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Urrea 1

Carol-Rose Urrea

Denise Sidney

ECE 252 - 1001

6 December 2019

Toddler/Two-Year-Old Experiences

Create 5 different experiences for either 1 or 2-year-olds. One activity for each of the 5 areas.
You do not need to do the activity with toddlers, just plan one. Each experience plan is worth
10 points.

Possible 50 points

Use this form for all 5 experiences.

1. Making Slime - Sensory

2. Threading Pipe Cleaners - Motor
3. Spelling Name With Pom Poms - Language
4. Exploring Blackberries Using 5 Senses - Health/Nutrition
5. Cardboard Box Activity - Social/Emotional

Highlight the appropriate area:

1. Sensory - Touch with expiring the stickiness of the slime, and they can see how two
pictures can create something completely new.
2. Motor - They are using their motor skills (hand-eye coordination) to thread smaller
length staws onto longer pipe cleaners.
3. Language - This activity helps them recognize their name and the letters the make up
their name.
4. Health/Nutrition - Introduces them to a new kind of fruit while also using their five
5. Social/Emotional - This activity requires them to work together while they use their
creativity and imagination to transform the box into something new.

Highlight the appropriate age group: 1-year-old 2-year-old

Urrea 2

- 2 years old

Objective: (what you want children to learn) (one only) 2 points


1. Making Slime: Elmer’s glitter glue, Elmer’s Magical Liquid activator, plastic cups,
wooden postical sticks, and Ziploc bags for storage.
2. Threading Pipe Cleaners: Thin pipe cleaners cut in half and three longer lengths,
straws, and scissors.
3. Spelling Name With Pom Poms: Colored construction paper sheet, pencil, eraser,
black permanent marker, Elmer’s glue, and pom-poms.
4. Exploring Blackberries Using 5 Senses: Mr. McGee and the Blackberry Jam by
Pamela Allen, and blackberries.
5. Cardboard Box Activity: cardboard box, stickers, stamps, glitter, coloring/writing
implements such as textas, crayons or pencils.

Scaffolding: (child's prior knowledge this activity is building on) 3 points

1. Making Slime - I had difficulty trying to figure out what their prior knowledge would
be for this activity.
2. Threading Pipe Cleaners - They should know that items come in different sizes
3. Spelling Name With Pom Poms - They know their name and they know what letters
are (not understanding the meaning behind them of course but they know what letters
4. Exploring Blackberries Using 5 Senses - They know what fruits are.
5. Cardboard Box Activity - They know how to draw and color onto things.

Facilitation: (in detail – how caregiver will support toddlers in this experience) 2 points

1. Making Slime - I’ve done this activity with Amelia (2) a few months ago and she
wanted to do most of the activity on her own and they only things I supported her in
was pouring the glue and activator in the cup, and after she mixed the two substances
together she had to get it out of the cup and rub it in her hands back and forth and she
also asked me for help on that part but that was so it got to the right consistency.
Urrea 3

2. Threading Pipe Cleaners - A way I would show support for this activity would be
by demonstrating how they would twirl the staw and pipe cleaners together.
3. Spelling Name With Pom Poms - I will support them by spelling their name on the
paper for them and showing them how to trace the letters with the glue (will
demonstrate on a paper with my name not do it for them).
4. Exploring Blackberries Using 5 Senses - I will support them in this activity by 1)
reading the book, Mr. McGee and the Blackberry Jam out loud to them, then as they
are exploring the blackberries, 2) I will ask them questions that help guide them using
their senses, for example, “Tell what the blackberries look like and feel like?”
5. Cardboard Box Activity - I don’t think the children would need my support for this
activity as it is just them drawing on a box using their own imagination/creativity.

DAP support: (page and short quote) 3 points

- Slime/Threading Pipe Cleaners/Cardboard Box Activity - “Teachers provide

opportunities throughout the day for children to develop fine motor skills through
working wit suitable material (pg. 164).
- Spelling Name With Pom Poms - “Teachers plan activities that give children a
motivation to engage in writing” (pg. 168).
- Exploring Blackberries Using 5 Senses - “Teachers acquaint children with healthy
habits in eating” (pg. 163).

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