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Abbie Kate Sullivan

Northern Oklahoma College
615 N. Monroe
Stillwater, OK, 74074

Good Afternoon!

It is with great appreciation that you have found interest in my website. I hope accessing
and navigating was simple yet etiquettely designed. The following portfolio can only be
described as an assortment of different writing collectives that I feel I put my best efforts
towards. The purpose of each artifact is hopefully to portray the diversity of writing styles that
were acquired and put forth throughout the last 2 years. Proud would be an understatement when
it comes to words to describe these four pieces. The hard work and dedication that was put
behind every sentence, paragraph, paper after paper, and essay is truly visible and I have high
hopes you will see that. As I reflect on the evolution of my writing skills, each piece shows a
reflection of my journey of growth and exploration. It is my sincere hope that as you browse
throughout these writings, you not only witness the proficiency displayed but also feel the
passion that fuels each composition.
The first artifact, American First Party System, focuses on the formation of the Federalist
and Anti-Federalist political parties during the early years of the United States. This piece stems
from a desire to present a comprehensive narrative that spans crucial historical events, conflicts,
and the impact of these dynamics on a young, new nation. The submission begins with a
historical overview of the constitutional drafting process, portraying the challenges faced by the
founding fathers and the Federalist and Anti-Federalist debates. The collective progresses further
with the discussion of the early presidencies of Jefferson and Madison, exploring significant
events like the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis & Clarke Expedition, and the War of 1812. The
next portfolio submission is a persuasive letter advocating for the support of no-kill animal
shelters addressing Representative Trish Ranson. The letter presents the issue upfront; the
euthanasia of animals in shelters, particularly those deemed healthy and adoptable. It also
incorporates data from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA),
highlighting the statistics of euthanization in the United States and the positive impact of no-kill
policies. Finally, the letter proposes solutions for advancing the cause, such as increasing public
awareness, promoting educational campaigns, and collaborating with local vet clinics to provide
affordable neuter/spay services.
The third artifact, Texas Climate Change, is a research-based exploration of climate
change in Texas, focusing on the public's opinions gathered from surveys and the writer's
personal reflections. It transitions to the results of Yale's surveys and presents a personal
perspective as a long-term resident of Texas, sharing observations about the state's climate and
weather patterns. It then concludes with a personal reflection on the surprising information
discovered during the research and an interest in learning more. The final submission, Momma

Always Said, is an essay that expresses a deep appreciation for the movie "Forrest Gump '' and its
long-term impact on audiences. The essay gives a reflection on the comforting nature of mothers
and the universal need for stability in life. The essay further explores the movie's appeal to
diverse audiences, emphasizing its humor, visual effects, and interesting script style. It concludes
with a discussion on the film's ability to deliver multiple messages, the personal takeaways, and
the timeless quotes that have become a part of popular culture.
My journey within the writing realm has been shaped by various influences, experiences,
and the continuous pursuit of knowledge. Early exposure to various writing types and continuous
encouragement to explore different forms of written expression played vital roles in shaping my
literacy skills. Encountering complex prompts enhanced my comprehension but also broadened
my critical thinking abilities. Navigating through online articles, libraries, and diverse content
introduced me to a variety of writing styles and global perspectives. Also, reading extensively
allowed me to equip different writing techniques and strategies. Receiving constructive criticism
and refining my work was detrimental in my growth as a writer. Incorporating feedback and
continuously challenging myself to explore new genres and formats fueled my growth.
In the beginning I would immediately start writing without any extensive planning. Ideas
would flow but the lack of structure sometimes led to disorganized paragraphs. I also limited
myself on the broad horizon of research, especially in creative writing. Research was more
prominent to me in academic settings. More so due to the fact everything is digitally based now,
I fear writing the essay is a one-time deal with often little to no revisions. Editing was seen as a
chore, and I often underestimated its importance. As I engaged more deeply into becoming more
of a professional writer, my approach became more intentional, systematic, and focused on
improvement. If I were to assemble a physical writing toolbox I would include; a journal for
jotting notes, a dictionary/thesauruses for accurate and varied language use, and maybe a curated
playlist to set the mood for different writing projects. For a digital toolbox, mentors who can
provide constructive feedback and access to reliable online databases for in-depth research.
Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses I feel is the first step in becoming a good
writer. Being aware of the balance you possess within a workspace is important depending on the
variants or pieces you write. I have thoroughly collected a few of my own personal strengths and
weaknesses I already withhold within my writing. I accept feedback from peers, professors, and
writing groups. This openness to constructive criticism has been crucial for identifying areas for
improvement. I feel I write with a very extensive vocabulary. Although it may be a tad
overwhelming, I’d rather someone read with a professional tone than lazy so I will continue to
use the best alternative vocabulary words to my ability. Procrastination has been a recurring
challenge, especially with large essays as such. While I've improved in this area a little, there's
room for continued growth in managing deadlines. At times, I find myself over editing and
seeking perfection in initial drafts. This often slows down my writing process and restricts my
creativity. Just because I am aware doesn't mean I'm not a work in progress. I'm going to attempt
to improve by establishing actual, achievable writing goals and breaking down larger projects
into manageable tasks to help overcome procrastinating. Also, I will continue exploring new
genres and writing styles to push the boundaries of my comfort zone and enhance originality.
With plenty of time left for growth, development & improvement, I've taken the time to
gather my thoughts on the past to make a plan for the future. Whether it's completing an essay,
publishing artifacts, or improving a specific set of writing skills, having clear objectives will
guide your next steps. Up next, I plan to reflect on past writing experiences. What worked well,

and what could be improved? I feel that this portfolio opportunity is actually a showcase to me
on how to improve. Using insight from past projects could be beneficial for future decisions. I
also plan to explore new writing genres. Trying different styles can strengthen your skills and
offer fresh perspectives. I feel as if nobody ever talks about the challenges the majority of young
writers experience. We are given a guide, follow it, then receive feedback and try again. I've
never had someone give me comfort in knowing they have the same writing issues as me. To
address these specific issues for audience readers reading; If procrastination is a challenge for
you like it was for me, develop strategies to manage time effectively. Set realistic deadlines,
break down tasks, and use tools to stay on track. At this specific age range and time, it's crucial
to stay focused and remain punctual with the efficiency of your skills. To overcome
perfectionism, it involves finding a balance between refining your work and allowing creativity
to flow. Perfection isn't possible. At 20 years old, bubble buster, I'm not writing the perfect paper.
Stop stressing that you are not the author of the bible, it will never be perfect. There is always
room for lessons. Futuristically speaking, I would like to venture out of my comfort zone and
invest my time in creating a digital presence. This includes not only maintaining a blog such as
this one, but as well as engaging on social media, and possibly creating a website. The future of
writing may involve multimedia, and adapting to these changes can be valuable. With the
persistent change in writing topics and added writing enhancement tools, I feel I'll always have
someone more knowledgeable to prepare me when necessary.
In reflecting on my development as a writer, I've recognized strengths in adapting to
various writing styles, a deepening understanding of audience engagement, and an appreciation
for storytelling. This weebly project has been an eye-opening experience into resurfacing my
writing history and evaluating it. It was a way for me to notice the difference within the time
ranges they were written and further evaluate for improvements I could make with the skills I
have now. I acknowledge my writing journey marked by growth, challenges, and evolving
perspectives through this letter. I extend my sincere gratitude to Mrs. Tamera Davis for
dedicating time to review my materials. Her guidance has been instrumental in shaping my
understanding of both my strengths and areas for improvement. I am enthusiastic about
implementing her feedback into my writing practice and am committed to harnessing every
opportunity for growth that comes my way. I eagerly await the journey that lies ahead, locked
and loaded with the knowledge gained from this reflective experience. I welcome any further
comments, questions, or concerns into specific aspects of my writing journey and to explore
additional opportunities for growth.

Thank you once again for your time and guidance. I look forward to continuing this
enlightening journey to discover what kind of writer i will be,


Abbie Kate Sullivan


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