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09 - Substance Painter Workflow (New in CC v3.31)

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By Miranda (RL) - 3 Months Ago

vidi (9/6/2020)

Strange, I have try Projection "match per UV tile" several times without success, but after posting here it seems to work.

aha! Thank you for the update.

By matejkez - 3 Months Ago

How do you get the materials to show in substance painter? I am not seeing them in the shelf after creating the new project according to what you show. I see your window has info under


By jeffpk - Last Month


Im brand new to substance painter and getting lost at the step after import.

(1) Do I really have to manually add every map to the Substance import box? Can't it just load all the maps in the textures folder's sub folders? 
(2) Do i really have to hand assign all 30 or so maps in my character individually to the the UV coords??  Thatr seems an insane amount of work again for something that the obj file aught t

By mark.3dwards - 3 Months Ago

I've been trying to get this to work and it's almost there but not quite I think unless I'm missing something obvious :-)
I also have some tips that were not in the video.
The export seems to work fine but I made sure I flipped it to 4k export in the skingen modifier area so I could work with 4k textures, in the vid I think the 2k textures are exported by default
them for faster viewing.

The substance export pre-set appears to be set up to export all png files, the CC3 export exports all jpg except the normal map which is png.
Also the normal png export is set at 8bit not 16bit in the substance exporter
I tried several goes at importing and tweaking the exports so the names matched what was exported exactly using the plugin (the are uppercased in the export lowercase in the import) bu
Then tips!
In the video AO and Normal maps are baked I think that's a bad idea it will just get that info from the single mesh and the AO will look bad and the Normals will be flat then if you export tha
I just added the normal maps to the fill layer for each udim mask but made sure I changed each one to open GL as it's direct x by default no matter what you set in the substance painter im
can choose it.
Also like the opacity channel you can manually add an AO channel rather than messing with the baked textures so I added that to all the fill layers and dropped the custom AO maps in that

That way when you export you are going to maintain the whole texture set (assuming that's what you want) I can see people getting unexpected results if they bake the AO and normals as

hope this is helpful! the export work great :-) and the import is a nice to have, the drag and drop is dead easy as well so it's not a massive deal.


By Miranda (RL) - 3 Months Ago

Video tutorial is available now!

Character Creator 3 Tutorial - Substance P…

By Jigodan - 3 Months Ago

What if I only want to texture a single object of a character, like the boots? If I follow your guide, and only work on boots texture, when I update the character on cc3, it updates the boots tex

By vidi - 3 Months Ago

Strange, I have try Projection "match per UV tile" several times without success, but after posting here it seems to work.

By animagic - 2 Months Ago

I feel dense, but I don't see a Substance Painter exporter option. I have the latest CC3.

EDIT: I installed Substance Painter, and there it was...

By Miranda (RL) - 3 Months Ago

Update Textures in Character Creator

Be sure to reload the exported avatar or project after the materials have been adjusted, so that the project will update with the correct materials.
Use either method below to update the textures in CC:
1. Toolbar > Substance > Update Textures from Substance Painter.

2. Menu > File Update Textures from Substance Painter.

Once activated, select the Substance Painter export folder to update the textures.
If any of the material folders fail to load, a warning message will pop up. You will have to manually check for non-matching material names or missing objects.
Regardless of non-matching materials yielding error warnings, other materials inline with matching criteria, will still be updated.

By vidi - 3 Months Ago

Great!  That was exactly what I wanted 

Thank you ! 

By SpiderTec - 3 Months Ago

Here is an install tip for substance painter plugin CCv3 to avoid what I did. I had CCv3 open at the time of downloading and clicked to install, saw nothing in CCv3, then looked at the file .sp
opened it. if works fine Thanx.

By Slayerazazel - 2 Months Ago

I have some issues with exporting. Textures aren't lined up correctly. It also doesn't display them correctly within substance painter. The seams are all broken.
This is all without even adding any new textures or anything. Just imported and set up the same as the video and this forum thread instructions. I even did it a second time to make sure I d

Before in CC3

After (Return from substance painter) - The seams from the body, head, arms are not lining up.

Before in CC3

After (Return from substance painter)- The hand seams are not lining up

Before in CC, there is a small line that's hardly noticeable.

After (Return from substance painter) - The line is now very noticeable

The maps normal/bump map is completely different. On the before shot, there is white in it. In CC3.

After it's all basically solid blue - Return from substance painter
I also tested after doing some texture edits. The results of the textures worked a treat, but the seams issues are still present also. Which pretty much destroys the character.

By vidi - 2 Months Ago

I have the steam version, this version is perpetual 

By Miranda (RL) - 3 Months Ago

Import OBJ in Substance Painter 

UDIM settings in Substance Painter 

In Substance Painter, open the OBJ mesh file and activate Use UV Tile workflow. Select the Preserve UV Tile layout per material and enable painting across files option, and select the Ope

Verifying Texture Sets 

Multiple UV sets present under Std_Skin_Head in the Texture Set list, indicates UDIM data has been successfully imported.

Assigning UV Sets 

1. Import all the textures in order.

2. Add a Fill layer.
3. Click on the thumbnail to assign a UV set.
4. Designate a UV set (identify the UDIM number by using the UV viewport).

Load texture step:

Transparent Material Settings

Enable view-port semi-transparency for the PBR shader, in order to see the effect in Substance Painter (Regardless of the view-port settings, semi-transparency will always export properly)

1. Click on the button to the upper-right side of the Shader Settings panel.
2. Click on the shader name (it's usually a PBR Metal Rough material).
3. Click on the PBR Metal Rough with Alpha Blending.

* PBR Metal Rough with Alpha Test also contains an opacity channel, however, it only supports cut-off transparency, not semi-transparency (with gradient).

Open the Opacity channel and load a texture

1. Click on Add Channels inside the texture settings.

2. Select Opacity.

3. Click on the Opacity button under Properties - Fill to open the channel.
4. Load a texture.

By Slayerazazel - 2 Months Ago

matejkez (9/25/2020)

How do you get the materials to show in substance painter? I am not seeing them in the shelf after creating the new project according to what you show. I see your window has info unde
type is unrecognized.


Drop and drag them into your shelf and import them into your project as a texture.

By Miranda (RL) - 3 Months Ago

Hi vidi,

Good to know it's helpful! Looking forward to your creation.

Hi scottleroc,

Thanks for your reminder!

The link is fixed now. (It shall be redirected to this page before online manual update)

By Miranda (RL) - 3 Months Ago

Source File 

The exported source files will include an OBJ file and texture folder.

Texture folder containing the following: 

The Std_Skin_Head folder will contain all of the UDIM material textures including the head, body, arms, legs, nails, and eyelashes.

Other textures will export into individual folders according to the material structure.

Eye Element and Resource Maps will not be exported. 

By scottleroc - 3 Months Ago

Just to inform you that when you click more, you get an error on your website
By Miranda (RL) - 3 Months Ago

Export Textures from Substance Painter 

1. Load the preset file to Substance Painter.

Download the preset file: and place it in the export-presets directory.
*Default route: C:\Users\(user name)\Documents\Allegorithmic\Substance Painter\shelf\export-presets

2. Inside the Export Textures panel, select the materials and choose Character Creator as the Output template.  The structure of exported textures will be consistent with CC's exported tex

By justaviking - 2 Months Ago

Related question and some info...

QUESTION:  Other than CC3 characters, does iClone support UDIMs on props?  If not now, are the plans to do so?

INFO:  I have always been on the Substance "perpetual license" plan and have not changed to the Adobe subscription model.  I had no compelling need to update Designer/Painter to newe
Steam account.  Wrong.

I got an email from Adobe ("Allegorithmic") that said I have until the end of October to renew my maintenance with them.  The button in the email said, "Upgrade to Subscription" but if you
year.  Yay!  Yes, at the discounted "renewal" price.  Double-yay!!

I know there are some good aspects to their subscription plan, but I don't use it a lot and I might not need to update the software for a long time.  If not for CC3 supporting UDIMS I'd still be
know my software will continue to run for several years even if I don't buy into an annual subscription model.  It works for me (for now), so I though I'd share that with you.

By Miranda (RL) - 3 Months Ago

Export Substance Source

Export Settings 

Once the character is made with all of the right settings, start the export process immediately. There are two methods to export.
1. Toolbar > Substance button > Export Substance Painter Source.
2. Menu > File > Substance Painter Pipeline.

Suggested Character Pose for Export

Please be noted that the current pose will be used for export, therefore, make sure the current current pose is easy to work with. For example, 
Arms must not intersect with the body
Thighs and calves should not intersect with one another
Parts of the body should not have duplicate names

Material Name Check before Export

Substance Painter makes use of materials, therefore, make sure that material names don’t repeat. Otherwise, the export will abort with a dialog request to modify the material names.
If there is empty space in the material name, Substance Painter will automatically change it to three underscores: "___", which can't be recognized by CC. Therefore, empty spaces should b
You can follow the steps below to check for proper naming convention

1. Select the character in the Scene Manager. 

2. Select the material name table under the material list and sort it alphabetically.
3. Check for duplicates and empty spaces in the material names.

Duplicate and space containing names will elicit a warning message. These errors have to be fixed to permit exporting.

When export completes, CC will guide you to get the Substance Painter presets, which is a required step when exporting textures from Substance Painter.

Save the Avatar

Remember to save the avatar after modifying the material names. Saving as project or avatar are both permitted, just make sure that the exported form of the character is kept when Updat

By bmacdonald1986 - Last Week

I tried a few more things tonight including changing export folder as you mentioned. It did not seem to resolve anything.
I think the crux of my problem is that I assume every object type in CC3 can have UDIMs, however after these issues today, I believe only certain shaders are set up for it like the Human Ski
I believe the Standard PBR Shader is not set up for it in CC3, however the UDIM data does get forwarded to Substance when you export it for editing:
Here is an example of my UV in CC3 using the Standard PBR Shader: (not very UDIMy)

My UV in blender:

So, hopefully Reallusion can comment on this so people that go down this similar path dont waste their time like I did. Would be nice if the instruction guide mentioned that UDIMs were on

By olivier.gemayel - 3 Months Ago

It's important to use Substance Painter 2020.2 or above, because with the previous version you don't have access to the "Tiles", and many characters use this technique in character creato
By Miranda (RL) - 3 Months Ago

Substance Painter 2020.2.0 (6.2.0) introduces the new UV Tile workflow letting you paint across UDIMs, which is a great benefit to Character Creator users. In response, we developed a S
3.31, users can export a fully-dressed character and its accessories to Substance Painter, however, users cannot benefit from the new "painting across UDIMs" feature because of the file fo
to paint across UV tiles now.

This post will be broken down into parts for additional details:
Export Substance Source
Source File
Import OBJ in Substance Painter
Bake Mesh Maps 
Export Textures from Substance Painter 
Update Textures in Character Creator

By Slayerazazel - 6 days ago

I had that issue a few times, it's sensitive to where the folder is I believe. Play around with the folder location.

By Miranda (RL) - 3 Months Ago

Bake Mesh Maps 

1. Click Bake Mesh Map in the Texture Set Settings panel.

2. Select the desired Output Size. (default is 512).

3. Select the desired texture channels on the left-hand side.
* Usually the CC normal map is used, therefore, there is no need for Substance Painter to create a normal map.

4. Click on Selection in the upper-left corner in order to pick the Texture Sets for creating material maps.

5. Select Curvature, and choose Generate from Normal Map (Deprecated) for the Method.
This option is better than baking the textures directly, but you will need to load normal map first, for the material.

Once it's done, click the Bake Selected Textures button to generate textures.

The final result:

By jeffpk - 4 days ago

I tried to write a Python script to do the assigning of the textures, but your python APi does not appear to give me the write access neccessry to create a new fill layer ad then set its texture

By vidi - 3 Months Ago

yes baking of maps make only sense with a detailed high res resource.
I think, That video will only show that now baking is possible with CC character. 
before that we had the problem with the uv tiles.

By bmacdonald1986 - 6 days ago

Hi, I am getting this error mentioned in your post, but I'm not entirely sure why:
Here is my material list. It's very simple, one material. 

I am using the guide above and I am using the subtance preset for export. 
Am I missing something here? Thanks

By vidi - 3 Months Ago

I struggle still with Texture Mapping assign to the tiles.

I have baked a curvature map an want it use as Mask,  but all what I have is a Texture from Head  with a number 6. That indicated that are 6 Maps  are baked. 
But  I have no idea how all the other 5 textures are. I can not choose 

Also you show in your screens import the maps, but do you that with new layers for every tiles, or can I use a single layer and assign the textures to the associated set? That is not clear in y
I get it not worked with a single Layer  But if many Layer needed that is too complicated workflow for my taste. 

By vidi - 2 Months Ago

Nice it works for you now ! Happy creating ! 

I personally bake still my normal map in 3D coat , it give me more control with a visible adjustable  cage. 
But since SP has now UDIM i want paint there. 

By Slayerazazel - 2 Months Ago

vidi (10/4/2020)

looks like to me,  an error of tangend space of the normalmap. Have you setup  in the SP projektsetting openGl and have you use the export preset that is linked in the description ?

as note,
the complete blue color can be the padding out from the uv shell is bigger or it is  fill the whole empty uv space. But that have not a  affect  issue in your case. the empty space can be tra

Thanks Vidi. The GL setting stated below by mark done the trick. I had to go through and read all the posts to see. Will have to get Miranda to add this bit to the instructions for other peopl

mark.edwards post.

mark.3dwards (9/13/2020)

Then tips!
In the video AO and Normal maps are baked I think that's a bad idea it will just get that info from the single mesh and the AO will look bad and the Normals will be flat then if you export t
I just added the normal maps to the fill layer for each udim mask but made sure I changed each one to open GL as it's direct x by default no matter what you set in the substance painter
there's a little drop down you can choose it.

hope this is helpful! the export work great :-) and the import is a nice to have, the drag and drop is dead easy as well so it's not a massive deal.


Managed to get what I needed, done. Can't wait to play around with it more now that I have it working correctly.

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