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Samson, Franz Idrian A.


MODULE 3 CP 2 - Strategies for Reading Texts with Different Structures

DIRECTION: Read the following reading selection and answer the comprehension questions that follows.

B. Reading the Selection

The title of the selection is “Enzymes, Anyone?” What do you think is the selection about? If you were asked to rephrase
the title what would it be?
Enzymes, Anyone?

Enzymes are the foundation of life itself, they say, but what are enzymes? What do they do to our system? Are they
important to life and living? Enzymes are body substances that help every bodily function, from nerve impulses to the
regulation of hormones. They aid in converting the prepared food into new muscles, flesh, bone, nerves and glands. They
also work with the liver, helping it store excess food for future energy and building needs. They further assist the kidneys,
lungs, skin, and colon in their eliminative tasks.

The nutrients obtained from the food we eat can only be used by the body if they are properly digested. Enzymes play a
big part in carrying out such process. They break down the carbohydrates, fats, proteins we eat into smaller pieces so that
the nutrients can pass from the small intestines into the bloodstream. The enzyme proteases digest proteins proteins;
amylases digest starch; and lipases fats. The first secretion of a digestive enzyme occurs as you are chewing, when
salivary amylase, the enzyme that breaks down starch , is secreted in the mouth, this enzyme activity is one of the
important reasons for thoroughly chewing for your food before swallowing it so that digestion gets a good start with the
digestion of starch. On the other hand, the digestion of fats and protein does not start in the mouth but in the digestive
tract with the secretion of proteases and lipases.

A diet containing a sufficient amount of fresh raw fruits and vegetables would normally supply our bodies with the
enzymes they need. However, most enzymes are quickly destroyed during the heating and cooking processes. Even fresh
raw food cannot help us with the enzymes we need because the plants (where this raw food comes from) are grown in
mineral-depleted soil; hence it does not have the necessary enzymes that our body needs. Moreover, raw food continually
exposed to enzyme inhibitors like fluoride and chlorine water. Enzyme insufficiency may furthermore be aggravated by
age. As a person gets older, the build- up along his arterial walls could result in the reduction of enzyme, nutrients and
oxygen reaching various body organs.

Therefore, because several conditions interfere with activation of digestive enzymes, and while other conditions may
involve failure of the body to produce the necessary enzymes, supplementation of enzymes is found to be most effective
in optimizing the digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Research reveals supplemental enzymes can help when
the body has trouble producing natural enzymes. One of the good enzyme supplements is pancreatin. It contains
enzymes, chiefly amylase, trypsin and lipase, which have the same action as the enzyme of the pancreatic juice. This is
obtained from the pancreas of an ox or hog. Another enzyme supplement is bromelain, a sulfuric containing a powerful
protein-digesting enzyme obtained from the pineapple. Also, there is trypsin, a proteolytic enzyme that is of special
importance for the utilization of milk. Lastly, chymotrypsin, a pancreatic proteinas, acts on inactive proteins. It is often
obtained from food rich in proteins.

Without sufficient enzymes, our bodies go unfed, proper nutrients are not absorbed and cell tissues are starved.
Therefore, we should strive to eat an enzyme-rich diet to achieve optimum health.

Comprehending the Selection (20 pts.)

1. Aside from bringing about good digestion, how do enzymes help our body function well?
It helps every bodily function, from nerve impulses to the regulation of hormones. They aid in converting the
prepared food into new muscles, flesh, bone, nerves and glands. They also work with the liver, helping it store excess
food for future energy and building needs. They further assist the kidneys, lungs, skin, and colon in their eliminative

2. Why do we sometimes fail to get the enzymes that our body needs?
We fail from getting enzymes in the process of heating or cooking the food we eat especially when the raw food
are grown in a mineral depleted soil or in short through chemical fertilizers. Furthermore, as we age the build- up along
his arterial walls could result in the reduction of enzyme, nutrients and oxygen reaching various body organs.

3. Explain the following lines:

a. Enzymes are the foundation of life itself.
Samson, Franz Idrian A. BSEE-1C

Enzymes is one of the major things that our body needed to achieve healthier self for everyday tasks we
must do. Thus, we must practice eating foods containing sufficient enzymes to feed our organs and extract proper
nutrients to help our immune system fight with foreign bodies that makes our cell tissues starved. Therefore, we
should strive to eat an enzyme-rich diet to achieve optimum health.

b. As we get older, a build up along our arterial walls could result in reduction of enzymes, nutrients and oxygen
reaching various organs.
Just like a machine as it aged various functions became outdated and cannot handle the tasks it used to

achieve like before. Same as our body whether we deny or accept, some of our bodily functions also get older and

the only thing we can do is to upgrade our lifestyle to avoid greater health risks and acquire enough enzymes our

body needed for proper functioning.

c. Without sufficient enzymes, our bodies go unfed, proper nutrients are not absorbed and cell tissues are starved.

As has been stated that enzymes are the foundation of life itself, therefore if we did not get enough of it

because of our poor health care automatically some of our bodily functions weakens resulting to degradation of

nutrients from the foods we eat thus our body felts lack of energy affecting our everyday living.

4. If you are asked to talk about enzymes, what pointers should you include to ensure the
maximum production of enzymes needed by the body?

 Have a healthy lifestyle (exercise, balanced diet, enough sleep etc.)

 Eat enzymes-rich foods (pineapples, papayas, mangoes, honey, bananas etc.)
 Eat only organic (avoid the use of chemical fertilizers)
 Prioritize fruits and vegetables intake
5. Based on the reading selection, why is it important to see a doctor even if were not sick?
It is crucial for us to still consult to a doctor though we are not feeling sick because we are not sure with
the condition of our health for some of the illnesses nowadays are asymptomatic or cannot be identified as long as
the doctors sees it. Furthermore, it is part of our preventing strategies to early identify and treat the unfortunate
bodily conditions.
6. Give examples of affordable-priced enzyme rich food.
pineapples, papayas, mangoes, honey, bananas, avocados,
kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, kiwifruit and ginger.

C. Developing Reading skills

Identifying the Main Ideas

The main idea is the most important thought the author aims to develop. The main idea, as discussed in the introductory
lesson, is contained in the topic sentence which may be stated or implied.

Read the paragraphs in the reading selection which contain the following main ideas

a. It gives the definition of enzymes.

b. Our body produces thousands of different enzymes and each one has a different function
c. If the body lacks enzymes, it is likely to malfunction.
d. As a person ages, the production of enzymes is reduced.

Comparison and Contrast

“There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.” - Charles Dickens

When was the last time you needed and /or wanted to buy something? What were the choices you were
presented with? Say, you want a new mobile phone. Would you buy the latest Iphone or a nifty Nokia phone? How about
a laptop? Would you get an ASUS notebook or a MacBook Air? Or in choosing which institution of higher learning would
you enroll in after high school, would you choose to take your degree course in a university considered the most
reputable in the country or in another university offering the same course but has less expensive tuition fee. On which
grounds would you base your decision?
Samson, Franz Idrian A. BSEE-1C

Whenever you make a choice, whether trivial or serious, you’re actually doing some sort of a comparison and
contrast. Comparison entails dealing with the similarities or likeness of at least two subjects. Contrast, on the other hand,
is tackling the differences between or among topics. Comparison and contrast are complementary to each other and are
usually inseparable. One cannot see similarities without seeing the differences as well, and vice versa. An Iphone and a
Nokia phone, by comparison, are both phones. By contrast, however, they differ in manufacturer, appearance, price, and
make. The concept of similarities and differences applies with laptops and universities as well. All you have to do is base
your opinion on the differences and decide from there which of the options presented is better suited to your need and

Reading Selection

Fathering is unlike mothering. True enough it is, even before the child is born While the expectant mother is busy reading
about Lamaze birthing and breastfeeding, finding suitable clothing and baby accessories, worrying about the nursery and
color coordinating it, the expectant father is engrossed in his hobby book on fishing , tennis, or basketball and is worried
about his car that conked out just the day before. Then come the labor pains that rock the mother’s whole being and the
delivery that shocks her senses. The father, all the while, is a spectator offering comfort and absorbing the screams.
Furthermore, the attachment processes are also different. A mother is concerned about the practical care of feeding and
washing the child, while a father plays rough and tumble with kid. Mother provides more of the verbal stimulation;
however, father communicates more physically. The mother provides the warmth and comfort of the home, on the other
hand, the father sees after the financial security of family. Yes, fathering and mothering are in many ways different, but
both complement each other.
Adapted, GSKoo G 1
Comprehension (20 pts.)

1. Whose roles are compared.

 Fathering and Mothering
2. At what staged do the fathering and mothering roles start?
 Before the birth of the child
3. How does a mother prepare for a coming of a child? What concerns usually pre-occupy a father at this stage?
 Mother starts reading about Lamaze birthing and breastfeeding, finding suitable clothing and baby
accessories, worrying about the nursery and color coordinating it, the expectant father is engrossed in his
hobby book on fishing , tennis, or basketball and is worried about his car that conked out just the day
4. After birth, what are the mother’s usual concerns? The father’s?
 Mother is concerned about the practical care of feeding and washing the child, while a father plays rough
and tumble with kid.
5. In rearing stage, who provides the verbal development of the child? The physical development?
 Mother provides more the verbal development; however, father focus on physical development.
6. What could be the possible effect on the child if parenting were the sole responsibility of the mother? The father?
 When parenting were the sole responsibility of the mother, the child might have difficulties in terms of
having financial stability for the mother has no primary support from her husband
 When parenting were the sole responsibility of the father, probably the child would lack in terms of
warmth and comfort that the mother can only fulfill.
7. Compare the role of the mother and the father on the following aspects:

Basis of comparison Concerns of the father Concerns of the mother

Before the birth of the child Money for buying child’s clothing/accessories,
(birth) needs, Excitement Backgrounds of being a

Safety of his wife and

During the birth of the child Pain of delivery, Hospital
child, Necessary birth
(growth) to be admitted

After the birth of the child Sustaining family’s needs, Feeding the child, Giving
(growth) Ensuring their safety care, Child’s proper bathing

8. What signal words indicate contrast?

 Unlike, While, However, Furthermore, On the other Hand, But

Samson, Franz Idrian A. BSEE-1C


“In nature only individuals exist, while genera, orders and classes only exist in our imagination.”

How do you review for a quiz, a test, or an exam? Do you reread all your notes? Do you borrow your classmates’
notes as well? Do you consult resource materials such as books, journal articles, newspaper and magazine clippings,
online sources, etc.? Do you ask your teacher for a review day or mock exam? Do you enlist the help of a personal tutor?
Do you do all these things and a lot more, or do you NOT review at all? Maybe you’re just simply confident in what you
know and so you rely solely on stock knowledge. Whatever’s the case, there has to be a way for you to organize your
notes and your own thoughts, out of convenience’s sake, in preparation for the exam.

Reading Selection

Different strokes for different folks, is how some CEO (chief executive officers) described their management approach.
Ricardo B. Aguas Jr., Vice- President for operations at Selecta Dairy products, believes in situational leadership. He names
his four styles in dealing with people as directing, coaching, supporting and delegating. For example, if there is a
motivated person who lacks the confidence to do work, he directs and gives instructions. For efficient coaching, he
empowers the workers to build their competence and confidence and energizes them to work. Then if there is a
competent person but he is not confident enough nor does he know how to implement a project, Aguas supports him by
further discussion and preparation as the worker approaches a problem on his own. To those who are motivated and
know what to do, Aguas delegates the work, spelling out the desired results, accountability, consequences and resources.
Because workers have different strengths and weaknesses, Aguas believes that the key to successful management is
knowing one’s people.

Comprehension (30 pts.)

1. Study the meanings of the boldfaced words

Situational leadership with respect to position, physical surrounding or circumstances

Empowers workers authorizes, licenses
Spell out accountability responsibility
Delegate work assign, entrust

2. What are Aguas’ four styles of dealing with people?

 These are; directing, coaching, supporting and delegating.
3. How does he go about these different styles?
 By observing his employees and improvising ideas on how they will overcome the circumstances
hindering effective performance of his company workers, this brought him in the aspect of situational
4. Explain: Different strokes for different folks.” Do you agree with the idea? Why?
 I am indeed agree with this idea because in our society specifically at the workplace, every person has a
unique personality that the employer must consider and give consideration to understand in order to
establish strong relationship between the workers and the employer for building strong foundation of the

Analyzing the structure of the paragraph


1. What is talked about (topic)

 This topic talked about Ricardo B. Aguas Jr., the Vice- President for operations at Selecta Dairy products
and their company’s management approach towards employees’ instances and problems in the
2. What does the author say about strokes? (topic sentence)
 According to the author, “Different strokes for different folks” which means that a company must be
flexible with the things that hinders the effective performance of the employees.
3. What are the key words in the topic sentence? (controlling idea)
 The author believes in situational leadership
Samson, Franz Idrian A. BSEE-1C

 Further discussion and preparation as the worker approaches a problem on his own
 The key to successful management is knowing one’s people.

4. How does he adapt these styles to different workers for effective management? (supporting details)
 By personally observing his employees in the workplace and delegates the work, spelling out the desired
results, accountability, consequences and resources to mitigate problems thus to execute effective


1. What paragraph order is used?

 Situation
2. What is the basis of classification?
 Explaining circumstances of the employees
3. What signal words are used?
 Because, For example, and then

Evaluation (No need to do this)

Read several authors’ views on success and the write a paper that draws on these sources and classify their content.

Reflect on essays that your instructor will give you and then write a paper that presents an appropriate classification
system for them.

Causal analysis

“Shallow men believe in luck and in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect’ - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do you like travelling? Whether local or abroad? Do you like flying or riding a water vehicle to other islands, to
other countries, to other continents? Or do you prefer more to catch a train, a bus, an FX, a taxi, a jeepney, a tricycle, even
a pedicab; or to ride your own, car, motorcycle, a bicycle, a skateboard, even a wheelchair; or to simply walk around, to
explore your immediate surroundings? What pushes you to move from one location to another? If none of the
aforementioned modes of transportation appeal much to you, how else would you like to move around? Or would you
prefer to stay put where you are and not travel altogether? Why would you choose this option?

Answering the question above puts you in a situation where you unconsciously doing Casual Analysis. Casual
Analysis means identifying the causes and effects of a particular situation, event, or phenomenon. It is born out of the
inherent human characteristic of wanting to make connections and to understand reasons. A cause is what prompted
something to happen. An effect is what was yielded after something else took place.

One practical application of Casual Analysis as a mode of paragraph development is a Problem-Solution type of
paper. In this example, the problem is usually the cause and the solution the effect. In other instances, the problem could
also be the effect of another event and/or the solution could be the cause of another. In either case, the situation can result
to a casual chain in which multiple sets of cause and effects are somehow connected to each other.

On the situation of choosing whether or not to travel, answering the question “What pushes you to move from
one location to another, or to stay put?” is analyzing the cause of your decision to travel. What you do after choosing to
travel or to stay put, on the other hand, is analyzing the effects–or consequences–of your decision.

Sample Reading

Urbanization, which results from modernizations, poses many problems. The first of these problems is the
overcrowding of urban centers since more and more people are attracted to the cities. As a consequence, more people try
to occupy the space which, in normal situations, would be occupied by only a few. Related to overcrowding is the lack of
housing. Urbanization creates an imbalance in the housing facilities available and in the number of people who need
shelter. As a result, squatter areas begin to sprout. Another offshoot of overcrowding is poor sanitation. Since there are
several families living in a small area, proper hygiene cannot be observed. In effect, many suffer from illness and the
spread of disease cannot be controlled. Furthermore, because families flock to the cities, there are not enough
opportunities for employment. Urbanization does cause problems; therefore, it should be planned, otherwise, it would
negate its purpose -modernization.
Samson, Franz Idrian A. BSEE-1C

Comprehension (20 pts.)

1. The meaning of the boldfaced word are on the right. Use the boldfaced words in your own sentences.

1. Problems of urbanization a. state of cityhood

 Environment is indeed affected by urbanization due to the emergence of different buildings and


2. Poor sanitation b. clean disposal

 Thorough sanitation decreases the risk of acquiring different bacteria and viruses.
3. Flock to cities c. move

 He is succeeded by a foolish shepherd, who neglects his flock and lets it go to ruin.

4. Negate its purpose d. reject

 Poor health care negates the control of the spread of covid-19.

2. Diagram the cause and effect relationships of urbanization.


Cause Effect
Industrial revolution Lost of farming lands

Job opportunities Over population

Emergence of buildings Lack of fresh air

Transportation needs Pollution

3. What are negative effects of urbanization?

The environment is being disregarded due to the prioritization of growing economy. Furthermore,

peoples’ activities increases the demand in terms of energy and other resources needed by the cities that results in

greater risk of health and safety due to pollution and overcrowded living condition.

Choose one of the following topics below to develop a composition/essay of a causal analysis. (50 pts.)

1. How does social network impact personal safety?

2. E- learning is a threat to standard education

3. Online shopping leads to additional financial risk

4. Cause and effect of social media addiction

5. Covid -19 effects on economy

How does Social Network Impact the Personal Safety?

Social networking has drastically changed the way people interact with their friends, associates and family
members. Although social networks, like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Snapchat and FourSquare, play a major
role in our day to day lives, thus it also come to discover that they could also pose serious privacy risks. When using these
social media sites, it’s quite important to know and understand the privacy risks involved. Most of the social media sites
have information that’s required, like your birthday and email address. Identity thieves tend to gather their victims’
personal information from the information available on the social media sites. In connection to that, many identity thieves
tend to hack their victims email accounts by simply using the personal information available on social media profile. For
instance, one of the more common techniques used by identity thieves, is clicking on the “forgot password,” and then
Samson, Franz Idrian A. BSEE-1C

trying to recover the password via email. Once they access your email account, they basically have access to all of your
personal information. Social media sites utilize mobile apps and the location based services to allow users to check in at
their current locations. This normally reveals the user’s current location to all of the people they are connected with in
their particular social media networks. The information posted can be easily used by malicious people to track your
whereabouts. Moreover, telling the online community where you are, or where you are going to, can end up inviting
burglars and thieves to your home or business. For instance, by posting your current location and saying that you are on a
long vacation in Australia, you will be letting the potential burglars or/and thieves know exactly where you are, and how
long you will be gone. To mitigate such risks, we should be responsible with all the things we post and share to these
platforms to lessen the risks that involves our personal safety.

Persuasive Texts

“He who wants to persuade should put his trust not in the right argument, but in the right word. The power of sound
has always been greater than the power of sense.”-Joseph Conrad

A classmate comes up to you and accuses you of stealing her money. She even adds angrily that the amount she claims
that is stolen from her is just enough for her to commute going home after classes. Naturally, assuming you didn’t steal
anything, you would deny it. Your classmate doesn’t believe you, saying that you were the only person in the room when
she found out she lost her money. Plus you’re her seatmate and you’re the nearest one to her bag where her money is, she
adds. Assuming again, that her arguments are right, how would you defend yourself?

 Appeal to logic
 Appeal to your classmate
 Appeal to your credibility

Whatever your plan of action might be, you have unknowingly defined the three appeals used to defend an argument or
claim. Appealing to logic, or to know facts generally accepted as the truth is known as logos. Appealing to the emotions-
particularly pity of your listener, on the other hand, is utilizing pathos. Last is appealing to your credibility or to what
your listener already knows about you, is what is called ethos.

It is your choice which of the three aforementioned you would utilize to defend your situation. However, a good
strategy is to combine all these appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos) to establish yourself as someone who did not commit
any misdeed. Assuming that you are successful in convincing your classmate that it was not you who stole her money,
what you can do is to help her find money she can use to commute later after class, and discover who the culprit is-if
there is one anyway.

As for who stole the money, or however peculiar way it got lost, is another story altogether.

Post-Assessment. (8+2= 10 pts.)

Read and answer the questions that follow.

A stout old lady was walking with her basket down the middle of a street in Petrogad to the great confusion of
the traffic and with no small peril to herself. It was pointed out to her that the pavement was the place for pedestrians, but
she replied: ‘I’m going (5) to walk where I like. We’ve got liberty now. ‘It did not occur to the dear old lady that if liberty
entitled the pedestrian to walk down the middle of the road, then the end of such liberty would be universal chaos.
Everybody would be getting in everybody else’s way and nobody would get anywhere. (10) Individual liberty would
have become social anarchy.

There is a danger of the world getting liberty-drunk in these days like the old lady with the basket, and it is just as
well to remind ourselves of what the rule of the road means. It means that in order that the liberties of all may be
preserved, the (15) liberties of everybody must be curtailed when the policeman, say, at Piccadilly Circus steps into the
middle of the road and puts out his hand, he is the symbol not of tyranny, but of liberty. You may not think so. You may,
being in a hurry, and seeing your car pulled up by this insolence of office, feel that your (20) liberty has been outraged.
How dare this fellow interfere with your free use of the public highway? Then, if you are a reasonable person, you will
reflect that if he did not interfere with you, he would interfere with no one, and the result would be that Piccadilly Circus
would be a maelstrom that you would never (25) cross at all. You have submitted to a curtailment of private liberty in
order that you may enjoy a social order which makes your liberty a reality.

Liberty is not a personal affair only, but a social contract. It is an accommodation of interests. In matters which do
30) not touch anybody else’s liberty, of course, I may be as free as I like. If I choose to go down the road in a dressing-
gown who shall say me nay? You have liberty to laugh at me, but I have liberty to be indifferent to you. And if I have
fancy for dyeing (35) wearing an overcoat and sandals, or going to bed late or getting up early, I shall follow my fancy
and ask no man’s permission. I shall not inquire of you whether I may eat mustard with my mutton. And you will not ask
Samson, Franz Idrian A. BSEE-1C

me whether you may follow this religion or that, whether you may prefer Ella Wheeler Wilcox to (40) Wordsworth, or
champagne to shandy.

In all these and a thousand other details you and I please ourselves and ask no one’s leave. We have a whole
kingdom in which we rule alone, can do what we choose, be wise or ridiculous, harsh or easy, conventional or odd. But
directly we (45) step out of that kingdom, our personal liberty of action becomes qualified by other people’s liberty. I
might like to practice on the trombone from midnight till three in the morning. If I went on to the top of Everest to do it, I
could please myself, but if I do it in my bedroom my family will object, and if I do it out in the streets (50) the neighbors
will remind me that my liberty to blow the trombone must not interfere with their liberty to sleep in quiet. There are a lot
of people in the world, and I have to accommodate my liberty to their liberties.

We are all liable to forget this, and unfortunately, we are much (55) more conscious of the imperfections of others
in this respect than of our own. A reasonable consideration for the rights or feelings of others is the foundation of social
contact. It is in the small matters of conduct, in the observance of the rule of the road, that we pass judgement upon
ourselves, and (60) declare that we are civilized or uncivilized. The great moments of heroism and sacrifice are rare. It is
the little habits of commonplace intercourse that make up the great sum of life and sweeten or make bitter the journey. -
Adapted from an essay by George Orwell.

1. The author might have stated his ‘rule of the road’ as

A. Do not walk in the middle of the road
B. Follow the orders of policemen
C. Do not behave inconsiderately in public
D. Do what you like in private
E. Liberty is more important than anarchy

2. The author’s attitude to the old lady in paragraph one is

A. Condescending
B. Intolerant
C. Objective
D. Sardonic
E. Supportive

3. The sentence ‘It means… curtailed’ (lines 13-15) is an example of

A. Hyperbole
B. Cliché
C. Simile
D. Paradox
E. Consonance

4. Which sentence best sums up the author’s main point?

A. There is a danger… lines 11-13
B. A reasonable… lines 56-57
C. It is in the small matter… lines 58-60
D. The great moments… lines 60-61
E. It is the title… lines 61-63

5. A situation analogous to the ‘insolence of office’ described in paragraph 2 would be

A. A teacher correcting grammar errors
B. An editor shortening the text of an article
C. A tax inspector demanding to see someone’s accounts
D. An army office giving orders to a soldier
E. A gaoler locking a prisoner

6. ‘Qualified’ (line 46) most nearly means

A. Accredited
B. Improved
C. Limited
D. Stymied
E. Educated
Samson, Franz Idrian A. BSEE-1C

7. The author assumes that he may be as free as he likes in

A. All matters of dress and food
B. Any situation which does not interfere with the liberty of others
C. Anything that is not against the law
D. His own home
E. Public place as long as no one sees him

8. In the sentence ‘We are all liable…’ (lines 54-56) the author is

A. Pointing out a general weakness

B. Emphasizing his main point
C. Countering a general misconception
D. Suggesting a remedy
E. Modifying his point of view


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