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Soda Consumption Interview Assignment

Ryan Brissey

Interview with my Fifty-two-year-old Father:

How many sodas do you consume in a week?
“Somewhere between 7-10”
What was your weekly soda consumption five years ago?
“Five years ago I was probably somewhere between 7-10”
What was your weekly soda consumption ten years ago?
“10 years ago, you’re looking at maybe 14-20 a week”
What, if anything, caused a change in your soda consumption?
“You cut some soda, you cut some poundage.”

 America has seen a decrease in soda consumption for thirteen straight years
 Americans in 2000 saw an average of 53 gallons of soda per person per year, while 2018
saw an average of 38.87 gallons of soda per person per year
 This is likely due to the increased awareness of the health implications of excessive
consumption of sugary drinks
 Over the same year periods, the consumption of bottled water has increase 150%
percent, suggesting water has become the substitute for soda for many Americans


Conway, P., & 26, N. (2020, November 26). U.S. per capita consumption of soft drinks, 2018.
Retrieved February 25, 2021, from

Brissey, Jim (2021, February 24) Interview with my Old Man. Retrieved from my living room.

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