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At the end of the module the students learn to:

1. define polygon.
2. classify the different kinds of polygons.
3. prove theorems involving polygons.


✓ a plane figure that is described by a finite number of straight-line

segments connected to form a closed polygonal chain or polygonal
circuit. The solid plane region, the bounding circuit, or the two together,
may be called a polygon.
✓ The segments of a polygonal circuit are called its edges or sides, and the
points where two edges meet are the polygon's vertices (singular:
vertex) or corners.

✓ a polygon that is equiangular (all angles are equal in measure) and
equilateral (all sides have the same length)

✓ any polygon that is not a regular polygon. It can have sides of any length
and each interior angle can be any measure.

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✓ An acute triangle is a triangle whose all
the three interior angles are acute. In
other words, if all interior angles are
less than 90 degrees, then it is an acute-
angled triangle. The figure given below
illustrates an acute triangle.

✓ Obtuse triangles are those in which

one of the three interior angles has a
measure greater than 90 degrees. In
other words, if one of the angles in a
triangle is an obtuse angle, then the
triangle is called an obtuse-angled
triangle. The figure given below
illustrates an obtuse triangle.

✓ A right triangle is a triangle in which one of the

angles is 90 degrees. In a right-angled triangle,
the side opposite to the right angle (90-degree
angle) will be the longest side and is called the
hypotenuse. The figure given below illustrates a
right triangle

✓ In an equilateral triangle, all the

lengths of the sides are equal. In such a
case, each of the interior angles will
have a measure of 60 degrees. Since
the angles of an equilateral triangle are
same, it is also known as
an equiangular triangle

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✓ a plane figure that has four sides or edges, and also have four corners
or vertices. Quadrilaterals will typically be of standard shapes with four
sides like rectangle, square, trapezoid, and kite as shown below:

✓ A five-sided polygon is called pentagon. When all the five sides of the
polygon are equal in length, then it is called regular pentagon otherwise
irregular pentagon. The sum of the angles of a pentagon is 540 degrees.

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✓ Another type of polygon is the hexagon which has 6 sides and 6
vertices. A regular hexagon will have equal 6 sides and the sum of its
angles is 720 degrees.

✓ A heptagon is a polygon with 7 sides and 7 angles. Sometimes the
heptagon is also known as “septagon”. All the sides of a heptagon meet
with each other end to end to form a shape. The sum of the angles of a
heptagon is 900 degrees

✓ Octagon is a polygon in geometry, which has 8 sides and 8 angles. That
means the number of vertices is 8 and the number of edges is 8. All the
sides are joined with each other end-to-end to form a shape. These
sides are in a straight line form; they are not curved or disjoint with
each other. The sum of the angles of an octagon is 1080 degrees.

✓ Nonagon is one of the types of polygonal shapes. The nonagon is said to
be a 9 sided polygon. It is also called Enneagon. The sum of the angles
of a nonagon is 1260 degrees.

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✓ A decagon is a ten-sided polygon. In particular, a decagon with vertices
equally spaced around a circle and with all sides the same length is
a regular polygon known as a regular decagon. The sum of the angles of
a decagon is 1440 degrees.


As you read the proof of the theorem, notice that it makes use of a
line that intersects one of the vertices of the triangle and is parallel
to the opposite side. This line, which has been added to the diagram
to help in the proof, is called an auxiliary line.

Given ̅̅̅̅ || ̅𝐴𝐶

∆𝐴𝐵𝐶; ̅𝐷𝐵 ̅̅̅

Prove mL1 + mL2 + mL3 = 180°

Statements Reasons
̅̅̅̅ || ̅𝐴𝐶
1. ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶; ̅𝐷𝐵 ̅̅̅ 1. Given
2. mL4 + mL2 = mLDBC 2. angle addition postulate
mLDBC + mL5 = 180°

3. mL4 + mL2 + mL5 = 180° 3. substitution property

4. mL4 = mL1 4. If two parallel lines are cut by
mL5 = mL3 a transversal, then alternate
interior angles are equal in
5. mL1 + mL2 + mL3 = 180° 5. substitution property

The triangle-sum theorem is useful in art and design.

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From the triangle-sum theorem, you know that the sum of the
measures of theangles of a triangle is 180°. Use this fact to write and
solve an equation.
mLP + mLQ + mLR = 180
27 + (g + 9) + 2g = 180
3g + 36 = 180
3g = 144
g = 48
So, the value of g is 48. From the figure mLQ = (g + 9)°.
Substituting 48 for g, mLQ = (48 + 9)° = 57°.

An exterior angle of a triangle is an angle that is both exterior

adjacent to and supplementary to an interior angle,

as shown at the right. The following is an important
theorem concerning exterior angles.
Example: In the figure at the right, find mLEFG.

1150 (3z – 2 )0
Notice that LDEG is an exterior angle, while LEGF and LEFG are
nonadjacentinterior angles. Use the exterior angle theorem to write
and solve an equation.
115 = 6z + (3z — 2)
115 = 9z — 2
117 = 9z ✓ So, the value of z is 13. From the figure,
13 = z mLEFG = (3z—2)°. Substituting 13 for z,
mLEFG = (3 ∙ 13—2)° = (39—2)° = 37°.

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Example: A playground has the shapeshown

in the figure to the right. A surveyor
measures six of the angles of the
playground. Find the unknown measure.

The polygon has 7 sides. Use the polygon-sum theorem to find the
sum of the angle measures.
(n — 2)180° = (7 — 2)180° = (5)180° = 900°
Add the known angle measures.
139° + 124° + 144° + 130° + 118° + 125° = 780°
Subtract this sum from 900°: 900° — 780° = 120°The unknown angle
measure is 120°.

✓ A polygon with all sides of equal length is called an equilateral polygon.

A polygonwith all angles of equal measure is an equiangular polygon. A
regular polygon is a polygon that is both equilateral and equiangular.



a. Find the measure of each interior angle of a regular octagon.

b. Find the measure of each exterior angle of a regular octagon.

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a. Using the polygon-sum theorem, the sum of the measures of the
interior angles is (n — 2)180° = (8 — 2)180° = (6)180° = 1080°.

Because the octagon is regular, the interior angles are equal in

measure.So, the measure of one interior angle is 1080° ÷ 8 = 135°.

b. By the polygon exterior angle theorem, the sum of the measures of

exterior angles is 360°.
So, the measure of one exterior angle is 360° ÷ 8 = 45°.

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Activity No. 6

Name : ___________________________________________________ Score : ______________

Section :_________________________________Class Schedule : ______________________

Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles of the indicated polygon.

1) 21-gon 2) 35-gon
_________________________ _________________________

The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a polygon is given. How
many sides does the polygon have?

3) 3060o 4) 6480o
Sides: __________________ Sides: __________________

Find the value of x.

5) 6)

x = __________________ x = __________________

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Use the figure on the right to answer the following questions.

7) What is the name of the figure? ____________________

8) Is the figure Convex of Concave? ____________________

9) What is the measure of 1 interior angle? __________

10) What is the measure of 1 exterior angle? __________

Find the number of sides for each regular polygon using the given angle.

11) Each exterior angle is 5o. Sides: _____________

12) Each exterior angle is 12o. Sides: _____________

13) Each interior angle is 165o. Sides: _____________

14) Each interior angle is 177.6o. Sides: _____________

Find the value of each variable.

c = __________

d = __________

16) h = __________

g = __________

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p = __________

q = __________

Is it possible to say that the quadrilateral is a parallelogram? Explain.

18) Parallelogram: Yes or No

Reason: _______________________________________________________________

Parallelogram: Yes or No

Reason: _______________________________________________________________

Parallelogram: Yes or No

Reason: _______________________________________________________________

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