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Drew Bebutov

Prof. Jeni Tetamore

ENG 122

25 January 2021

Career Exploration Proposal


When it comes to my career choice, I decided that I wanted to pursue becoming

a PA (Physician Assistant). Before finding out about the job, I wasn't really sure as to

what I wanted to do, but I had a love for science and medical professions interested me.

I found out about the job through my moms recommendation since she works at a

medical center and has a good idea of what I enjoy learning about. I understand that

many people change the careers they want to pursue, but I believe that even if that

happens to me, I will choose something else that is similar to PA so this is the best path

for me. I hope that through this expedition, I will really push myself out of my comfort

zone and progress farther toward my goal.


This topic is important to me because it's my future that I am working towards.

This topic is really important since it will affect me for the rest of my life even if I don't

end up choosing this specific career. The experience of this expedition will be important

in shaping how I move forward. I hope that with researching this topic, I will learn more
about the career as well as the steps necessary to achieve my goals. I want to become

more active and do more than just studying hard.


When it comes to the audience, the best person who all this research is aimed

towards is me. I'm not working on this expedition just so that I can help others learn

about PA, but also so I can get a better understanding of what I am working towards. All

this research can be used by others with the same interest to become a PA, however

the main audience is myself and that will affect the research since it will be less of me

simply writing a paper and more of me planning for the future.


I plan on completing my research by using online sources as well as hospitals in

my area. I tried to volunteer at hospitals at the end of senior year, however covid

happened and my plans were paused, but now I would like to try again and use the

experience of working in a hospital to further myself. I want to use our writing projects in

order to do as much research in different ways so that I can understand as much as I

can. The terms I can use will depend on what I find at first. I will be doing research first

by using the term Physician Assistant and from there diving deeper into topics that I find

interesting or those which I don't understand. Of course there will be obstacles that will

stand in my way, but I believe that perseverance will be essential in helping me get

through them.

I hope that through this expedition, I will really push myself out of my comfort

zone and progress farther toward my goal. PA is a distant goal, but one that I need to

start working towards now in order to give me the best chance. Having a plan is vital

because procrastination and excuses will get the better of you otherwise. Being able to

push off certain things will really hurt you and having a plan will make it just that much

more difficult to do so.

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