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Hernandez, Vincent Jaed C.

CVET 2201

All About Me
(Childhood Experience, Friends, Interest and etc.)

Childhood is the most fun and memorable time in anyone’s life. It’s the first stage of
life which we enjoy in whatever way we like. Besides, this is the time that shapes up the future.
The parents love and care for their children and the children to the same too. The first eight years
of my life was the best. I lived with my mother, father and younger sister in my Grandfather's
home. It was magical, I grow up loving singing because my family’s loves to sing. Every season
of the year is worth remembering. Every summer my family planed an outing for a great family
reunions, a vacation full of kisses, hugs, games, delicious food and stuff. I remember learning
how to swim because my grandfather strictly teach me how to swim. He throw me to the water
and doesn’t save me unless I learn how to swim. A traumatic and happiest moment of my life.
During my childhood, I was carefree and had no worries at all. I used to wander like
a deer in the open fields, enjoying the natural beauty of the environment. Being a carefree child,
I didn’t care all about my school stuff when I was a child. I just want to wonder and wonder. I
remember faking my exam score because my mother always scold because I always failing my
exam. So I learn how to fake it. What a mischievous child I am. When I was a child I am a family
oriented person, I don’t usually hangout with my classmates because I don’t have a school
friends they often bully me because I’m not tall, they often call me ‘teeth of the shark' because I
have a crooked teeth. I only have a home friends but they have a school friends so we don’t
hangout that much. So I spent my early childhood with my father, mother and my sister.
During middle childhood, we all dream of what we want to become when we grow
up, or what we want to do in the future. I remember my childhood dreams far too well, and back
then if somebody asked me what my dreams were, I'd always answered them that I wanted to
become a Computer Engineer. It's always been my dreams. As a young age I've become aware
what's gadgets did to my system. I'd always wanted to engineered computer.
Looking back when I was grade 4, I remember I'd ask my Dad to buy me a finger
flashlight, my friends have that and I want one too. It is a small coloured flashlight that used to
wear on your finger. I want that because my friends tie that ring on their toy gun to be able to
see their enemies at night. We used to play toy gun at night that why we really want that finger
flashlight. But then my Dad doesn't want to buy unnecessary things. Some kids might throw
tantrums if they don't get what they want but I'm different. I thought of a way, I saw my father's
lighter it has a small flashlight at the edge so I use that as my gun laser then my father lose his
lighter. His fault cause he don't buy me one. Funny how that little act really means a lot to me. I
grew up not always getting what I wanted. That's why I make a way to somehow get what I
I am not your typical first son that been spoiled because he is a first son. My parents
taught me how to handle money at the young age. I vividly remember what their motto is “Don’t
teach your child how to earn money, teach your child how to spend money” looking back I don’t
really understood what’s the meaning of their motto but today I realise it’s a great motto. If you
teach your child how to earn money, your child will not learn how to use his earned money, he
ended spend his money in unnecessary things. But if you teach your child how to spend his
money to necessary thing he will value every penny. He can even save money. Earning money
is something we can learn when we grow u not as a child. Maybe I’m not in the position to say
they because I have privilege. But I thanks my parents because they made me like this.
When I was a child I would feel sad about the fact that I would not be able to live my
dreams until I was grown up. Of course, that did not stop me. All I had to do was close my eyes
and imagine that my dreams had come true. I knew I was far from accomplishing my dreams by
a long shot, but being able to picture myself living a whole new dream every day simply by
closing my eyes brought a smile on my face. Day dreaming, or rather making my dreams come
true, even if it was just in my imagination, made me feel happy when I was sad. It gave me a
unique sensation of happiness that I never felt before. In this whole new world, I was able to
imagine myself accomplishing my dreams one by one, and it allowed me to escape reality even
up to now. I've always been a dreamer.
One thing that reality has taught me is that in this world you must work hard if you
want your dreams to become reality. It certainly is not as simple and easy as my childhood
dream world, but I do not intend on giving up on my dreams. One way or the other, I will keep
trying until some of my dreams come true. Perhaps, I may never be able to fly since gravity will
probably never let me, but surely I can still dream of becoming an Computer Engineer.
Hernandez, Vincent Jaed C.
CVET 2201

Balancing The Two Sides of Me

(Strengths and Weaknesses)

I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize our own
strengths and weaknesses can help us become better individuals in anything we choose to do,
whether it is positive abilities and skills that can help achieve our goals or negative personal
areas that need improvement. Knowing yourself and what you can do, can help you recognize
and overcome your weaknesses. Reviewing one’s strengths and weaknesses is something that
I feel like is a necessary evil throughout one’s lifetime. Yet it’s not something that I feel comes
easily to many people. To take a good hard look at yourself and decide what you’re good at and
what you’re not can be difficult.
No person on earth is perfect. If this were true, then the world would be a very
boring place. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. When I analyse myself as a
student, I find that I have more strengths than weaknesses. However I know that letting my
weaknesses take control make me a bad student. As a student I have many good qualities. I am
a good student when I am focused and make good use of my time. Overcoming my
weaknesses make me a better student.
I believe my greatest strength is that I am a quick and initiative learner. I learn
quickly and like to take on new things. I believe that learning is the key to improvement, so
learning is a very important skill in life. I enjoy learning new things and challenging myself. Most
of the times, when I am trying something new, because of my determination to make it good on
the first try, I learn quickly and make a good work and on the things I try. For example,
whenever I am playing a new game, I would make a good score on the first few tries, and my
friends would always yell out “lucky!”. Another one of my personal strengths in communication is
that I can talk to just about anyone. I enjoy talking with people. In communication, my strength
would be that I have the ability to listen as well as respond. I enjoy having conversation with
people of different cultures, because it gives me a chance to learn more about their lifestyle. I
have learned to communicate well with people, because I am an outgoing person. I
communicate better one on one. I have a weakness with communication when it comes to
having to speak to a large group of people. I become very nervous, and will sometimes forget
what I wanted to say.
My weakness in communication is also when I have to speak in front of the class,
or in front of a very large group of people I become nervous, because my weakness of thinking
that they are more focused on me than on the information that I will be presenting. I work at that
weakness by having the personal strength to try to make the presentation enjoyable so that the
focus will not be so much on the speaker but the information be presented to the group. I have
learned to distinguish my strengths as a student. The most important thing is that I have a
desire to improve with my studies. Also, I am very smart and have determination to reach my
goals. The biggest example is the accomplishment of my dream of attending college. Another
thing is that I acknowledge my mistakes and am willing to seek for help and change. To my
advantage, I have found good sources of help in my parents and teachers. Besides these
qualities of a good student, I also have enough time to study and also perform very good in
several classes.
When analysing myself, I realise that I have more strengths than weaknesses. My
weaknesses make me a bad student. My biggest weakness is time management. Although I do
not work, I waste a lot of time at my house. I tend to spend a lot of time on my friends, Phone,
listening to music or watching Anime. This causes me to loose lots of time and not do my school
work. Another weaknesses is sometimes I talk too much in class. It’s a big issue because I pay
less attention and am never focused. Sometimes I feel bad, but I try to talk less in class.
For me to become a better student, I need to change. I need to build on my
strengths to overcome my weaknesses. I’m determined to change and am working towards that

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