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Republic of the Philippines

Bohol Island State University

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Vision : A premier S & T university for the formation of a world class and virtuous
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Mission : Committed to provide quality and innovative education in strategic sectors for
the development of Bohol and the country.


Midterm Examination
GE 1 – Understanding the Self
1st Semester – AY 2018-2019
(90 items)
I. IDENTIFICATION Read the statements carefully. Choose the answers from the box below. Write only the LETTER of your choice.

A. Identity F. Symbolic interactionism K. Self-evaluation maintenance P. Eastern U. Self-cultivation

B. Personne G. Microcosmus L. Self-concept Q. Ego V. Private self
C. Id H. Nirvana M. Moi R. Confucianism W. Western
D. Narcissism I. Chun-tzu N. Taoism S. Actual self X. Superego
E. Apperception J. Ought Self O. Buddhism T. Ideal self Y. Social comparison

D.1. It is a trait characterized by overly high self-esteem, self-admiration, and self-centeredness.

K. 2. A theory which states that we can feel threatened when someone out-performs us, esp. when that person is close to us.
X. 3. It incorporates the values and morals of the society.
M. 4. It refers to person’s sense of who s/he is.
G. 5. It stipulates that anytime we bring an object into the surface of our body, we invest that object into the consciousness of our
personal existence and making it part of the self.
Q. 6. Reality principle.
L. 7. It is composed of personal characteristics, social roles, and responsibilities, as well as affiliations that define who one is.
Y. 8. A theory which states that we learn about ourselves, the appropriateness of our behaviors, as well as our social status by comparing
aspects of ourselves with other people.
O. 9. The self is seen as an illusion, born out of ignorance, of trying to hold and control things, or human-centered needs.
S. 10. The self at the moment.
H. 11. A state of perfect peace and happiness.
U. 12. The self is seen as the ultimate purpose of life.
W. 13. An individualistic culture
J. 14. The self who you think you should be.
C. 15. Pleasure principle.
E. 16. It is the mental process by which a person makes sense of an idea by assimilating it to the body of ideas he or she already
A. 17. It is what basically comes to your mind when you are asked about who you are.
R. 18. The term cultivated self or subdued self comes from?
F. 19. A theory which states that the self is created and developed through human interaction.
T. 20. The self you like to be.
B. 21. It is composed of the social concepts of what it means to be who s/he is.
P. 22. A collectivistic culture
V. 23. The self that contains one’s inner thoughts and feelings.
N. 24. It rejects the hierarchy and strictness of other cultures and would prefer a simple lifestyle.
I. 25. A man of virtue or noble character.

II. MATCHING TYPE Please match the correct answer found in Column B to the descriptions found in Column A. Write only the
LETTER of your choice.


B.1. “I” acts and decides; “me” thinks or feels A. Merleau-Ponty

Q. 2. Self refers to all behaviors that people make. B. William James
O. 3. Man is composed of body and soul. C. Herman Lotze
I. 4. Mind and body are so intertwined that they can’t be separated D. Marcel Mauss
from one another. E. Carl Rogers
A. 5. We regard our possessions as part of ourselves F. Plato
T. 6. A feminist G. Russel Belk
R. 7. Self is nothing but a bundle of impressions. H. Sigmund Freud
N. 8. Man is composed of the matter and the form. I. Rene Descartes
P. 9. Believed that intelligence in man synthesizes all knowledge and J. Sonia Tolstoy
experience. K. Lao Tzu
M. 10. Child internalizes real-life dialogs that he has had with others L. Thomas Aquinas
S. 11. It is through dialogs that the child delineates the “I” from the rest M. Vygotsky
F. 12. Three components of the soul N. Augustine
H. 13. Conceptualized the id, ego and super-ego O. Socrates
B. 14. “I” is thinking, acting and feeling and “me” is physical P. Immanuel Kant
characteristics. Q. Gilbert Ryle
I. 15. “cogito ergo sum” R. David Hume
D. 16. Personne and Moi S. Mead
L. 17. Man is bifurcated nature T. Nancy Chodorow
C. 18. Conceptualized microcosmus
J. 19. The wife of the famous Russian novelist
K. 20. The proponent of Taoism

III. ESSAY Briefly explain the statement.

1. Explan the quote “Not only is the self-entwined in society; it owes society its existence in the most literal sense.” -Theodor Adorno.
The quote “Not only is the self-entwined in society; it owes society its existence in the most literal sense.” – Theodor Adorno
defines that there is a connection of one another of both party. We as individual cannot live without the society since it we as a person
are depending from the society for it gives information, friendships, and find a family that exist not by blood.

“Students don’t care how much you know, unless they know how much you care.”
Goodluck! ☺

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