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Max Christensen

Ms. Emanuel

Writing Growth Analysis


Over the past four year at Creighton prep and the past semester alone my writing has

grown. It has grown in many ways, I have matured more, done better research, and all around

have improved as a writer.

Coming into highschool I wasn’t the biggest fan of writing and I wasn’t good at it. But

teachers like Ms. Ayers and Ms. Emanuel has helped me get better and has made me find why I

like writing. I like writing because you can write about anything and really express your feelings

on the topic. Also through writing I have learned many interesting facts on topics I did not know

anything about before. Coming into this semester I did not think I would like composition class. I

didn’t think I would like it because in my mind at the time I thought this class would be very

boring because it's all centered around writing papers. In the end I ended up liking this class and

started to like writing more because I got to write about things in my personal life and this helped

with my writing because I knew a lot about these things and I cared about them. That doesn’t

mean this semester hasn’t come without some highs and lows. While I was writing my op ed I

ran into some challenges. The main one was trying to not repeat information. I did that paper on

why college athletes should be paid and this was a problem for me because I had a few main

points and they kept coming up in my arguments so it was hard to not repeat them. I did have

some success this semester in my writing journal. I learned how to write longer papers with
enough detail to keep the reader interested. This was a problem for me in the past and I am very

glad I fixed it because all my papers are now better and have more information than before.

I had three goals for my writing coming into this semester. The first one was, write more

about topics I care about. I achieved this goal because in this class we really got to choose our

own topic and make the paper our own. My second goal was, learn to expand more about the

topics I’m writing about. I achieved this because I started doing better research about my topics

which led to more detail in the paper. And my last goal was, make sure my rough draft is good so

my final draft can be the best. I achieved this goal by almost making my rough draft my final so I

could expand more and make the actual final even better. Some skills I think I'll take from this

class moving forward are: better research skills, be able to expand a paper more, and the ability

to write a good paper and keep the reader interested.

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