Towards A Framework For Tourism Disaster Management

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Tourism Management 22 (2001) 135}147

Towards a framework for tourism disaster management

Bill Faulkner*
Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management Research, School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Grizth University, PMB 50 Gold Coast Mail Centre,
QLD 9726, Australia
Received 13 July 1999; accepted 1 February 2000


Tourism destinations in every corner of the globe face the virtual certainty of experiencing a disaster of one form or another at some
point in their history. Despite this, few destinations have properly developed disaster management plans in place to help them cope
with such eventualities. Among the reasons for this is the limited amount of systematic research that has been carried out in the "eld.
This paper addresses this problem by drawing on insights from the broader disaster management literature to produce a generic
model for analysing and developing tourism disaster management strategies. A set of prerequisites and principles of e!ective tourism
disaster management planning is also provided.  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Disasters; Crises; Hazards; Risk; Tourism disaster management plans; Chaos; Recovery

1. Introduction into areas which have increased exposure to hazards, or

these activities have actually been instrumental in induc-
To the casual observer exposed to the plethora of ing hazards.
media that currently inform our daily lives, it appears In observing that our environment appears to have
that we live in an increasingly disaster prone world. This become increasingly &turbulent and crisis prone', Richar-
perception has some foundations, at least to the extent dson (1994) has suggested this might be so not only
that the number of disasters (de"ned in terms of declar- because we have become a more crowded world, but also
ations of disaster areas, economic value of losses and the because we now have more powerful technology that has
number of victims) has, in fact, increased in recent dec- the capacity to generate disasters. As the spectre of the
ades (Blaikie, Cannon, Davis & Wisner, 1994). However, Millenium Bug illustrates, for instance, computer failures
the same authors point out that the incidence of natural can bring major computer-driven systems to a standstill
hazard events (earthquakes, eruptions, #oods or cyc- instantaneously. The complexity of technology-based
lones) has not increased, while others have suggested that systems means that they are more prone to the &butter#y
the de"nition of disasters has become too #uid for statist- e!ect' described by Edward Lorenz (1993) and presented
ical time series purposes (Horlick-Jones, Fortune as one of a centrepieces of chaos theory (Gleick, 1987).
& Peters, 1991). Notwithstanding statistical uncertain- Small changes or failures in the system can precipitate
ties, there is a body of opinion which has attributed the major displacement through mutually reinforcing posit-
apparent increase in the human toll of disasters to a com- ive feed back processes. Mitro! (1988) has alluded to this
bination of population growth, increased urbanisation in his reference to the role of the interaction between
and global economic pressures. (Blaikie et al., 1994; information technology and economic systems in
Berke, 1998; Brammer, 1990; Burton, Kates & White, creating wild swings in the "nancial system. The role of
1978; Donohue, 1982; Hartmann & Standing, 1989) In technology in exposing humankind to &natural' disasters
particular, it is suggested that these factors have either is succinctly described in the following remarks by
resulted in human settlement and activity being extended Burton et al. (1978, pp. 1}2):

&In a time of extraordinary human e!ort to control

* Tel.: #61-7-5594-8732; fax: #61-7-5594-8507. the natural world, the global toll from extreme events
E-mail address: (B. Faulkner). of nature is increasing2 It may well be that the ways

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136 B. Faulkner / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 135}147

in which mankind deploys its resources and techno- 2. The nature of disasters and crises
logy in attempts to cope with extreme events of
nature are inducing greater rather than less damage Much early management theory assumed relative stab-
and that the process of rapid social change work ility in both internal and external environments of organ-
in their own way to place more people at risk and isations and, therefore, did not provide a "rm foundation
make them more vulnerable. &2' To sum up, the for coping with change and crises (Booth, 1993). If the
global toll of natural disaster rises at least as fast as the implications of change were considered at all, this was
increase in population and material wealth, and prob- viewed in terms of the challenge of coping with gradual
ably faster.' (relatively predictable) change, rather than sudden cha-
nges which might test the organisation's ability to cope.
Whether the incidence of disasters is increasing, or it is Such situations might be described as crises or disasters,
simply a matter of each disaster having more devastating depending on the distinctions referred to below. Given
e!ects, as the above summary suggests, it is apparent we the speci"c focus of this paper on tourism sector adjust-
live in an increasingly complex world and this has con- ments to disasters at the destination level, it should be
tributed to making us more crisis or disaster prone borne in mind that references to &organisations' in this
(Richardson, 1994). Complexity, in this context, refers to section apply equally to destinations and host communities.
an intricacy and coherence of natural and human sys- One perspective on the nature of crises is provided by
tems, which complicates the process of isolating cause Selbst (1978), who refers to a crisis as `Any action or
and e!ect relationships in the manner so often assumed failure to act that interferes with an (organisation's) on-
as being possible in traditional research. For this reason, going functions, the acceptable attainment of its objec-
the boundaries between natural disasters and those tives, its viability or survival, or that has a detrimental
induced by human action are becoming increasingly personal e!ect as perceived by the majority of its em-
blurred, and this element of disaster situations needs to ployees, clients or constituentsa. There are two dimen-
be taken into account in any analysis of such phenomena sions of the crisis situation emphasised in this de"nition,
(Capra, 1996; Waldrop, 1992). As an area of human which shed light on the distinction between crises and
activity, tourism is no less prone to disasters than any disasters, and the rami"cations of these two situations
other. Indeed, it has been suggested that the increased with regard to the responses of organisations and com-
volume of global tourism activity has combined with the munities. Firstly, by referring to &any action or failure to
attractiveness of high-risk exotic destinations to expose act', Selbst implies that the event in question is in some
tourists to greater levels of risk (Drabek, 1995; Murphy way attributable to the organisation itself. Secondly, it is
& Bayley, 1989). Despite this, relatively little systematic implied that the event must have detrimental or negative
research has been carried out on disaster phenomena in e!ects on the organisation as a whole, or individuals
tourism, the impacts of such events on the tourism indus- within it.
try and the responses of industry and relevant govern- Selbst's de"nition of crises seems to exclude situations
ment agencies to cope with these impacts. Such research where the survival of an organisation or community is
is an essential foundation for assisting the tourism indus- placed in jeopardy because of events over which those
try and relevant government agencies to learn from past involved have little or no control. For example, tor-
experiences, and develop strategies for avoiding and nadoes, #oods and earthquakes can hardly be regarded
coping with similar events in the future. as self-induced, although communities in vulnerable
One of the reasons so little progress has been made in areas can take steps to minimise the impacts of such
the advancing of our understanding of tourism disasters events. Thus, for the purposes of this analysis, it is pro-
is the limited development of the theoretical and concep- posed that &crisis' be used to describe a situation where
tual frameworks required to underpin the analysis of this the root cause of an event is, to some extent, self-in#icted
phenomena. The purpose of the current study is to "ll through such problems as inept management structures
this gap, by using the broader literature relating to crises and practices or a failure to adapt to change. On the
and disaster management as a foundation for such other hand, &disaster' will be used to refer to situations
a framework. The "rst step in this process involves the where an enterprise (or collection of enterprises in the
establishment of a distinction between crises and disas- case of a tourist destination) is confronted with sudden
ters, which goes some way towards clarifying the com- unpredictable catastrophic changes over which it has
plexity issue alluded to above. Community (and little control. We can therefore envisage a spectrum of
organisational) responses to disaster situations are then events such as that depicted in Fig. 1, with crises located
examined with a view to providing some insights into the at one extreme and disasters at the other. However, as
essential ingredients of disaster management strategies. implied in the introduction, it is not always clear where
Finally, aspects of tourism disasters are examined as we locate speci"c events along this continuum because,
a step towards providing a model for developing even in the case of natural disasters, the damage experi-
tourism-speci"c disaster management strategies. enced is often partially attributable to human action.
B. Faulkner / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 135}147 137

Fig. 1. Crises and disasters.

Good management can avoid crises to some degree, tion of a crisis refers to such events as &a turning point for
but must equally incorporate strategies for coping with better or worse'. Crises and disasters therefore have
the unexpected event over which the organisation has transformational connotations, with each such event
little control. Frequently, the recognition of a critical having potential positive (e.g. stimulus to innovation,
problem that might eventually precipitate a crisis be- recognition of new markets, etc.), as well as negative
comes a matter of too little too late largely because, as outcomes. This is illustrated by seasonal #oods in
Booth (1993, p. 106) observes, `standard procedures tend riverine areas of Peninsula Malaysia, which are seen as
to block out or try to rede"ne the abnormal as normala. both hazards and resources (Chan, 1995). The #oods
This problem is probably more relevant to the genesis of bring disruption to communities within the area, but at
crises, where organisations fail to adapt to gradual the same time they replenish the productive capacity of
change, but it might apply to disaster situations to the riverine alluvial soils upon which the region's agricul-
extent that the tendency to ignore warnings of an im- tural industry is so dependent.
pending disaster often leaves communities unprepared Again, this is consistent with elements of Chaos The-
when it actually happens. ory, which see chaos as essentially creative, rather than
Crises and disasters epitomise chaos phenomena as it a destructive process. Once a system is pushed past some
is described by such authors as Gleick (1987), Peat (1991), point of criticality by some crisis or disaster, it may well
Prigogine and Stengers (1985) and Faulkner and Russell be destroyed as an entity, it might be restored to a con"g-
(1997) in the tourism context. In terms of Chaos Theory, uration resembling its pre-crisis/disaster state, or a total-
even apparently stable systems are frequently &at the edge ly new and more e!ective con"guration might emerge.
of chaos', whereby a seemingly insigni"cant event may be The potential for both destructive and positively creative
enough to precipitate instability and change on such forces being unleashed by the chaos associated with cri-
a scale that the integrity and coherence of the system ses and disasters is illustrated in Berman and Roel's
appears to be threatened. Fink emphasises the ubiquity (1993, p. 82) description of reactions to the 1985 Mexico
of the &edge of chaos' condition in business when he City earthquake:
suggested that businesses generally are a crisis waiting to
`Crises bring about marked regressions as well as
happen * i.e. `any time you're (ie managers) are not in
opportunities for creativity and new options. They are
crisis, you are instead in a pre-crisis, or prodromal modea
turning points in which regressive tendencies uncover
(Fink, 1986, p. 7). In his view, the essence of crisis man-
discrimination (and) resentment about ethnic and
agement thus becomes `the art of removing much of the
socioeconomic di!erences..: yet they also trigger pro-
risk and uncertainty to allow you to achieve more con-
gressive potentials and solidaritya.
trol over your destinya (Fink, 1986, p. 15).
The other aspect of Selbst's de"nition highlighted The above discussion has provided an explanation of
above concerns its emphasis on the negative and the distinction being drawn between crises and disasters
threatening impacts of the event, rather than the possibil- for the purposes of the current study, along with a de-
ity of it representing a turning point or opportunity. As scription of the general characteristics of these phe-
Fink (1986) emphasises, the Webster dictionary de"ni- nomena. However, we are no closer to precisely de"ning
138 B. Faulkner / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 135}147

crises and disasters in a form which would enable us to peal of providing a solid, unambiguous foundation for
empirically identify when such situations occur. In turn- de"ning disasters, and it is appropriate in the context of
ing to this issue, it is important that we be reminded that, studies concerned about statistical issues, such as prob-
from an organisational point of view, crises and disasters abilistic prediction of frequency and magnitude of disas-
are essentially very similar and the main distinction be- ters. However, it loses sight of the qualitative factors
tween them is a root cause of the problem. The former referred to above, which are present in disaster situations
represent situations where the causes of the problem are irrespective of whether or not the fatality, damage cost
associated with on-going change and the failure of organ- and evacuation thresholds are reached.
isations to adapt to this, while the latter are triggered by
sudden events over which the organisation has relatively
little control. Notwithstanding this distinction, most of 3. Community responses and the ingredients of disaster
the features attributed to disasters in the following dis- recovery strategies
cussion are equally applicable to crises.
Carter (1991, p. xxiii) de"nes a disaster as `an event, The reference to both crises and disasters, and the
natural or man-made, sudden or progressive, which im- subtleties of the distinction between them, has been useful
pacts with such severity that the a!ected community has for the purpose of highlighting how disasters, or at least
to respond by taking exceptional measuresa. In his de"ni- the severity of their impacts, are to varying degrees in-
tion of crises, Booth (1993) places a similar emphasis on #uenced by the actions of the individuals, organisations
the necessity of &exceptional measures' in the commun- or communities that are a!ected by them. This section
ity's response by referring to the necessity of non-routine focuses on disasters speci"cally. That is, those situations
responses, but he adds that stress is created by the sud- where the event which disrupts the routine of the com-
denness of the change and the pressure it places on munity concerned, and in response to which adjustments
adaptive capabilities. Thus, a crisis is described as `a have to be made, is triggered externally. We are interest-
situation faced by an individual, group or organisation ed in how communities and individuals respond to these
which they are unable to cope with by the use of normal events, and the implications of this for the development
routine procedures and in which stress is created by of disaster strategies.
sudden changea (Booth, 1993, p. 86). From a sociological perspective, the immediate
Several other authors have attempted to distill the response to a disaster situation has been observed as
essential characteristics of disaster or crisis situations including several phases (based on Arnold (1980) in
(Fink, 1986, p. 20; Keown-McMullan, 1997, p. 9; Weiner Booth, 1993, pp. 102}103).
and Kahn, 1972, p. 21). A synthesis of these contributions
produces the following key ingredients: E shock at both the individual and the collective level,
where the unexpected nature of the event and the
E a triggering event, which is so signi"cant that it chal- severity of its impacts cause stress and a sense of
lenges the existing structure, routine operations or helplessness and disorientation. While the stressfulness
survival of the organisation; of the situation may initially impair adaptive
E high threat, short decision time and an element of responses, it is also a mobilising factor for those
surprise and urgency; involved;
E a perception of an inability to cope among those E denial or defensive retreat. Denial being an attempt to
directly a!ected; reach back to the safety of the known, or an attempt to
E a turning point, when decisive change, which may have avoid the crisis by repressing it. Defensive retreat may
both positive and negative connotations, is imminent. involve either evacuation from the e!ected area, or
As Keown-McMullan (1997, p. 9) emphasises, `even if a strategic withdrawal to safe places within the area.
the crisis is successfully managed, the organisation will Evasive action is taken to ensure safety and this en-
have undergone signi"cant changea; ables those concerned to regroup;
E characterised by &#uid, unstable, dynamic' situations E an acknowledgement represents a turning point
(Fink, 1986, p. 20). whereby the community accepts the reality of the
change; and
Another approach to de"ning disasters is provided by E adaptation, where the community learns from the
Keller and Al-Madhari (1996, p. 20), who applied arbit- crisis, develops new ways of coping and rebuilds.
rary statistical benchmarks. Thus, disasters were de"ned
in terms of a threshold number of fatalities (10), damage This sequence is probably as much applicable to the
costs (US $1 million) and number of people evacuated individual level as it is at the collective (i.e. organisational
(50). On the basis of this de"nition, they claim there has and community) level. Chan (1995) suggests that, beyond
been 6000 disasters since 1970, with 4 million deaths and the immediate occurrence of the disaster, responses
widespread economic costs. This approach has the ap- might take one of several broader courses:
B. Faulkner / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 135}147 139

E to protect (prevent or modify disasters); E event factors (objective factors precipitating the cause
E to accommodate (change human use systems to suit or causes of the incident); and
disasters); E impact factors (immediate discernible outcome, as
E to retreat (resettlement elsewhere); re#ected in such factors as number of casualties,
E to do nothing. property damage, etc.).

It is hard to envisage situations where the &do nothing' Richardson's (1994) analysis of crisis management in
strategy provides a viable alternative. Even in the case of organisations provides another perspective on commun-
the random, one-o! event, which has a very low prob- ity adjustment capabilities by distinguishing between
ability of recurrence, some sort of recovery plan needs to &single' and &double loop' learning approaches. In the
be implemented so that lingering longer-term impacts of former, the response to disasters involves a reorientation
the disaster can be ameliorated. The applicability of the `more or less in keeping with traditional objectives and
remaining three strategies will clearly depend on the traditional rolesa (Richardson, 1994, p. 5). Alternatively,
extent of damage caused by the disaster, the probability the &double loop' learning approach challenges tradi-
and frequency of recurrence and the adaptability of the tional beliefs about &what society and management is and
impacted community. should do'. This approach recognises that management
At some point in a disaster situation there needs to be systems in place can themselves engender the ingredients
an assessment of the capacity of the community to cope of chaos and catastrophe, and `organisations must be
so that the appropriate level of emergency relief can be prepared to manage through the crisis driven era that is,
determined. A more than appropriate level of relief in one sense, given to them but managers must also be
involves wastage and the unnecessary straining of more aware and proactively concerned about organisa-
resources, while insu$cient external support will tions as the creators of crisesa. (p. 6)
exacerbate the e!ects of the disaster. However, according For the purposes of exploring these issues further and
to Granot (1995), there are few objective measures for examining the ingredients of disaster management stra-
assessing a community's resilience in this regard. Geipel tegies in more detail, it is useful to look at the frameworks
(1982) ranked levels of community impact in a manner that have been used to describe the stages in response to
that implies a continuum between minimal e!ects and disasters at the community level. Two such frameworks
total collapse. The following categories were therefore have been produced, one by Fink (1986) and the other by
identi"ed: Roberts (1994). These are described in Table 1, where
a composite set of stages drawing upon both frameworks
E communities which have not su!ered and therefore
is also presented in the "rst column. The latter set will be
have the capacity to support others which have;
utilised as the basis for further discussion because it is
E communities which escape with only limited loss of life
more comprehensive.
and property * community systems remain largely
Community responses to disasters, both during the
intact and normal built-in elasticity of resources per-
emergency and afterwards in the recovery period, involve
mits self-recovery;
many di!erent organisations (Granot, 1997; Huque,
E communities that sustain so much damage that they
1998). In this situation, it is not uncommon for competi-
can only recover with outside help. With such help
tion and rivalry among these organisations to become
their own systems are capable of coping and ultimate
a major impediment to both coordination and the ability
of organisations to respond e!ectively (Comfort, 1990).
E communities that are devastated so much that com-
In their examination of emergency services responses to
munity systems collapse.
the 1989 Newcastle earthquake, for instance, Kouzmin,
Granot challenges the notion of a continuum, how- Jarman and Rosenthal (1995) have noted that ambi-
ever, by suggesting that the e!ect of a disaster on a com- guities in the division of responsibilities and the rivalries
munity might be more appropriately represented in between various emergency service agencies undermined
terms of the percolation principle, which sees changing the e!ectiveness of their response collectively. These
states as being non-linear. He suggests that, `once a cer- problems arise from, and are intensi"ed by, the scarcity of
tain threshold is crossed in a su$cient number of con- public resources and the necessity of each organisation to
stituent subsystems, a basic change takes place in the justify its existence in order to obtain a share of these
community system as a whole, a!ecting its overall capa- resources.
city to copea (Granot, 1995, p. 6). It is suggested that In addition to this problem, di!erent internal cultures
factors a!ecting a community's capacity to cope include: and modus operandi become barriers to communication
and co-operation between organisations. As Granot
E community background factors (relevant demog- (1997, pp. 309}310) has observed, `Old jurisdictional
raphic, socioeconomic, political, cultural, organisa- disputes can often be set aside and left unresolved in
tional and resource level characteristics); normal times, but in emergencies they have a way of
140 B. Faulkner / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 135}147

Table 1
Stages in a community's response to a disaster

Composite stages Fink's (1986) stages Robert's (1994) stages

1. Pre-event Pre-event: where action can be taken to prevent disasters (e.g.

growth management planning or plans aimed at mitigating the
e!ects of potential disasters)
2. Prodromal Prodromal stage: when it becomes apparent
that the crisis is inevitable
3. Emergency Acute stage: the point of no return when the Emergency phase: when the e!ects of the disaster has been felt
crisis has hit and damage limitation is the and action has to be taken to rescue people and property
main objective
4. Intermediate Intermediate phase: when the short-term needs of the people
a!ected must be dealt with *- restoring utilities and essential
services. The objective at this point being to restore the com-
munity to normality as quickly as possible
5. Long term (recovery) Chronic stage: clean-up, post-mortem, Long-term phase: continuation of the previous phase, but items
self-analysis and healing that could not be addressed quickly are attended to at this point
(repair of damaged infrastructure, correcting environmental
problems, counselling victims, reinvestment strategies, debrief-
ings to provide input to revisions of disaster strategies)
6. Resolution Resolution: routine restored or new
improved state

returning as con#icts that prevent coordinationa and as rier to inter-agency cooperation. Heath (1995) observed
`these situations are di$cult to resolve in the heat of the how response times of emergency services and govern-
moment, it is clear inter-organisational relationships ment agencies in the case of the 1995 Kobe earthquake
need to be planned ahead and exercised before the actual were a!ected by bureaucratic procedures. In this case
need occursa. Quarantelli (1982) also sees this as a major Japanese cultural orientation toward bottom-up consen-
challenge in the disaster preparation. However, while sus in decision-making also a!ected the timeliness of the
coordination between emergency services in the develop- response.
ment and implementation of disaster strategies is given Other factors cited by Heath (1995) as impeding the
lip service, it is seldom re#ected in actions (Hills, 1994). timeliness and e!ectiveness of the response in the Kobe
On the other hand, Granot (1997) also suggests that case provide some useful insights into some of the key
inadequate resources often force agencies into a collab- considerations in the development of disaster plans.
orative arrangement under emergency conditions. These included:
The extent to which pressure to react to the disaster
might force organisations to work together, and thus E communication failures;
provide a catalyst for breaking down institutional bar- E availability of resources (a common problem as gov-
riers in the longer term, is not clearly addressed in the ernments and response agencies rarely set aside re-
literature. sources in reserve for infrequent and unpredictable
The degree to which emergency services and other crises);
organisations can be prepared for disasters is questioned E deployment of resources at a distance from the impact
by Huque (1998), who notes that policies and decision- area can be slow * aggravated by damage to infras-
making structures that govern an organisation's activ- tructure;
ities in normal times may not be appropriate in disaster E the attention and e!orts of many a!ected by the disas-
situations. For example, the hierarchical structure and ter shifts from the big picture to immediate, more local
chain of command under normal conditions is necessary concerns and they resist e!orts to redirect their at-
for internal coordination purposes, but the tight time tempts towards more coordinated action. Dispersion
lines for decisions and actions during emergencies may of resources becomes a related problem;
make this structure too unresponsive. Bureaucratic E `Even without blocked roads and dispersed response
structures and power relationships restrict the ability of demands, a large magnitude impact will create
organisations to respond promptly and e!ectively to demands for service that exceeds the capabilities of
emergency conditions, and this in itself constitutes a bar- response agencies.a (Heath, 1995, p. 17);
B. Faulkner / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 135}147 141

Also, on the basis of his analysis of responses to the E disaster preparedness planning in mass media is gener-
Kobe incident, Heath has emphasised the need to incor- ally poor;
porate a &cascaded strategic priority pro"le' (CSPP), in E some of the coordination problems attributed to
the disaster planning phase. This approach involves emergency services agencies are also evident in the
`a rank ordering of tasks and activities that need press as `local mass media systems consider disasters
to be undertaken, moving from the highest to lowest in their own community as `theira disastersa and &this
prioritya (Heath, 1995, p. 18). CSPPs need to be de- is sometimes manifest in tension2between local mass
veloped at various levels of managerial operation, from media and national network sta! members' (Quaran-
overall to the local level, to provide multiple layers. telli, 1996, p. 6);
Furthermore, these must be articulated with each other E there is a tendency for selective reporting focusing on
to avoid waste, duplication and mutually antagonistic the activities of formal organisations (with whom the
actions. media has established links), rather than emergent and
The role of media in disaster management strategies informally organised volunteers;
can be crucial to such an extent that it might make the E television, in particular, is prone to perpetuate disaster
di!erence between whether or not a di$cult situation myths, such as the persistence of disruption, panic,
evolves into a disaster (Fink, 1986; Keown-McMullan, looting, etc.
1997). Media outlets can help by disseminating warnings
in the lead up to impending disasters (i.e. where these are Disaster strategies clearly need to articulate a set of
predictable) and providing information during the recov- appropriate actions for each of the stages described in
ery stage. However, they can also hinder emergency op- Table 1. Quarantelli (1984) and Turner (1994) have each
erations by spreading false information or criticising commented on the essential ingredients of disaster strat-
these operations in a manner that distracts the emerg- egies from two di!erent, but complementary, perspect-
ency service personnel from their task. Thus Fischer and ives. As re#ected in Table 2, while the latter provides
Harr (1994) found that up to 20 per cent of emergency useful guidelines for the production of the strategy, Quar-
operating centre sta! 's time in the Andover, Kansas antelli concentrates more on its actual ingredients and
tornado incident was spent on media damage control. the systems that need to be in place to make it work. By
Furthermore, adverse media reports had an impact on amalgamating the analyses of both authors, therefore, it
the decisions made by these sta!. In Australia, Christine is possible to produce a more comprehensive structure
(1995) has noted the e!ect of misleading reports exag- for producing a disaster survival strategy.
gerating the extent of the 1993 Sydney bush"res. These From this brief overview of community responses to
experiences highlight the necessity of a media commun- disasters, and on the basis of other insights provided by
ication strategy involving the early establishment of analyses of disaster situations, a number of conclusions
a centralised source in order to ensure that misleading can be drawn about important considerations in disaster
and contradictory information is not disseminated (Riley preparedness generally. These will be revisited in the next
& Meadows, 1997). section after aspects of tourism disasters have been ex-
On the role of the media in disasters in the US, Quar- plored, so that they can be related speci"cally to tourism
antelli (1996) has observed: disaster strategy development considerations.

Table 2
Ingredients of a disaster survival strategy

Strategy development(Turner, 1994) Implementation(Quarantelli, 1984)

E Form disaster recovery committee and convening meetings for E Holding disaster drills, rehearsals and simulations
the purpose of sharing information E Developing techniques for training, knowledge transfer and assessments
E Risk assessment (identify potential threats/disasters and prioritise E Formulating memoranda of understanding and mutual aid agreements
in terms of probability of occurrence * real, likely and historical E Educating the public and others involved in the planning process
threats. Perhaps stimulated by a de"nition and classi"cation of E Obtaining, positioning and maintaining relevant material resources
potential disasters) E Undertaking public educational activities
E Analysis of anticipated short- and long-term impacts E Establishing informal linkages between involved groups
E Identi"cation of strategies for avoiding/minimising impacts, E Thinking and communicating information about future dangers and
critical actions necessary, chain of command for coordination, hazards
responsibilities and resources E Drawing up organisational disaster plans and integrating them with
E Prepare and disseminate manual and secure commitment from overall community mass emergency plans
responsible parties and relevant agencies. Relevant contact E Continually updating obsolete materials/strategies
information must be included
142 B. Faulkner / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 135}147

4. Tourism disasters combine with publication deadlines to inhibit the veri"-

cation of reports and the ratings game fosters sensation-
Several authors have emphasised the vulnerability of alism (Milo & Yoder, 1991).
tourist destinations, and thus tourists, to disasters and Media reports have the potential to have a devastating
some have suggested that, in these situations, tourists impact on disaster-a!ected destinations because pleasure
might be more exposed to danger than anyone else travel is a discretionary item and, within the mind of the
(Drabek, 1995). Murphy and Bayley (1989) suggest that consumer, the `quest for paradise (can) suddenly trans-
the exposure of tourism to natural disasters is linked with form into a dangerous journey that most travelers would
the attractiveness of many high-risk exotic locations, rather avoida (Cassedy, 1991, p. 4). This e!ect is ex-
where events such as hurricanes, avalanches and volcanic pressed in econometric terms by Gonzalez-Herrero and
activity are common. They are also at risk from hijacking Pratt (1998, p. 86) when they suggest that `tourism de-
and terrorism because, as Lehrman (1986) observes, tour- mand presents a higher elasticity index per level of per-
ists have become soft targets in a period when increased ceived risk than any other industry because of the
security measures have made traditional targets (politi- hedonistic 2bene"ts customers ascribe to its products
cians, embassies, etc.) less attractive for terrorists. Fur- and servicesa. By virtue of the power of the media and the
thermore, tourists themselves are often more vulnerable tendency for negative images to linger, the recovery of
than locals in disaster situations because they are less destinations usually takes longer than the period re-
familiar with local hazards and the resources that can be quired for the restoration of services to normalcy. This
relied on to avoid risk, and they are less independent has been observed in a number of case studies, including
(Burby & Wagner, 1996; Drabek, 1992, 1994). the 1987 Fiji Coup, the 1989 San Francisco Earthquake,
Despite the potentially devastating e!ect natural and the 1989 Tiananmen Square incident (Cassedy, 1991) and
man-made disasters can have on tourism, few tourism Hokkaido's Mt Usu volcanic eruption (Hirose, 1982).
organisations at the enterprise or destination level have The e!ectiveness with which the tourism industry in
properly developed disaster strategies as an integral part a disaster area handles a crisis, and therefore the degree
of their business plans (Cassedy, 1991). In studies of to which it is prepared for it, has a bearing on how
disaster preparedness among tourism industry enter- quickly services are restored to normal. However, the
prises in the US, Drabek (1992, 1995) has reported that, speed of the destination's recovery ultimately hinges on
while there was a relatively high degree of disaster pre- the degree to which market communication plans have
paredness among tourism executives, this was quali"ed been integrated with disaster management strategies.
by the observation that many had essentially informal The above observation perhaps explains why some
(undocumented) strategies in place and these strategies models for tourism disaster plans (see, for example,
addressed only one type of hazard. Also, the level of sta! Young & Montgomery, 1998) tend to emphasise market
turnover had not been taken su$ciently into account in communication considerations at the expense of other
the consideration of the frequency of sta! education and aspects. This approach, however, involves the risk of
some misconceptions about disaster e!ects (e.g. in#ated a counter-productive over-reaction, which is illustrated
expectations regarding the potential for looting) in- by Cammisa's (1993) observations regarding the response
#uenced the planned response. Furthermore, larger "rms of Florida tourism authorities to Hurricane Andrew in
with more professional senior managers and planning 1992. Cammisa suggested that, in their eagerness to as-
resources tended to be more prepared than the many sure the market that Florida's hotel accommodation had
smaller establishments. Elsewhere, Burby and Wagner not been a!ected by the hurricane, tourism authorities
(1996) reported a high degree of preparedness among overlooked the fact that the rest of the tourism infrastruc-
hotel establishments in New Orleans, but this prepared- ture in the area had been devastated. Thus, he pointed
ness was compromised by similar reservations as those out that, `rather than face up to this reality, unfortunate-
raised by Drabek. ly `deniala communication emanated from the areaa
The critical role of the media in disaster situations has (Cammisa, 1993, p. 294). A similar denial pattern was
been referred to in the previous section. In tourism con- observed in the response of authorities to the Miami
text, the impacts of disasters on the market are often out tourist crime incidents in 1992 and 1993. Another form of
of proportion with their actual disruptive e!ects because denial is noted by Murphy and Bayley (1989, p. 38) who
of exaggeration by the media (Cassedy, 1991; Murphy highlight the reticence of tourism operators to bring
& Bayley, 1989; Drabek, 1992). As Young and Mon- attention to hazards and the need to take precautions, yet
tgomery (1998, p. 4) have observed, `2 a crisis has the `safety drills and messages have become standard fea-
potential to be detrimental to the marketability of any tures of sea and air travela.
tourist destination, particularly if it is dramatised and Bearing in mind the distinction drawn between crises
distorted through rumours and the mediaa. Meanwhile, and disasters earlier in this paper, many disasters are
disaster situations provide a fertile ground for misin- not predictable and their disruptive e!ects are generally
formation, as disruptions to communications systems unavoidable. However, through the development of a
B. Faulkner / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 135}147 143

disaster management strategy, many potential hazards been drawn from the substantial literature on disaster
can either be totally avoided, or at least their impacts can and crises management responses referred to in the
be minimised as a consequence of the prompt responses earlier sections of this paper.
facilitated by the plan. Furthermore, confusion and the Another approach to analysing responses to crises is
duplication of e!ort can be avoided, leading to a more based on operations research, whereby linear program-
e$cient response, while the establishment of a preset plan ming techniques are used to identify optimal responses
to guide the responses of those involved results in the (Arbel & Bargur, 1980). While this approach has been
potential for panic and stress being reduced (Cassedy, e!ective in systems where the parameters can be tightly
1991). speci"ed in quantitative terms (e.g. a manufacturing or-
As mentioned previously, Young and Montgomery ganisation and individual hotel chain operations), it
(1998) have provided a model for a detailed crisis man- would appear to be less applicable to a tourist destina-
agement plan, although this tends to emphasise com- tion. A tourist destination encompasses more loosely
munication aspects. Other more balanced models have connected systems (social, economic, environmental,
been developed by Cassedy (1991) and Drabek (1995). physical infrastructure) than in the case of a single "rm
The main ingredients of each of the latter models are and responses to externally induced shocks must take
identi"ed in Table 3, which reveals contrasting orienta- into account the more #uid relationships between the
tions in these two contributions. Cassedy emphasises various parties concerned.
aspects of the process of developing e!ective strategies, Both the linear programming approach and, to a lesser
while Drabek's approach is structured around the se- extent, the other approaches described so far implicitly
quence of responses that is necessary to cope with the assume that the events creating the crisis situation are
emergency. While each of these authors provides a useful invariably temporary aberrations, and that the primary
contribution, the cross-fertilisation between their respect- objective is to restore the system to the pre-existing
ive contributions has been limited and few insights have (pre-shock) equilibrium. However, insights from Chaos
Theory perspective described earlier in this paper suggest
that this view of crises and disasters may be de"cient in
two respects. Firstly, some shocks have lingering e!ects
Table 3 that make the pre-shock equilibrium a redundant (or at
Ingredients of tourism disaster strategies least sub-optimal) approach with regard to longer-term
sustainability. That is, in terms of the chaos framework,
Cassedy (1991) Drabek (1995)
systems are often &at the edge of chaos' and a single event
E Selection of a team leader: a senior E Warning can set in train a series of positive feedback loops (or
person with authority and able to E Con"rmation chain reaction) which make the pre-event status-quo no
command respect (ability to communi- E Mobilisation longer viable. Secondly, the chaos created by crises can
cate e!ectively, prioritise and E Customer information be a creative process, with the potential for innovative
manage multiple tasks, ability to E Customer shelters
delegate, coordinate and control, E Employee concerns
new con"gurations emerging from the &ruins'. In this
work cohesively with a crisis E Transportation sense, crisis can act as a trigger or catalyst for a more
management team, make good E Employee sheltering vigorous and adaptable tourism industry at a destina-
decisions quickly) E Looting protection tion. This e!ect is alluded to in Murphy and Bayley's
E Team development: a permanent and E Re-entry issues (1989) reference to the aftermath of the Mt St Helens
integral feature of strategic planning;
able to identify and analyse possible
eruption. Here, recovery measures put in place after the
crises, develop contingency plans emergency led to additional resources being devoted to
E Contingency plan: including tourism development in the a!ected area, and thus an
mechanism for activating the plan, overall improvement over pre-disaster conditions. The
possible crisis, objectives, worst-case site of the disaster became an attraction in its own right.
scenario, trigger mechanism
E Actions: action plan assignment of
Insights derived from the general analysis of disaster
tasks, including gathering information and crises management strategies in earlier sections have
and developing relationships with been combined with those obtained from the more speci-
other agencies/groups (govt. "c examination of tourism disaster strategies in this sec-
agencies, other travel providers, tion to produce a generic framework for tourism disaster
emergency services, health services,
the media, the community, the
strategies in Table 4. The details of this table have been
travelling public) largely dealt with in the preceding discussion. However,
E Crisis management command centre: the underlying rationale of the framework hinges on
a speci"c location and facility with several fundamental principles, which warrant some em-
relevant communication and other phasis at this point because they summarise the main
resources for the crisis management
conclusions emerging from the study and highlight im-
portant implications for future research. These principles
144 B. Faulkner / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 135}147

Table 4
Tourism disaster management framework
B. Faulkner / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 135}147 145

are outlined below in terms of the prerequisites for, and organisations so that a coordinated response can be
ingredients of, e!ective disaster management strategies. developed. In this context, it needs to be recognised
Prerequisites of e!ective tourism disaster management that tourists are vulnerable in unfamiliar surroundings
planning include: and high priority must be placed on their safety.
E Protocols. A clearly enunciated set of protocols to
E Coordinated, team approach. Given the range of private ensure the activities of emergency agencies, tourism
and public sector organisations that are directly and authorities and operators are properly coordinated
indirectly involved in the delivery of services to tour- needs to be established and accepted by all parties.
ists, the development and implementation of a tourism E Community capabilities audit. An assessment of the
disaster strategy requires a coordinated approach, community's capacity to cope with speci"c types of
with a designated tourism disaster management team disasters needs to be carried out so that the appropri-
being established to ensure that this happens. This ate level of emergency relief from external sources can
team needs to work in conjunction with various other be determined. This should involve an inventory of
public sector planning agencies and providers of relevant community (physical, "nancial and organisa-
emergency services in order to ensure that the tourism tional) resources, which is also necessary to address
industry's action plan dovetails with that of these other other considerations referred to above.
parties. E Disaster management command centre. A properly re-
E Consultation. To achieve the maximum cohesion, both sourced disaster management command centre, as the
within the tourism sector and between this sector and focal point for the disaster management team's opera-
the broader community, disaster planning should be tions is essential. The location and procedures for
based on a consultative process that is both on-going setting up this facility must be speci"ed in the plan.
and integrated with other areas of strategic planning E Media and monitoring activities. A media communica-
(e.g. tourism marketing strategies, urban planning and tion strategy involving the early establishment of
broader regional economic plans). Apart from the a centralised source is essential in order to ensure that
bearing plans in these other areas might have on the misleading and contradictory information is not dis-
exposure of the tourism sector to risk and the seminated, and to support the coordination of re-
measures that might be implemented in the response sponses. The media often plays a central role in
to a disaster, the individuals directly involved change tourism disaster situations, both in terms of providing
over time and this a!ects the &chemistry' of the coord- important information to tourists during the emerg-
ination process. ency and in the recovery stage when other sectors of
E Commitment. No matter how thoroughly and skillfully the industry and the consuming public need to be
the disaster management plan may be developed, and informed about the restoration of services. Systems for
regardless of the level of consultation that takes place monitoring the impacts of disasters, and providing
in the process, it will be of limited value if the various reliable information on safety matters and the status of
parties involved are not committed to it and all indi- tourism services are therefore necessary.
viduals who are required to take action are not aware E Warning systems. Once a disaster strategy is in place,
of it. As highlighted below, the plan must therefore the conditions necessary to activate it must be speci-
contain clearly articulated protocols regarding the ac- "ed, along with the types of hazard in relation to which
tivation of the strategy and communication/education it is designed (Huque, 1998). Systems for communicat-
programme aimed at ensuring that all parties under- ing warnings are also important. The incidence of
stand what is expected of them. denial among executives (e.g. &the #oods can't a!ect us
Ingredients of the tourism disaster management plann- because we are on high ground') highlights the need for
ing process and its outcomes should include: de"nitive warning advice (Drabek, 1992).
E Flexibility. Certain elements of disaster strategies are
E Risk assessment. An assessment of potential disaster applicable to all types of emergencies and might there-
situations that may emerge and their relative probabil- fore be included as part of a generic framework. How-
ity of occurrence is an essential "rst step. This should ever, the exposure of some destinations to certain types
involve an analysis of the history of natural disasters in of disaster is greater than others and it is essential that
the region, along with a scanning of the current and these be identi"ed so that responses to the speci"c
emerging environment and alternative scenarios. impacts and requirements of high-risk events can be
E Prioritisation. A cascaded strategic priority pro"le planned. Some #exibility is also important, as the
(CSPP), needs to be prepared, with a rank ordering of precise sequence of actions that are necessary may
tasks and activities that need to be undertaken in vary between di!erent types of emergency. Flexibility
response to high-risk events identi"ed in the previous is also required in the sense that it may be necessary for
step. Part of this process also involves the prioritisa- some organisations to perform functions they do not
tion of actions and the articulation of these across normally carry out.
146 B. Faulkner / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 135}147

E Involvement, education and review. The e!ectiveness of construct a generic model for tourism disaster manage-
disaster response and recovery plans will be very lim- ment speci"cally.
ited unless those who are required to implement them Within this framework, a distinction has been drawn
are directly involved in their development (Quaran- between crises and disasters. The former have their ori-
telli, 1984). Organisations and the community in gen- gins in planning and management de"ciencies, and in this
eral need to be informed about the strategy, and the sense they are self-in#icted. On the other hand, disasters
strategy should be periodically reviewed in the light are triggered by events over which the victim has little
of reactions to it and new developments. Disaster control and their impacts are, therefore, to some degree
strategies therefore need to be updated and re"ned on unavoidable. However, the distinction between crises and
a continuous basis in order to ensure that new in- disasters is often somewhat blurred and it is for this
formation and/or organisational changes are taken reason it has been suggested that they represent opposite
into account. In particular, debrie"ngs after disasters poles of a continuum, rather than a dichotomy. While
have actually occurred are important so that lessons many disasters are attributable to random natural
can be learned from experience. events, which are beyond the control of the most ad-
vanced technology, the impacts of these phenomena can
The "nal point is particularly pertinent with regard to be moderated by planning and management practices.
the longer-term disaster preparedness of a destination. It Thus, for instance, various tourism destinations are more
is to be expected that individuals and communities who or less prone to certain types of natural disasters than
have experienced a particular type of disaster are better others, and in these instances action can be taken to
equipped to respond to similar situations in the future, at either avoid or at least diminish the harmful e!ects of the
least to the extent that, with the bene"t of hindsight, they event. Apart from avoiding high-risk locations alto-
have a better knowledge of the actual impacts of the gether, one of the more obvious steps that can be taken is
disaster and how to cope with it. However, as Burling to assess the risks an individual destination is exposed to
and Hyle (1997) have noted, in the case of disaster plann- and develop management plans for coping with disaster
ing in the US schools system, few administrators who situations in advance.
had actually experienced a disaster transferred the know- A logical step in extending the research described in
ledge gained into the disaster strategy development pro- this paper is to use the framework as a basis for examin-
cess. This knowledge can only be e!ectively tapped ing and analysing actual cases of tourism disasters. This
through a systematic debrie"ng procedure, with a &post- will enable the generic model to be tested and re"ned,
mortem' of the event being conducted as a basis for and provide further insights into the peculiarities of
evaluating reactions and re"ning the strategy. tourism disasters. The methodology for doing this will be
described in a companion paper, in which the case of the
Katherine (Australia) #ood will also be examined.
5. Conclusion

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