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Unit 02 _ Preview level: 3AS

1. Watch the video and fill in the blanks. Get help from word bank.

Word Bank
digestive_ bones _contraction _ nutrients _ blood pressure _ relaxation _
absorption _ toxins _immune system _ hair

1) The food we eat often provide us with (1) …………………………….

2) Water cleanses your body of (2) ……………………and the cells stay hydrated.
3) Lack of B6 can cause (3) ……………………………….to lower uncontrollably.
4) Having enough vitamins enhance (4) …………………………….
5) Protein helps in building muscles, (5) ………………., skin, (6) ………………...and the cells in the body.
6) Too much fats can cause problems for blood pressure levels and heart as well as (8)
…………………….and respiratory systems.
7) Fats helps in the (9) …………………………… of other nutrients and play an important role in cell building
and help to improve the muscle movement.
8) Calcium improves muscle (10) …………………………………...and (11) …………………………………...

2. Use your background and information you learned from the video to choose the correct word.
A. Not drink enough (water- soda) make you feel tired and reduce ability to concentrate.
B. Lack of other (fats-vitamins) can cause skin problems, vision problems and weakness.
C. If you can consume (fats -carbs) at a controlled basis and burn calories, it will decrease the risk of
heart diseases and have a lower chance to get type 2 diabetes and improves brain functions.
D. (Zink-water) improves metabolism and strengthens immune system.
E. (Iron-calcium) is responsible for the creation of red blood cells.
F. (Carbohydrates- fats) serves as food for brain and central nervous system.

3. Put each food in the correct nutrient group.

Bread Butter Meat Orange Spinach

Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals

4. Match types of food with their definitions

Food which does not contain pesticides or



Food with genetic modification


Food that has been cooked, canned,

frozen, packaged or changed in nutritional
composition with fortifying, preserving, or
preparing in different ways.

A genetically modified organism is an

animal, plant, or microbe whose DNA has
been altered using genetic engineering


Food which have little or no nutritional value

but are high in calories, sugar, salt, and fats.


Food which contain chemical pesticides and


5. Classify the types of advertisement in the right column.

Printed Radio Ads Television Outdoor Internet (online)

advertising commercials advertising advertising

2- Television Ad 3- Billboard Ad

1- Magazine Ad

5- Window display
4- Skywriting Ad

7- Radio Ad

6- Bumper Advertisement (Sticker)

10- Leaflet
8- Newspaper Ad 9- Online Food Ad

Dietician & Nutritionist,

1) Water dominates 60 of our body

1) Water helps in the process of digestion

1) Dehydration affects mental and physical performance


1) Vitamins keep away diseases and keep you healthy


1) Vitamins play an important role in the longevity of a human being


1) Calcium responsible for strong bones. it also helps to transmit nerve signals and maintain blood pressure,


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