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GMAT Math Strategies — Estimation,

Rounding and other Shortcuts

This tutorial explores the uses and limitations of GMAT math strategies such as estimation,
rounding and other shortcuts. You'll learn when and when not to resort to these sorts of time-
saving techniques.

Q: Does the GMAT reward test takers who know certain shortcuts for arithmetical
calculations and for manipulating numbers?

A: It depends on the type of shortcut. On the one hand, a GMAT test taker
who can perform complex arithmetical calculations quickly would hold
absolutely no advantage. Number-crunching is simply not what the GMAT is
about. For example, you won't need to:

 Using columnar multiplication or long division to combine multiple-digit

 Deal with unwieldy numbers to determine root and exponential values
 Carry decimal points beyond one or two places

On the other hand, if by "shortcuts" you mean the combining of multiple

computational steps, then the GMAT does indeed reward test takers who
know how to use shortcuts.

Q: Can you provide a few examples of the sorts of shortcuts GMAT test takers can use to
their advantage?

A: A GMAT question might require you to remove radical (root) signs from a
fraction's denominator. If so, it's useful to know that you can accomplish this
simply by "copying" the radical term to the numerator, and removing the

radical sign from the denominator. So to rework the expression , you can
omit the intermediary steps of multiplying both numerator and denominator
by the root value, then canceling:

Here's another useful shortcut: If two fractions are equal, you can "factor
out" terms across numerators or denominators, and set the fractions' "cross-
products" equal to each other. So in the following equation you can solve for
x in three quick steps (also using the shortcut involving radicals mentioned

Q: In preparing for the GMAT, should test takers memorize certain formulas or
computational tables?

A: Yes, but the learning curve is neither steep nor long. In gearing up for the
GMAT you need to learn only a handful of formulas. Most of these formulas
involve geometry, but you should also know certain others — formulas that
help you set up and solve algebra problems cast in a real-world setting (so
called "story" problems):

Geometry formulas:

 Areas and perimeters of certain triangles: right, isosceles, equilateral

 Area and circumference of a circle
 Area and perimeter of a square, rectangle, rhombus, and trapezoid
 Angle measures of any polygon
 Area and volume of a rectangular solid
 Area and volume of a right cylinder

Algebraic formulas for "story" problems:

 Rate of work
 Rate of motion (speed)
 Weighted average
 Mixtures

Understanding the Pythagorean Theorem (for determining the area of a right

triangle and the relationship among its three sides) will be especially helpful
on the GMAT. Any good GMAT-prep book will provide the geometry formulas
listed above and will explain how they come into play in GMAT Quantitative

In gearing up for the GMAT you should also memorize tables for determining
 Fraction-percent-decimal equivalents
 Certain square roots and cube roots that are integral values (no
 Squares of integers up to 15, along with 25
 Divisibility (for factoring numbers)

Again, any good GMAT-prep book will provide these tables.

Q: For the GMAT, would you suggest memorizing conversion tables for units of
measurement — such as weight, length, and monetary units?

A: For the GMAT, there's no need to memorize conversion tables. If a GMAT

question requires you to convert across systems of measurement (e.g., from
kilometers to miles) or within a system (e.g., from ounces to pounds), the
question itself will provide the conversion information you need — for
example, "1 pound = 16 ounces."

But what every test taker should be concerned about is making sure their
calculated solution is expressed in terms of the specific unit of measurement
called for in the question. A GMAT question might express units in pounds,
then ask for a solution in terms of ounces. If you neglect to convert — by
either multiplying or dividing a key figure by 16 at some point in your
calculations — you'll come up with the wrong solution, of course. And if the
question is in the Problem-Solving format, chances are that your wrong
solution will appear among the four incorrect answer choices!

Q: Do the test designers frequently resort to this ploy — determining common errors and
listing wrong-answer choices that reflect those errors? If so, how can test takers avoid
falling victim to this ploy?

A: Yes, the test makers incorporate this ploy into nearly every GMAT
Problem-Solving question. To increase the difficulty level of a question, they
load a question with three or four of these sucker-bait choices; to decrease
the difficulty level, they reduce the number to one or two.

The best way to avoid falling prey to this ploy is to predetermine, if possible,
the sort of answer choice you're looking — in other words, determine what
meets the criteria for a viable correct response. If the question asks for a
numerical solution — without variables — ask yourself how large or small a
number would make sense as the correct answer in the context of the
 A single-digit number?
 A very small fractional number?
 A large percentage?

In so-called "story" problems — questions in a real-world setting — you can

often define parameters for a viable answer choice based on common sense,
then eliminate at least one answer choice based on those parameters. This
technique also helps if you're in a time crunch during the Quantitative
section. If you can eliminate one or two answer choices without doing any
pencil-work, simply because they are unrealistic in size, this will help
increase your odds.

When using this technique, keep in mind that numerical answer choices are
always listed in ascending order by value (except for questions that ask
which of the five choices is largest/smallest in value). In other words, the
smallest value among the five choices will be listed first among the five,
while the largest value will be listed last. So if you determine parameters up
front, and only the first two listed choices fall within them, chances are that
the last two listed choices are both wrong. Thus defining parameters can
help speed up the elimination process a bit.

Q: The process-of-elimination technique you just mentioned applies only to the Problem-
Solving format. What about the Data-Sufficiency format? Is there any such technique that
might be useful in handling questions in this format?

A: Yes; the Data-Sufficiency format does suggest a particular process of

elimination. Let's first look at the five answer choices for every Data-
Sufficiency question:

 Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not

sufficient to answer the question asked
 Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not
sufficient to answer the question asked
 BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the
question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient
 EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked
 Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the
question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are

These five answer choices suggest the following process of elimination:

1. Consider statement (1) by itself. If you can answer the question based
on (1) alone, eliminate (B), (C) and (E) as viable choices.
2. Consider statement (2) by itself. If you can answer the question based
on (2) alone, eliminate (A), (C) and (E) as viable choices.
3. If you were able to answer the question based on (1) alone and based
on (2) alone, the correct response is (D).
4. If you were not able to answer the question based on either statement
alone, the correct response must be either (C) or (E).

As you can see, built into the Data-Sufficiency format is the opportunity to
make reasoned guesses when you're in a time crunch or have trouble
analyzing one of the two numbers statements.

Q: Are there any visual shortcuts to answering GMAT geometry questions that are
accompanied by pictures of geometric figures? In other words, can the test taker analyze
these questions by estimating lengths and sizes visually?

A: First of all, keep in mind two basic ground rules that you'll see as part of
the directions for the Quantitative section:

 In Problem-Solving questions, assume that figures are drawn to scale

unless a figure indicates that it is not drawn to scale.
 In Data-Sufficiency questions, figures are not necessarily drawn to
scale, unless otherwise indicated.

So with respect to Data-Sufficiency questions, the answer to your question is

clearly "no."

But the answer is also "no" for Problem-Solving questions. Why? The test
makers draft geometry questions so as to eliminate any advantage of visual
measurement. For example, you're unlikely to encounter a question that
asks you to compare one linear length in a figure with another? And if you
do, the test makers will intentionally distort the figure's proportions and
indicate that the figure is not drawn to scale. The bottom line is: Don't rely
on your eye to answer Quantitative questions, regardless of whether its
format is Problem Solving or Data Sufficiency.

There is one important exception, however, to this "bottom-line" advice.

Handling a Data Interpretation question in the Problem-Solving format might
necessarily require certain visual measurements — for instance, determining
the height of a certain bar on a bar graph, or the vertical position of a point
on a line chart.
Q: When analyzing a bar graph or a line chart for a data-interpretation question, how
precisely do you need to determine the quantity indicated by a point, a line, or a bar in the

A: Some degree of precision is needed. But keep in mind that the test
makers don't require you to split hairs. They design the bar graphs and line
charts — along with the answer choices — so that a rough estimate suffices
to zero-in on the correct response. For instance, if a bar appears to extend
midway between the quantity 10 and 15 (as indicated on the vertical axis of
a bar graph), rest assured that you can use either 12 or 13 in your
calculations and zero-in on the correct answer among the five choices. In
other words, you won't see two answer choices so close in value that the
correct answer depends on which number — 12 or 13 — you used in your

The most common mistake test takers make when estimating the length of a
bar or the position of a point is to round off more than once, in a direction
that distorts their solution to the problem. Let's assume the quantity
represented by a bar appears to be 11 to 11.5 units, but you round down to
10 for the purpose of facilitating your calculations. Let's also assume that
another bar extends up to about 18.5 or 19 units, and that you decide to
round that number up to 20 — again just to make your calculations easier
and quicker. If the question asks you to compare the two numbers in
percentage terms, by rounding the two numbers in opposite directions you
end up with a distorted ratio (or fraction or percentage), and you might very
well select the wrong answer. So the lesson here is: Be sure to round your
numbers in the same direction — either up or down — before comparing

Q: What other blunders do test takers frequently commit in responding to data-

interpretation questions?

A: There's nothing conceptually difficult about Data Interpretation questions.

The math is simple, and there are no abstract concepts to master. Where
most test takers go wrong is carelessness — either misreading the question
or referring to the wrong chart, bar, or line for the data they need to answer
the question. How can you avoid these blunders? Here are two suggestions:

1. Read the question carefully, paying close attention to the sort of

number the question is asking you to calculate. Ask yourself whether
the solution is a quantity or a percentage based on a quantity. If the
solution is a comparative number — a ratio, fraction, or percentage —
ask yourself what two numbers from the chart or graph you're being
asked to compare.
2. Be very careful to glean your data from the correct bar, line, or chart
in the figure. With your finger, point to the correct bar, line, or chart,
and keep your finger there until you've confirmed that you're referring
to the appropriate portion of the figure.

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