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Yulissa Gomez Roblero

Professor Garrett

English Composition ll


“Build a wall and make America great again!” This was Donald Trump's main slogan for

his campaign running for presidency. While others exclaimed “No Ban!No Wall!” There are

many thoughts and ideas when it comes to immigration. While some believe immigrants should

leave the U.S and be banned from coming, yet others believe otherwise. The amount of Mexican

immigrants coming to the United States has increased. What are Mexican immigrants rational

when coming to the U.S. Many Mexican immigrants come to the US for various reasons, many

to have a better life, to be able to provide for their family back in Mexico. and others come to

escape violence and find refuge in the US. The numerous number of Mexican immigrants

coming into the US make many American citizens question the movement. How does it affect

them as a country, Mexican immigrants have positively caused an increase in the US economy,

and get jobs where many don't desire.

The thoughts on immigrants have changed since the beginning of the U.S formation. The

U.S was founded by European Immigrants and established by them. Later came the African

Immigrants who were forced to be slaves and work for the Europeans. As the time passed,

peoples' view of immigrants changed. The white race became superior to other races and brought

immigrants from other places to work for them against their will. As the U.S got to its highest

economic rate more immigrants came willingly to the U.S because of the benefits and economy
of the country. Here is where some became against the idea of illegal immigrants coming to the

U.S because of the high increase of immigrants.

Mexican Immigrants come to the United States not to destroy the country or to steal jobs.

Immigrants from Mexico come to the United states in hopes of a new home. With the desire for

a better future for them and their future generation. My mom is a prime example of this. My

mom comes from a very small town called Tapachula Chiapas, México. My mom came to the

United states at the age of 16. She was told by many people to go to the United States and have

“El sueno Americano'', the american dream. She left everything she had and knew in Mexico to

achieve El Sueno Americano. She came here with one goal. To make money and send it to

Mexico and help her parents economically and leave . She came here not knowing anyone and

not knowing the language. Her plans over time changed. She had promised herself to only stay a

while and return home. Yet plans changed and she been living here for 27 years

I remember growing up my parents would work almost everyday of the week. They

would go to work really early and come out really late. My older sister was always taking care of

my siblings and I. My mom and dad would always go to the store to send money to Mexico for

my grandparents. She began to build a house and buy land back in Mexico like she had proposed

to herself since the beginning. Till this day my mom always says I may not be rich here but in

Mexico I own my house and land and will be able to survive. She has detained herself from

going back to Mexico because she wants all my siblings to have better opportunities than she

ever had growing up.

The article “The Effects of immigration on the United States Economy” is focused upon

the economy of the United States. It states that many people believe that immigrants are taking

away Americans' jobs. The author of the article goes on to disprove this thought about the idea of
immigrants stealing jobs. Immigrants from Mexico do not come to steal jobs or to take over.

They come to make money and prosper. The Author mentions “that the economic effects of

immigration are mostly positive for natives and for the overall economy.” He states that the

economy is overall positively impacted because of immigrants. The United States has prospered

and became the country it is because of the hard work and dedication of many immigrants. He

mentions that most immigrants pay more in taxes and consume less governmental support. “as

many immigrants pay more in taxes over a lifetime than they consume in government services.”

He goes on to speak about the consumption of immigrants into American products which has

vastly helped the U.S as a whole. Immigrants raise their family here and buy their kids things

they never had growing up. Which allows American citizens’ business to prosper.

In the article ”America needs more, not fewer, migrant workers” this article is more

recent to the time we are facing. It mentions how our previous president Donald Trump has had

an impact on the view of immigrants. The author first begins questioning the actions and

thoughts of Donald Trump by mentioning “ Trump’s efforts to build a longer and better wall, so

far unsuccessful, are based on the premise that the U.S. economy is better off with fewer migrant

workers” Like the previous article it mentions the increase in immigrants. This article gives the

people more of a personal walk into the experience many immigrants face when coming to

America. This article gives some reasons behind the thought on why people come to the U.S. the

author mentions that the demand for labour workers is high and many immigrants have taken

those jobs since it is what they are more capable of doing. He says “resulting in the need for

more migrant workers, because their labour is essential.” He goes onto mention why the

reasonings behind Mexican Immigrants thoughts when it comes to family and how to raise them.

He says “ That’s because Mexican migrant workers prefer to make some money in the U.S. but
raise their families in Mexico, and set up small businesses in Mexico”. This shows the thoughts

behind the reasoning of many mexican immigrants when coming to the U.S.

The third article “Pros and cons of Immigration”, like the previous article, also states the

importance of immigrants to the economy. The article says, “ Yet immigration will lead to a

growth in the size of the labour force and an increase in the productive capacity of the economy.

Immigrants cause an increase in labour jobs which allows the economy to increase because of

the immigrants it has. This article also mentions the ambition most immigrants have when it

came to the feeling behind most immigrants. The article mentions “people who are willing to

leave a country and try in a foreign company are the most ambitious and willing to take risks and

a result tend to be the more dynamic part of the workforce.” This strive of ambition, and

neediness to work is what makes America what it is today.

Lasty the last article states that immigrants do not come to steal jobs, they come to do the

jobs many american citizens are unwilling to do. It states “However, undocumented workers

often work the unpleasant, back-breaking jobs that native-born workers are not willing to do.”

This proves that immigrants don't steal jobs like many against immigration believe. Immigrants

have played a major role in many industries like stated in the article “They account for around a

quarter of entrepreneurs and a quarter of investors in the U.S. and that over one third of new

firms have at least one immigrants entrepreneur in its initial leadership team.” Immigrants Strive

to be someone in the U.S and accomplish thing that they are unable to do in their home country

Through all the articles the main points the articles have is that immigrants have

positively impacted the economy of the U.S. The ambitious and the strive to work hard allows

many mexican immigrants to work hard allowing for an increase in the us economy. They give
the understanding that many mexican immigrants come for a better future. Strive to provide for

their families and bring goods to their family and themselves in their hometown.

Website cited.

Ppi, Wharton. “The Effects of Immigration on the United States’ Economy.” Penn

Wharton Budget Model, 19 Dec. 2018,

-economy. Schryer, Frans. “America Needs More, Not Fewer, Migrant Workers.” The

Conversation, 19 Sept. 2018, Pettinger, Tejvan.

“Pros and Cons of Immigration.” Economics Help, 14 Nov. 2019, Hoban,

Brennan. “Do Immigrants ‘Steal’ Jobs from American Workers?” Brookings, 19 July 2018,


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