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Nguyen H.

Huy 1

The line chart presents data on the population trends of three distinct species—whales,
bears, and dolphins—observed in their natural habitats over a five-year period from 2017
to 2022.
The provided line chart offers a comparative analysis of the population changes among
whales, bears, and dolphins in the wild, monitored over a five-year period from 2017 to
The line chart illustrates the dynamic trends in wildlife populations, specifically focusing
on whales, bears, and dolphins, observed from 2017 through 2022.
The data depicted in the line chart traces the population trajectories of three wildlife
species—whales, bears, and dolphins—over the course of five years, commencing in
2017 and concluding in 2022.
A comprehensive review of the population levels of whales, bears, and dolphins in their
natural environments is encapsulated in the line chart, covering a time frame from 2017
to 2022.
Nguyen H. Huy 2
The line chart delineates the fluctuations in populations of three distinct species in the
wilderness, namely whales, bears, and dolphins, across a five-year period ending in 2022.
Overall, the period was marked by a significant increase in the bear population, while
whale numbers showed fluctuations with an initial decline followed by recovery and
subsequent decrease. In stark contrast, the dolphin population experienced a drastic
decline, leading to an almost complete depletion by 2022. Initially, dolphins were the
most numerous of the three species, but by the end of the period, bears had overtaken
them to become the most populous.
In summary, the data indicate a stark contrast between the prospering bear population,
which soared during the period, and the dwindling dolphin numbers, which plummeted
dramatically. Whale populations, however, experienced a series of rises and falls,
ultimately settling slightly lower than their starting point.
To encapsulate, there was a notable upward trajectory in the bear population, a volatile
pattern among whales, and a precipitous decline for dolphins, leading to a drastic reversal
in the prevalence of these species over the five-year span.
As an overarching trend, bears showed an exceptional population boom, whales
displayed instability with no clear direction, and dolphins suffered a catastrophic decline,
resulting in a complete reshuffling of species dominance.
The overarching trend reveals a significant disparity: bear numbers surged impressively,
whale populations fluctuated without a clear long-term trend, and dolphin numbers
underwent a severe and steady decrease.
The general trend observed is one of growth, instability, and decline for bears, whales,
and dolphins respectively, with bears overtaking the previously dominant dolphin
numbers by a substantial margin.
Main Parts
Starting with a population of 80 in 2017, whale numbers saw a decrease to 60 by the
following year. However, a sharp increase occurred in 2019, with the population reaching
a high of 100. This peak was not sustained; the numbers dropped back to 80 in 2020. A
Nguyen H. Huy 3
brief recovery was observed, but it was followed by another decline, leaving the
population at approximately 70 whales by 2022.
Initially, there were 80 whales recorded, which then decreased to 60, surged to 100 by
2019, and after several fluctuations, settled at around 70 by the end of the period.
The whale population experienced a roller-coaster pattern, starting at 80, dipping to 60,
spiking to a high of 100, before zigzagging to an eventual 70 in 2022.
Whales began the period with a stable population of 80, which then faced a decline, a
substantial increase, followed by a series of gains and losses, concluding with a moderate
figure of around 70.
Whales saw a tumultuous period, with their numbers falling from 80 to 60, rebounding
impressively to 100, and then experiencing a series of ups and downs, ending slightly
below their initial count.
The whale population count reflected a pattern of ebb and flow, initially standing at 80,
undergoing a decrease, a significant rise, and a sequence of recoveries and declines,
resulting in a closing population of about 70.
In stark contrast to whales, bears started from a very low base of roughly 10 individuals
in 2017. From this point, their numbers swelled consistently throughout the five-year
span, culminating in a population that soared past 190 by 2022, indicating a robust and
continuous growth.
Bears, on the other hand, started from a mere 10, but their population experienced a
consistent and remarkable growth, reaching a peak of well over 190 individuals by 2022.
Remarkably, the bear population burgeoned from a count of approximately 10 to an
impressive zenith surpassing 190, showcasing consistent annual growth.
Nguyen H. Huy 4
The bear numbers tell a success story, with the population expanding steadily from a
small group of 10 to an abundant 190+ by the end of the period.
Beginning at a low of around 10, the bear population witnessed a steady and unyielding
increase, culminating in a substantial figure that exceeded 190.
In a contrasting trend, bears demonstrated a remarkable and steady population upsurge,
starting from a count of 10 and escalating to a high of over 190.
The dolphin population, initially the highest in 2017 with around 150 individuals, faced a
severe and unrelenting decrease over the years. This steady decline led to a near-total
collapse of their population, with the count nearing 0 by 2022.
Dolphins presented a grim narrative, with their numbers dwindling from approximately
150 in 2017 to a near extinction level by 2022.
The dolphin population, once thriving at around 150, faced a relentless decline,
approaching zero by the end of the period.
Starting as the most abundant, dolphins experienced a steady and alarming decline from
150 to nearly non-existent numbers within five years.
Initially counted at 150, the dolphins saw a continuous downward spiral, leading to an
almost complete disappearance by 2022.
Dolphins, initially the most numerous, encountered a dramatic and steady decrease, with
their population plummeting from 150 to virtually zero.
Comparative Overview
The fluctuating whale numbers and the precipitous drop in dolphins contrast sharply
with the bears' success story. The varying fortunes of these species highlight the diverse
outcomes possible in wildlife populations over a relatively short span of time.
Nguyen H. Huy 5

Prompt 2: Some people believe that a country becomes more interesting and
develops faster when its population includes a mixture of nationalities. To that
extent do you agree or disagree?
The confluence of cultures within a nation's borders is often seen as a catalyst for
social enrichment and accelerated development. This essay agrees with the view that a
multicultural populace contributes to a country's appeal and advancement. It will
elucidate how cultural diversity can spur innovation, foster a dynamic society, and
bolster economic growth.
Some people believe that a nation's increased interest and faster development could
result from having citizens from multiple nationalities.
Others contend that a vibrant and rapid development of a nation could be achieved
with the presence of citizens from many nationalities.
Some individuals suggest that a nation, enriched by the presence of people from
various nationalities, could experience more vibrant development and may evolve
quickly over time.
Some assert that if a nation is blessed with citizens of multiple nationalities, it can
develop in a more vibrant and swift manner.
In conclusion, although there are mixed opinions about the impact of having citizens
from many nationalities living in a nation, I believe that this trend is highly beneficial.
Not only can this development enrich the social lives of residents and tourists, but it
also creates the perfect environment for innovation, which pushes nations forward.
Nguyen H. Huy 6
In conclusion, the presence of a variety of nationalities within a country undoubtedly
contributes to its allure and developmental trajectory. The resulting innovation,
dynamic society, and economic progress do not only make the country more
interesting but also equip it to thrive in an increasingly globalized world. Nations that
embrace this diversity are likely to remain at the forefront of global development,
setting a precedent for others to follow.
In addition, the notion that a nation can appear more interesting in the presence of
citizens with multiple nationalities is supported by the creation of a more dynamic
society. Each individual coming from a different nation can bring along their unique
cultural values, including knowledge about the arts, life experiences, and customs.
These combinations help enrich the cultural state of a nation, making it more vibrant
and sophisticated from both the viewpoints of a resident and a tourist.
Moreover, a country imbued with a multitude of nationalities is often characterized by
a dynamic and vibrant society. The exchange of different traditions, languages, and
arts enriches the cultural tapestry, making the nation more interesting for both
residents and tourists alike. Societies, such as Canada with its official policy of
multiculturalism, validate the assertion that the cultural diversity found across
Canadian cities is a testament to the enrichment brought about by a heterogeneous
To begin with, the diversity of nationalities within a country often leads to the cross-
pollination of ideas, which is a potent catalyst for innovation. Innovation, in turn, is a
key driver of economic progress. When individuals from varied backgrounds
converge, they bring with them unique perspectives that can challenge conventional
thinking and spark creativity. For instance, the United States' Silicon Valley is a
melting pot of nationalities and is also a hub of global technological innovation. The
synergy of diverse mindsets and experiences in this region has given rise to some of
the most groundbreaking technologies of the 21st century. As such, a fusion of
cultures directly contributes to the ingenuity and forward momentum of a nation.
Full essay: (Highly Advanced)
The confluence of cultures within a nation's borders has long been recognized as a
crucible for social enrichment and a catalyst for accelerated development. I firmly
Nguyen H. Huy 7
agree with the notion that a multicultural populace significantly enhances a country's
appeal and facilitates its advancement. This essay will explore how cultural diversity
can be a powerful driver of innovation, engender a dynamic society, and underpin
economic growth.
Body Paragraph 1
To begin with, the coalescence of different nationalities within a single nation often
leads to a fertile exchange of ideas, fostering an environment where innovation
thrives. Diverse perspectives challenge the status quo and inspire creativity, which is
essential in a world that values ingenuity. Silicon Valley in the United States
exemplifies this phenomenon; it is a melting pot where the intermingling of myriad
nationalities has spawned groundbreaking technologies. This synergy of different
cultures and experiences has not only made the region a nexus of technological
progress but also demonstrates how a fusion of cultural perspectives can propel a
nation forward.
Body Paragraph 2
Furthermore, societies that embrace a multitude of nationalities tend to exhibit a
dynamic and vibrant character. Canada's official policy of multiculturalism, for
instance, showcases how cultural diversity has enriched its cities, transforming them
into hubs of social complexity and global interaction. Every individual from a
different nationality brings unique cultural values, arts, life experiences, and customs
that enliven the fabric of society. This not only renders the nation more interesting
from the perspectives of residents and tourists but also contributes to a more
sophisticated and cosmopolitan communal life.
Body Paragraph 3
Economically, the presence of a diverse population can lead to greater prosperity. A
multicultural workforce is equipped with a broader range of skills, languages, and
approaches to problem-solving, which can be a significant asset in the global market.
Companies with a diverse set of employees are often more successful in international
trade, as they can navigate cultural differences and tap into new markets more
effectively. Hence, the economic argument for a mixed-nationality population is as
compelling as the social one.
In conclusion, the presence of citizens from a plethora of nationalities within a
country is an invaluable asset, undoubtedly contributing to its allure and forward
trajectory. Not only does it foster a society that is dynamic and innovative, but it also
Nguyen H. Huy 8
bolsters economic progress, making the nation not just more interesting but also more
competitive on the global stage. Countries that welcome and integrate this diversity
are poised to lead the way in global development, offering a blueprint for others to
emulate. It is clear that the benefits of a multinational population far outweigh any
perceived disadvantages, making it a desirable characteristic for any forward-thinking

Prompt 3: Environmental problems are becoming more serious and

widespread. Many people say that individuals should take responsibility for
solving these problems, while others believe it is the government that should
take care of the environment. Discuss both views.
The escalating severity of environmental issues has sparked a debate about
responsibility. Some argue that responsibility lies with each individual, while others
look to the government to take the lead. Both perspectives have their merits, but a
balanced approach that leverages the collective efforts of individuals and the
governmental action may offer the most effective solution to these pressing
As environmental concerns grow more acute, the question of who should take
responsibility – individuals or governments – becomes more pressing. Some advocate
for personal accountability, while others believe that government intervention is key.
This essay will propose that a synergistic effort between individuals and governments
is essential to effectively tackle environmental issues.
The debate over environmental responsibility is a pivotal one, as the wellbeing of our
planet is at stake. While there are compelling arguments on both sides, my stance
leans more towards a combined effort, where the actions of individuals and the
policies of governments complement each other to create a more sustainable world.
The increasing severity of environmental problems has prompted urgent discussions
about who should take action. Some people posit that the onus falls on each
individual, while others argue that governments must play the central role. Both
viewpoints contribute to the dialogue, but my conviction lies with the idea that a
Nguyen H. Huy 9
synergistic approach, where individual actions and government policies work in
tandem, is crucial for any significant environmental progress.
Expecting governments alone to shoulder the burden of environmental conservation
overlooks the powerful influence individual actions can wield. When individuals
embrace eco-friendly habits—such as minimizing waste, conserving water, and
choosing sustainable products—they collectively drive a substantial decrease in the
overall environmental footprint. For instance, adopting a plant-based diet can
significantly lower one's carbon footprint, considering that livestock farming is a
major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, public demand for green
practices can sway both businesses and governments to prioritize ecological well-
being. Consumer preferences can shift market dynamics, and persistent advocacy can
compel political leaders to enact decisive environmental policies.
However, there is a common misconception that individual actions are too
insignificant to address large-scale environmental issues. This belief can foster a
communal mindset of indifference, leading to collective neglect. Nevertheless,
individuals are often inspired by the behavior of their peers; positive environmental
actions can set a precedent, encouraging others to follow suit. Thus, if each person
adopts a more environmentally conscious approach, it can catalyze a collective
improvement in our treatment of the planet.
Government -
On the contrary, governments have the capacity to execute policies that can
profoundly impact environmental health. They can impose regulations to curtail
emissions, enforce pollution standards, and promote the development of renewable
energy. The Paris Agreement serves as a prime example of how governmental action
can establish international objectives to lower greenhouse gas emissions and combat
climate change. Additionally, through subsidies and grants, governments can stimulate
innovation in sustainable technologies, incentivizing businesses to pursue eco-friendly
Despite individual capabilities, many environmental problems stem from unregulated
industrial activities that prioritize production over ecological integrity. Since
individuals lack the authority to mandate how corporations operate, they alone cannot
halt these detrimental practices. Therefore, it is incumbent upon governments, with
Nguyen H. Huy 10
their extensive legislative powers, to intervene and enforce stringent regulations to
curb the harmful actions of large corporations. By imposing strict penalties on non-
compliant businesses, the government can address the root causes of environmental
degradation and foster a more sustainable future.
Full essay:
The debate over environmental responsibility is a pivotal one, as the wellbeing of our
planet is at stake. While there are compelling arguments on both sides, a combined
effort, where the actions of individuals and the policies of governments complement
each other, is essential to create a more sustainable world.
Main Body: Individual Responsibility
The role of individuals in environmental conservation cannot be overstated. Every
person's daily choices contribute to the health of our planet. By making conscious
decisions, such as reducing energy consumption, recycling, and choosing public
transportation, individuals can significantly diminish their ecological impact. A
powerful example is the reduction in single-use plastics, which, when done on a mass
scale, can reduce ocean pollution and save marine life. Moreover, individuals can
influence change by supporting eco-friendly businesses and engaging in grassroots
movements, thereby setting a precedent for community-wide action.
Main Body: Governmental Role
Governments hold the authority to enact policies that can lead to substantial
environmental improvements. Through legislation, governments can enforce
standards that reduce industrial emissions, protect natural resources, and promote
renewable energy. They have the power to create change on a systemic level, such as
through carbon pricing strategies or the banning of harmful pesticides. Governmental
leadership in international agreements, like the Paris Agreement, is crucial for setting
global standards and facilitating cooperative efforts against climate change.
To effectively address the urgent environmental challenges we face, a synergistic
approach is imperative. Both individual actions and government policies have a role
to play. Individuals, through their daily choices and advocacy, can drive the demand
for sustainable practices. Governments, with their unique legislative power, can create
the framework within which these practices can flourish. It is at the intersection of
personal responsibility and governmental action that the most meaningful progress
toward environmental sustainability can be made. Only by recognizing and harnessing
the strengths of both can we hope to preserve our planet for future generations.
Nguyen H. Huy 11

Temporal Contrast Analysis

Temporal contrast analysis is a method used to understand changes or developments
over time by comparing different periods. In the context of behavioral studies, it can
be used to analyze how certain characteristics or traits evolve or how they are
influenced by temporal factors.
Characteristic-Trait Compatibility
Characteristic-trait compatibility refers to the correlation between inherent qualities of
a subject (characteristics) and their behaviors or preferences (traits). When analyzing a
demographic group such as young people, we can investigate how their characteristics
influence their interaction with certain products or technologies, like phones.
Example: Young individuals are in a developmental stage characterized by a
heightened desire for new experiences and stimuli. Their brains are wired to seek out
and engage with novel stimuli, which aids in their growth and learning processes.
Smartphones, by design, are a treasure trove of such stimuli. They provide a constant
stream of new content through social media, interactive games, and a variety of
streaming services. The traits of a smartphone—its ability to deliver instant, varied,
and engaging content—are perfectly aligned with the characteristic cognitive desires
of young people.

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