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Chapter 13: Vital Signs

Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is considered a vital sign?

(A) Body temperature
(B) Orientation
(C) Telemetry
(D) Glycemic index
2. If a nursing assistant is unable to obtain a proper reading of a resident’s vital signs, she
(A) Guess
(B) Use the previous reading from the same resident
(C) Tell the nurse
(D) Leave the space blank and move on to the next resident or procedure
3. Common symptoms of a fever include:
(A) Muscle aches
(B) Sleepiness
(C) Slow movements
(D) Nausea
4. If a nursing assistant suspects that a resident has a fever, he should:
(A) Give the resident medication
(B) Take the resident’s temperature
(C) Ask the resident how she is feeling
(D) Measure the resident’s pulse rate
5. Which of the following is the normal temperature range for the oral method?
(A) 97.6 - 99.6 degrees F
(B) 96.6 - 98.6 degrees F
(C) 93.6 - 97.9 degrees F
(D) 98.6 - 100.6 degrees F
6. Which method of taking temperature is the most common?
(A) Oral
(B) Rectal
(C) Tympanic
(D) Axillary
7. Which of the following is another word for “armpit?”
(A) Tympanic
(B) Rectum
(C) Axillary
(D) Temporal
8. Which method of taking temperature is considered to be the most accurate?
(A) Oral
(B) Rectal
(C) Tympanic
(D) Axillary
9. An oral thermometer is usually color-coded:
(A) Green or blue
(B) Red or orange
(C) Black or white
(D) White or gray
10. Under which of the following conditions should a nursing assistant not take an oral
temperature on a person?
(A) The person has influenza.
(B) The person almost certainly has a fever.
(C) The person is over six years old.
(D) The person is confused or disoriented.
11. Why do many facilities discourage the use of mercury thermometers?
(A) Mercury thermometers are more expensive.
(B) Mercury thermometers are less accurate.
(C) Mercury is a dangerous, toxic substance.
(D) Mercury thermometers are harder to read.
12. Which of the following statements is true of taking rectal temperatures?
(A) The nursing assistant should not explain the procedure before beginning so the resident
will not feel anxious.
(B) Rectal thermometers should be inserted two inches into the rectum.
(C) The nursing assistant must hold on to the thermometer at all times while taking a rectal
(D) To obtain an accurate temperature, the resident should move around during the procedure.
13. How far into the ear should a tympanic thermometer be inserted?
(A) ¼ to ½ inch
(B) ½ to 1 inch
(C) 1 to 1 ½ inches
(D) 1 ½ to 2 inches’’

14. The normal pulse rate for adults is:

(A) 25 to 50 BPM
(B) 60 to 100 BPM
(C) 100 to 150 BPM
(D) 150 to 175 BPM
15. The most common site to take the pulse is the:
(A) Radial pulse
(B) Brachial pulse
(C) Carotid pulse
(D) Pedal pulse

16. The normal respiration rate for adults is:

(A) 18-30 breaths per minute
(B) 15-25 breaths per minute
(C) 12-20 breaths per minute
(D) 8-10 breaths per minute
17. Difficulty breathing is called:
(A) Eupnea
(B) Apnea
(C) Tachypnea
(D) Dyspnea
18. Why is respiration rate usually counted directly after taking the pulse rate, while the fingers
are still on the wrist?
(A) It is less work for the nursing assistant to count respirations right after taking the pulse.
(B) People may breathe more quickly if they know they are being observed.
(C) The chest will not rise and fall if the rate is not counted immediately.
(D) It does not matter when respirations are counted.
19. The difference between the apical and radial pulse is called:
(A) Pulse rate
(B) Cheyne-Stokes
(C) Pulse deficit
20. The _____ blood pressure is the top number in a blood pressure reading, while the _____ is
the bottom number.
(A) Radial, apical
(B) Apical, radial
(C) Diastolic, systolic
(D) Systolic, diastolic

21. Which of the following blood pressure readings falls within the normal range?
(A) 119/75
(B) 135/90
(C) 91/70
(D) 140/80
22. Hypertension is:
(A) High fever
(B) High blood pressure
(C) High pulse rate
(D) Low blood pressure
23. Blood pressure is measured using a:
(A) Thermometer
(B) Watch
(C) Finger
(D) Sphygmomanometer

24. Prehypertension means:

(A) A person’s blood pressure is too high
(B) A person’s blood pressure is too low
(C) A person does not have low blood pressure now but is likely to have it in the future
(D) A person does not have high blood pressure now but is likely to have it in the future
25. Both the _____ and _____ pulses are used in taking blood pressure.
(A) Radial and apical
(B) Apical and brachial
(C) Radial and brachial
(D) Brachial and femoral
26. Which of the following is an example of a correct way to write a blood pressure reading?
(A) 120/75
(B) 120+75
(C) 120-75
(D) 120*75
27. Which of the following statements is true of pain?
(A) Everyone experiences pain in the same way.
(B) Everyone will express freely when they are in pain.
(C) Pain is a different experience for each person.
(D) Pain levels do not need to be monitored.

28. Which of the following can help reduce pain?

(A) Pounding the resident on the back
(B) Jumping jacks
(C) Squeezing the body part hard
(D) Change of position

Chapter 16: The Urinary System

Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer.

1. What is another term for urinating?

(A) Digesting
(B) Eliminating
(C) Ingesting
(D) Voiding
2. Normal qualities of urine include:
(A) Pink or red color
(B) Cloudiness when freshly voided
(C) Clear or transparent color and a faint smell
(D) Presence of protein or glucose
3. Which of the following needs to be reported to the nurse?
(A) Burning or pressure when urinating
(B) Urinary output of 1200 to 1500 mL per day
(C) Pale yellow urine
(D) Clear urine
4. Which of the following statements is true of urination?
(A) Indwelling catheters do not affect muscle tone.
(B) Fluids high in sodium increase urinary output.
(C) A lack of privacy can affect urination, as can stress.
(D) The bladder holds more urine as people age, causing them to urinate less
5. A good way for a nursing assistant to promote normal elimination for residents is to:
(A) Encourage Kegel exercises
(B) Encourage residents to finish urinating as quickly as possible
(C) Encourage female residents to lie flat on their backs when urinating
(D) Discourage fluids for residents who urinate too frequently
6. Why are women more likely than men to have urinary tract infections?
(A) Due to the different location of the gonads
(B) Due to not filtering blood in the kidneys properly
(C) Due to having a shorter urethra
(D) Due to urinary incontinence
7. When providing perineal care for a female resident, the nursing assistant should:
(A) Wipe from front to back
(B) Wipe from back to front
(C) Wipe the anal area first
(D) Use the same area of the washcloth for each stroke

8. The best position for men to urinate is

(A) Sitting
(B) Standing
(C) Lying
(D) Crouching
9. A healthy person needs to consume at least _____ ounces of fluid each day.
(A) 36
(B) 26
(C) 64
(D) 80
10. One way for women to prevent UTIs is to:
(A) Reduce fluid intake to minimize work for the bladder
(B) Drink juices with vitamin C to acidify urine
(C) Urinate less often
(D) Take baths rather than showers
11. ______ is an artificial means of removing the body’s waste products:
(A) Chronic renal failure
(B) Kidney dialysis
(C) Urine retention
(D) Nephritis
12. Which of the following is a guidelines for dealing with urinary incontinence?
(A) The nursing assistant should let roommates know when residents have been incontinent
so that they can help notify the care team when incontinence occurs.
(B) The nursing assistant should tell residents’ families about episodes of incontinence so
they can encourage residents to do better.
(C) The nursing assistant should change wet or soiled linens or incontinence briefs
(D) The nursing assistant should not offer fluids because it will help lessen episodes of
13. A ______ catheter is inserted to drain urine present in the bladder and is removed
immediately after urine is drained.
(A) Straight
(B) Indwelling
(C) Condom
(D) Texas
14. Guidelines for proper catheter care include:
(A) Make sure the drainage bag hangs higher than the level of the hips or bladder
(B) Disconnect the catheter when positioning or transferring the resident
(C) Keep the genital area clean to prevent infection
(D) Hang the drainage bag from the bedrail
15. A _______ urine specimen can be collected any time the resident voids.
(A) Routine
(B) Clean-catch
(C) 24-hour
(D) Sterile

16. Which type of urine specimen does not include the first and last urine in the sample?
(A) Routine
(B) Clean-catch
(C) 24-hour
(D) 36-hour
17. Diabetics may have ______, chemical substance(s) produced when the body burns fat for
energy or fuel, in their urine.
(A) Reagents
(B) Glucose
(C) Insulin
(D) Ketones
18. A resident should be offered a bedpan, urinal, or trip to the bathroom about ______ minutes
after fluids are consumed.
(A) 10
(B) 30
(C) 45
(D) 60

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