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Write a summary of the graph below by organizing the information and make

comparisons where relevant. (160 words)

The graph shows the population figures for different types of turtle in India from

The line graph shows the population of turtles in India between 1980 and 2012. The
turtle population index shows the number of Leatherback Turtles gradually plummeted
across the given period, while the number of Olive Ridley turtles rose their population.
Starting with the year 1980, the illustration shows that there were 111 turtle species in
India and that year, the turtle population index considered 100. The number of
Leatherback Turtles dramatically declined and reached to only 60 in the year 2012,
while the Olive Ridley Turtles’ population is almost the exact opposite of Leatherback
Turtles because Olive Ridley species went up from 100 to 130. As the data reveals that
from year 1997 it showed some fluctuations with an intense drop in the year 2006 to
2007 and went up to 140 by the year 2011 and then plunged to 130 by the year 2012. 

Comparably, Green Turtles and All Species showed the similarity up to 1984 with the
unit of 110. The population of Green Turtles decreased and reached 90 by the year
1998. After that, it went up in the year 1999, it showed some dip up to 2012 with the unit
of 90. To end with, All species showed minimal fluctuations from year 1985 up to 2012,
reaching the 110 units. 

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