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In my view, I see that I prepared a different lesson.

First of all, I
teach the students a Math lesson. It was about to rewrite a three-
digit number, so it is a new concept for them. However, to make
it a smooth lesson, I divide the lesson into parts and add the
education games not to feel bored, and I notice that strategy is
worked with me. Besides, my strong points were
professionalism in teaching, so I got comments from my MST,
such as I dedicated to her profession. She conducted a lesson at
a high professional level. Also, I planned and added suitable
activities for the different learning styles by adding
differentiation activities. In my situation, and because I try
teaching seven semesters before I see how the students are
different learning styles and need something appropriate for
them to join and share, I depend on my lesson and each lesson
apply the differentiation activities. I see it is worked very well
because the students feel they can achieve something they could
do. Moreover, my teacher comments that I use an immediate
reward system via Class Dojo to encourage the students. Uses a
variety of interactive tools. Moreover, for the action plan, I have
to encourage students to join the interactive Activities and set
some of the steps and tools to achieve it for my next lesson.
Also, my teacher comments help me and encourage me to
achieve and work hard to accomplish a great lesson, and I feel
that I can do it because nothing can stop me from achieving my
dreams to be the best teacher and build a super generation.

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