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7 Formatting Tables and Charts

6.7.1 PowerPoint Charts (3:24)

1. One way to create a chart in PowerPoint is to click the ________ __________ icon in the
content placeholder.
2. Some types of charts available are _________, _________, and ___________.
3. When you create a chart in PowerPoint, an Excel ___________ appears over the chart so you
can enter your data.
4. To remove a column from the chart spreadsheet, select the entire column, _______ click, and
select ___________.
5. Just selecting a column and pressing the Delete key will only remove the cell contents, not
delete the column. The data will remain in the ___________.
6. To change the labels for your chart, update the rows and ___________ headings in the
7. To change the units for an axis, right-click the axis and select ________ ____________.
8. To change the data for a chart, select the chart, go to the Chart Tools Design tab, and select
___________ ___________ from the Data group.
9. If your chart does not update after changing its data, force it to update by adjusting the
__________ _________.
10. To try a different chart type, select the _________ __________ _________ button from the
Type group.
11. To apply a different style to a chart, choose one from the ___________ __________ gallery on
the ribbon.

6.7.2 PowerPoint Tables (3:02)

1. Tables in PowerPoint are great for displaying __________ and ______________ data.
2. The clickable icons in content placeholders are, from left to right, _______, _______,
__________, ___________, ________, and ____________.
3. Once you click the Table icon, you choose how many _____ and __________ you want.
4. When you add a Table, the Table ___________ tab appears on the ribbon.
5. To merge cells, select the cells, right click, and select __________ cells.
6. To change the alignment of text in a cell, select it, go to the Home tab, and use the
_____________ buttons.
7. To move from one cell to another in a table, you can use the _______ key.
8. To add or delete rows or columns, use the _________ & __________ group in the Layout
contextual tab.
9. To change a table’s style, use the Table Styles group of the ___________ tab.

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