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1. Do the Quiz „ How green are you?”

> File is on Moodle. Do it online (You don’t have to print it out.)
and read the answer to find out how “green” you actually are.
The results are at the bottom of the quiz-sheet.

2. Useful phrases to talk about the topic.

Here are some activities we should or should not do to save the environment. I hope you
understand them.


We can ...
save water > to shower (to have a shower) & not to bathe (to have a bath); this way you
use less water.
> to close the tap (Wasserhahn) while brushing one’s teeth
> in summer: water the flowers in the morning not at midday when it is hot

recycle > to separate waste: paper, plastic, organic waste (=Biomüll), metal
(tin/can – Dose)
> to put glass into a bottle bank (= Container für Glas)
> to put waste in special recycling bins

go on foot = to walk & not to drive short distances.

go by bus / by bike = to take public transport > cars pollute (verschmutzen) the air

stop dropping litter

use cloth bags (Stofftaschen)

reuse (wiederverwenden) & repair > give old things to a charity, so other children can use
them again
> repair things to use them again, don’t buy new ones

buy locally produced food/products = to buy local products > Then your product does not
travel long distances > less
pollution (Verschmutzung).

reduce energy > turn off electronic devices (not leave them on stand-by)
> turn off the lights when you leave the room

3.  Watch the video The video might be a bit childish, but it’s good to listen to a native
speaker talk about this topic. Just watch and listen! Enjoy!

4.  Write a comment of min. 100 words. If it’s more, that’s okay.

Do you think it is important to save the environment? What do YOU/YOUR FAMILY do and what
COULD you do to save the environment?

Mention 1 main idea (e.g.: saving water) and then give examples or explain what you do.

Write your comment in a separate document and send me a WORD-FlLE. Thank you!
 If possible, name your file like this: 2303_”your name”_environment_comment

Good luck!

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