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Course: MAEd- AS Date: March 28, 2021 Score: _________

Learning Exercises # _7__

Measures of Central Location/Point Measures

1. The Math test scores of students in a certain Math class were: 50, 65, 70, 72, 72, 78, 80, 82, 84, 84,
85, 86, 88, 88, 90, 94, 96, 98, 98, 99. Compute for the value of:

a. Q1 - 73.5
b. Q3 - 93
c. P10 - 65.5
d. P70 - 89.4
e. D5 – 84.5


2. Below is the frequency distribution showing the result of an IQ test of a group of students in a certain

Class Interval Frequency LCB <cf

80 – 85 2 79.5 2
86 – 91 8 85.5 10
92 – 97 19 91.5 29
98 – 103 21 97.5 50
104 – 109 25 103.5 75
110 – 115 52 109.5 127
116 – 121 12 115.5 139
122 – 127 11 121.5 150

Determine the value of each of the following:

a. Q2 – 109.5
b. D4 – 105.9
c. D7 – 112.96
d. P25 – 99.93
e. P80 – 114.69

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