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Makalenin adı:Molecular mechanisms that confer antibacterial drug resistance(aptamer


Fikirler:DNa mutasyonu belirleyebilir miyiz?????

Antibiyotik direncini belirleyebilir miyiz????

Makalenin Özeti: antibiyotikler hakkında genel bilgilerle giriş yapılmış. Daha sonrasında ab lerin
etki mekanizmalarına değinilmiş.Direnç mekanizmaları da anlatılmış. Yeni ab geliştirilmesi için
düşünülen yeni stratejileri anlatmış(m.o larda yeni hedefler belirlemek gibi)

****In conclusion, the increased molecular knowledge about essential bacterial genes and the ability
to screen such candidate targets with libraries of new synthetic and natural products to find hits that
can be subjected to iterative cycles of improvement of structure and func- tion indicate that new
antibacterial agents against non-traditional bacterial targets may be forthcoming. But new antibiotics
by themselves will not alter the kinetics of the cycles of resistance development. Indeed, wider and
more indiscriminate use could actually shorten the cycle time unless behaviour changes, which are
difficult but not impossible to achieve, occur with regard to valuing antibiotics as precious and finite

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