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Devi yulia sari ( 1810533017)

Vania azalia Calista ( 1810533010)

Case study meeting 10

11-13. What are the management, organizational, and technology challenges posed by self-driving car

Management challenges- For a self-driving cars the management issues that can be faced are:

1. obtaining resources, as the resources required could be greater than the financial costs of other

2. Developing a business model for autonomous vehicles can be difficult because we must consider all of
the constraints, such as traffic, safety, time, and resources.

3. Every model faces the challenge of developing and sustaining it.

Organizational challenges- For a self-driving cars the organizational issues that can be faced are:

1. In order to make a successful self-driving vehicle, two organizations must collaborate and share data,
which is unquestionably a risky process.

2. Acquisitions and collaborations between a producer and a technical company are needed.

Technological Challenges- For a self driving cars the technological issues that can be faced are:

1. Articial intelligence is to be used in making of an autonomous car which can be able to identify other
obejects and their movements properly.

2. cyber security is another major issue in this.

3. Bad weather can really be another threat to it.

11-14. Are self-driving cars good business investments? Explain your answer.

Self-driving cars are a good business investment because they are a technology that will be in high
demand in the coming years, and their growth rate is rising by the day. In the coming decades, this
autonomous technology will be extremely strong, and profits will increase by at least 30%. Due to the
ease with which it will support the industries' work, it will be in high demand, making it a good business
investment for all.

11.15 What ethical and social issues are raised by self-driving car technology?

- Crosswalks, turns, and intersections- This is a big concern because if it couldn't identify a crosswalk or
an individual crossing by, or couldn't properly identify the map, it would be a major problem.
-Extreme scenarios, such as when the car must choose between running over the children, jumping off a
cliff, or killing its own passengers.

11.16 Will cars really be able to drive themselves without human operators? Should they?

Yes, in our opinion cars will be able to drive themselves without the need for human operators because
autonomous technology and artificial intelligence are working together to build a new age of robo-
technology that can detect, recognise, and understand a variety of objects and respond accordingly to
circumstances, and they should be allowed to do so because it is a robot, not a human, and it will adhere
to all the rules and regulations.

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