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Challenges Call for Creativity

Challenges force you to tap into your creativity to come up with ways to overcome them.
Some of the best ideas are conceived when you’re feeling the pains of a challenge.
Without the challenge, you would have never thought about that creative solution.

When obstacles stand in your way, consider them as opportunities to find creative
solutions to surmount them.

2. Challenges Make You Stronger

To build physical strength, you must apply a bit of resistance to your muscles.
Challenges produce resistance, which develops inner fortitude. As you go through
challenges, you become stronger and stronger.

Challenges are an excellent opportunity for growth. They test your resolve and
commitment to your goals. And when you overcome them, you develop emotional and
mental strength.

3. Challenges Keep You Humble

Challenges remind you that you’re human: you don’t know everything; you can’t foresee
everything; you can’t get away with everything; you have limitations; you have
weaknesses; you make mistakes. Challenges remind you that you’re fragile. The
appropriate challenge can protect (or cure) you from becoming prideful.

4. Challenges Amplify Your Achievements

When you have to overcome multiple challenges to reach your goal, you appreciate
your achievement all the more; these challenges serve as amplifiers for your success.
Certain accomplishments wouldn’t feel as valuable if they were less challenging.

When facing challenges, remember that they’re opportunities that carry with them
benefits: they call for your creativity, make you stronger, keep you humble, and amplify
your achievements.

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