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2nd Grade Weekly- Hybrid

May 7, 2021
•Library is Wednesday
•Last day of school is June 3, 2021
•Paper Mâché Monday and Wednesday next week- plan for messy clothes

What a fun week! Our first day of paper mâché was a battle against popping balloons, screaming kids,
and wind! I was thinking we had made a HUGE mistake with this project. Our second day was amazing! The
kids knew what to expect in terms of how to add the paper to their projects. We switched to morning work to
avoid the wind and we provided lots of time. Also, the balloons were much more weighted down with the
paper and no longer flying and popping. Check out the Instagram feed to see the progress! We plan to
continue on Monday and Wednesday with this project so have your student dress accordingly.
Our math focus continues to be on subtraction with a focus on creating a deep understanding of what
regrouping means. Many of us were taught the standard algorithm but didn’t understand the WHY behind it.
We have been using base 10 blocks and making trades such as a 100 block for 10 ten-rods. We call this
renaming the number- the value is unchanged but 259 can become 1 hundred, 15 tens and 9 ones, or 2
hundred, 4 tens and 19 ones.
We spend time in different places outside every day in the Dragon Playground, on the field, in Sandy
Flats and on the trail. Our nurse has been finding ticks on students. Please remember to do regular tick checks
of your student.

A message from Suzi in the office:

~Absences- Please remind your students' families that they need to call or email the office if their child is absent
or going on a vacation.  With all of the protocols with Covid, we need as much lead time as possible to check in
with families about what needs to be done if they are sick or leaving the state. 

~Parent Portal~ One last request...please encourage your students' families to fill out the "first day packet" on
the Schoolwise Parent Portal- we need emergency contact information updated and/or entered, and required
forms filled out and read.  Almost every family now has access to the portal as they are filling out the health
survey each morning.  I can help with getting people signed up if they need it.  

It’s not too late to order books from Scholastic for summer reading. The books can be
sent directly to your home.

Happy Mother’s Day- this year you have been mother, teacher, counselor, chef, laundress,
housekeeper, chauffer, etc. etc. etc. You are amazing.

With much love and respect,

Best contact:
Class website:
Scholastic Online ordering class code is HGRN7
Class Instagram: douglasfir2020

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