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Updated 2020

1. According to Siquira 2003, he said the most common cause of flare up:
A. Preparation beyond the apex
B. Microorganism
C. Intracanal medication
D. NaOCl irrigation

2. Outcome of modern endodontic surgery:

A. 91%
B. 99%
C. 95%
D. 81%

3. Regarding outcome of VPT:

A. The bleeding gives more idea about the pulp status than clinical and RG
B. Partial and full pulpotomy has higher success rate with MTA than CH
C. Full pulpotomy has lower success rate than partial pulpotomy
This question from the outcome chapter p484
Full pulpotomy 82% VS Partial pulpotomy 79%
No difference between MTA & Ca(OH)2

4. Regarding outcome:
A. Survival of primary RCT after 10 years 93% 10yrs=88%, 2yrs=93%
B. Survival of first surgery almost 3 years 92 months
C. Survival of re-surgery almost 1 year 39 months
D. Survival of retreatment is almost same as primary RCT

5. What factor has a major impact on primary RCT:

A. Presence of PA lesion
B. Tooth morphology
C. Tx protocol and techniques

6. What factor has a minor impact on primary RCT:

A. Patency
B. Overextended root canal filling
C. Tooth morphology age ,gender, certain chemo mechanical protocol
D. Positive culture

7. What factor has a major impact on surgery?

A. Size of PA lesion.
B. Quality of RCT
C. Diagnosis of biopsy
D. Tooth type

Updated 2020

8. Which factor have significant positive affect on survival of RCT:

A. Tooth that has extruded filling
B. Tooth with less than two proximal contact
C. Tooth that is last standing (terminal tooth)
D. Presence of patency

9. which significant factor is the most unique for the outcome of retreatment:
A. Quality of old filling material
B. The ability to remove or bypass pre-existing root filling material
C. Preexisting periodontal disease and attachment apparatus
D. Type and technique of irrigation

10. Friedman, endo topic 2002 consideration and concept …… trx failure, the term
A. the term ‘success’ used in the context of endodontic treatment outcome is
ambiguous, and it cannot be used effectively as the basis for reliable communication
among clinicians, and between clinicians and patients
B. the term ‘success’ used in the context of endodontic treatment outcome is not
ambiguous, and it can be used effectively as the basis for reliable communication
among clinicians, and between clinicians and patients

11. Normal width of lamina dura according to Rud1972:

A. Complete healing
B. In complete
C. Uncertain

12. NG and Eastmen on the outcome of periapical surgery relayed on?

A. Resolution of sign symptom
B. On normal periapical radiograph

13. Periapical radiograph of #46 RCT and there is PA lesion

Q: Patient had root canal #46 4 years ago, the case was diagnosed then symptomatic
irreversible pulpitis with normal PA, the patient complains from pain on percussion,
what is the outcome of this tooth?
A. Survival
B. Functional
C. Healing

14. Periapical radiograph of #46 RCT and there is PA lesion

Q: Patient had root canal #46 4 years ago, the case was diagnosed then symptomatic
irreversible pulpitis with normal PA, there is no sign and symptom what is the
A. Functional
B. Survival

Updated 2020
15. Periapical radiograph of #46 RCT and there is PA lesion
Q: Patient had root canal #46 4 years ago, the case was diagnosed then symptomatic
irreversible pulpitis with normal PA, what is the outcome?
A. Disease
B. Uncertain
C. Healing

16. While working in patient file separated size 30.06 the case with peri apical lesion,
during follow up, the tooth has well fitted full crown and clinical examination there
was symptom with persistence lesion what is your management
A. Try to remove the broken file
C. extraction
D. Apical microsurgery.

17. What could increase the surgery outcome?

A. Modern microsurgery
B. Retorplast end filling

18. Most important factor that affect the RCT outcome

A. Pulp status
B. Periapical status
C. Complexity of the canal

19. The outcome of the periodontal regeneration with endodontic regeneration

in vital and non-vital teeth:
A. Equal (The same).
B. Superior (Higher).
C. Inferior (Lower).

20. Outcome of retreatment is less than primary treatment by:

a. 20%
b. 30%

21. In Toronto study for primary treatment, the follow up time was:
c. 2-4 years
d. 4-6 years
e. 4-8 years

22. According to Friedman 2004, the lenient definition of success is :

a. Clinical and radiographic normalcy
b. Clinical normalcy with lesion reduced or the same in size

Updated 2020
23. According to Ng 2008, which of the following is not one of the four significant
factors that effect primary root canal treatment outcome:
a. Pre-operative presence of periapical radiolucency
b. Root filling with no voids
c. Root filling extending to 2 mm within the radiographic apex
d. Satisfactory coronal restoration

24. Siew 2015: Treatment Outcome of Repaired Root Perforation:

a. Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that nonsurgical
repair of root perforation results in a success rate of more than 70%.

25. Aminoshariae & Kulid 2015: Master apical file size – smaller or larger: a
systematic review of microbial reduction
a. Contemporary chemomechanical debridement techniques with canal
enlargement techniques do not eliminate bacteria during root canal
treatment at any size

26. Surgical outcome, healed, uncertain …… was proposed by

A. Rud 1970 surgical outcome

27. PAI by Orstavic is based on

A. RG comparison
B. Histologic comparison

28. In outcome Healing means:

A. decrease in size of lesion with no clinical symptoms
B. decrease in size of lesion with clinical symptoms
C. same size of PA lesion with clinical symptoms
D. same size of PA lesion with no clinical symptoms

29. Preoperative Radiolucency was reported to be not Statistically significant

factor for survival:
A. Ng 2010
B. Kirkevang 2014 P.A.L inc extraction ,sig fx for outcome and survival
C. Petersson et al sig fx survival
D. non of above

30. A survival factor that found be statistically significant in both Ng2010 &
A. Preoperative radiograph not in any study
B. Tooth type 2010 only not 2011
C. Working as an abutment 2010 but not in 2011

Updated 2020
D. Terminal tooth 2011 (fall within no proximal contact and molar) , maybe it is
the answer

In common Cast crown /2 proximal contact

31. An author who was the solo operator (endo & resto work) for his study?
A. Skupien 2013 also Goldener 2017

32. Who was the author found the crown is not significant factor for survival of
endodontic treated teeth ?
A. NG 2011
B. Boren 2016
C. Skupien 2013 also Goldener 2017
D. Stoll 2005

33. Ng stated that an irrigation that increasing success in endo

A. NaOCl

34. Survival of retx cases?

Same as primary RCT

35. Determinant factor for success in primary endo?

A. PA lesion

36. Healing rate

A. < Survival rate
B. = survival rate
C. More than survival rate

37. Torrento study , retreatment part, the prognostic factors are all except:
A. PA lesion
B. Perforation
C. Quality of RCT
D. Coronal restoration
E. Age

38. Torrento study , Part I, the most prognostic factor in primary RCT :
presence of PA lesion

Updated 2020
39. Healed meaning in endodontic outcome:
A. Decrease in lesion size without symptom
B. Decrease in lesion size with symptom
C. NO change in size with symptom
D. No change in size without symptom
E. Nothing from above

40. Azim 2016: The Tennessee study, factors that affected the healing time and
outcome of root canal treatment were:
a. Clinician factors
b. Host factors
c. Treatment factor
d. Host and treatment factors
Multiple host and treatment factors affected the healing time and outcome of root canal treatment. Follow‐up
protocols should consider these factors before concluding the treatment outcome: patient's age, immune condition, as
well as roots with overextended fillings, root canal systems with smaller apical preparations (size <35) or roots with
complex canal systems. Intervention may be recommended if the treatment quality was inadequate or if patients
became symptomatic

41. Sim 2016: Decision Making for Retention of Endodontically Treated Posterior
Cracked Teeth:
a. Coronal cracks may be predictably treated, whereas radicular cracks increased the
odds of the tooth being extracted
Crack extend to pulp floor decrease the survival

42. Not a factor to take in mind before doing trx plan for complicated crown fracture:
a. Root development
b. Restorative factors
c. place of tooth in the arch
d. time of the trauma

43. 2 RG ,one on the same day of treatment with large lesion and 2nd one after 1 year
reduced in size and no symptoms , what type of outcome ?
A. healed.
B. Healing
C. Disease

44. What is factor has minimal impact on root canal treatment outcome
A. Tooth morphologic type

45. reduced lesion with normalcy clinical

A. Diseased
B. failure
C. functionality
D. healed

Updated 2020
46. Case question radiograph of lower molar #36 ( closed apex) has distal carries
approaching the pulp tx:
A. Rct
B. Direct pulp capping
C. Pulpotomy
D. Partial pulpotomy

47. Outcome of separated instrument

A. No significant as long as achieve apical patency

48. Major impact on Surgery Outcome
A. Size of the lesion

49. Major impact on non-surgical RCT_

A. Presence and size of the lesion _
B. Root canal complexity
C. Ability to gain full working length and patency
D. Pre op pain and perio pocket

50. According to Ng and Eastman study, the outcome of surgery measured by:
A. Amount of bone formed_ in Radiographic
B. Using modern microsurgery _
C. Clinical Attachment loss and gingival healing
D. Resolution of clinical signs and symptoms

51. pt. Came to you with bridge in her hand fall 2 weeks ago, tooth #13, RCT was done
for this tooth 1 year ago, patient have no signs and symptoms, all probing depth
around tooth within normal (They brought RG before and after: PA lesion getting
smaller) *What is the outcome of the tooth?_
A. Healed_
B. Disease
C. Failure
D. Healing

52. pt. Came to you with bridge in her hand fall 2 weeks ago, tooth #13, RCT was done
for this tooth 1 year ago, patient have no signs and symptoms, all probing depth
around tooth within normal What is the endo plan for this tooth?
A. Do nothing_
B. Surgical endo _
C. Non surgical retx
D. Intentional replantation

53. pt. came for follow-up, tooth #34, no signs and symptoms, all probing depth around
tooth within normal (RG attached showing small PA RL)
A. Functional
B. Diseased
C. Failure
D. Healed

Updated 2020

54. pt. Came complaining from severe dull pain with biting on tooth #36, RCT was done
for this tooth 2 years ago What do you think the source of pain? (RG of the tooth,
endo treated, without coronal restoration)
A. Coronal leakage _
B. Inadequate cleaning of the canal

55. RG of molar with post perforating in the furcation with large RL in the furcation,
you will do retreatment What is the prognosis? _
A. Good_
B. Poor
C. Fair_
D. Questionable

56. #34 root canal treatment has been started 2 h in the primary clinic, and now
referred to you to complete the treatment (RG with RD Showing bridge connecting
the #34 to #36, #35 missing, file is extruding below the crown above the Crest of
bone) what is the prognosis:
A. Good_
B. Poor_
C. Fair_
D. Questionable

57. #21 patient responded -ve to vitality test, +ve to percussion, you decided to do RCT,
what is the prognosis (RG showing the teeth has ortho treatment, widening in PDL)
A. Good_
B. Poor_
C. Excellent
D. Questionable

58. (lateral incisor showing large resorption in RG, in the coronal third of the canal and
seems perforating the root), and (clinical photo showing stoma on the gingiva with
pus discharge), what is the prognosis
A. Good_
B. Poor_
C. Fair

Updated 2020
D. Questionable

59. During doing root canal treatment for patient, you break an instrument, then you
completely bypassed it, tooth was diagnosed as symptomatic irreversible pulpitis
with normal apical tissue what is the prognosis
A. Good_
B. Poor_
C. Fair
D. Questionable

60. Pt. Had hx of severe pain 3 days ago, but when came to your clinic was symptom
free, has sinus tract, has post without root canal filling, what is your Diagnosis:
A. Necrotic pulp with chronic apical abscess
B. Previously initiated with chronic apical abscess
C. Previously treated with chronic apical abscess
D. Irreversible pulpitis with chronic apical abscess

61. Who proposed the surgical outcome classification?

A. Molven & Rud 1970

Updated 2020
Classic Outcome of Non-Surgical ReRCT
62. Who mentioned in his study the success rate of maxillary teeth retreatment was
significantly higher
than mandibular teeth
A. Allen 1989
B. Tsesis 2013
C. Metseka 2013
D. Bergenholtz 1979

63. Who is in his study of retreatment outcome the sample was root-based not tooth-
A. Allen 1989
B. Tsesis 2013
C. Metseka 2013
D. Bergenholtz 1979

64. Who was the one study the Volumetric changes in apical radiolucency’s of
endodontically treated
A. Allen 1989
B. Yu et al 2002
C. Metseka 2013
D. de Chevigny 2008

65. Who mentioned in his study that flare up associated with decrease in outcome?
A. Allen 1989
B. Yu et al 2002
C. Metseka 2013
D. de Chevigny 2008

66. who was the one mentioned (name of score??) where ReTx decision is made?
Authors Names

67. According to NG 2008 what was the pooled success rate of 2 RCT :
A- 80%
B- 77%
C- 90%
D- 70%

68. According to Ng 2008, The over extended root filling effect on outcome of ReTx:
A. Overextended filling significantly associated with poor outcome

69. Gorni & Gagliani, studied The outcome of endodontic retreatment they concluded
A. The clinical success of an endodontic re-treatment seems to depend on whether alterations
occur in the
apical third
B. The clinical success of an endodontic re-treatment seems to depend on whether alterations
were caused by
previous root-canal treatment

Updated 2020
70. Yu et al 2012 his study on Lesion progression in post-treatment persistent
endodontic lesions
concluded that
A. teeth with persistence lesion after 2 years should go for surgery
B. A specific time interval alone should not be used to conclude that a lesion will not resolve

71. Farzaneh et al 2004 Treatment outcome in endodontics: after Logistic regression

revealed an
increased risk of disease after not considering perforation :
A. Presence of perapical lesion
B. quality of intraoperative root canal filling
C. Extent of intraoperative root fillig

72. Torabenijad et al.2009 Outcomes of nonsurgical retreatment and endodontic

surgery: A systematic
review found
A. Better Non-surgical ReRCT after 2-4 year than surgery
B. Better surgery after 4-6 year than Non-surgical ReRCT
C. nonsurgical retreatmentvoffers a more favorable long-term outcome

73. de Chevigny et al.2008 Treatment outcome in endodontics found the outcome is

better when the previouls RCT was
A. if it was good quality root canal treatment
B. if it was short than the apex by 2 mm
C. if it was overextended
D. if it was poor quality filling

Updated 2020

Updated 2020

Updated 2020

Updated 2020

Updated 2020

Updated 2020

Updated 2020

Updated 2020

Updated 2020


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