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On the fourth day of navigation the weather was very good, clear and clear. On
the deck it was very cold and the sea was serene. Everyone was very happy and
nobody supposed a tragedy was coming, during dinner that night. All together we
went to smoke and play chess or playing cards after the dinner. I went to bed and
half sleepy I heard a blow, but I gave no importance and continued sleeping. The
collision had been very light that some did not even wake up. Besides, the night was
so beautiful, nobody was going to think that an iceberg had produced a hole 150
meters long.

My story continues when one of my playmates knocked on my door and alerted

me to the danger. I ran to the deck, where many passengers already wanted to find
answers. An officer told us it was a minor problem, but the water kept coming. After a
while the order was given to raise the women and children in the boats and the men
put on the lifeguards.

Suddenly there was chaos, some of the passenger , they start to laugh, others
cried and there were some men and ladies who refused to put the vest and some
ladies who did not get on the boats without their husband. The rescue was done very
slowly. At that moment I thought; “We (my wife and I) should go to the boats and try
to safe ours life,but the confusion was growing”.”The seconds seemed centuries, the
water did not stop and there were no more boats available.”

In all that chaos nobody knew where it was and people did not know if we were
going to survive or not. Suddenly a old gentleman asked me; “Are we going to
survive?” and I replied ”I don't know,maybe yes or maybe not, but we will try.”

Some men jumped into the void, others did not decide. I fall in one of the boats
that was being lowered, where almost all were crew members. They moved quickly
away from the Titanic, which looked like a whale about to sink. The black and glacial
water was moving slowly up the boat and there I realized that there was no going
back. When I was at the height of my feet, I tried by all means to save myself.

I watched as he submerged slowly but then more and more quickly, suddenly the
lights went out and the boilers exploded, there were people shouting, a whirlpool in
the water and suddenly, darkness. The ship had sunk in a matter of an hour. We
spent the night in the boat until we came across the ship Carpathia. We arrived in
New York on Thursday evening. I will never forget the people waiting on the pier,
families of survivors and missing persons.

Where you will look, there were only people crying , because their partner had
died and because they would never see their friends laugh again. Many others were
crying for the fate of their partners were alive. In my case my family were crying with
joy because they thought they would never see me again.

I will like to said that in that trip it was a lot of peoples but I will like to mention
two in particular that they survived like me; One was The head of the Titanic pastry
chefs, Charles Joughin, he survived thanks to alcoholic drinks. And it was that when
the shock with the iceberg occurred. He told me ;” I thought it was the ideal time for a
drink ... that caused me intoxication. The alcohol in my body kept me alive while
floating in the cold waters of the Atlantic until I could be rescued”. The other one was
a single Japanese was traveling aboard the Titanic. Masabumi Hosono was
studying rail systems in Europe. The ocean liner was the beginning the trip to return
home. Hosono was able to survive.He told me ; “ thanks to the fact that heard that
there were two free holes in a lifeboat.”


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