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Unit 6 Polygons/ Interior Ext.


Definition of polygon-
** Closed figure
** made of segment (no curves)
** segments meet only at the endpoints (NO criss-crosses)

How do you name a polygon?

Names of polygons:
3 sides - 8 sides –

4 sides- 9 sides –

5 sides - 10 sides –

6 sides - 12 sides –

7 sides - n sides -

Polygons are convex or concave: (write a def. in your own words and draw an example.)

Convex –

Concave –

Polygons can be: (write a def. in your own words)

equiangular –

equilateral –

regular –

Diagonals of a polygon :
def –

Formula for the number of diagonals:

Total degrees of the interior angles of a polygon = (n-2)180 where n = number of sides of the polygon.

Example: A quadrilateral has 4 sides (n = 4).

The sum of the measures of the interior angles is (4 – 2)180 .

(2)180 = 360.

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

5. heptagon 6. decagon 7. 24-gon 8. 16-gon

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

To find the value of x: step 1 – find the TOTAL degrees of the shape. (n-2)180.

step 2 – subtract the angles that you already know or

if they are all the same, divide by how many you have

9. 10. 11.

x = _______________ x = _______________ x = _______________

12. 13. 14.

x = ______________ x = ______________ x = ______________

Find the sum of the measures of the exterior angles of the polygons.

15. pentagon 16. nonagon 17. 15-gon 18. 20-gon

____________ ____________ ____________ ___________

To find the number of sides given an exterior angle, divide the total (360) by the measure of one angle.

For example if one exterior angle is 90˚, then the polygon has 4 sides because 360 ÷ 90 = 4.

The measure of each exterior angle of a regular n-gon is given. Find n. (the number of sides)

19. 72˚ 20. 45˚ 21. 15˚ 22. 20˚

_______ _______ _______ ______

23. 40˚ 24. 36˚ 25. 2˚

_______ _______ _______

To find the number of sides of a polygon given the measure of an interior angle:
1) Determine the measure of an exterior angle. (subtract it from 180˚).
2) Divide that answer into 360˚.

The measure of each interior angle of a regular n-gon. Find n. (the number of sides)

For example if an interior angle = 140˚, the exterior angle = 180˚ – 140˚ = 40˚.
360˚÷ 40˚ = 9. The polygon has 9 sides.

26. 160˚ 27. 152˚ 28. 135˚ 29. 108˚

_________ ________ ________ ________

30. 156˚ 31. 60˚ 32. 144˚ 33. 150˚

_________ _________ _________ _________

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