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Name: Ismail Arshad

Reg Number 1947172


Paper: Psychology

Marks obtained:

Date: 19-1-2021

Everything we do is related in some way or the other to the reward we get for doing that
particular behaviour or the punishment that we have to face for exibiting that particular
behaviour. If we show some behaviour and that in turns give a reward then we continue doing it.
If punishment is followed by a particular behaviour we stop doing that action. Therefor reward
and punishment plays a major role in controlling our behaviour.
The concept of reinforcement means to strengthen, and is used in psychology to refer anything
stimulus which strengthens or increase the chances of a specific response. Rewards and
punishments have a major role in behavior change strategies
For example, if you want your dog to sit on command, you may give him a meat every time he
sits for you. The dog will learn that when someone asked to sit then he will be going to give
meat. This meat is reinforcing because he likes it and will result in him sitting when instructed to
do so.
Reward and punishment play a very important role our daily life
For example, if I get 1st position in exam and in return received a reward then we continue
doing it. I like smoking and if I’m rewarded for smoking, I’m continue doing it but if I’m
punished for smoking, I doesn't tend to do smoking again. If a child gets something by hitting
another child and is not punished for it, the child yends to grow more aggressive. Hence,
rewarding increases the tendency to be aggressive and punishment decreases it. Modeling is
nothing but what you learn from others. Modeling increases aggressiveness. When a child looks
at parents fighting or being aggressive the child also tends to be aggressive. a person is likely to
aggress again if he is rewarded for being aggressive but if he is punished for violence, he doesn't
tend to be aggressive again
Spanking children used to be a common trend for parents. But recently, people have criticized it
as it is an example of modeling aggressive behavior. As the child grows up, it feels that there's
nothing wrong in spanking and tends to be more aggressive
Eye witness testimony has come under the light of doubt in the recent times. There have been a
number of accounts of eye witnesses, which have come up with errors. It has been demonstrated
in many of the cases, that the human memory is not a perfect account In Elizabeth Loftus's
study; talks about a man who is a restaurant manager (Titus) One-night Titus went for a
romantic meal with his fiancé. when he was arrested. The reason that he was arrested that his
physical appearance was similar to that of a man who had recently committed a rape. The victim
stands in front of him and talked to the police that he was real rapist the victim was look like him
and police arrested him. Although eyewitnesses can often be very confident that their memory is
accurate when identifying a suspect, the nature of human memory and visual perception
makes eyewitness testimony one of the most unreliable forms of evidence. Same with the case of
Titus that he was innocent.
Elizabeth Loftus shows us that how much eyewitness evidence is unreliable, and how our
memories can be changed by our later experiences.
It has been stated that jurors need to understand that eye witness testimonies might be leading to
misidentifications. Through eye witness testimonies, people might not only miss some of the
obvious details that have occurred in the scene, but they might be also able to recall things that
would not have occurred, these could also be referred to as false memories. When a person talks
to people around, they might have the potential to invade into the memory of the eye witness.
One of the most common reasons of incorrect convictions is misidentification by the eye
witnesses, if a lawyer has to evaluate the testimony of the eye witnesses, there should be proper
precautions taken, so as to ensure that the eyewitness would not have conversed with other
people before putting their testimony forward.



It is a step wise operation to complete a particular task or operation. These include calculations,
data processing, etc. For e.g., Algorithm can be written for processes for a particular industry to
complete operations for a particular process.

An algorithm is a set of well-defined instructions for carrying out a particular task. It must be
sound and complete. That mean it must give you the correct answer and it must works for all
cases. A heuristic is a technique that helps you look for an answer. Its results are subject to
chance because a heuristic tells you only how to look, not what to find. It doesn't tell you how to
get directly from point A to point B; it might not even know where point A and point B are
Heuristics: It is the practical method to solve or optimize a particular problem or find a
satisfactory solution. For e.g. A particular process, not operating with required efficiency can be
optimized by heuristic techniques or practical solutions.

If a problem is straight forwards and if followed a particular structure can be solved easily, then
the algorithm is good to go way. Otherwise, if a problem has some unstructured and exact paths
for arriving to the solution is not known, then heuristic will be the way to go.

"heuristic" allows a person to judge a situation on the basis of the examples of similar situations
that come to mind, allowing a person to extrapolate to the situation in which they find

For gaming, if you are playing a game with a computer. The computer will not work on a
algorithm. It will basically function on a heuristic approach which will ignore the bad moves in
the game, and also engage the player in gaining success at the game according to requirements.
So basically, it will analyze the requirements and come to a solution. So, in gaming, also simple
board games, heuristic approach is better.



Techniques for reducing stress:

Deep Breathing:

There are lots of techniques that we can use to try to calm down or relax when we are feeling
anxious or tense. One strategy is deep breathing. In this technique, you take long, slow, deep
breaths. These deep breaths, gently disengage the mind from distracting thoughts and sensations.
Breath focus can be helpful for people with eating disorders to help them focus on their bodies.
However, this technique may not be appropriate for respiratory ailments or heart disease patent.
This technique blends breath focusses with progressive muscle relaxation. After a few minutes of
deep breathing, focus on one part of the body or group of muscles at a time and mentally
releasing any physical tension feel there. Deep breathing can help boost your awareness of the
mind-body connection


Meditation is a mental exercise that results in both physical and mental welfare. Meditation
ensures a healthy feeling to an individual and helps to cope up with stress naturally

Meditation is known to be best ever and oldest among the technique to relieve stress from a
person’s mind. Mediation make person more positive and less reactive to stress. It soothes sense
of mind and reduces anxiety, stress and fear from mind. It increases concentration and master
positive energy into person. It reduces negative thoughts from mind and channel positives ones
People who meditate regularly their blood pressure goes down, it can reduce pressure on the
heart and arteries, helping prevent heart complications. Meditation helps in relaxing and minds
will be calm and composed. During meditation we try to focus and try to get away from
unnecessary ideas and we feel free our self from stress.


Yoga is world know technique that had helped many to recover from serious illness and different
mind related problems. It around 5000-year-old technique that helped people recover from stress,
depression, anxiety and many more problems. Yoga control breathing and heartbeat of person
also it controls blood pressure of a person efficiently. Every o1 or 2-hour session of yoga can
change the life of a person; they became very positive and lively than ever; it releases feel good
hormones into person body.

Progressive muscle relaxation:

This technique eases the muscles and make mind tens free. When you are in stress body muscles
get tight, tight muscles can also can cause stress in person. This technique involves relaxing
muscle group one by one and eases the stress in body.

Cognitive Restructuring

Cognitive restructuring is a useful technique for understanding unhappy feelings and moods, and
for challenging the sometimes-wrong "automatic beliefs" that can lie behind them. As such, you
can use it to reframe the unnecessary negative thinking that we all experience from time to time.

Bad moods are unpleasant, they can reduce the quality of your performance, and they undermine
your relationships with others. Cognitive restructuring helps you to change the negative or
distorted thinking that often lies behind these moods. As such, it helps you approach situations in
a more positive frame of mind. 

Stress is inevitable in everybody's life. There are major stressors like financial loss, loss of job,
break up in a relationship etc. There are minor stressors like every day hassles, traffic.
Sometimes, these minor stressors pile up to become a major one. It is absolutely necessary for
us, to recognize the stressors and take appropriate action. Stress affects our psychological and
physical wellbeing. There are many ways to handle stress. Exercise, meditation, yoga, breathing
exercise, reading a book, picking up a hobby, spending time with pet or children are few of the
strategies to manage stress. Though, stress has its own downside, a little amount of stress is okay.
It helps to keep us going on the job. However, excess of it is fatal. The techniques
aforementioned not only helps us to manage stress, but also has other benefits. It makes us calm
in the long run, helps in concentration, attention, decision making, increases strength, helps with
respiratory problems, gives greater immunity, good skin and health. As, Rome was not built in a
day, for one to see the effects of these strategies, it requires consistency, efforts, time and
dedication. One must allot some time daily, to practice either one of the techniques, which one
finds suitable

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