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Benjamin Sampson

Mrs. Jackie Burr, Instructor

English 2010, Section 1

10 May 2021

“My Growth as a Writer”

Throughout the year my writing became solidified and refined. During the beginning, my

writing skills didn’t consist of the discrete details that really compose the work. This past year

taught me the art of writing, rather than the science; with much more speciality and creativity in

the former than the latter. This approach defined my communication abilities and shaped my

process of writing. My minor impurities and mistakes were identified and corrected. The

formalities and necessary skills for future opportunities were conveyed to me, and I absorbed


Representing this growth was my observational essay, “Dropped Into a Bowl”, from

English 1010. This immersive essay opened new possibilities in different methods and ways to

write. With this experience I was able to filtrate what was needed and disregard the unworking. I

noticed details that usually are hidden, with which I analysed and conveyed formatively: “Bright

colors on the walls shine through my eyes to the back of my skull, tricking my subconscious into

a state of euphoria”. Directions that could be taken by explaining or story-telling compelled me

to fixate on new approaches and conclusions. Enhancing my writing was the process in which I

found, which led to key opportunities: “Breaking the borderline of common everyday

restaurants, this place innovated to a fantasy-like reverie”. This out-of-the-ordinary style released
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opposition of boundaries, which thereafter I was able to zero in on imperfections and decisively

organize the work.

Further introducing myself to the art of writing was another English 1010 essay entitled,

“How Do Screens Affect Our Brains and Is The Technology Damaging Our Health?”. The work

composed an array of defining concepts to me, conversely more professionally applicable and

formal than the last. All the while, as the boundaries of writing became enclosed, creativity

became structurally core. This allowed me to analyze data, take in the information provided, and

form a stronger thesis backed with sufficient evidence. I believe this project really began to form

processes and institutional learning experiences that I was able to utilize throughout the year. It

allowed me to focus on the problem and focus on what’s important, rather than displaying only

writing skills: “The real world problem facing us today is not the ever-evolving screen

technology but its capabilities to detrimentally decrease health and wellness”. Combining these

elements drove my connection between writing and understanding.

Contrasting prior examples was my English 2010 Open Letter entitled, “Education in

Crisis”. Entangling personal characteristics and former writing practices I acquired from 1010,

this essay became a melting pot of creativity with detailed formality. Communication skills

became foundational, eccesce of the craft became clear by executing this clearly and effectively.

Along with this, utilizing the multiple different subjects allowed me to understand the collective

reasoning and unbiased control of determining flow, length, structure, and readership: “These

unprecedented measures became a prominent factor pertaining to educational standards and the

forethought for uncertainty to long-term implications”. I found the ability to relay my conceived

notions in a manner of rhetoric and persuasion.

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Thorough development of writing foundationally structured myself as a writer this past

year. Reflecting on the rigorous coursework and accuracy of material substantially improved my

abilities. Looking back, the confidence gained through each work compounded to form my own

techniques and practices. The various assignments helped me alternate to collectively build

in-depth sentences, unfailingly strong theses, and reliable evidence to work with. Ways of

thinking and reading processes were core throughout the entirety of learning; unaware of the

impact, I discovered that the models planted the seeds of exceptional writing characteristics in

myself. On top of all of this, I really enjoyed the experience of the classes and learning

exceptional writing habits which I can use for future endeavors.

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