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Today, the world in general is living a fact that had never been thought before: a pandemic caused by the

covid-19 disease that was first generated in China in late 2019. Thanks to this event, countries have taken

different decisions in order to protect their citizens, most have opted for total or partial quarantines.

In Colombia, the country has been in quarantine since March 20, and according to President IVAN

DUQUE MARQUEZ, the quarantine is until August 1. Because of this, people have had to think about

how to maintain a normal life. Teleworking companies, colleges and universities with remote classes,

among others. I will focus on education and the use of technologies.

Thanks to the information and communication technologies (ICT) that are defined as: “they are all those

tools and programs that treat, manage, transmit and share information through technological supports. IT,

Internet and telecommunications are the most widespread ICT, although their growth and evolution are

causing more and more models to emerge ” (NACIONAL, 2013). Students have actually been kept.

Education must adjust and respond to the changing needs of society. Training in formal contexts cannot

be separated from the use of ICTs, which are becoming increasingly affordable for students. "The (ICT),

are transforming education significantly, has changed both the way of teaching and the way of learning

and of course the role of the teacher and the student" (EMAGISTER, 2019)

As these are useful and everyday tools, it has advantages and disadvantages. “Some of the advantages of

using ICTs at school are:

 MOTIVATION. The student is more motivated using ICT tools, as this allows learning in a more

attractive, fun way, etc.

 INTEREST. The resources of animations, videos, audio, graphics, texts and interactive exercises

that reinforce the multimedia understanding present on the Internet increase the interest of

students by complementing the offer of traditional content.

 INTERACTION: The student can interact, can communicate or can exchange experiences with

other classmates, from the Center or from other educational centers, greatly enriching their

learning. Studies reveal that interactivity favors a more dynamic and didactic teaching and

learning process.

 COOPERATION. ICTs enable the process of carrying out experiences, work or projects in

common. And not only among the students, but also in collaboration with the teacher

 INITIATIVE AND CREATIVITY. The development of the student's initiative, the development

of his imagination and learning for himself.

 AUTONOMY. With the advent of ICTs and the help of the Internet, the student has an infinite

number of channels and a large amount of information, which can promote student autonomy

when looking for information, learning to select it, etc” (EMAGISTER, 2019).


“However, like most teaching methods or dynamics that are in the process of testing and implementation,

the lack of knowledge of the proper use of ICT can have a number of drawbacks. To be able to avoid

them in time and correct them, it will be necessary for both the teaching staff and the students to receive

special training that will serve as a guide for their conduct when using ICT ” (SALVADOR)

Some of these drawbacks include:

• Distraction.

• Development of addictions to new technologies.

• Non-specific or reliable information.

• Dependence on classmates or teachers.

• Social isolation.

• Physical or visual problems.

• Intrusion into privacy

Even with all the good or bad that this tool has, it is important to highlight that thanks to it the world is

connected and has not stopped working, it has also contributed to the development of societies.
EMAGISTER. (2019). EMAGISTER. Obtenido de

NACIONAL, B. M. (24 de ABRIL de 2013). BMN. Obtenido de BMN:


SALVADOR, I. R. (s.f.). PSICOLOGIA Y MENTE. Obtenido de

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