 1 whole sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following was a symbol of Dionysus?

a. Hammer c. Grapevine
b. Bow and arrow d. Pomegranate
2. Who killed Dionysus?
a. Hera c. Semele
b. Zeus d. Rhea
3. Where did Zeus put Dionysus to keep him alive?
a. He hid him on a deserted island c. He sewed Dionysus into his thigh
b. He swallowed Dionysus d. He put him in an underwater cave
4. Who brought Dionysus back to life?
a. Hera c. Semele
b. Zeus d. Rhea
5. Dionysus was the god of…
a. love c. wisdom
b. wine d. sea
6. What was the story of Dionysus all about?
7. Who were the parents of Dionysus?
8. What was the moral of the story of Dionysus?
9. Describe the characters in the story.
10. Explain how Dionysus died and became immortal.

G. Assignment
In five to ten sentences, describe your realizations in the story.

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