Mossi 3 THR The Presence of Career Politicians

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THR the Presence of “Career Politicians”


Thanks to Moderator

Honorable judges, Respect the audience, and everyone today.

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Good morning, the member of this house. First, let me introduce our team.

I am (Ihya Ulumuddin), the first speaker from the government team. Our second speaker
is (Nur Alfina Laili) and we are from Natural Science Education, Lambung Mangkurat
Univerisity. Next, I would like to give our motion today. Our motion This House Reject the
Presence of “Career Politicians”. Here, we are absolutely reject the presence of “Career
Politicians”. Why? Before I explain it in an argument, let's first find out what is the background
of this motion.

Background :

Ladies & Gentleman, Here we go to the background.

Being a politician means being a voice for the people, my friends. Because the job of politicians
is to carry out policies based on people's aspirations. We usually encounter politicians who
become government leaders or members of a division (province, city, district).

A politician's career begins with the nomination process in general elections and is elected by the
right to vote. Therefore, politicians are starting to be busy competing when there are general
elections at both the legislative and regional levels. So, for those of you who are interested in
becoming politicians, organizational experience can be a basic asset to start getting involved in
political parties.
Politicians have a career path related to an organization or political party where they join. A
career in a political party is the initial capital to be able to become a government leader or a
member of parliament as the pinnacle of a politician's career.

Politics embraced by the Republic of Indonesia is democracy, or rather the Republic of Indonesia
adheres to a democratic system. The election has passed, but among the many polling stations in
Indonesia, there are many cheatings that have occurred, starting from the wrong addition, unfair
re-election, etc. Politics that fight for injustice and are only concerned with themselves are so
ambitious they want to win, so they must win at any cost. How can this happen if in the election
there are terms of bribery or mere promises. So that is what happens, injustice in the General
Election will torment the people

The current poor condition of Indonesian politics is the main reason we decided to reject a
political career in Indonesia The current poor condition of Indonesian politics is considered by
Political Communications Expert, Tjipta Lesmana, to be a system error that has deep roots in

Limitation :

Ladies & Gentleman, lets going to the limitation of this motion.

From that background, we have discussed about the political situation in Indonesia. Therefore,
here I will limit today's motion to discuss only the political career in Indonesia.

Argumentation :

Ladies & Gentleman, Next, we going to argumentation.

Here I have a few argument to make sure that his house reject the presence of “career politician”.
(1) First, One system that occupies the top position will dictate the systems under it. (2) Second,
politics today has no more ethics in it. (3) Corruption by politicians is rampant. Here I will
explain our first argument, and the other 2 will brought in our second speaker section.

1. My first argument is “One system that occupies the top position will dictate the systems
under it”
What is that mean? The meaning of this argumentation is one system that occupies the top
position will dictate the systems under it so that currently it seems very difficult to improve
the political conditions in our country, Indonesia.
Reported from :
Political Communications Expert, Tjipta Lesmana said The lowest system of a country is
human behavior and the system is also damaged because the systems that are in charge of it
are not immediately repaired. He is judged that to be able to enter into the world of
Indonesian politics at this time requires a lot of funds and it is also a system error that has
already been in Indonesia.
Quoted from Puspol Indonesia, 2013 :
DPRD candidates at the regional level on average need funds between Rp. 100 million to
Rp. 500 million. At the central level, an average of Rp. 500 million - Rp. 1.5 billion.
Candidates for regional heads need funds of between Rp. 50-100 billion, for presidential
candidates they require funds of between 1 and 3 trillion rupiah.
This costly political system has encouraged rampant corrupt practices even to the heart of
power in the Republic, such as in the Century Bank Bailout case and the Hambalang
corruption case that overthrew the Democrat Party as the current ruling party.
2. Second, “politics today has no more ethics in it”
Reported by mahesa bismo in an observer forum system error is the cause of the poor
political conditions in Indonesia :
Benny Susetyo, an activist for the movement of free humans, said that today's politics has no
more ethics in it. The current politics only addresses personal interests, not the state and
society. This makes politics itself more of a transactional activity. Politics that exist today is
only a fairy tale in the mouths of society. Politics has developed into the funniest jokes for
most people today. In effect, the current political society is an object of commerce and
spectacle, not as a guide as we expected.
In line with Benny, Constitutional Law Expert, Irman Putra Sidin, said that this situation is
considered as the failure of political parties in Indonesia to produce statesmen. What is
happening now is that the winning political party straddles state institutions, so that many
interests will be born there
Irman predicts that if the political situation in Indonesia continues as it is today, it is not
impossible that the market will move on its own based on its logic. This will make the need
for the state unnecessary.
3. Third, “Corruption by politicians is rampant”
This third argument will be closely related to the first argument.
Reported from Republika.Co.Id :
The rampant corrupt practices that cost the state approximately hundreds of trillions of
rupiah per year also show that the weak political system prevents the proliferation of corrupt
practices. Even corruption thrives in political practice. More than 60 percent of the costly
election results of regional heads were involved in corruption cases.
A number of ministers have also been implicated in corruption. Hundreds of legislators have
also been implicated in corruption. The current political system is so costly that each
election costs approximately 50 trillion.
Supported by news from : Indonesia is in the 3rd most corrupt country in Asia.
The global corruption index monitoring agency, Transparency International, released a
report entitled 'Global Corruption Barometer-Asia' and Indonesia was ranked as the third
most corrupt country in Asia. India occupied the first position followed by Cambodia in
second place.

Conclusion :

Ladies & Gentleman, Last but not least let me conclude our speech today.

Based on the weakness of justice from the career of politicians in Indonesia that we have
previously described. So, from these three arguments and supported by strong facts here we are
absolutely reject the Presence of “Career Politicians” in Indonesia.

Thanks to Moderator

Honorable judges, Respect the audience, and everyone today.

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Good morning, the member of this house. First, let me introduce our team.

I am (Ihya Ulumuddin), the first speaker from the opposition team. Our second speaker is (Nur
Alfina Laili) and we are from Natural Science Education, Lambung Mangkurat Univerisity.
Next, I would like to give our motion today. Our motion This House Reject the Presence of
“Career Politicians”. Here, we are absolutely reject this negative motion. So we are at opposition
team is accept the Presence of “Career Politicians”. Why? Here I will explain it in our

Rebut :

I have a few of argumentation to convice that we are accept the presence of “career politicians”
but before that,

Ladies & Gentleman, let me rebut the argument from the government team. Here the government
team always talking about the weakness of justice from the career of politicians in Indonesia. I
absolutely agree with that statement, but I don’t agree if just because of that’s situation we reject
the politicians in Indonesia. Why? Because it is undeniable, my friends, politicians play an
important role in the life of a country. Without a political system a country cannot develop
properly. Next, we will discuss it more specifically in the argumentation section.

Argumentation :

Ladies & Gentleman, Next we going to the argumentation.

Here we have a few of argumentation to convince that we are accept the presence of “career
politicians” in Indonesia. (1) The importance of the political role in a country. (2) Don't remove
the bad political system, but fix the system into a good political system. (3) We have important
institutions and regulations that govern the course of improving the political system in Indonesia.
(4) The political system in Indonesia can be improved, this can be seen from the decreasing
number of corruption in Indonesia.

Here I will explain our first and second argument, and the other 2 will brought in our second
speaker section.

1. My first argument is “The importance of the political role in a country”

Like I said in my rebut, it is undeniable politicians play an important role in the life of a
country. Without a political system a country cannot develop properly.
Politicians have the following roles and responsibilities, that is :
i. Connect information from the people to the government and vice versa.
ii. Determine and carry out public policies aimed at the welfare of the people.
iii. Formulate and decide laws and laws in parliament (provincial, city and district)
member meetings.
iv. Solicit and articulate public policy priorities, civilian needs and problems identified by
members and supporters.
v. Disseminating and educating voters and citizens in the functioning of the political
system, elections and general political values in society.

Regarding this, it has also been regulated in the Indonesian Constitution Regulation

Law Number 2 of 2008 concerning Political Parties stipulates that "Political parties are
established and formed by at least 50 (fifty) citizens of the Republic of Indonesia who are
21 (twenty one) years old with a notary certificate"

Quoted from Constitutional Court Republic Of Indonesia (Mahkamah Konstitusi RI)

website :

Therefore, the enforcement of the political system is a process that must be carried out in
accordance with the applicable laws and regulations without forgetting our conscience as
humans. Law enforcement must also be carried out in good faith to build a society with a
legal culture.
The legal system adopted by the Indonesian State must cover five aspects, namely legal
development based on the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the vision of a
welfare state, humanitarian principles, affirmative action, and reflecting checks and
balances. "All of these foundations have also been listed in the 1945 Constitution, and in
our nation's ideology, namely Pancasila,

2. Second, “Don't remove the bad political system, but fix the system into a good political
The weakness of the existing political system does not require us to abolish the system, but
instead requires us to improve it into a strong political system.
What Should Be Improved From Our Political System?
The facts that have been provided by the government team prove the weak capabilities of
our political system should make us sad, especially if we keep making the same mistakes by
practicing the political system that has been running for almost 10 years and will even
continue to be used in the 2019 elections.
The facts above encourage us from the opposition team to join in finding a way out of this
debate so that our current political system must be improved. How and what should be
improved from our political system?
Reported from :
There are three possible patterns of improving our political system. The first pattern is to re-
use the political system based on the 1945 Constitution, such as before it was amended with
a few changes to the President's term of office, which is limited to only 2 terms of office.
This means that only a kind of addendum (additional clause that is separate but legally
attached) to article 7 of the 1945 Constitution. The addendum is as follows: "The President
and Vice President hold office for a period of five years, after which they can be re-elected
once again. length of service".
Thus, the term of office of the President is limited to only two terms. This is to avoid
absolutism of power. The rest is the same as the previous political system. The political
system in the previous period (Orla & Orba) was a political system that combined the
perspectives of modern political theory with typical Indonesian politics.
That is why there are two important concepts in our political structure, namely the concept
of musyawarah (typical Indonesian politics) which is structurally in the form of the MPR
(People's Consultative Assembly) and the concept of representation / representation (modern
politics) which is structurally in the form of DPR (People's Representative Council).
The existence of the MPR as the highest state institution can actually make the capability of
the political system measurable and directed because the MPR has the authority through
deliberation to formulate the State Policy Guidelines (GBHN) as the direction of
development, the MPR also elects the President and vice President, as well as the MPR as
the highest assembly. The state can impeach the President if the President violates the 1945
This first pattern is also believed to be able to minimize money politics during the
Presidential and Vice-Presidential elections because the elections are held in the MPR with
strict public observation and the current strong presence of the KPK. Is this first pattern
undemocratic? Of course it is democratic, because this first pattern continues to hold
elections to elect DPR members from political parties.
3. Third, “We have important institutions and regulations that govern the course of improving
the political system in Indonesia”.
We have the highest institution in our political system in Indonesia, namely the People's
Consultative Assembly (MPR). And we also have the highest regulations, namely Pancasila
and the 1945 constitution (UUD 1945).
Reported from :
Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) of the Republic of Indonesia
Bambang Soesatyo asked every official and political elite to be ready to resign if morally
their policies are proven to be against the law and the sense of justice in society.
The statement is in accordance with the mandate of the Decree of the People's Consultative
Assembly (TAP MPR) Number 6 of 2001 concerning Ethics of National Life which was
reaffirmed by Bamsoet, the nickname of Bambang Soesatyo, when opening the Second
National Conference on Ethics of National Life at the Parliament Complex Senayan, Jakarta,
Wednesday. He said "To every official and political elites to be honest, trustworthy, sporty,
ready to serve, big-spirited, exemplary, humble, and ready to resign from political office if
proven wrong, and morally their policies are against the law and the sense of public justice”.
He added that ethics is manifested through an attitude of manners in tolerant political
behavior, not pretending, not arrogant, far from hypocritical and does not commit public
lies, and is not manipulative and various other disgraceful actions.
Apart from that, the TAP MPR RI also emphasized the ethics of fair law enforcement.
Bamsoet said that ethics requires fair enforcement of the law, equal treatment and non-
discrimination against every citizen before the law.
"And avoiding the wrong use of the law as a tool of power and other forms of legal
manipulation," said Bamsoet.
Also attending the event were Deputy Chairmen of the Indonesian People's Consultative
Assembly, including Hidayat Nur Wahid, Ahmad Basarah, Lestari Moerdijat, and Zulkifli
Hasan who participated in online activities. Apart from Bamsoet, there were physically
Deputy Chairmen of the MPR RI Jazilul Fawaid and Asrul Sani, MPR RI Secretary General
Maruf Cahyono, Chairman of the Judicial Commission Jaja Ahmad Jayus, Chairman of the
Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) Muhammad, members of the DPD RI
Prof. Jimly Asshiddiqie.
Well, because we already have basic guidelines in the political system and there are
institutions that regulate them. Therefore, it is impossible for us to abolish the existing
political system. And there is a big chance for us to improve the existing system.
4. Fourth, “The political system in Indonesia can be improved, this can be seen from the
decreasing number of corruption in Indonesia”.
When the government team talking about the high rate of corruption in Indonesia. Do you
guys from the government team actually know that the corruption rate in Indonesia has
started to decreased?
Reported from :
Transparency International Indonesia (TII) released Indonesia's corruption perception index
(CPI) data in 2020.
TII Research Department Manager Wawan Suyatmiko said the corruption perception index
score in Indonesia had decreased by 3 points compared to 2019. If in 2019, the corruption
perception index was at number 40 with rank 85, now Indonesia is ranked 102 with the
perception index number 37.
This corruption perception index refers to 9 surveys and expert assessments to measure
corruption in 180 countries and territories. The CPI assessment is based on a score of 0 for
very corrupt and a score of 100 as very good.
Wawan then explained that there were a number of data sources that caused the decline in
the corruption perception index number in Indonesia in 2020.
"First, there is an international country risk guide which we have dropped 8 points from
2019-2020 from 58 to 50," he said.
Then, the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook Indonesia also experienced a decrease of 5
points from 48 to 43. Furthermore, the Global Insight Country Risk Ratings fell from 47 to
35; Varieties of Democracy Projects decreased from 26 to 28; and the PERC Asia Risk
Guide fell from 32 to 35.
From this news, it can be seen my friends that the political system in Indonesia can still be
improved. Because of that, here we are decided not to abolish “political career” in Indonesia.

Conclusion :

Ladies & Gentleman, Last but not least let me conclude our speech today.

Based on the importance of the political role for a country that we have previously described and
from the fact we know that the political system in Indonesia can still be improved. So, from these
4 arguments and supported by strong facts here we are absolutely accept the Presence of “Career
Politicians” in Indonesia.

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