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Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance (STEP)


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Table of Contents

STEP Standard 1 - Contextual Factors: Knowing Your School and Community 3

STEP Standard 2 - Writing Standards-Based Measurable Objectives and the
Learning Goal 4
STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy 5
STEP Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning 7
STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit 11
STEP Standard 6 - Analysis of Student Learning 12
STEP Standard 7 - Reflecting on Instruction to Improve Student Progress 14

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STEP Standard 1 - Contextual Factors: Knowing Your School and
Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance (STEP) is the process for preparing and
implementing a unit of instruction.
By understanding the community, school environment, and the makeup of the classroom, you
will be able to strategically meet the overall needs of your students.
By analyzing the student demographics, environmental factors, and student academic factors,
you will be able to strategically meet the overall needs of your students. In the first two weeks of
student teaching, you should focus on learning about the students you will be working with.

Part I: Community, District, School, and Classroom Factors

You will be completing this portion of the STEP document using the following link:
STEP Standard 1, Part I
After completing the e-doc portion, submit the PDF you receive into the Learning Management
System (LMS).

Part II: Demographic, Environment, and Academic Factors

You will be completing this portion of the STEP document using the following link:
STEP Standard 1, Part II
After completing the e-doc portion, submit the PDF you receive into the Learning Management
System (LMS).

Please note, that in order to submit this assignment, you must:

1. Complete each section of the STEP Standard 1
● Note: Closing your internet browser before the signing process is completed will
result in a loss of your work. If you will be completing this document in multiple
sittings, it is highly recommended to save and back up your work on another
document.  When you are ready to make your final submission, copy and paste your
responses into this document. The data from this electronic document will not be
saved until you complete the signing process.
2. Complete the signing process by entering your name, selecting “Click to Sign,” and
entering your email address. 
● An initial email will be sent to you to confirm your email address. 
● A completed copy of the document will be emailed to you within minutes of
confirming your email address.
3. After completing the e-doc portion, submit the PDF you receive into the Learning
Management System (LMS).

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STEP Standard 2 - Writing Standards-Based Measurable Objectives
and Learning Goals
Part of the planning process is to identify overall learning goals for a unit or lesson, as well as the
lesson’s specific learning objectives. Goals and objectives should be aligned not only to
standards, but also to student pre-assessment data.
The unit you are planning should be one you are preparing to teach during Weeks 5-7. The
standards and objectives need to align with your pre- and post-assessments and objectives.
Note: You will not teach this unit until you get feedback from both your instructor and your
mentor teaching on this STEP.

Unit Topic: Making Inferences

Unit Title: Search That Text!

National or State Academic Content Standards:

VA SOL 6.5f The student will draw conclusions and make inferences using the text for support.
VA SOL 7.5i The student will make inferences and draw conclusions based on the text.
VA SOL 6.4 c) Use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and differentiate
among multiple meanings of words.

Learning Goal:
Given SOL 6.5f and 7.5i students will draw conclusions and make inferences in text with 70%
accuracy in 3 out of 5 trials by 5/12/2021.
Measurable Objectives:
● Students will use context clues to draw conclusions and make inferences in 2 out of 3
● Students will use context clues to identify the meanings of unfamiliar words in 4 out of 5
assignments, quizzes, and tests.
● Students access prior knowledge on context clues to create inferences in 3 out of 5
● Students will identify multiple meaning words to draw conclusions and make inferences
of text in 3 out of 5 assignments, quizzes, and tests.

If you would like feedback on your pre-assessment for alignment prior to administering, copy it
in here.

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STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy
Pre- and post-assessments are used to assess the learning that takes place from participating in a
learning activity. The pre-assessment is given to students before instruction, in order to
determine their prior knowledge of the topic, or inaccurate knowledge, which is sometimes the
case. After students have participated in the unit, they are given the post-assessment, which can
be the same as the pre-assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures
the same concepts.
Formative assessment is acceptable, work with your mentor teacher to determine the best way to
collect data in your classroom.

Pre-Assessment - Copy and paste the pre-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’
knowledge of the topic prior to implementing the unit lessons. Include the scoring criteria used to
determine whether the student is Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient, Minimally
Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.

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Key, A. (2021) Making inferences pretest. Quizizz.
ECPS has at 10-point grading scale:
Highly Proficient (90% to 100%)
Proficient (80% to 89%)
Partially Proficient (70% to 79%)
Minimally Proficient (69% and below).

Pre-Assessment Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ knowledge on the topic,
collect and analyze the pre-assessment data to determine if you will need to modify the standards,
learning goal, or measurable objectives that will be addressed during instruction.

Number of Students

Highly Proficient (90%-100%) 3

(80%-89%) 4

Partially Proficient
(70%-79%) 1

Minimally Proficient
(69% and below) 3

Pre-Assessment Analysis: Whole Class

After analyzing the pre-assessment data it was identified that the class received a 75% average as a
whole. The data shows students need continued instruction in the areas of vocabulary mainly the use of
context clues. They also display a need to improve activating prior knowledge to make inferences in
pictures. This will be addressed from the use of pictures and videos. The two special needs and one ELL
student scored in the minimally proficient range. They present a need for improvement in vocabulary
using context clues and making inferences in text and pictures. One general education student only
answered three questions and gave up after getting two incorrect. They will benefit from small group
instruction during the teaching station.

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Post-Assessment – Copy and paste the post-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’ knowledge
of the topic after implementing the unit lessons. The post-assessment can be the same as the pre-
assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures the same concepts. Include the
scoring criteria used to determine whether students are Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient,
Minimally Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.

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© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 14 of 38
ECPS has at 10-point grading scale:
Highly Proficient (90% to 100%)
Proficient (80% to 89%)
Partially Proficient (70% to 79%)
Minimally Proficient (69% and below).

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STEP Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning
During the design phase, you will carefully construct activities that are geared toward improving learning outcomes in your specific disciplines. Each
activity should align to instructional goals and demonstrate your understanding of the pre-assessment data results, contextual factors, student learning
needs, and management strategies.

Collaborate with your Cooperating Teacher/Mentor to design a unit of instruction that aligns to state content standards. Be sure to include technology
integration and demonstrate how you will differentiate your lessons to meet the needs of individual students.

Note: When implementing the unit of study, you will be choosing one of these activities to video record, review, and reflect on your teaching in the STEP process.

Grade Level: 6th and 7th

Unit/Subject: Making Inferences/Search That Text!

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Learning VA SOL 6.4 c) Use context and VA SOL 6.5 f) The student VA SOL 6.5 f) The VA SOL 6.4 c) Use VA SOL 6.4 c) Use
Standards sentence structure to determine will draw conclusions and student will draw context and sentence context and sentence
List specific meanings and differentiate among structure to determine structure to determine
make inferences using the conclusions and make
grade-level meanings and meanings and
standards that multiple meanings of words. text for support. inferences using the
differentiate among differentiate among
are the focus of text for support.
Given VA SOL 6.4 c) students multiple meanings of multiple meanings of
the lesson being VA SOL 7.5 i) The student words. words.
presented. will use context and sentence will make inferences and Students will use VA
structure to determine meanings draw conclusions based on SOL 6.5 f) to use prior
and differentiate among multiple VA SOL 6.5 f) The VA SOL 6.5 f) The
the text. and background student will draw student will draw
meanings of words in text with
70% accuracy in 3 out of 4 trials
knowledge to make conclusions and make conclusions and
by 5/12/2021. Given VA SOL 6.5f and inferences and identify inferences using the make inferences
7.5i students will draw evidence with 70% text for support. using the text for
conclusions and make accuracy in 3 out of 5
© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 16 of 38
inferences in text with 70% trials by 5/12/2021. VA SOL 7.5 i) The support.
accuracy in 3 out of 5 trials student will make
by 5/12/2021. inferences and draw VA SOL 7.5 i) The
conclusions based on student will make
the text. inferences and draw
conclusions based on
Given VA SOLs 6.5 the text.
c), f) and 7.5 i)
students will use Given VA SOLs 6.5
vocabulary words to c), f) and 7.5 i)
enhance their abilities students will use
to draw conclusions, evidence,
make inferences, background
activate prior knowledge, and
knowledge, and use context clues, to
context clues in text make inferences in
with 70% accuracy in text and pictures
3 out of 5 trials by with 70% accuracy
5/12/2021. in 3 out of 5 trials by
Specific ● Students will
Learning ● Students will use context ● Students will use ● Students access ● Students access engage in a
Target(s)/Obje clues to identify the context clues to prior knowledge prior knowledge review game
ctives Based on meanings of unfamiliar draw conclusions on context clues on context clues to using
state standards, vocabulary
identify what is words in 4 out of 5 and make inferences to create create inferences
flash cards and
intended to be assignments, quizzes, and in 2 out of 3 trials. inferences in 3 in 3 out of 5 examples they
measured in tests. out of 5 assignments. created
learning. assignments. throughout the
● Students will use context ● Students will use week.
clues to draw conclusions and ● Students use context ● Students will pictures and
make inferences in 2 out of 3 clues to make use background phrases to make ● Students will
trials. inferences of words. knowledge of inferences. complete the
feelings to make Making

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 17 of 38

connections to ● Students will use Posttest.
people and their vocabulary words
progressions. to increase their
ability to make

Academic ● Inference ● details ● observe ● Conclusion ● observe

Language ● Context Clues ● evidence ● background ● infer ● background
General ● Multiple-meaning words ● draw conclusions knowledge ● Read Between the knowledge
● Infer ● differentiate ● inference Lines ● inference
vocabulary and
content-specific ● conclusion ● detail ● Context Clues
vocabulary ● evidence ● Multiple-meaning
included in the ● observe words
unit. ● Infer
● conclusion
● read between the

Unit ● Making Inferences Pretest ● Reading Comprehension ● Activating ● Introduction to ● Making

Resources, Drawing Conclusions Background Reading Inferences
Materials, /quiz/603bca5f0707a900 Knowledge Skills Making https://www.fl
Equipment, 1b58194c m/ Inferences
and download/worksheet/6646 com/watch? https://www.youtub /
Technology 1 v=CFKEg6Xx814 unit/inferencing/
List all
● Making Inferences /reading-comprehension watch?
resources, -drawing-conclusions.pdf v=leOaofwvx_w ● Draw
materials, unit/inferencing/
● Comprehension ● Making Conclusion
equipment, and https://www.y
● Draw Conclusion making inferences 2 Inferences
technology to be ● Context Clues Check-up Vocab Cards
used in the unit. practice https://www.flo atch?
om/watch? worksheets.https://l
download/worksheet/1717 v=ohZibfJll48
90/context-clues-check- nit/inferencing/
up.pdf vocab-cards/ ● Vocabulary
● Determine the Meanings of ● Drawing a Conclusion
● Making Inferences ● Making Flashcards
Words using Synonyms Nearpod Inferences
© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 18 of 38 conclusion-2/view/ Vocab Game ● Making
ownload/worksheet/175133/d https://www.flo Inferences
etermine-the-meaning-of- ● Vocabulary word flash /library/preview/les examples
words-using-synonyms-in- cards son-L88221457 nit/inferencing/ students
context.pdf ● vocabulary list vocab-game/ created
● Using context: Multiple throughout the
● vocabulary list ● Making week
meaning words. ● Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions Inferences Quiz
● Prior knowledge https://www.flo ● Making
m/download/worksheet/17 https://www.teacherspayte Anchor Chart Inferences
ng-Inferences-and- https://www.teacher nit/inferencing/ Posttest
Drawing-Conclusions- quiz/ https://quizizz.
words.pdf com/print/quiz
867348 reeDownload/FREE
● Chromebooks ● Making /604072a652c
● closed captions Charts-1357803 Inferences Read e5c001b71852
● Google Classroom and Respond 5
● pencil
● Read-Aloud ● Read aloud
● nit/inferencing/r
● paper ● Making Inferences ead-and- ● Chromebooks
● Quizizz ● Anchor Chart respond/
● closed captions https://www.teacher ● GoogleMeets
● Pencil ● ● Chromebooks
● chromebook reeDownload/FREE ● Pencil
● Paper ● ● GoogleMeets
● index cards Charts-1357803 ● Paper
● closed captions ● closed captions
● speech-to-text ● Chromebooks
● GoogleMeets ● Making ● Prior knowledge
● paper Inferences Anchor Chart
Anchor Chart https://www.teac
● pencil https://www.tea
nload/FREE- ad/FREE-
Reading- Reading-Anchor-
Anchor-Charts- Charts-1357803
© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 19 of 38
● Vocabulary
● paper ● Making
● pencil
● Lexia Powerup!
Anchor Chart

● Lexia Powerp!
Depth of DOK 1: Who can recall how to DOK 1: Can you recall the DOK 1: Can you create a DOK 1: Who can DOK 1: Who can
Knowledge use context clues to identify the steps to using context clues in list of things that you recognize the use of the memorize the
Lesson meaning of unfamiliar words? text? already know using vocabulary words in difference between
Questions background knowledge? text? using context clues in
What questions DOK2: How can we use context DOK 2: How can we compare text and pictures?
can be posed clues to make inferences? the use of context clues to DOK 2: Can you identify DOK 2: Can you
throughout the finding the meanings of the uses of context clues compare the use of DOK 2: Who can tell
lesson to assess DOK 3: Can we differentiate multiple meaning words to to activate prior background knowledge me how to use context
all levels of
using context clues to find the using context clues to draw knowledge? to drawing conclusions? clues to draw
meanings of unfamiliar words conclusions? conclusions?
● Level 1: from making inferences? DOK 3: How can we use DOK 3: Who can
Recall DOK 3: Can someone help me evidence from the text to contrast the using DOK 3: How do we
● Level 2: DOK 4: Who can apply the draw conclusions to identify draw conclusions? context clues to make draw conclusions from
Skill/Concep concepts we used to draw how the person in the passage inferences and using evidence?
ts conclusions from text? is feeling? DOK 4: Who can tell me evidence to make
● Level 3: a way to connect prior inferences? DOK 4: How do we
Strategic DOK 4: Who can connect knowledge to make use evidence to prove
Thinking using inferences to draw inferences? DOK 4: Who can use something is true?
● Level 4: conclusions to using evidence to prove the
background knowledge to use of inferences?
make inferences?
Anticipatory ● I will review using ● I will present a ● I will engage ● I will review ● I will review
© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 20 of 38
Set context clues to find the problem to students students by vocabulary and the vocabulary
How will meanings of unfamiliar and have them draw showing a video definitions
students’ prior words. conclusions to identify on activating ● I will then
knowledge be the outcome. background ● I will prompt provide
activated as well ● I will review finding knowledge. students to use students with a
as gain student
multiple meaning words ● I will review prior knowledge review game
interest in the
in context vocabulary words and ● I will review to make using the
content? provide a definition of vocabulary words inferences. making
● I will preview making words providing inferences
inferences from text. examples of each. ● I will use examples they
● I will use real life ● I will engage and student flash have created.
● I will use data from the situations with the use assess students' cards to create a
Making Inferences of inferencing to draw ability to activate vocabulary ● I will have the
Pretest to determine conclusions background game review to Making
understanding and further knowledge increase Inferences and
instruction to lead to the ● I will assess student through understanding the Prior
post-test. Students will ability to make draw interactive and connections knowledge
conclusions from platforms through to making Anchor Charts
inferencing the nearpod inferences. available for
activity. ELL and
Special Needs
students to use
if needed.

● I will assess
students on
knowledge of
using the
Presentation of Content
Multiple ● Students will log into ● Students will log ● Students will ● Students will
Means of ● Students will log into their Chromebooks into their complete the participate in a
Representatio their Chromebooks and and review the Chromebooks Making Making
© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 21 of 38
n complete their Making vocabulary list and join the Inferences Inferences
Describe how Inferences Pretest ● Students will work GoogleMeet and Flocabulary Vocabulary
content will be ● Students will then review with teacher to create the Making Read and Game.
presented in the pretest and be a definition for one of Inferences Respond to
various ways to introduced to the the vocabulary words Nearpod. They make ● Students will
meet the needs of
Vocabulary words. from the vocabulary will review the inferences. participate in a
● Students will work with list learning objective Making
teacher in stations to as well as the ● Students will Inferences
complete the Determine ● Students will review vocabulary use Vocabulary Review Game
the Meaning of Words the Drawing a words. Cards to
Using Synonyms in Conclusion increase ● Students will
Context worksheet to Worksheet Station 1: Students will understanding complete the
gauge prior knowledge of work on connecting the and make Making
connecting background Station 1: Students will work vocabulary words to connections to Inferences
knowledge to make as a group to complete the making inferences. inferences in Posttest.
inferences Drawing a Conclusion text.
Worksheet. Station 2: Students will
Station 1: Students will review find an article of their Station 1: Students will
their vocabulary words and create Station 2: Students will use choice on NEWSELA to choose 5 vocabulary
definitions in their own words. the vocabulary list, and index use their knowledge of words to create a picture
They will also create a sentence cards to create flash cards. vocabulary and their and an example to
to help them remember ability to complete the include in the review
Teaching Station: Students Making Inferences game.
Station 2: Students will create at will work with the teacher to Anchor Chart.
least 5 sentences including complete the Making Teaching Station:
multiple meaning words. They Inferences and Drawing Teaching Station: Students will engage in
will then pass to a partner who Conclusions worksheet. They Students will use the a mini Vocabulary
then will identify the meaning will then provide evidence on Prior Knowledge Game.
using context clues. how they found their answers. Anchor Chart to
complete the
Teaching Station: Students will Comprehension Making
work with the teacher to complete Inferences 2 Practice D.
the Determine the Meaning of
Words using Synonyms in

Multiple ELL Scholars: will use the read ELL Students: will draw a ELL Students: will ELL Students: will ELL Students: will
Means of aloud option while completing picture above the vocabulary create an example and work with a partner to participate in the
© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 22 of 38
Representatio the Making Inferences Pretest word and place the definition draw a picture to help create examples of the review games and can
n using Quizizz. They will also in their own words on the them identify the vocabulary words. work alone or with a
Differentiation draw a picture along with each back. They will then quiz a vocabulary words. They team to answer
Explain how vocabulary to reference to the partner for practice. will also complete the Special Needs questions.
materials will be definition. They will also work Prior Knowledge Students: will create 5
differentiated for with a partner to review Special Needs Students: will Anchor Chart to examples, write Special Needs
each of the definitions. use speech-to-text to create complete the definitions, and draw a Students: will
flashcards on the computer. Comprehension Making picture of the chosen participate in the
● English
Special Needs Students: will use Students that require paper Inferences Practice D. vocabulary words. review games or work
Langua the read aloud option while and pencil will complete the with teams to answer
ge completing the Making Drawing a Conclusion Special Needs Students: Gifted Students: will the questions.
Learner Inferences Pretest. Special needs worksheet and the Making will use the speech-to-text create 3 examples of
s (ELL) students that require reduced Inferences and Drawing to create vocabulary each chosen vocabulary Gifted Students: will
● Students assignments will create 3 Conclusions worksheet on words and definitions. word to use in the work with their group
with sentences instead of 5. They may paper. They will also use They will also use the review game. to identify additional
special complete the extra two if they closed captions to read along Prior Knowledge questions to use during
needs desire. They will work with the with the Drawing Conclusion Anchor chart and Early Finishers: will the review games.
● Students teacher to identify how the video Making Inference create an additional 5
meanings of the words found in Anchor Chart to vocabulary examples Early Finishers: will
abilities Determine the Meaning of Gifted Students: will create complete assignments. for the review game. study for the Making
Early finishers Words using Synonyms in their own story that involves Inferences Posttest.
(those who finish Context are the same. making inferences and Gifted Students: will
early and may drawing conclusions. lead the group in
need additional Gifted Students: will complete 8 identifying an article to
sources/support) sentences using multiple meaning Early Finishers: will study complete their Making
words. They will also work with their vocabulary flashcards Inferences Anchor
the ELL students to aid in Chart.
creating a definition that will help
them in understanding the Early Finishers: will
meaning of the words and complete a
vocabulary. comprehension activity in
Lexia Powerup!
Early Finishers: Will begin
completing the Using context:
Multiple meaning words
homework page. The
worksheet will be reviewed in

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 23 of 38

class before they take it home.
Application of Content
Multiple I will engage students by I will engage students by I will engage students by I will engage students I will engage students
Means of reviewing the DOK Questions. I presenting them with my allowing them to use the by asking them to help by creating/initiating a
Engagement will then present the Making problem and have them read draw option on the me read the Making review game using
How will Inferences Flocabulary video. between the lines to draw a Making Inferences Inferences Vocab their vocabulary
students explore, We will then discuss the use of conclusion for my problem. I Nearpod Activity to Cards. We will then examples and Making
practice, and vocabulary in the video to make will then show students the complete the complete the Vocab inferences using
apply the inferences. We will then work as Drawing Conclusion video. Comprehension Making Game and Quiz as a context clues
a whole to complete the Context We will then work together to Inferences 2 worksheets. class. examples.
Clues Check-up worksheet. We complete the Reading I will also show the
will then review the Using Comprehension Drawing Activating Background
Context Multiple Meaning Conclusions worksheet. Knowledge video.
Words worksheet for homework.
Multiple ELL Students: will benefit from ELL Students: will benefit ELL Students: will ELL Students: will ELL Students: will
Means of creating a picture and writing from creating a picture on benefit from the benefit from the benefit from the
Engagement definitions for the vocabulary their vocabulary flashcards vocabulary pictures and vocabulary reviews to Making Inferences
Differentiation words in their own words to help to increase understanding. definitions to memorize increase understanding. Review Games to
Explain how them practice and enhance their They will also benefit from the the meanings. They will enhance prior
materials will be knowledge of the words. They closed captions and the use of also benefit from using Special Needs knowledge. They will
differentiated for will also benefit from working the video to identify the use of the Making Inferences Students: will benefit also benefit from using
each of the with a partner to help create a expression in text. and Prior Knowledge from the use of the the Making
definition that will be easier for Anchor Charts to Vocab Game and Inferences and the
● English
them to remember.. They will Special Needs Students: will connect and ensure completing the Quiz. Prior Knowledge
Langua also benefit from closed captions
benefit from following along understanding. They will also use the Anchor Charts during
ge to relate spoken words to text. with the closed captions to Making Inferences the games.
Learner enhance reading skills. Closed Special Needs Students: Anchor Chart for
s (ELL)Special Needs Students: will captions will also be in use will benefit from the use assistance. Special Needs
● Students benefit from reviewing the DOK within the GoogleMeets of closed captions to Students: will benefit
with questions and reviewing the Session. They will also benefit enhance reading abilities. Gifted Students: will from the Making
specialvocabulary from the Making from studying their They will also benefit benefit from increased Inferences Review
needs Inferences Vocabulary to vocabulary cards to enhance from using the Making vocabulary use and Games to enhance
● Students prepare them for future understanding Inferences and Prior implementation.. prior knowledge. They
assignments leading to the Gifted Students: will work Knowledge Anchor will also benefit from
posttest. They will also benefit
abilities with the teacher in the Charts to connect and Early Finishers: will using the Making
Early finishers from reviewing the Using teaching station to discuss ensure understanding and also benefit from Inferences and the
(those who finishContext Multiple Meaning different life events related to complete assignments. increased vocabulary Prior Knowledge
Words worksheet to answer any the Making Inferences and use and implementation. Anchor Charts during
© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 24 of 38
early and may questions they may have. Drawing Conclusions Gifted Students: will the games.
need additional worksheet to create their own benefit from enhancing
sources/support) Gifted Students: will benefit passages. leadership skills to guide Gifted Students: will
from helping the ELL students by their group in identifying benefit from creating
increasing their knowledge of the Early Finishers: will benefit a proper NEWSELA additional examples to
skills. They will also benefit from from reviewing their article to complete the use in the Review
creating inferencing sentences to vocabulary words. Making Inferences Game.
enhance their knowledge of the Anchor Chart.
skill. Early Finishers: will
Early Finishers: will benefit from studying
Early Finishers: will benefit benefit from completing a for the Posttest
from starting on their homework comprehension section on
to increase time to study Lexia Powerup! to
vocabulary for tomorrow's lesson. improve their ability to
make inferences.

Assessment of Content
Multiple I will assess student knowledge I will assess student I will assess student I will assess student I will assess students
Means of calling on students to review the knowledge by reviewing the knowledge through their knowledge by quizzing based on their
Expression Making Inferences Pretest. I DOK questions. I will also ask participation in the them using the participation in the
Formative and will also assess them by using them to give me an example of Making Inferences vocabulary words. I will Review game. I will
summative their making inferences sentences inferencing to draw Nearpod. I will also also assess their also assess student
assessments used to gauge knowledge of the skill. conclusions. I will then ask assess their abilities to knowledge in the knowledge from the
to monitor They will also be assessed on several students to share their complete the Prior completion of the data collected from the
student progress
their scores from the Making vocabulary flashcards to quiz Knowledge and Making Vocab Game and the Making Inferences
and modify
Inferences Pretest. I will then the class. Inferences Anchor Quiz. Posttest
assess student knowledge in the Charts on their own.
completion of the Determine
the meaning of words using
synonyms in context while in
the teaching station.
Multiple ELL Students: will be ELL Students: will be ELL Students: will be ELL Students: will be
Means of ELL Students: will be assessed assessed on their ability to assessed on their use of assessed on their assessed by their
Expression from their score on the Making connect the picture to the word creating vocabulary knowledge of participation in the
Differentiation Inferences Pretest. They will be and definition. They will also examples and pictures. vocabulary words and Review Game and the
Explain how assessed on the quality of their be assessed on their ability to They will also be their ability to complete Posttest. They will
materials will be definitions of the vocabulary draw conclusions with the use assessed with their examples of the words. complete the Posttest

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 25 of 38

differentiated for words and the pictures. They will of inferencing. participation in the Special Needs with and without the
each of the explain their choices to me Making Inferences Students: will be use of the Making
following individually. They will also be Special Needs Students: will Nearpod and the Anchor assessed by their use of Inferences and Prior
groups: assessed on their ability to create be assessed with their Charts. their vocabulary words Knowledge Anchor
● English
sentences using multiple meaning completion of the Drawing a and examples. They will Charts.
words. Conclusion worksheet and Special Needs Students: also be assessed on
Learner their understanding of the will be assessed by their class participation in the Special Needs
s (ELL) Students with Special Needs: vocabulary flashcards. ability to complete the Vocab Game and the Students: will be
● Students will be assessed by their scores of Making Inferences Quiz. assessed by their
with the Making Inferences Pretest. Gifted Students: will be Nearpod and their ability participation in the
special They will also be assessed by assessed by their created to complete the Anchor Gifted Students: will Review Game and the
needs their ability to create the passages on making inferences Charts. be assessed on their use Posttest. They will
● Students sentences using the multiple and drawing conclusions. of vocabulary and their complete the Posttest
with meaning words and use of Gifted Students: will be examples. They will with and without the
gifted vocabulary. Early Finishers: will be assessed on the article also be assessed with use of the Making
assessed by their ability to they chose for their their participation in the Inferences and Prior
Early finishers
(those who finish Gifted Students: will be assessed memorize and understand their group. They will also be Vocab Game game and Knowledge Anchor
early and may by their scores on the Making vocabulary words. assessed by their use of Quiz. Charts.
need additional Inferences Pretest. They will the Anchor Charts and
resources/suppor also be assessed on their ability participation in the Early Finishers: will Gifted Students: will
t) to complete the use of multiple Making Inferences be assessed on their use be assessed by their
meaning words sentences. Nearpod. of vocabulary and their participation in the
examples. They will Review Game and the
Early Finishers: will be assessed Early Finishers will be also be assessed with Posttest.
on their pretest data. They will assessed by the Making their participation in the
also be assessed on their Inferences Nearpod. Vocab Game game and
completion of their use of They will also be Quiz. Early Finishers: will
multiple meaning words assessed by their be assessed by their
sentences. completion of the Lexia participation in the
Powerup! Review Game and the
Comprehension Posttest.
Extension Activity and/or Homework
Identify and Students will complete the Using Students will study their Students will review their Students will review Students will complete
describe any context: Multiple meaning vocabulary flash cards and vocabulary words. They their Vocabulary their word study and
extension one of the following: will also use a form or Flashcards, completed grammar sections of
activities or
words one of the following:
Students will use their media (newspaper, Making Inferences and Lexia Powerp!
homework tasks
vocabulary words to create magazine, or Newsela) to Prior Knowledge
© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 26 of 38
as appropriate. Students will create a story using examples which will be used find an article and Anchor Charts to
Explain how the multiple meaning words and in a vocabulary game on complete the Anchor study for the review
extension activity context clues to identify the review day. Charts. game and Posttest.
or homework meanings.
Students will create their own
supports the
Students will work with their passages on making inferences
targets/objective parents to create a list of multiple and drawing conclusions.
s. As required by meaning words and use those
your instructor, words in sentences.
attach any copies
of homework at
the end of this


Beats, S. (2013) Million tears. Making inferences. Flocabulary. (2021) Context clues check-up. (2021) Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context. (2021) Reading comprehension drawing conclusions.

comprehension-drawing-conclusions.pdf (2021) Using context: Multiple meaning words.


Education Modernized Learning Maximized (2016, February 2) Introduction to reading skills making inferences. [video] YouTube.
© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 27 of 38
Flocabulary (2021) Making inferences read and respond. Nearpod.

Flocabulary (2021) Making inferences vocab cards. Nearpod.

Flocabulary (2021) Making inferences vocab game: Nearpod.

Flocabulary (2021) Making inferences quiz. Nearpod.

Hick, A. (n.d.) Making inferences and drawing conclusions. Teachers Pay Teachers.

and-Drawing-Conclusions-867348 (2013) Drawing a conclusion.

Key, A. (2021) Making inferences nearpod. Nearpod.

Key, A. (2021) Making inferences posttest. Quizizz.

Key, A. (2021) Making inferences pretest. Quizizz.

Lexia Learning Systems, LLC (2021) Comprehension making inferences 2.

Teach with Ashley (n.d.) Make inferences anchor chart.

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 28 of 38
Teach with Ashley (n.d.) Prior knowledge anchor chart.


Virtual School Bahamas (2020, April 25) Drawing conclusion. [video] YouTube.

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 29 of 38

STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit
You will implement all lesson activities, correlating formative assessments and the summative
post-assessment. Choose one of the lesson activities to video record a 5-10 minute segment,
review, and reflect on your teaching. Have your cooperating teacher/mentor review the recording
and provide feedback, if possible.

Use an online video platform such as Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video.
Be sure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submitting.

Video Recording Link:

Summary of Unit Implementation:

In this lesson I activated students’ background knowledge to improve their ability to make inferences.
Students used background knowledge to connect example descriptions of professions to match their
actions. Students also participated in completing a chart using evidence, background knowledge, and
inferences to complete a worksheet. Students also completed the worksheet as a whole. Students
identified evidence they had to make the inferences.

Summary of Student Learning:

Students were fully engaged in the chat box and from unmuting themselves to participate in the activity.
They also required few prompts to complete the assignment. I assessed these students as being proficient
based on their participation and the amount of correct responses in completing the Lexia Learning
Comprehension Making Inferences 2 worksheets.

Reflection of Video Recording:

I feel that I assisted students in making connections to real life situations that they can relate to. I also
believe that students were more engaged based on prior lessons. Students presented to be more
knowledgeable and from the assessment will exceed in prior knowledge on the posttest.

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STEP Standard 6 - Analysis of Student Learning
After you have implemented each lesson in the unit, as well as completed the post-assessment,
collaborate with your cooperating teacher/mentor to analyze the results of the post-assessment
and determine student learning. Review your data and whether there is a student or group of
students who have not mastered the objectives and discuss what you will do to further develop
students’ knowledge and skills.

Post-Test Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ learning on the topic, collect and
analyze the post-test data to determine the effectiveness of your instruction and assessment.

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test

Highly Proficient 3 6
4 3
Partially Proficient
1 3
Proficient 3 2
(69% and below)

Post-Test Analysis: Whole Class

Based on your analysis of the whole class post-test data, what is your interpretation of the
students learning? Cite examples and provide evidence of student learning that helped you come
to this conclusion.
Based on the whole class post-test data, I interpret that the entire class average increased to at
least 20%. There were two students that displayed difficulty with the internet which decreased
their overall score. I will retest these students at a later date.

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Based on the whole class post-test data, write one paragraph analyzing the effectiveness of your
instruction and assessment and effect on student learning. Cite examples and provide evidence of
student learning to support this analysis.
Based on the whole class post-test data the effectiveness of my instruction led to an increase in
student understanding on using prior knowledge and context clues to make inferences. I centered
a lesson on using prior knowledge to make inferences. I also included examples in a review game.
On the pre-test students scored a 64% on Question 5, they scored an 83% on the same question on
the post-test.

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Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup Selection
Using the information obtained in Standard 1(Student Academic Factors section), select one
subgroup population to focus on for this analysis. Provide a brief rationale for your selection (1-
3 sentences).

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 33 of 38

I chose students with IEPs as the subgroup population as I am their inclusion teacher in their
English class and wanted to see if I made a difference in teaching them on my own. From
experience with working with this group I have noticed that through small groups and one on one
instruction as needed they display an increase in their overall understanding of assignments. I
provided this group with small group instruction and ensured their accommodations were met
while taking the test.
Post-Assessment Data: Subgroup (Gender, ELL population, Gifted, students on IEPs or 504s, etc.)

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test

Highly Proficient 0 2
3 2
Partially Proficient
1 0
Proficient 2 2
(69% and below)
Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 34 of 38

Based on your analysis of the subgroup post-test data, what is your interpretation of the student
learning? Cite examples and provide evidence of student learning that helped you come to this
Based on my analysis this subgroup displayed an increase in making inferences using prior knowledge in text and
using prior knowledge to make inferences through pictures.
Pre-Test Data

Post-test Data

Based on the subgroup class post-test data, write one paragraph analyzing the effectiveness of your
instruction and assessment and effect on student learning. If there is a student or group of students who
have not mastered the objectives, discuss what you will do in future days to aid students' understanding
with respect to the unit’s objectives. Cite examples and provide evidence of student misconceptions to
support this analysis.
Based on the data of this subgroup they have displayed an increase in their understanding of utilizing context clues
to activate prior knowledge and pictures to activate prior knowledge. I dedicated a lesson on using pictures to make
inferences. I also focused more on using context clues in text to make inferences. Students engaged in practice
games as well during small group sessions. Based on the evidence provided above it shows that most of the
students displayed difficulty with using context clues to make inferences on emotions. Upon looking further into
their answers all of them meet the objective of utilizing background knowledge to identify feelings and connect
people to their professions. This group was the only one that answered this question incorrectly. I plan to create a
mini lesson with this group during small group instruction to emphasise on matching feelings to different situations.
This question was a fill in the blank and they did not receive a multiple choice. I will quiz them in both formats to

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 35 of 38

identify their weaknesses or to answer any misconceptions.

Post-Assessment Data: Remainder of Class

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test
Highly Proficient 3 4
1 1
Partially Proficient
0 1
Proficient 1 1
(69% and below)

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup and Remainder of Class

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 36 of 38

Analyze the data of the subgroup as compared to the remainder of the class. In one paragraph,
describe the effectiveness of your instruction for this unit using the finding from your analysis.
The IEP subgroup students made up to at least half when compared to the remainder of the class.
Four of the students in the subgroup increased their scores by at least 10% to 15%. The remainder
of the group increased their scores between 5% to 10%. I will use the effectiveness of my
instruction for future findings by identifying student interests and relating the assignments to real
life situations. One activity we played involved music Flocabulary. As the students advanced,
they earned a new “beat” to the music. The students were very involved in this activity. I will
continue to research activities that involve their interests to allow them to relate to and understand
the content better.
Based on your analysis of student learning, discuss the next steps for instruction, including an
objective that would build upon the content taught in this unit of instruction.
Based on my analysis of student learning, my next steps for instruction are to continue to build on making
inferences and connecting it to the next standard of using context clues to identify fact and opinion. I will
provide students with situations including facts and opinions that will activate prior knowledge and
inference to determine them. The objective will be Students will make inferences based on the feelings of
others to determine fact from opinion in 3 out of 5 assignments.

STEP Standard 7 – Reflecting on Instruction to Improve Student

Improved Practice Based on the Unit of Study
Based on the experience of developing and delivering your instructional unit, list three short-
term goals to improve specific areas of your teaching practice based on the unit of instruction
and describe your plan to reach each short-term goal.

Plan to Reach the Goal (i.e., professional

Short-Term Goal development, research on the Internet,
observation of a veteran teacher, etc.)
1. Engage students more virtually Research effective ways to engage students
through virtual instruction. Participate in
professional development.

2. Ensure online platforms used work Research online platforms for effectiveness
effectively with accommodations with helping special needs students meet
their goals

3. Collaborate more effectively Observe veteran special education

teachers/attend school SPED Academy for

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 37 of 38

Long-Term Goals: Teachers who are dedicated to their profession and to improving the lives of
students will continually look for ways to grow and learn. The best way to ensure that learning is
prioritized is to create a long-term goal. Create one long term goal that is specific and
measurable. Make sure to discuss the following:
Long-Term Goal: I will maintain improved time-management and organizational skills.
Rationale: Why did you choose this goal? How do I chose this goal because I only have 30-
you expect it to improve the outcomes of your future minute lessons and I need to show an
students? improvement in teaching each part of my
lesson within the 30 minute time frame. I
expect it to improve the outcomes of my
future students by ensuring they have
enough time to fully receive the lesson.
Even when we return to having 130-minute
End Date: By when do you expect to accomplish I plan to accomplish this plan by
this goal? September 2021.
Action Timeline: What steps will you take to 3-31-2021 Join ASCD
complete this goal, and by when will you take them?
Example: 4-31-2021 Renew CEC
1/31/18: Join AACTE 8-20-2021 Join NEA

Resources: What resources are available to assist Professional development on organization

you in accomplishing your goal? and time management, join my district’s
NEA, continuing education courses on time
management and effectively delivering
instruction, engage in weekly PLC
meetings Tuesdays at 12:00, speak to
principal and assistant principal for
assistance/feedback on instruction. I will
also collaborate with teachers to identify
different teaching methods and techniques
they use for time management and

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