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Urrea 1

Carol-Rose Urrea

ECE 152 - 2001

Teresa Hampton

25 March 2020

Message in a Backpack - Science Experience # 1


What is density:​ Density is the amount of stuff in a given amount of space. The
higher the density, the more molecules in the given space.

Why is it important: ​Density is important because it affects whether objects will

float or sink.

What can you do at home?

Exploring density outside:​ ​What objects outside can you find that will
sink or float

Bowl of water activity:​ All you need is a bowl of water and some
objects from around the house and ask
your child did it sink or float.

Density tower:​ Form a density tower using a combination of different liquids that
form layers one atop another due to the differences in their
density. Visit ​​ for
the simple instructions!

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