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Azucena Mendoza Sandoval


English 7B

15 January 2021

Classwork (Notes)

January 15

The excerpt
Sacred Healing by Ronald L. Mann, PHD (22-26)
● Self being a small or a big ego
● We all need ego
● The greatest obstacle is fear
○ We need to go through it in order to win
● We all exchange energy
● You become more flexible if you don’t feel as the others
● The decision of what is healthy is based on the norms
● Our identification with problems is what keeps it solid.

The Mask You Live In

(0-3 min) “Being a man” / “Mask” concept introduced

● “Be a man”, “Stop with your emotions”, “You are going to be a man in this world”
● Source of tremendous shame
● If manifest as hyper masculinity then that would validate who and what you are
● What is the context of being a man?
● The belief that man should not be crying, that they should be tough is one of the worst
things a human can say to each other. Why can we just be us? Why do we need to hide
behind a “mask”
● Kids get bullied for many years and makes them take their lives

3-5 min “If you really knew me…” examples

❏ “If you really knew me you wouldn’t know I feel like an outsider at school”
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❏ Sometimes it’s hard to talk to someone about it if your having a hard day
❏ “If you really knew me you know that when I’m sad I really don’t say anything about it”
❏ People just hide their emotions, especially boys, why? Because their is this belief that
boys need to be strong and if they are not they are seen as sensibles, and that they act as
❏ The fact that not having friends can also affect us
❏ Even having family problems can affect our emotions and the way we feel

5-13 min Pressures on guys not to show anything associated with femininity
● Even on little boy kids you can start a fight by asking “who is a little girl?”
● The idea of being seen as weak in the eyes of other guys starts in our earliest moments of
boyhood and it follows all the way to our lives
● In the United States the idea of masculinity has been constructed that does not give young
boys a way to feel secure in their masculinity
● Masculinity is the rejection of everything that is feminine
● Even young kids try to act tough when they are not
● “A man does everything to the extreme”
● Comparison is the thief of all happiness
● In culture we associate sexual conquests with masculinity

Summary: Most men when growing up are taught that they should not cry because that's not
what “man” do, even with a simple question little kids can start a discussion about who is a boy
or not. Why can’t boys express their emotions as girls do? Society is affecting everybody instead
of helping each other. I think that men become emotionally stronger since at a young age they
are thought to be strong and hide those emotions. “The greatest obstacle is fear”, this is true, if
you are afraid of something you're not going to get to your goal unless you pass it.

January 21


1. Question: link your learning to the bigger picture
2. Summarize And Reflect: Capture To Main Ideas And Reflect On Them
3. Apply My Learning: Study Your Notes
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Focused Note Taking Reflection Rubric

If you are uncertain of how to complete the PQS work for your notes, use the rubric.
P= Process
Q= Question (Connect Thinking)
S= Summarize and Reflect

The Mask You Live In

13-15 min “Sex” as a biological term / “Gender” as a sociological term

● The belief that man and women are fundamentally different
● “Sex” is a biological term
● Gender is a social term, it's a expression for masculinity and feminine which are
spectrums that overlap
● People make the assumption that because the brain is biological then any sex differene in
the brain must be hardwire
● Proliferation and pruning which the the process where you make a lot of brain
connections and the once you use are strengthen and the ones that you don't use die back
● Gender- neutral rearing: parents are not responsible for gender difference

15-17 min Gender stereotypes through social conditioning / media influences

● Boys are not encouraged to talk about any kind of pain
● They are learning to conceal qualities that are traditionally associated with girls and
● “Mothers are told that if they hold the boy to close they are hurting his development”
● Parents are concerned about their son being the target of violence

17-22 min Men can be sensitive and nurturing

● Man themselves can lose touch with qualities in themselves
● Having kids can teach others how to get in touch with your own emotions
● Not having a father figure can mean that children do not know what is to be a “man”
● They can be bullied because of not being the most masculine

“Anti-Anxiety Breath” notes

● The basis of all breath work is diaphragmatic breathing, key to entering the calm
● Diaphragmatic breathing is done with the middle of the torso
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● Each way of breathing has its special energetic effect

● The breathing partner corresponds to a tranquil state of mind
● Arousal: the physiological and psychological state of being awoken or of sense organs
stimulated to a point of perception
● Chakra: (in Indian thought) each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body,
usually considered to be seven in number.
● Emotional storms, involve dramatic agitations in the autonomic system
● Diaphragmatic breathing is a matter of relaxation and release
● The energy body can be explored more easily
● The idea of having a hole in our development affects us
● People cannot get through life without holes.
● We can see holes in our parents, or see them on other even if they don’t
● How do we let go? If we open our hand we let go, when sweeting we also let go, which
are naturally and physiologically a way to let go. But how do we let go of our thoughts?
Getting in nature? Knowing how to breath is also a way to let go and drink more and
more water that can age to let go
● Cells are enlightened
● Are there mental holes that can not be healed?
● Body function: urination, heart rate, digestion, respiration, sexuall arrasl
● What is a biophysicist? People that create drugs, vaccines, they become very healthy. The
field that applies the theories and methods of physics to understand how biological
systems work.

January 28

Notes for January 28th

● Heterosexism: discrimination or prejudice against gay people on the assumption that
heterosexuality is the normal sexual orientation
● Sexism: prejudice, stereotyping or discrimination, typicaaly against women, on the basis
of sex
● What is the difference between these notes? Heterosexim is the belief of heterosexuality
as the only acceptable sexual orientation, sexims, on the other hand, is based more on
gender- role bias and gender stereotypes. Sexism is the assumed superiority of men over
● How do they intersect ? they both have a discriminatory factor, some of us are privileged
because of our sex
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● Opression to everyone who is not hetero, irrational fear, fear that can indimozide us away
from people

The Mask You Live In

22-28 min young boys learn pressures and powers of masculinity early
● Mean team, boys vs girls
● Little kids can go after each other. They pretend to be strong, pretend that they can hide
their emotions.
● There is a dominance jerarquia
● Girls are seen as weak.
● Boys can get depressed and thinking about suicide, until they see that they would see
back that they did not talked about their emotions

28-32 min Male teens can struggle to feel close with other males. Many disconnect.
● If a boy tells somebody how they feel, that person que use it against you at any time
● Boys feel lonely, isolated, making them enter to a bizarre equation
● “Man intimacy needs to be about sexuality”. “No homo”
● Each of the boys is posturing based on how the others are posting but what they end up
missing is what they really want
● Drugs and alcohol is a way boys relax with those rules they always need to follow
● You feel out of place if you're the only sober

32-40 min Acting out and struggling to cope: aggression, drinking, drugs, depression,
and suicide
● Boys take drugs and alcohol because they feel lonely or to treat it since they don't have
the words to put into language
● I think that not having a male figure can also affect on how a child develops
● “Smoking made me happy”
● We think that adolescents are more likely to depressed and suicidal but we imagine that
those are female adolescents because of the waive define depression
● When boys are depressed they are more likely to act out, become more aggressive, using
curse words
● Every day 3 or more boys commit suicide
● For boys, suicide is the third leading cause of death
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● The way boys are brought up makes them hide all their natural vulnerable and empathic
feelings behind the mask of masculinity
● When they are in pain they can’t ask and reach out for help, they are ashamed into this
and are very ashamed to break out of it
● Fewer than 50% of boys and men with mental health challenges seek help

40-45 min What’s behind the mask?

● Why do we hold back our pain? How hard is it to walk around with a poker face?
● There are many other young boys that don’t have someone to talk to because they don’t
have someone to ask how they are feeling
● Compared to girls, boys are more likely to flunk or drop out of school.
● Boys that come from low income families are less likely to go to college
● Compared to girls, boy are 2 times more likely to be in special education, 2 times more
likely to be diagnosed with ADHD, 2 times more likely to be suspended and 4 times
more likely to be expelled

Unit 3, Journal #1
According to the film, what is “the mask” some people live in?
According to the film, what are some reasons (or causes) why guys put on the mask?
According to the film, what are some of the effects of putting on the mask?

The “mask” some people live in is the how they hide their emotions upon society, mostly boys,
they have the struggle to stay true to themselves, due to society since if a boy talks about his
emotions, they have this idea that if are seen as weak in the others guys eyes they won’t be a
“tough boy”. Some of the reasons why guys put on the mask is because boys are not encouraged
to talk about any kind of pain, their own parents teach them to be strong since they are afraid of
their son being a target of violence, not showing enough masculinity makes them an easier target
for bullies. According to the film, some of the effects of putting on the mask are that here are
many other young boys that don’t have someone to talk to because they don’t have someone to
ask how they are feeling. Personally, just reflecting on how far we have been from the film, I can
see that man can become a very easy target for those that believe that masculinity is everything.
Is it that not everyone can express their feelings without being a target, but why man? Why can't
men express their feelings as a woman does?

Journal and discuss:

-What could the literary significance of this book be in America?
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-How might this novel connect to the topics you are studying in Keeble's class?
-How might the themes of masculinity show up in this novel?

I think that the literary significance of this book be in America, is that women have mostly been
around domestic and sexual abuse and don’t say nothing about it because man are seen as the
one’s who are leaders in a relationship and the women should be there for her husband no matter
what. I think that the theme about masculinity can show up in many ways, in forms of abuse
towards women

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