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Form finding & structural optimization

Article  in  Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization · January 2013

DOI: 10.1007/s00158-013-1021-7


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3 authors, including:

Tine Tysmans Evy Verwimp

Vrije Universiteit Brussel Vrije Universiteit Brussel


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Form finding & structural optimization

Rajan Filomeno Coelho, Tine Tysmans &

Evy Verwimp

Structural and Multidisciplinary


ISSN 1615-147X

Struct Multidisc Optim

DOI 10.1007/s00158-013-1021-7

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Struct Multidisc Optim
DOI 10.1007/s00158-013-1021-7


Form finding & structural optimization

A project-based course for graduate students in civil and architectural engineering

Rajan Filomeno Coelho · Tine Tysmans · Evy Verwimp

Received: 17 July 2013 / Revised: 30 October 2013 / Accepted: 5 November 2013

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract Nowadays, accreditation organizations for engi- 1 Introduction

neering programs put more and more emphasis on learning
outcomes integrating multifaceted competences (scientific 1.1 General context
and technical skills, but also teamwork, communication,
etc.). In this context, this paper discusses the relevance Modern engineering profession has become inherently mul-
of project-based learning initiatives for teaching structural tidisciplinary: in addition to scientific and technical skills,
optimization, in the light of recent literature on the sub- engineers have to deal with financial, social, environmen-
ject, as well as based on our experience in a course on form tal, and legal issues, they have to develop human skills
finding and structural optimization at the Brussels Faculty (communication, teamwork, leadership, human resource
of Engineering. Although each project-based course has its management), and they must evolve in a dynamic con-
specificities related to the teachers, their expertise, and the text with scarce, incomplete, and uncertain information
curriculum philosophy, some general guidelines are pro- (Felder et al. 2000). Consequently, accreditation organiza-
posed, stressing the importance of a proper understanding of tions for engineering programs put more and more empha-
the mathematical and physical concepts, but also underlin- sis on learning outcomes attempting to include all these
ing the need to ensure sufficient room for creativity among aspects, as described in the 2004 ABET report “Sustain-
the students. ing the Change”,1 or other agencies (European Network
for Accreditation of Engineering Education,2 the Common-
Keywords Form finding · Structural optimization · wealth Engineers’ Council,3 etc.).
Project-based learning Another growing phenomenon to take into account is the
familiarity of the younger generations with IT devices (lap-
tops, tablets, etc.), implying a desire for interactivity which
may question the traditional “chalk and talk” way of teach-
ing (Bloebaum and Mesmer 2013). Therefore, the academic
world must reconsider the manner in which courses are
R. Filomeno Coelho ()
BATir Department, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB),
taught in order to address these specificities, and also help
Avenue F. D. Roosevelt, 50 (CP 194/2), 1050 Brussels, Belgium meeting the needs of the industry (Grolinger 2011; Toropov
e-mail: 2013).
Structural design through form finding and optimiza-
T. Tysmans
Department of Mechanics of Materials and Constructions
tion is a paradigmatic example of this challenge: despite
(MeMC) Faculty of Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel its increasing popularity among academia and industry, it is
(VUB), Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium still a (relatively) young and active research field. Therefore,
E. Verwimp
VUB–MeMC, Brussels, Belgium
e-mail: 3
Author's personal copy
R. Filomeno Coelho et al.

capitalizing on best practices to transfer knowledge and - based on an analysis of engineering education literature
competences to future engineers is of utmost importance for enriched by our experience, discussing the relevance of
our community. teaching structural optimization through project-based
Table 1 lists–with no claim to be exhaustive–a few past learning.
and present courses dedicated to structural optimization and
form finding. All courses mentioned in this list contain theo- 1.2 Project-based learning
retical sessions and involve–in one way or another–projects
or assignments, with different degrees of autonomy left to As pointed out by (Mills and Treagust 2003), the main-
the students. However, there are a series of valuable stud- stream engineering courses are still often taught through
ies in project-based learning in engineering education (see a “chalk and talk” approach, with a focus on the con-
Section 1.2) that can be fruitfully exploited to carry out more tent (“what is being taught?”) instead of the learning itself
efficient project-based initiatives. (“what is being learnt?”). On the other side, project-based
Therefore, in the light of recent studies in the field of learning, albeit attractive, is not the panacea and also suffers
project-based learning and taking benefit of our own expe- from drawbacks and limitations. The purpose of this sec-
rience in teaching a course on form finding and structural tion is to formally characterize project-based learning, and
optimization, this paper will address the following points: emphasize its salient features.
As a matter of fact, the term “project” has been used for
- reviewing formal definitions and concepts regarding
decades in engineering (and more generally in industry) as a
project-based learning;
unit of work, a task defined on the basis of the client (Mills
- presenting our course “Form finding & structural opti-
and Treagust 2003). In education, project-based learning
mization” intended for graduate students in civil and
can be summarized by four aspects:
architectural engineering at the Brussels Faculty of
Engineering, with realizations accomplished by the stu- - theoretical courses, seminars, lectures usually accom-
dents during the 2012-2013 academic year; pany the project itself;

Table 1 Non-exhaustive list of past and present courses in structural optimization

Course name Teacher/responsible Institution

General concepts of structural optimization

Structural Optimization Z. Gürdal Virginia Tech
Structural Optimization I. Kuder ETH Zürich
Topology Optimization–Theory and Applications O. Sigmund et al. DTU
Structural optimization in mechanical engineering
Structural Optimization in FE Analysis T. Abbey NAFEMS
Structural Optimization R.T. Haftka University of Forida
Strukturoptimering FHLN01 M. Wallin Lund University
Structural Optimization (TMMS20) P.W. Christensen, Linköpings universitet
A. Klarbring
Optimisation mécanique C. Vayssade UT Compiègne
Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization (SMA06) P. Breitkopf UT Compiègne
Structural Optimisation V.V. Toropov University of Bradford
Composite structure optimization R. Le Riche Collège de Polytechnique
Form finding and structural optimization in civil and architectural engineering
Short Course on Optimum Structural Design S. Hernandez Wessex IT
Structural optimization and form finding K.-U. Bletzinger TU München
Form-Finding and Structural Optimization: E. Demaine et al. MIT
Gaudi Workshop
Form Finding of Structural Surfaces S. Adriaenssens Princeton University
Form-Finding and Structural Optimization T. Tysmans, VUB/ULB
R. Filomeno Coelho
Author's personal copy
Form finding & structural optimization

- the project work is oriented toward the application of 2 Form finding and structural optimization
knowledge, but also its acquisition;
- a project is usually performed by a small group of 2.1 Context
students (three to five students);
- self-direction and management of time and resources by The Faculties of Engineering of the French-speaking Uni-
the students is a key aspect of successful projects. versité libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Dutch-speaking Vrije
Universiteit Brussel (VUB) have joined their forces in 2011
Problem-based learning, on the other hand, differs from
to propose new Master programs taught in English, under
project-based learning by starting with an identified prob-
the BRUFACE label (BRUssels FACulty of Engineering).5
lem or situation from which the students will direct their
The “Form finding & structural optimization” course is
own research, by lending itself on rather long-term projects,
offered to second-year Master students in civil engineering
and by allowing for more open ended outcomes. For exam-
and in architectural engineering. While almost all schools
ple, at MIT, (Brodeur et al. 2002) propose an Introduction
or faculties of engineering in the world offer civil engi-
to Aerospace and Design where students have to design,
neering programs, architectural engineering is not encoun-
build, and fly radio-controlled lighter-than-air (LTA) vehi-
tered in every country. It can be considered as somewhere
cles. While a few institutions have devoted a significant part
between civil engineering and architecture; in comparison
of their education system to problem-based learning (e.g.,
with architecture, a higher concern for structural aspects is
Monash University, Aalborg University), most of the engi-
promoted, reflected for instance by an emphasis on the rela-
neering courses involving projects–due to time and human
tion between shape and forces, as investigated by the work
resources, as well as for pedagogical reasons–can be labeled
of Laurent Ney (Adriaenssens et al. 2010).
under the project-based learning denomination.
In this context, this course is one of the rare initiations
Even within this area, (Graham and Crawley 2010), in a
to structural design through numerical techniques such as
review of many project-based courses in the UK, observe
form finding and structural optimization. Whenever pos-
that best practices in one course are not easily transferable to
sible, groups mixing civil and architectural engineering
another, mainly because each project-based course is highly
students are favored, since both bring a different expertise
dependent on the personal involvement and expertise of the
to project design, either on the calculation side, or on the
teaching staff. However, because of the similarity between
design side.
the process of designing and optimizing a structure and the
The students’ prerequisites include structural analysis,
way projects are conceptualized and actually performed by
finite element analysis, and programming (in M ATLAB.6 )
students, we believe that project-based learning is ideally
The remainder of this description refers to the 2012-
adapted to structural optimization, and that general guide-
2013 academic year where this course was first taught7 .
lines for structural optimization project-based teaching can
The teaching staff is composed of two professors (Tysmans,
be advocated (Section 3.4).
Coelho) and one teaching assistant (Verwimp).
When focusing on the literature dedicated to education
As an aside, Table 1 also shows that while optimiza-
issues in structural optimization, two papers and a website4
tion is a popular and entirely accepted field in mechanical
related to a course entitled “Approximation and Optimiza-
engineering (especially among automotive and aerospace
tion in Engineering” provide an interesting insight on best
curricula), to the author’s knowledge the subject is still less
practices gained for almost two decades at the University
common in civil engineering. However, there is a growing
of Florida (Haftka and Jenkins 1998; Siorek and Haftka
need for improving the design of buildings to save material
1998). The topic of the course is to introduce students to the
cost, improve safety (reliability-based design), etc., dur-
use of approximation-based optimization for design rely-
ing their life cycle. Moreover, optimization skills developed
ing both on analytical models and experiments (e.g., for
for structures can also be extended to other fields of con-
lap joint testing, paper helicopters), and contain similarities
struction (e.g., for maximizing the energy performance of
and differences with our approach which will be detailed in
Section 3.4.
To base arguments on a practical return of experience,
a project-based course in form finding and structural opti-
mization will be presented in the next section. 5
7 As a remark, it can be noticed that several project-based initia-
tives have been developed for a decade at the ULB, but mostly for
undergraduate students, as introductions to general fields like physics
4 (Blondeau and et al 2009)
Author's personal copy
R. Filomeno Coelho et al.

buildings), so we strongly believe that structural optimiza- As investigated by the authors in Descamps et al. (2011,
tion is likely to gain increasing importance in this sector, 2013), form finding–whose goal is to obtain shapes in equi-
which will be reflected in the academic programs. librium with external loads–can be seen as a particular case
of structural optimization involving specific design vari-
2.2 Methodology ables (e.g., the ratio’s between normal forces and element
lengths in the force density method applied to trusses).
Our methodology is articulated as follows: However, both fields have been developed concurrently
by distinct communities (form finding in architecture and
- Goal: allow for a better understanding of form finding
architectural engineering vs. structural optimization in com-
and structural optimization concepts and methods by
putational mechanics).
means of practical projects.
Based on their respective advantages, the main pedagog-
- Theory (1 ECTS)8 : seminars are given in form find-
ical motivation for proposing a sequential design process
ing (3 × 2 h: basic principles, dynamic relaxation, force
is to focus first the attention of the students to the link
density method) and structural optimization (3 × 2 h:
between shape and equilibrium in lightweight structures
optimization formulation and algorithms, sizing, shape,
(through form finding), and then to have a more detailed
and topology optimization, advanced topics as multi-
analysis of the structure by accounting for most of the
objective optimization or design under uncertainty, real-
design constraints (ultimate and serviceability limit states,
life applications). The emphasis is on lightweight struc-
multiple loading, etc., through structural optimization). This
tures (trusses, rigid frames, and gridshells).
sequential process corresponds to a widespread practice in
- Material: the slides of the lectures were provided, as
architectural engineering projects (Richardson et al. 2013).
well as reference books (Christensen and Klarbring
2009; Cavazzuti 2013).
- Practice (3 ECTS): projects were performed by groups
Form finding In a first stage, the students determined the
of three to four students. The aim was to design canopies
overall shape of their designs by form finding because this
covering small areas of various possible shapes (see
numerical method allows the designer to quickly generate
Fig. 1). Only basic geometry and boundary conditions
and compare various force-efficient shapes. These designs
were provided, in order to allow for freedom among the
were structurally analyzed and compared to reference struc-
groups. Indeed, all the other parameters of the study had
tures (such as a plate and a parabolic gridshell) in S CIA
to be determined by the students themselves: the loading
ESA-PT9 finite element software. In the second design
(according to the Eurocodes, but simplified for prelimi-
stage, they optimized the dimensions of their gridshell by
nary design), as well as the sizing, shape, and topology
sizing optimization.
of the truss-like structure.
The objective of the form finding process is to deter-
- The assessment was performed only through the project,
mine the shape of the roof that experiences a uniform
via a mid-term evaluation (with no grades), a final report
membrane stress state considering geometrical design limits
(50 % of the mark), and an oral presentation of the
(span, minimum and maximum heights), boundary condi-
project in front of the classroom (50 % of the mark).
tions (location of supports), and dominant load case(s). For
this objective, the students performed the form finding of
their gridshell by analogy with the inverted hanging model,
3 Projects like for e.g., Gaudi’s Colònia Güell Chapel (1898-1916, see
Block 2009), using the force density method (Schek 1974;
3.1 Realizations Linkwitzm 1999), a numerical form finding tool widely
used for membrane structures and commercially available
The general objective of the design project was to create in the software package E ASY (version 9.2).
a material-efficient gridshell geometry using a combination The shape design process was an iterative process in
of form finding and optimization algorithms. which the students explored the design space. Only a few
restrictions applied: the in-plane geometry of the structure
was given (see Fig. 1), in which some of the shell bound-
aries were fixed. The parameters that could be varied in the
8 ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, form finding process were: the shape of the free edge(s), the
and constitutes the unit of measure for all courses in the European
Union since the Bologna Process. One ECTS corresponds to 25 to 30
h of work by the student. Usually, it corresponds to 12 h of lectures or
12 h of exercises (notwithstanding the personal work by the student). 9
Author's personal copy
Form finding & structural optimization

Fig. 1 Project definitions:

geometry and boundary a b
conditions in plan view

c d

grid lay-out, the force density of bars (size as well as rela- the students had all the tools at their disposal, the choice of
tive distribution over surface), and the choice of load under loads, the formulation of the optimization problem, and the
which form finding is performed (and thus under which the coupling of the optimization and finite element codes, were
obtained shape experiences solely membrane action). By left to them.
adjusting these parameters, the shape of the gridshell could
be manipulated into numerous creations. 3.1.1 Project 1: the camel back

Structural optimization Once the shape had been defined, The first project team chose geometry d as design bound-
the nodal coordinates could be stored for further use in the ary conditions (see Fig. 1), i.e. a rectangular shape in plan
optimization process. Due to the limited amount of time view, with two longest opposite edges fixed to the ground,
devoted to the projects, only the cross-sections of the grid- the other two opposite edges free in all three coordinates.
shell elements were optimized. Before that, a structural The final design, a kind of camel-shape, resulted from their
analysis of the shape (with standard cross-section values) own creativity. Form finding was performed under a load
had to be performed, to better understand the behavior of the of 1.5 kN/m2 evenly distributed over the surface area (self-
structure and guide the choice for the bounds of the design weight + additional surface load). The students varied the
variables. M ATLAB codes for the optimization (based on number of zones with different force densities, and the rela-
NSGA-II, (Deb et al. 2002)) and for the structural finite tive values of the latter, by “trial and error” to come up with
element analysis (Ferreira 2009) were provided to the stu- their final shape design: a waved surface with five distinct
dents, along with a test function (a six-storey rigid frame). zones of different curvature along the x-axis (Fig. 2).
A genetic algorithm was chosen for its flexibility (single- or The students evaluated the structural performance of their
multi-objective optimization, possibility to deal with contin- shape (in S CIA ESA-PT) compared with both a flat roof
uous or discrete variables from catalogs of profiles). While and a single curved, parabolic arch gridshell (cf. Fig. 3).

Fig. 2 Camel-shaped design

(the color reflects the level of
absolute axial stress, from low
[green] to high [red])
Author's personal copy
R. Filomeno Coelho et al.

Fig. 3 Camel-shaped design

(left): comparison with planar
(middle) and parabolic (right)

Analyzing the load-bearing behavior under a distributed the snail-like shape, the force densities were varied in three
load, the students could verify whether the gridshell effec- zones along the y-axis this time, with a low force density
tively only experiences membrane action and no bending, in zones 1 (0.5) and 3 (0.7), and an increased force density
in contrast to the flat roof. Next, they studied the effect in zone 2 (2) limiting deformations and thereby ensuring a
of the wind load acting on the load-bearing behavior and reduced height in the central area.
horizontal displacements of the structure. After some curvature smoothing in R HINOCEROS,10 the
The wind specifications for vaulted roofs and domes students evaluated the structural performance of both shapes
(from Eurocode 1) were used to get the pressure values on by mutual comparison as well as with a simple parabolic
distinct zones of the structure; to their surprise, the students shape, using S CIA ESA-PT, considering self-weight load
realized that for their lightweight structure, the effect of only. This analysis allowed them to verify the effect of the
horizontal loads was very significant, and this observation form finding on the load-bearing behavior of the structure.
had a direct impact on the way the optimization problem Taking into account mass, deflections, and efficiency in
was formulated. Indeed, in order to get an overview on the material use (with weighing factors), the snail was chosen
range of potential designs, they launcheda multi-objective as best overall shape.
optimization with the mass and the maximum horizontal Next, a detailed structural analysis was performed with
displacement as objectives, along with a constraint on the S CIA ESA-PT on the selected shape. As in project 1, a
maximum axial stress (including the risk of local buckling). realistic determination of the loads was a critical aspect,
The best compromise was found by imposing a maximum wind loads playing a significant role. Before launching the
horizontal displacement of 2 cm, which corresponds to the multi-objective optimization, a preliminary material selec-
deformation limit of span/250 proposed by the European tion was performed between steel and timber. For several
Standards. criteria including (simple approximations of) the cost and
the environmental impact, timber was selected as the build-
3.1.2 Project 2: the frog and the snail ing material. It was assumed that the influence of the
connections could be neglected for the preliminary design,
The second project started from geometry c (see Fig. 1), i.e. although in reality steel nodes could significantly increase
a trapezium shape with three sides fixed to the ground, and the total weight of the structure.
one side free in shape and height. In the form finding stage, In the next stage, the students formulated the opti-
the students designed two different animal-like designs, the mization problem by minimizing the mass and maximum
“frog” (Fig. 4) and the “snail” (Fig. 5), formally inspired by deflection, with stress and vertical displacement constraints,
existing projects, respectively the “octopus” (Fig. 6 [left], by modifying the width and height of the cross-section
the winning design for the Czech National Library by Jan (the same cross-section was used for all elements). After
Kaplický in 2007, but the project was not executed), and a few numerical tests, they realized that the constraint on
the Chapel Lomas de Cuernavaca (Fig. 6 [right], concrete the vertical displacement was critical for the dimensioning,
shell designed by Félix Candela in 1958). For both designs, emphasizing the importance of serviceability limit states
the form-found shape was achieved by starting from a plane (displacements, etc.) for lightweight structures.
orthogonal mesh. The in-plane shape of the one free edge
was defined, and then fixed in the x − y plane, while keep- 3.2 Development of competences
ing the z-coordinates (height) free. The form finding was
performed under self-weight load (0.4 kN/m2 ). From the follow-up and assessment of the students, several
The two designs differ in the shape definition of the competences were developed:
edge(s) and the variation of the force densities over the – a better understanding of the design process for
surface. In order to obtain the frog-shape, the variation of lightweight structures;
curvature was achieved by dividing the surface along the
x-axis into five (axisymmetric) zones with different force
densities (from left to right 0.2–5.0–0.4–5.0–0.2). To obtain
Author's personal copy
Form finding & structural optimization

Fig. 4 Frog-shaped design:

initial form finding planar grid
with distinct force densities
assigned to distinct zones
[indicated by different colors]
(left), and 3D view (right)

– the development of programming skills, especially the the different aspects of the projects, except the progress and
coupling between different codes (crucial in multidisci- rhythm of the sessions. This can be explained by the short
plinary design optimization); time devoted to the whole course (only seven weeks), with
– the relative importance of the actions (self-weight, wind lectures interwoven with the project. While this may be suit-
loads, etc.); able for encyclopaedic knowledge where distinct parts can
– the understanding of the back and forth process nec- be learnt separately with no harm, this is less suitable for
essary between form finding and optimization: this is hierarchical fields requiring the concepts to be introduced
very similar to the real-life design process in engineer- in a sequential order, as underlined by Mills and Treagust
ing offices, where new data or requirements from the (2003).
clients lead to constant adaptations of the design; In the future, we will attempt to give most of the the-
– a first initiation to research (this expertise was fruitfully oretical lectures before the beginning of the project. This
used by the students during their Master’s theses). would also help the students to have a more integrated view
of the entire design process from the very start, i.e. mak-
3.3 Opinion survey ing appropriate decisions during the form finding step in the
perspective of the eventual application of optimization tools.
At the end of the course, an opinion survey was conducted
among the students by the Faculty authorities responsible 3.4 Discussion on the efficiency of the projects
for the student evaluation of the courses, anonymously and for the anticipated learning outcomes
independently of the teaching staff. The survey consisted of
nine standard questions, related to the lectures, the explana- By combining form finding and optimization into a sin-
tions provided by the teachers, the project sessions, etc. gle course and project, the students experienced the (dis-)
Of course, due to the small number of students (seven), advantages of both methods for the design of lightweight
and the results limited to one year, no meaningful statisti- structures, i.e. form finding as a fast tool to explore the
cal analysis can be carried out, but on a qualitative point of design space yet limited to determining the funicular shape
view, it is interesting to note that the students appreciated for a given edge geometry under a given load case, and

Fig. 5 Snail-shaped design:

initial form finding planar grid
with distinct force densities
assigned to distinct zones
[indicated by different colors]
(left), and 3D view (right)
Author's personal copy
R. Filomeno Coelho et al.

Fig. 6 Inspirations from

existing buildings (project 2):
Project for the Czech National
Library in Prague by Kaplický
(left, credits: http://www.; Chapel
Lomas de Cuernavaca, Mexico
by Candela (right, credits: http://

optimization as a powerful tool for taking multiple loads, load into account for the structural analysis and optimiza-
objectives and constraints into account, yet particularly tion of the structure. Considering this additional load in the
time-efficient when the overall shape of the structure is second design stage made them realize the large relative
already defined. The combination of both techniques was, importance of wind loading on lightweight structures such
however, strictly sequential in both projects. as gridshells. In the lightweight gridshell designs, the stu-
In the future a better interaction between both methods dents were confronted with aiming for a minimum mass
should be stimulated. Even though the project definitions while designing for local buckling and serviceability limit
were basic, giving simple in-plane boundary conditions state of deformations rather than designing for ultimate
and few restrictions, the students clearly did not automat- strength as is often the case with conventional structures.
ically choose the easiest solution. They wanted to create These multiple criteria naturally led to the exploration of
something unique. The creativity of the students’ designs multi-objective optimization, and critical thinking about
challenged them in the application of the numerical meth- their choice of these criteria as objective function(s) versus
ods, thereby enhancing their understanding of the methods. constraint(s). Generally speaking, we noticed that the stu-
This ensured that the learning objectives were achieved. dents acquire a better understanding of the importance of
As it appears, the students can handle the high degree the problem formulation when they are directly confronted
of freedom offered by the project-based form finding and with a practical design example.
structural optimization course. For all these reasons, the lightweight gridshells show to
In project 2, the students found inspiration in existing be very effective project subjects to achieve the learning
projects and tried to design similar–and thus predefined– objectives, which can be summarized as follows:
shapes. In this way, the students learned to manipulate their
1. being able to carry out a global preliminary design pro-
own shape and direct the form finding process rather than
cess including form finding and structural optimization;
just evaluating the effect of varying input on the final shape
2. mastering physical and mathematical concepts (force
and picking the most “aesthetic” design (as in project 1).
densities, Pareto set and Pareto front, etc.);
From this experience, the suggestion for future courses is
3. getting an insight on the structural behavior of light-
to allow the students freedom in their creativity yet advise
weight structures, including the impact of actions (wind
them to fix one or more defined shapes before initiating
loads, live loads, etc.).
the form finding process, such that they learn to control the
numerical software and direct their design. The comparison In terms of resources, for two groups of three or four stu-
of their own design(s) with simple structural shapes proved dents, the projects required two professors and one teaching
to be highly valuable from an educational perspective as assistant, whose time in contact with the students was dis-
it enhanced their structural insight. The comparison with a tributed in 12 hours of lectures, and approximately 36 hours
flat roof taught them the different load-bearing behaviors of guidance and evaluation of the projects (these figures
of flat elements in bending versus curved structures under correspond quite well to the ECTS standards). With similar
membrane action. Comparison of their “free form” design teaching staff, we would recommend a maximum of five to
with a singly curved parabolic gridshell created a frame six groups of students.
of reference to evaluate the structural efficiency of their As mentioned in the introduction, a project-based course
own designs (i.e. funicular behavior under uniform load- taught at the University of Florida (UFL) (Haftka and
ing, improved performance of double curved shell under Jenkins 1998; Siorek and Haftka 1998) contains similari-
non-funicular loads as the wind load). ties and differences with our course which are interesting
After performing the form finding under a evenly dis- to discuss. Both approaches are based on theoretical lec-
tributed load (self-weight), the students also took the wind tures followed by projects, with three students per team, and
Author's personal copy
Form finding & structural optimization

are focused on design. However, these courses differ on the 3. favoring the link between shape and force, and more
following aspects: generally stressing on the physical interpretation of the
results obtained by form finding and structural opti-
– the main difference is probably the narrow link between
analytical design and experiments characterizing the
4. if within the teachers’ expertise, combining form
UFL course, while our course is only based on numeri-
finding and structural optimization methods into one
cal methods;
– the audience of the UFL course is open to undergrad-
uate students with limited or even no background in The main impediment to project-based learning is clearly
mechanics of materials, while our course requires pre- related to the time and resources necessary to supervise such
requisites in strength of materials and finite element courses, although the direct feedback from the students is
analysis; also a nice reward for the work done.
– there is no explicit competition involved in our course, As already mentioned earlier, future prospects will
contrarily to the UFL course; include a better integration of the form finding and structural
– there are individual homework problems and mid-term optimization parts. Moreover, if time and budget permit it,
exams in the UFL course (60 % of the total mark), real scale models or 3D printing would ideally complement
while at the ULB/VUB the assessment is only based the numerical design analysis.
on the projects through the team report and the oral
assessment. However, we test that all students have a
sufficient knowledge of the theoretical concepts. Each Acknowledgments Writing this paper has been largely motivated
of them is questioned individually during the oral eval- by the active participation of the students who followed the course in
2012-2013, namely: Amin Ben Ayad, Ikram Cherradi, Farhat Fazeli,
uation to verify his/her competences in the field. Anna Popova, Salma Saadi, Ana Sánchez Corujo, and Florentin
Serdenciuc. Their enthusiasm and energy in working on the projects
Despite the limited time devoted to the course, we would
have been highly appreciated.
like in the future to borrow the idea of making experi- Part of this paper was written during a visiting stay by the first
ments (for instance by building small-scale wooden models author at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
of the gridshells) coupled to the numerical design, in order (Princeton University), for which Prof. Sigrid Adriaenssens is deeply
to improve the understanding of the mechanical behavior of Finally, the authors are grateful to the Editor and Reviewers
lightweight structures. for their fruitful and interesting comments, as well as to James N.
As a final remark, the link with research is encouraged Richardson for his careful reading of the paper.
and promoted in two ways: first through the content of
the course itself (with constant references made during the
lectures and the project guiding sessions to state-of-the-art References
methods), and secondly by the type of reasoning and critical
thinking required from the students. Adriaenssens S, Devoldere S, Ney L, Strauven I (2010) Shaping
forces: Laurent Ney. A+Editions
Block P (2009) Thrust network analysis: exploring three-dimen
sional equilibrium, PhD thesis. Massachusetts Institute of
4 Conclusions and future prospects
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In this paper, project-based learning for form finding and optimization (MDO) in a reconfigurable interactive classroom. In:
structural optimization has been presented and illustrated 10th world congress on structural and multidisciplinary optimiza-
tion (WCSMO 10), Orlando, May 19-24
through a course taught to graduate students in civil and in Blondeau M et al (2009) Apprentissage par projet: réalisation
architectural engineering at the Brussels Faculty of Engi- d’une éolienne urbaine en matériaux de récupération. J3eA 8
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Brodeur DR, Young PW, Blair KB (2002) Problem-based learning
students (in terms of outputs and learning outcomes) has
in aerospace engineering education. In: Proceedings of the 2002
motivated us to share our experience in the field, by propos- american society for Engineering Education Annual Conference
ing guidelines for courses in structural optimization that can & Exposition, Montreal, June 19-23
be briefly summarized in four points: Cavazzuti M (2013) Optimization methods–from theory to design.
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg
1. proposing simple problem definitions, giving room for Christensen PW, Klarbring A (2009) An introduction to structural
optimization. Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Deb K, Pratap A, Agarwal S, Meyarivan T (2002) A fast and eli-
2. insisting on a proper understanding of the mathematical tist multiobjective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II. IEEE Trans Evol
formulation of the optimization problems; Comput 6(2):182–197
Author's personal copy
R. Filomeno Coelho et al.

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