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Mater Academy Middle/High School

Physical Science Syllabus (2020-2021)

Taught by: Mrs. Troche
Zoom Classroom Code 2 1

Dear Parents and Students,

I am delighted to be your teacher. It has been my teaching philosophy that all children can success.
Working together we can meet this goal. At Mater Academy, we are building the innovators of tomorrow. In order
to do this, we provide all students with STEAM education. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts,
and Mathematics. This is going to be an incredible year full of exploration, creativity, and innovation. GO LIONS!!
Required Course Supply List:
. $1 Lab Fee (pay online – SEE MATER WEBSITE)
. Highlighters
. Line Paper & Graph Paper
. 1 USB drive (this can be used for other classes) or use Google Drive
. iPad or their own electronic device (can’t be a phone)

Required Assignments for This Course:

Lab Reports:
Labs are an important part of this course. Labs will be completed with the requirement of a lab report, data and
questions answered in complete sentences. MUST FOLLOW LAB REPORTS DOCUMENT on My Mater Teacher
Website or other instructions given.

Assignments completed are essential to your understanding of the course content.
. All assignments are to be uploaded in Google Classroom by its due date. If you turn things in late, it will
count as a late grade (no excuses, this is a difficult time for all of us, but responsibility is still important).
. Copying is ABSOLUTELY NOT TOLERATED and both papers will receive an F!!
. All student work must be entirely in your own words, unless you indicate otherwise by using quotation
marks and parenthetical citations/footnotes or in an attached bibliography. Plagiarism will not be
tolerated and will result in F for the assignment.
. *It is the Student’s Responsibility to get make-up work. Must check Google Classroom for make-up work.
Science News
Students will choose article monthly, related to the topics/contents being discussed in class MONTH. Students
will read the article and complete the follow-up assignment CURRENT EVENT.
. Remember that attendance is MANDATORY and will be taken daily during each class period in a variety of ways to ensure
that you are present for the entire class.
. Appropriate attire is necessary!! Do not wear pajamas, tank tops, or anything with obscene or offensive language/images. If
you do so, you will be subject to disciplinary action upon the return to school.
. BEHAVIOR STILL COUNTS!!! Do not be rude or offensive during our Zoom meetings. Disciplinary action will follow if you
break any of the usual rules.
a. Use appropriate language, and gestures
b. Raise your hand (Yes, Zoom has a raise your hand feature)
c. Keep your camera on, unless otherwise instructed
d. Be on time!!
Behavior Chart:
Behavior is important and is a grade. Each check on the chart will affect the conduct grade for the nine weeks.
- A - B - C - D or more F

Classroom Expectations
Be ready to work by the beginning of class.
Be polite and use manners
Read and follow all directions for assignments.
Raise your hand and be acknowledged prior to speaking
No form of disruptive behavior will be tolerated.

. Verbal Warning
. Written warning
. Call Home
. Detention/Call Home
. Referral to Administration
I reser e he righ o skip an s eps necessar depending on he serio sness of he infrac ion

Grading Policy:
At the end of the -weeks, all grades will be compiled to create an overall course grade. Tests, quizzes, home
learning, class assignments, lab activities, class participation, and projects will all count toward the -week
grade. Students must ensure that they submit all assignments on time in order to earn high marks. Below you
will find the grading scale with point values:

A - B - C - D -
F -below Z Incomplete or

Test/Projects Classwork/Homework Quizzes

Remind101 is texting system t to keep you informed. Text Number @trochea or download app and Join
using the same code @trochea

My Mater Academy website will be updated with important information and announcements. All codes for
apps and programs used will be in my website. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail at any time
throughout the year with any questions or concerns. Please allow hours for a response.

Thank you,
Mrs. Troche
Syllabus Agreement for -

Student FULL Name: _________________________Period

Yaneli Ramirez __________

Mother Name: ____________________________________________

Yoana Ramirez
Mother E-mail: ___________________________________________
Mother Phone: ___________________________________________
Does Mother speak English? Yes/No

Father Name: _____________________________________________

Joe Ramirez
Father E-Mail: ____________________________________________
Father Phone: ____________________________________________
Does Father speak English? Yes/No

Home Phone: _____________________________________________

I have read and understand all rules and consequences for Mrs. Troche’s
classroom. I know the topics being covered in Physical Science, with Mrs. Troche,
and I understand all of the requirements for this course.

Yaneli Ramiez
_________________________________ 8/2
Student Signature Date

_________________________________ ___________________
Parent Signature Date

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