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Generational Marketing and Its Role in Marketing:

Generational Marketing is characterized as the way to deal with product development, relationship
management with customers, communication and marketing that considers generations as prime
archetype. It is a marketing approach where segmentation for marketing communication is done
based upon generations.

Today marketers have to deal with consumer groups comprising of five generations which are
distinct from each other and have different subgroups. All of these groups have different buying
habits and are motivated by different marketing / advertising messages. This is also the major reason
why defining target customer is so important. The dependence of a marketing campaign also
depends upon its target market’s age group.

Marketing Approach towards Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers are the generation who are born between 1946 and 1964.

Characteristic: They are experimental, free-spirited, self-improvement, self- believing and


Marketing Tips:

 Baby Boomers are very loyal to their brands therefore marketers should try to take
advantage of this brand loyalty.
 Baby boomers are always looking out to utilize up-sells. Hence, marketers should go for the
up-sell which also helps in building better customer relations.
 Baby boomers have free mentalities incited the” do-it-without anyone's help” commercial
centre, so give them administration alternatives and approaches to tweak and
customization. They additionally react to passionate claims and sentimentality, yet don't call
them old.

Marketing Approach towards Generation X:

Generation X is born between 1965 and 1980. This generation is referred to as a bridge between
Millennial and Baby Boomers.

Characteristics: This generation is rebellious, entrepreneurial, ecological-minded, sceptical and anti-


Marketing Tips:

 This generation has high emphasize on facts and avoid any marketing hypes. Marketers
should give this generation a feeling of control without any manipulation of advertising-
 They appreciate good design and entertaining ads, hence marketers should focus on good
design with high quality images.
Marketing Approach towards Millennial:
Millennials who are slowly taking over baby boomers were born between 1981 - 1999. They are also
known as Generation Y.

Characteristics: tech savvy, wealthier at a younger age, soft hearted, environmentally conscious,
accepts diversity and multicultural.

Marketing Tips:

 This generation values the identity conferred by brand names on their accessories and
clothing and therefore marketers should give them identities through their products and
 They focus on digital communication therefore marketers should reach them on digital
 With this generation marketers should keep their messages short, quick , funny and true.

Marketing Approach towards Generation Z:

Generation Z is also known as Internet Generation and was born after 2001.

Characteristics: highly tech savvy, community minded, brand conscious and multicultural.

Marketing Tips:

 This generation has a high digital involvement and have developed disinterest towards
traditional marketing ways.
 This generation also has developed a general resistance to advertising and cause oriented

Marketers should use Omni-channel approach. This will help businesses to communicate with their
customers on various channels. Having multiple channels have loads of advantages which are quite
obvious and provides the customers multiple platform choices to connect with the business. This
also helps in maintaining, building and strengthening the customer relationships.

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