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Multimedia Research & Analysis 1

Multimedia Research & Analysis

Michelle Nguyen

Houston Baptist Univeristy

LTDE 5320
Multimedia Research & Analysis 2

In today’s society, the integration of technology has been more widely encouraged but

how effective is technology when it comes to learning? Some researchers suggest that the use of

multimedia can allow instructors to reach more students in a shorter amount of time compared to

the traditional teaching style (Shah & Khan, 2015). This is because multimedia instruction can

allow instructors to deliver information in various learning styles simultaneously, which in turn,

increases student intrinsic motivation and student engagement.

A study was conducted in Pakistan on a group of 8th grade students to assess whether or

not multimedia impacted student achievement and student attitude. Students were randomly

divided into two groups, an experimental group and a control group. Both groups were given a

pretest to assess students’ academic level before intervention began. The results of the pretest

found that there was no significant academic difference between the experimental group and the

control group. Students then went through a 20 week course, control group were given

instruction through the tradition “chalk and talk” method while the experimental group was

given instruction through various multimedia methods (video clips, powerpoint, graphics,

animations, etc.). What researchers found was significant. According to the post-test results of

the study, there was an increase of 8.7% in student achievement with the experimental group and

only a 1.2% increase in the control group (Shah & Khan, 2015).

What I found most interesting about Shah & Khan’s study was how much the method of

instruction can affect student’s attitude toward a particular subject. The spark of the research was

due to the fact that interest level is science was slowly decreasing in Pakistan, resulting in fewer

students choosing careers in inquiry and science. They found that the use of multimedia is

especially imperative in the study of science because of the power of making something abstract

more concrete, relatable and authentic for the learners. Integrating multimedia into instruction
Multimedia Research & Analysis 3

not only allows for students to hear and see instruction in different ways, but it also challenges

learners to be in charge of their own learning and collaborate with others. Which means there is a

shift from teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning, where the teacher’s role is now

to support, facilitate, and guide (Bañados, 2013). By the end of the study, there was a 14.8%

increase in students’ attitude towards science. Therefore, showing that multimedia instruction not

only showing a positive impact on academic success but also a positive impact on how students

feel about learning.

Although multimedia has been shown to have a positive impact on education and student

engagement, it does come with its limitations. According to Shah and Khan, many low-income

areas struggle with integrating multimedia because multimedia instruction requires the use of

technology. This means it requires money to provide computers and internet, something many

low-income areas do not have access to. Some students have also found that online instruction

felt isolating and missed the interaction of face to face learning. Therefore would much rather

attend face to face instruction than participate in online instruction (Bañados, 2013). Shah &

Khan have also found that many adults in these areas are not familiar with the use of technology,

therefore presenting a separate challenge for implementing meaningful interactive multimedia

instruction for learning.

I think one way to combat some of these issues is by introducing blended learning into

the classroom. Blended learning is the art of bringing the digital online learning world into the

face to face classroom, this allows students and instructors to reap the benefits of face to face

instruction as well as online learning. With blended learning, in the elementary classroom,

students can have the freedom to choose their own route of learning, which in comparison to

traditional face to face instruction, allows for students to have some control over their own
Multimedia Research & Analysis 4

learning and encourage meaningful interactions between students (Vernadakis et al., 2012). With

blended learning, teachers can use choice boards or a rotations method to ensure equal

opportunity for multimedia use in the classroom. Therefore, with careful thought and

organization, there is not a need for one to one devices, which can help low income areas with

technology expenses.

In conclusion, the integration of multimedia moves us towards the constructivist theory

which encourages students to play an active role in their own learning (Shah & Khan, 2015).

Although we live in a very technologically advanced age, it is still challenging to incorporate

technology in certain areas. However, there are ways, such as blended learning, to help slowly

transition from instructor lead to student centered learning. Encouraging students to be self-

motivated autonomous learners inside and outside the classroom.

Multimedia Research & Analysis 5


Bañados, E. (2013). A Blended-learning Pedagogical Model for Teaching and Learning EFL
Successfully Through an Online Interactive Multimedia Environment. CALICO
Journal, 23(3), 533–550.

Shah, I., & Khan, M. (2015). Impact of Multimedia-aided Teaching on Students’ Academic

Achievement and Attitude at Elementary Level. 5(5), 349–360.

Vernadakis, N., Giannousi, M., Derri, V., Michalopoulos, M., & Kioumourtzoglou, E. (2012).
The impact of blended and traditional instruction in students’ performance. Procedia
Technology, 1, 439–443.

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