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Brain storming

1. Write the definition of geometry

2. Define the following terms

Ø Point

Ø Line, line segment, ray,

Ø Plane

Ø Angle, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, reflex angle

Ø Supplementary angles, complementary angles, vertical angles



A polygon is a simple closed figure/curve formed by union of three or more line

segments such that no two successive line segments are collinear.

The line segments are called the sides of the polygon and the end points of the sides
are called the vertices.

Each side intersects exactly two other sides, one at each end point.

Exercise: collinear??

Classification of polygons

1. Convex polygon: polygon with no reflex angle

No line that contains a side of the polygon contains a point in the interior of the polygon

i.e extension of all sides doesn’t intersect any other sides.

2. Concave polygon: polygon with at least one reflex angle

Interior angles: is an angle in the interior of a polygon at a vertex.

Exterior angle: is an angle at a vertex of a polygon that is supplementary to the interior

angle at that vertex. It is formed between one side of the polygon and the extended
adjacent side. There are two possible exterior angles at any vertex which are equal.

Figure: from text book

Number of vertices, angles and sides of polygon are the same.

Names of polygons

No of sides No of interior angles Name of polygon

3 3 triangle

4 4 quadrilateral

5 5 Pentagon

6 6 Hexagon

7 7 Heptagon

8 8 Octagon

9 9 Nonagon

10 10 Decagon

12 12 Dodecagon

N N n-gon


The sum of the measures of the three interior angles of any triangle is 180(.
If the number of sides of a polygon is n, then the sum of the measures of all its interior
angles s is equal to; S = (n-2)180(

A diagonal of a polygon is a segment that joins two nonconsecutive vertices.

No of sides No of triangles Sum of measures of No of diagonals

all interior angles

3 1 1*180( 0

4 2 2*180( 1

5 3 3*180( 2

6 4 4*180( 3

7 5 5*180( 4

8 6 5*180( (

( ( (

N n-2 (n-2)180( n-3

The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of any polygon is 360(.


Regular polygon is a polygon whose sides are all the same length and whose interior
angles all have the same measure.

i.e both equilateral(all sides are congruent) and equiangular(all angles are equal).

Examples of regular polygons: equilateral triangle, square, regular pentagon….

Ø A polygon is circumscribed about a circle if all of its vertices lie on the circle.
Ø A polygon is inscribed in a circle if each of its sides is tangent to the circle.

The center of a regular polygon is the common center for the inscribed and
circumscribed circles of polygon.

Central angle is an angle formed b/n two consecutive radii of regular polygon.

For any regular n-sided polygon:

i. Measure of each interior angle = (n- 2) 180(/n.
ii. Measure of each central angle = 360(/n.
iii. Measure of each exterior angle =360(/n.

1. Find the: i. each interior angle ii. Each central angle iii. Each exterior angle of
regular polygon with:

a. 3 sides d. 23 sides

b. 4 sides

c. 10 sides

Solution: a. given: n = 3

i. Interior angle i = (n- 2) 180(/n, then i = (3-2)180(/3 = 1*60( =60(

ii. Exterior angle e = 360(/n, then e = 360(/3 =120(

iii. central angle c = 360(/n, then c = 360(/3 =120(

Student; b, c and d is your exercise.

2. Let ABCD is quadrilateral; m(<A) = 51 m(<B) = 75 m(<C) =112 and find m(<D).

Solution: the sum S of the measures of all interior angles of given n-sided
polygon is


i.e, s= (4-2)180( why?, s = 360(, then m(<D) = 360( - (m(<A) + m(<B) + m(<C))

m(<D) = 360( - (51 + 75 + 112)(, m(<D) = ___________

3. Find the measure of each interior angle of regular polygon with:

a. 10 sides d. 18 sides

b. 20 sides

c. 12 sides

4. Find the number of sides of a regular polygon if the measures of interior angle is:

a. 150 b. 160
Exercise: from text book



Symmetry: is the preservation of form and configuration across a point, a line, or a

plane. In informal terms it is the ability to make a shape and match it exactly to another
shape. In other word, symmetry means exact likeness in size and shape b/n the two
sides of something.

Line or axis of symmetry: is the line dividing the shape/figure into two identical parts
that are mirror images of one another.

A figure has a line of symmetry, if it can be folded so that one half of the figure
coincides with the other half.

A figure that has at least one line of symmetry is called the symmetrical figure.

Symmetrical figures are figures that have two halves that are congruent (exactly the
same size and shape).

The number of axis of symmetry of a shape/ figure depends on the number of times a
shape/figure can be divided into two identical parts.

Every regular polygon is symmetrical.

A regular n-sided polygon always has n lines of symmetry. Why?

Example: find the number of lines of symmetry of:

a. Equilateral triangle =three e. Rectangle = two why?

b. Isosceles triangle =one f. Square = _______________

c. Scalene triangle = no g. Regular octagon = ________

d. Circle = infinite why? h. Regular 15-sided polygon = ____


A regular polygon can always be inscribed in or circumscribed about a circle.

A circle can always be inscribed or circumscribed about a regular polygon.

Figure: from text book


Definition: the distance from the centre of regular polygon to a side of the polygon is
called the apothem of the polygon. I.e, the apothem of a regular polygon is the length of
the line segment drawn from the centre of the polygon prependicular to the side of the

Formulae for the length of side, apothem, perimetre and area of a regular polygon with
n sides and radius r are:

1. S = 2rsin180/n

2. a = rcos180/n

3. P = 2nrsin180/n

4. A = 1/2 ap

Proof: exercise


1. Find the length of the side of an equilateral triangle if its radius is3cm.

2. Find the area of a regular hexagon whose radius is5cm.

3. Find the apothem of a square whose radius is 12cm.

Exercise : from text book ex 5.2 page 189-190.



Congruence is the property of a figure whereby it coincides with another figure.

Congruent figures: are figures that have the same shape and size.
They are basically a perfect copy of each other. The only difference may be the
orientation of the figure. The orientation of the figure refers to the direction it is facing.

Two figures congruent if they have the same size and shape regardless of their

When two figures are congruent, there is a correspondence b/n their angles and sizes
such that the corresponding angles are congruent (equal) and corresponding sides are
congruent (equal).

Congruent means identical in in shape and size; denoted by ’’(” (is congruent to)

Properties of congruent figures with straight lines

1. Corresponding sides of congruent figures are congruent.

2. Corresponding angles of congruent figures are congruent.

3. The perimeters and areas of congruent figures are always congruent. why?

Writing congruent statements

First identify the corresponding sides and corresponding angles, then use the symbol or
notation ((), for congruence to write congruent statements for the congruent figures.


Congruent triangles are triangles that have the same size and shape.

i.e, the corresponding sides are equal and the corresponding angles are equal.


Similar figures

Similar polygons
Two polygons of the same number of sides are similar, if their corresponding angles
are congruent and their corresponding sides have the same ratio.


Exercise: from text book ex 5.3 page 5.4

Theorems on similarity of triangles

definition : two triangles are said to be similar, if

1. Their corresponding sides are proportional (have equal ratio), and

2. Their corresponding angles are congruent .

Figure: from text book page 200

Theorems on similarity of triangles




Dear student, study and copy theorems from your text book and do

Exercise 5.5


If the rstio of the lengths of the corresponding sides of two similar triangles is k, then

1. The ratio of their oerimeters is k.

2. The ratio of their areas is k2

This true for sll similar polygons.

Proof: from text book

Example: from text book page

Exercise 5.6 page 205

Dear studet, study and practice construction of similar figures and do exercise 5.7
according to the examples. ++++ real life problems using cogruency and similarity
including exercise 5.8exercise(we'll revise and do difficulties from all lesson)

I'll attach you short notes. Stay blessed. Keep yourself yuor family from covid19.....

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