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A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of the

Senior High School Department

Baguio Central University

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements



April 2017
The purpose of the study is to know the effects of having a Student supreme government to the
students and to the university. The study focuses on the given effects of student supreme government
based on the perspective of the students themselves. In the future the study can help the students to
develop leadership and enhance the future SSG.

Sixty Grade 11 and Grade 12 respondents were given questionnaires to answer which served as
the main survey instrument. Specifically, their perspectives were probed with respect to three different
dimensions: 1)the level of effects of having SSG to them as a student , b)the level of effects of having
SSG to the University they belong, and c)the possible strategies to help them improve the SSG. The
survey results indicated high levels of effects to them both as a student and to the university they
belong having a general interpretation of Moderately Effective. The effects were generally felt by the
students. The effects of SSG to them as student and to the university they belong were viewed as
moderately effective and the identified strategies in improving their performance were also deemed to
be highly effective. With those results, it is recommended that the continuous support to the Student
Supreme Government shall be enrich further as it is essential for the development of both the students
and the university. The findings can serve as a bases for future studies.

Content Page

TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……i


TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………….…….………………………….iii

LIST OF TABLES...……………………………………………………………………………………………………….iv

FIGURE USED………………………………………………………………………………………………………………v



I. THE PROBLEM………………………………………………………………………………..……….1

Background of the Study ……………………………………………………………………1

Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………………2

Paradigm of the Study………………………………………………………....……………5

Statement of the Problem………………………………….………………………………7

Null Hypotheses of the Study……………………………………………………………..7

Scope and Delimitation………………………………………..…………………………….7

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………….…8

Significance of the Study …………………………………..………………………….…...9


Design of the Study ………………………………………………………..……….………..10

Locale and Population of the Study……………………………………………...…….10

Data Gathering Tool…………………………………………………………..………………10

Validity and Reliability …………………………………………….………………………...11

Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………………………….…….11

Statistical Treatment of Data……………………………………………..…………..….11



CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………………………………………………16

1 Multicultural Awareness Level of the Baguio Central University

Senior High School Students in Terms of Cultural

Elements as Perceived by the Grade 11…………………..……………………………… 10

2 Multicultural Awareness Level of the Baguio Central University

Senior High School Students in Terms of Cultural

Elements as Perceived by the Grade 12……………………..……………….………….. 11

3 Summary and Comparison of the Respondents’ Perceptions on the

Level of Multicultural Awareness of the Senior High School

Students of Baguio Central University…………………………..…………………..……. 13

4 Degree of Influence of the Factors that Affect the Multicultural Awareness of the Senior

High School Students of Baguio Central

University as Perceived by the Grade 11………………………..………………….……. 13

5 Degree of Influence of the Factors that Affect the Multicultural Awareness of the Senior

High School Students of Baguio Central

University as Perceived by the Grade 12…………………………..……………...……….15

6 Summary and Comparison of the Respondents’ Perceptions on the Degree of Influence

of the Factors that Affect the Multicultural Awareness of the Senior High School


of Baguio Central University……………………………………………….………..………… 16

7 Degree of Seriousness of the Problems that Hinder the

Multicultural Awareness of the Senior High School

Students of Baguio Central University

as Perceived by the Grade 11……………………………………………….………………… 17

8 Degree of Seriousness of the Problems that Hinder the

Multicultural Awareness of the Senior High School

Students of Baguio Central University

as Perceived by the Grade 12…………………………………………………….………….. 18

9 Summary and Comparison of the Respondents’ Perceptions on the

Degree of Seriousness of the Problems that Hinder the

Multicultural Awareness of the Senior High School

Students of Baguio Central University…………………………………….……………… 19

10 Level of Effectiveness of the Possible Means to Promote

Multicultural Awareness among the Students

as Perceived by the Grade 11……………………………………………...………………… 20

11 Level of Effectiveness of the Possible Means to Promote

Multicultural Awareness among the Students

as Perceived by the Grade 12………………………………………………………………… 21

12 Summary and Comparison of the Respondents’ Perceptions on the

Level of Effectiveness of the Possible Means to Promote

Multicultural Awareness among the Students………………………..……………… 23


Figure No. Page

1 Paradigm of the Study…………………………………………………………………. 3


This research would not be successful without the continuous support, guidance and
encouragement of the important people who unfailingly and enthusiastically believed in the
researcher’s ability to succeed. With utmost sincerity, the researcher would like to express her gratitude
to those who contributed, helped and supported her in one way or another in this very rewarding

Most importantly to the Almighty God and Father, who has given the researchers the guidance,
wisdom, patience and motivation to fulfil another academic endeavour in her life.

To their adviser, Ms. Edna Culbongan, for the guidance and constructive criticisms that made
this study better.

To the researchers’ parents, who helped and supported them in the making of this research.

To all the respondents who gave their time in answering the questionnaire

To all their friends and colleagues, for their continuous encouragement to the researcher.

And to all those who in one way or another contributed to the success of the study.

Thank you very much!

The Researcher
Chapter 1

Background of the Study

Student Supreme Government (SSG) or Student Council is a curricular or extra- curricular activity

for students within elementary or secondary around the world. It was normally asset of chosen students

elected by their fellow student to represent them. SSG performs a big function to the school. They help

Share student’s opinions, interest and concerns with the teachers and school principals. SSG also raise

funds for school wider activities including social event, community project and helps people in need and

school reform. Student government serve the students and the institutions of higher education as a

whole (Laosebikan- Beggs, 2006). Student supreme Government benefit the institution by giving

students a structure through which to express their voices. (Kuhh and Lund, 1994)

Student councils are present in most public and private k_12 schools systems across the United

States, Canada, Australia and Asia. In Honesdale high School, Pennsylvania they believe that they are

organization of students who holds the common interest of serving as the driving force of upholding ad

increasing school spirits helping their fellow students and allowing members a chance to develop and

use leadership skills in both the school and community. It is the fact that the students engage with each

other in these skill sets that establish the fundamental groundwork that is “student” government.

Elected officers on the other hand it develops leadership skills associated with the elected officials in the


In the Philippines, they have a complex student union wit5h different names such as student

government, the term used in all public secondary schools and some of the universities and/or colleges

and student council for most of the college universities. It serve as the foremost co-curricular student
government authorized to implement pertinent programs projects and activities in the Philippines

school as mandated by the Department of Education.

Baguio Central University elected sets of new student supreme government at the month of

September. The students were given three party list to choose for the different positions. Each party list

presented their platformsabout5 their plans of improvement of their university, some of their platforms

are somewhat common to each other and some were the plans given by the past SSG which they failed

to comply. Now the hopes of the whole student body about it welfare and improvements lay with the

hands of the newly held student supreme government.

As a part of the Student body of Baguio Central University, SSG serves as our away to express

ourselves in general. In relation with this the SSG of BCU created page on social media where the

student can see what the SSG are doing or to be inform about their upcoming projects, activities and

events. However, some of this projects are yet to be done. Furthermore, SSG also affects the students

under them especially in their plans.

With the information stated above SSG plays a vital role for the University. They serve as our

leaders and on the other way around, they are student’s errand group. However the students have

different opinions against them.

Conceptual Framework
The study was anchored on john Dewey’s concept on student council. According to him (Dewey

1917), student council often serve to engage student in learning about democracy and leadership.

Democracy is when every student was given the chance to do or express his own opinion freely to the

SSG. Leadership is for the whole student body to learn from each other. The students can learn how to

follow their leader with cooperation and on the other hand, the leader can develop and enhance

themselves in leading the student body.

Leadership has become the core of a successful council. It is in the hands of the leader top

create an obedient regime. Fry (2003) explains leadership as one of leading strategy tom offer inspiring

motive and to enhance the staff’s potential for growth and development. Several reasons indicate that

there should be a relationship between leadership style and organizational performance. Thus the style

a leader controls or rule his people contributes to the satisfaction of his people as well.

Messick and Kramer (2004) argued that the degree to which the individual exhibits leadership

traits depends not only on his characteristics and abilities, but also on the characteristics of the situation

and environment which he found himself. On this study the characteristics of this situation and the

environment where the leader finds himself pertains to the student body. The situation where the SSG

have to do their projects and proposed platforms will serve as a test to their leadership.

Paradigm of the Study

The concept of the study was strengthened by the diagram of the Input- Process and Output as
shown in Figure 1.
The paradigm of the study reflects the direction of the study as shown by the relationship among the
variables. The input is found in the first column of figure 1 which is as follows; 1) Level of effects of
having student supreme government to the students 2) Levels of effects of having student supreme
government to the university3) Levels of applicability of the strategies to help improve the student
supreme government.
The process were enumerated in the second column are as follows; Evaluation through survey
questionnaire, of the: 1) Effects of having student supreme government to the students, 2) Effect of
having student supreme government to the university,3) Employment of statistical tool to the collated
responses, 4) Presentation, analysis and interpretation of results.
The output were enumerated in the third column are as follows; 1) Level of the effects of having
student supreme government to the students is identified, 2) Level of effects of having student supreme
government to the university is determined, 3) Level of effectiveness of the possible strategies to
improve the performance of the Student Supreme Government is determined, and the
Recommendations are identified.

Statement of the Problem

The objective of this study is to know the effects of having Student Supreme Government to the
Senior high school of Baguio Central University. The result is used as basis to recommend possible
solutions or improvements to the Student Supreme Government. Specifically, it sought to answer the
following questions:

1. What is the level of effects of having Student Supreme Government to the Senior High
School students of Baguio Central University?
2. What is level of effects of having Student Supreme Government to Baguio Central University
as perceived by the Senior High School Student?
3. What is the level of effectiveness of the strategies to improve the Student Supreme
Government of Baguio Central University

Null Hypotheses
The following are the null hypotheses of the study which the researcher will subject for its level
of significance:
1. There is no significant difference between the perceptions of the Grade 11 and Grade 12
students on effects of having Student Supreme Government to them as students.
2. There is no significant difference between the perceptions of the Grade 11 and Grade 12
students on the effects of having Student Supreme Government to the University.
3. There is no significant difference between the perceptions of the Grade 11 and Grade 12
students on the level of effectiveness of the strategies to improve the Student Supreme
Scope and Delimitation
This study focuses on the effects of having student supreme government to both the grades 11
and 12 students of Baguio Central University for the School Year 2017-2018. The effects were both
positive and negative as identified by the researcher.
The questionnaire served as the main instrument to gather the data needed in the study. The
questions were focused only to determine the self-assessed or own perception of the students on their
opinions regarding the effects of having Student Supreme Government to them as students, and to the
University still, based on the University student’s point of view and the level of effectiveness of the
possible strategies to help improve the performance of the Student Supreme Government.
While the questionnaire included questions on various effects of having Student Supreme
Government, the questions were not intended to define the capability and reach of the different
Student government of other schools.

Definition of Terms
To enable the readers to understand clearly the concept of the study, the following terms are
defined in the study:
Anchored. Provides strength and support to the study.

Curricular Activity. Programs and learning experiences that complement in some way what
students are learning at school.

Democracy. Situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights.

Election. Choosing someone to represent themselves in a public discussion or to be ruler.

Leadership. The way the leader handles or leads his people.

Officers. A student who has an important po0sition in the Student Supreme Government.

Party list. A group of students running for a position on the Student Supreme Government

Platform. Proposed policies and plans by the candidates that aim for the welfare of the student
Student Body. Student enrolled in the University.

Student Supreme Government. A curricular or extra-curricular activity for student within

elementary and secondary around the world.

Significance of the Study

The study is significant to the following:

To the University, the study can help for the school’s improvements. They could work together
to ensure peace and organization of the students
To the student supreme government, the acquired data can serve as basses for their
improvements and help them decide new projects or outputs. They will also gain more trust from the
To the teachers, the study can give them ideas on how to propose policies regarding the
behaviour of the students.

To the students, the study can help them relay their opinions to the Student Supreme
To the researchers, the study will serve as a completion output for the subject as required by
the curriculum.
Chapter 2

This chapter included discussion of the research design, locale and population, data gathering
tool, validity and reliability of the research instrument, the data gathering procedure, and the statistical
treatment used in the study.

Design of the Study

In this study, descriptive method was used. This study utilized descriptive survey type because
the researcher wants to know the level, of impact of the effects of having Student Supreme Government
to the students and applicability of the strategies to improve the Student Supreme Government.
Descriptive –evaluative approach was also applied because the study is important and beneficial
to schools, teachers, parents and students if possible recommendations to strategies to improve the
Student Supreme Government were verified throughout this study.

Locale and Population of the Study

The respondents of the study will be the senior high school of Baguio central university in the
strand of science technology and engineering and mathematics (STEM) with the population of 150.
There will be fifteen (15) choosen students from each section in STEM both grade 11 and 12 will be
forty-five (45) students from grade 11 and thirty (30) students from grade 12 STEM with the overall of
75 respondents.
The researcher used the Using Sliven’s formula(n= ), with a 10 % margin and arrived to
1+ N e 2
75 respondents. The researcher chose to use two sampling method. The first method in probability
sampling wherein the researchers selected their respondents in two clusters; the grade 11 and 12
students who answered the questionnaire. Second method is the purposive sampling in non –
probability sampling which was used to select respondents from the student body.

Data Gathering Procedure

Assisted by their adviser, the researcher personally handed the questionnaire to the chosen
respondents. The researcher distributed and administered the questionnaire in order to explain to the
respondents the proper explanations regarding the questionnaire form. A letter of request was first
secured from the principal of the senior high school department.

Data Gathering Tool

In gathering the data needed in the study, the questionnaire was the main instrument used.
This was supplemented by observations, participations, and library techniques. In using these tools of
gathering the data, they were all focused on obtaining answers to the specific problems of the study.
These were also used to clarify the gathered data through the questionnaire. . A questionnaire is a form
probed or distributed to secure responses to certain questions. These questions should be factual and
intended to obtain information about their multicultural awareness level, and what influences their
awareness of which the respondents are presumed to have knowledge.

The first part or the questionnaire was a letter to the respondents followed by queries on the
following topics; 1) Level of effects of having Student Supreme Government to the students ; 2)Level of
effects of having Student Supreme Government to the University itself; and 3) Level of effectiveness of
the strategies to improve the Student Supreme Government.

Validity and Reliability

The research questionnaire was constructed based from the opinions of the researcher’s
classmates which were later shown to the researcher’s adviser for comments and suggestion to further
enhance the data gathering tool and to establish the validity of the research instrument.
To establish the reliability of the questionnaire, it was pre-tested to 10 respondents who were
not part of the actual number of the respondents. These questionnaires were then collected and tallied.
After that, the researchers computed for the inter-item correlation which used the formula α =n ¿ ¿ .
After which, the researchers solved for the Cronbach’s Alpha for each of the four parts of the
questionnaire using the formulaα = . The mean Cronbach’s Alpha was solved resulting to
1+ ( k−1 ) r
0.93 indicating the questionnaire’s internal consistency is excellent or very reliable.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

The data collected from the set of questionnaire were classified, tabulated, tallied, analysed and
interpreted. General descriptive measure was used in the treatment of data gathered. Among them,
weighted mean value was employed.
Three-point scale will be used to determine the perceptions on the questions asked. Below is
the numerical equivalent to be used to interpret the data.

1. Level of effects of having SSG to the students.


3 2.35- 3.00 High effect HE
2 1.68- 2.34 Moderate Effect ME
1 1.00- 1.67 Least Effect LE

2. Level of effects of having SSG to the University in general.


3 2.35- 3.00 High effect HE
2 1.68- 2.34 Moderate Effect ME
1 1.00- 1.67 Least Effect LE
3. Level of effectiveness of strategies to improve the SSG.


3 2.35- 3.00 Highly Effective HE
2 1.68- 2.34 Moderately Effective ME
1 1.00- 1.67 Not Effective LE

In conclusion, for the difference of responses among the Grade 11 and Grade 12 Senior High
School students, independent sample t-test was applied with the formula of:

X́ 1− X́ 2
∑ X 12 +∑ X 2
√ N 1+ N 2−2 [ 1
N1 N2 ]
X́ 1 = mean responses of the first group
X́ 2 = mean responses of the second group
∑ X 1= summation of the processed responses of the first group
∑ X 2= summation of the processed responses of the second group
∑ X 12= summation of the squares of the processed responses of the first group
∑ X 2 = summation of the squares of the processed responses of the second group
N 1= number of responses of the first group
N 2= number of responses of the second group
Chapter 3


This chapter contained the tabular presentation of the data gathered as well as their
corresponding analysis and interpretation. They were presented according to the specific questions
presented in Chapter 1.

Level of effects of having Student Supreme Government

To the Students as perceived by the Grade 11

Table 1 shows the level of effects of having student supreme government to the students as
perceived by the Grade 11. The computed average mean of 2.11 signifies thatb the respondents are
moderately affected with the different effects of having student supreme government to them as
In detail, item 7 (Familiarize
Table 1
Effects of having Student supreme Government to the Students
As Perceived by the Grade 11

N= 30 Students

Questions HE ME LE TWP WM DE R
(3) (2) (1)
1. Builds up cooperation. 9 16 5
2. Disciplines Students 9 17 4
3. Set’ s up Good role Models 7 15 8
4. Too much dependent to the SSg 5 19 6
5. Students were updated with school 9 18 3
activities / events
6. Makes Learning fun 9 14 7
7. Familiarize Students in the process of 10 17 3
8. Encourages student to participate 9 18 3
actively at school
Average Weighted Mean
3 2.35- 3.00 High Effect HE
2 1.68- 2.34 Moderate Effect ME
1 1.00- 1.67 Least Effect LE
Table 1a
Effects of having Student supreme Government to the Students
As Perceived by the Grade 11

N= 30 Students

Questions HE ME LE TWP WM DE R
(3) (2) (1)
1. Builds up cooperation.
2. Disciplines Students
3. Set’ s up Good role Models
4. Too much dependent to the SSg
5. Students were updated with school
activities / events
6. Makes Learning fun
7. Familiarize Students in the process of
8. Encourages student to participate
actively at school
Average Weighted Mean
3 2.35- 3.00 High Effect HE
2 1.68- 2.34 Moderate Effect ME
1 1.00- 1.67 Least Effect LE
Table 1b
Effects of having Student supreme Government to the Students
As Perceived by the Grade 11
N= 45 Grade 12 Students

Questions Grade 11 Grade 12 Combined R

1 F F 2.17 F 4
2 VF VF 2.63 VF 1
3 F 2.22 F 2.15 F 5
4. F 2.38 VF 2.23 VF 3
5. VF 2.18 F 2.4 F 6
6 F 2.09 F 2.07 F 7
7 F 2.16 F 2.15 F 5
8. F 2.38 VF 2.25 VF 2
9 F 2.42 VF 2.25 VF 2
10. F 2.2 F 1.97 8
Average Weighted Mean F 2.28 F 2.23 F


3 2.35- 3.00 High Effect HE
2 1.68- 2.34 Moderate Effect ME
1 1.00- 1.67 Least Effect LE

Level of effects of having Student Supreme Government

To the University as perceived by the Grade 11
Table 2
Effects of having Student supreme Government to the Students
As Perceived by the Grade 11

N= 30 Students

Questions HE ME LE TWP WM DE R
(3) (2) (1)
1..Makes the university appeal more
2. Creates a welcoming aura to the School
3 Keep the University’s rules and
Regulations maintained
4. Makes the school known to other
5Makes the university have active Students
6. Creates a well- disciplined students.
Average Weighted Mean
3 2.35- 3.00 High Effect HE
2 1.68- 2.34 Moderate Effect ME
1 1.00- 1.67 Least Effect LE

Level of effects of having Student Supreme Government

To the University as perceived by the Grade 12
Table 2a
Effects of having Student supreme Government to the Students
As Perceived by the Grade 12

N= 30 Students

Questions HE ME LE TWP WM DE R
(3) (2) (1)
1..Makes the university appeal more
2. Creates a welcoming aura to the School
3 Keep the University’s rules and
Regulations maintained
4. Makes the school known to other
5Makes the university have active Students
6. Creates a well- disciplined students.
Average Weighted Mean
3 2.35- 3.00 High Effect HE
2 1.68- 2.34 Moderate Effect ME
1 1.00- 1.67 Least Effect LE

Level of effects of having Student Supreme Government

To the University as perceived by the Grade 11 and 12

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