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Current Rules:

Some of the current rules in the Kindergarten classroom include:

- Voice level 1 in the classroom. (Level 1 means quiet/inside voice)
- Stay in one spot once you have chosen one. (Table spot/spot on the floor/spot on
the rug/poly spots)
- Get started right away.
- Raise your hand and wait to be called on before you speak.
- Don’t interrupt your peers when they are talking.
- Worry about yourself first.
- Don’t distract your classmates while they are working.
- No tattle-tailing unless someone or yourself is hurt or in danger.
- Respect classroom materials and others’ materials.
- Keep your mask up the whole time.
- Work with others + share.
- Be safe with your body -- hands and feet are kept to yourself.
- Water bottles stay on the table at the front of the classroom on the tile floor.
- Ask for permission when leaving the classroom
- You can use the bathroom when you need to. (We have one in the classroom)
- Be kind!

Rules in my classroom:
When developing rules in the classroom, I would establish the necessary
rules/expectations applicable before meeting my students. Such as respect the
classroom materials, respect others, walking feet in the classroom, be safe with your
body/keep your hands and feet to yourself, raise your hand and wait to be called on
before speaking. The first week of school I would use the morning of each day to take
time to have the students come up with rules that we should set in our classroom and
then practice them/model them throughout the day. With the younger ones, there may
need to be a little assistance in creating rules, but the others could write their thoughts
down on a piece of paper and hand them in to me on the first day of school. From there
I would have the students work in groups to create charts of our classroom rules for
visuals to remember what those rules are.
Some examples that students will come up with (but are not limited to):
● Respect and listen to your teacher and your classmates.
● Raise your hand to speak.
● Be quiet when the teacher or a classmate is talking.
● Be kind.
● Always do your best.
● Clean up after yourself.
● Walking feet only in the classroom and in the hallway.
● Share with your friends/classmates.
● Be respectful to classmates that are working.
● Use positive + appropriate language.
● Line up quietly.
● Stay in your seat/spot.
● Cooperate with your classmates.
● Be honest.
● Use classroom materials appropriately.
● Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
● Respect others' property.
● Respect the classroom’s property.
● Be a good friend.

Tier 1 / Gentle Re-Directs

Teacher gives the student a warning.

Says the student's name and reviews expectations/rules.

Teacher points to the work that the student is supposed to be doing.

Compliment other students following the classroom rules.

Ask students a question about the activity/assignment.

State classroom expectations/rules to the entire class.

Tier 2 / Mild Consequences

Seat change.

Teacher sits/stands next to the student.

Teacher has a brief private conversation with the student.

Brief removal from activity - within the classroom. (moved back to table spot/poly spot/rug
area/front table)

Tell student(s) that if behavior continues, there will be consequence(s).

Tier 3 / Moderate Consequences

Permanent seat change/assigned seat.

Points/prizes/reinforcements withheld.

Conference with the student(s).

The student writes a letter home to parents.

Removal from activity - outside of the classroom. (Hallway)

Tier 4 / Firm Consequences

Parents are called.

Teacher sends home a note to the parents.

Meeting with the students' parents is held.

Student is sent to the office or the principal is called to discuss behavior with the principal.

Removal from “fun” activities/field trips/reward days.

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