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Name: _______

Organization: _________

Subject: For Issuing Appreciation Certificate

Dear Sir,
Hope to find you good. I am _________ (name) and I am doing internship in your organization
in _______ (internship program). I want to say that we were assigned with various projects and
we told that whoever will achieve the task at first, and keep attendance proper along with
following of regulations shall attain a appreciation certificate additional to certificate of

I and my fellow_________ (name), group of two people, we were the first to submit our project
and we did all our tasks very well. We abide by the rules and make sure our attendance to be
complete. Internship organizer verbally assured us that we will get the appreciation certificate.
Tomorrow was our closing ceremony but we didn’t receive any certificate.

This certificate is out great importance for our further admissions and it was the basic aim of us
to get it. So kindly, check out what is the reason as well as issue our appreciation certificated as
soon as possible. As we comply with all requirements to get a appreciation certificate. I hope
that you will consider it soon.

Waiting for your positive response.

Warm Regards,

Name: _________
Contact number: ___________

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