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Dialogo de Ingles

Nombre: Juan Alberto Barrera Arias

C.C: 1126239076

Ms. Diana (D): Good morning! Welcome! My name is Diana Ramírez district manager of
Crezcamos financing company, please sit down.

Juan Alberto (J.A): good morning! Nice to meet you, Ms. Diana, my name is Juan Alberto Barrera.

D: How are you doing?

J.A: Very good, thank you.

D: let's start, tell me about yourself, who is Juan Alberto?

JA: ok I am a public accountant, a computer technician and I am currently studying for a market
management technologist at SENA, on the other hand, I have experience in the financial sector
since I worked for 10 years at BANGENTE Microfinance Bank, I also worked as a salesperson in
Commercial NUTRESA for 5 years, on the other hand I am responsible, I like to do my job well to
reach the assigned goals, I am efficient, effective and I am very detailed.

D: ok and what else should I know about you?

J.A: I am married, my wife is a nurse and we have two children, 8 and 12 years old.

D: Well Juan Albero I think all the information is fine. I tell you that we are looking for a credit

J.A: I understand, well I think I would be the one since I have the skills and experience for the

D: I find it interesting. And what other work experience do you have?

J.A: I worked as a seller of corporate mobile telephony plans at Movistar.

D: what strengths did that job leave you?

J.A: the strength of resilience.

D: good, good with what we have talked about, I already think I have the necessary information,
please give me your resume, and be attentive soon we will call you for the next stage of the
selection process.

J.A: Thank you for your time, I will be attentive to the call.

D: Ok, see you later

J.A: see you later

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