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Design Guide for Reinforced Concrete Diaphragms

East-west windward pressure:

East-west leeward pressure:

Total east-west wind pressure:

Wind pressures over the height of the building are given in Table 10.5.

Table 10.5 Wind Pressures for the Building in Example 10.2

Height above Total North-South Total East-West

ground level, (ft) Wind Pressure (psf) Wind Pressure (psf)

R 86 1.23 39.7 40.5

7 74 1.19 38.9 39.6
6 62 1.14 37.9 38.6
5 50 1.09 36.9 37.6
4 36 1.03 35.6 36.4
3 26 0.95 34.0 34.8
2 14 0.85 31.9 32.8

iv. Determine the wind forces on the roof and floor diaphragms for wind in both directions.
Wind forces over the height of the building are determined by multiplying the total wind pressures at the roof
and floor levels by the corresponding tributary areas (see Figure 4.1 of this publication). For wind in the north-
south direction, the tributary area at a level is equal to 120.0 ft times the tributary story height. Similarly, for
wind in the east-west direction, the tributary area is equal to 144.0 ft times the tributary story height. Wind
forces over the height of the building are given in Table 10.6.

Table 10.6 Wind Forces for the Building in Example 10.2

North-South Total East-West
Height above Tributary Total North-South East-West Wind
Level Wind Force Wind Pressure
ground level, (ft) Height (ft) Wind Pressure (psf) Force (kips)
(kips) (psf)
R 86 6.0 39.7 28.6 40.5 35.0
7 74 12.0 38.9 56.0 39.6 68.4
6 62 12.0 37.9 54.6 38.6 66.7
5 50 12.0 36.9 53.1 37.6 65.0
4 36 12.0 35.6 51.3 36.4 62.9
3 26 12.0 34.0 49.0 34.8 60.1
2 14 13.0 31.9 49.8 32.8 61.4
Σ 342.4 419.5

(b) Determine the seismic forces.

The Equivalent Lateral Force (ELF) Procedure in ASCE/SEI 12.8 is permitted to be used to determine the seismic
forces on the seismic force-resisting system (SFRS) over the height of this building that is assigned to SDC B (see
Section 4.2.3 of this publication and ASCE/SEI Table 12.6-1). Diaphragm seismic forces are determined in accor-
dance with ASCE/SEI

Design Guide for Reinforced Concrete Diaphragms

i. Determine the seismic forces on the SFRS.

The steps in Section 4.2.3 are used to determine the seismic forces on the SFRS over the height of the build-

• The seismic ground motion values are determined in Part 4 of Step 2 above and are equal to the following:
and .
• It was determined in Part 2(a)iii of Step 2 above that the building is assigned to Risk Category II based in its
• The SDC is B for this building, as determined in Part 4 of Step 2 above.
• Determine the seismic response coefficient, .
The seismic response coefficient, , is determined by ASCE/SEI Equation (12.8-2):

Ordinary reinforced concrete moment frames are permitted to be used in buildings assigned to SDC B
with no limitations (see ASCE/SEI Table 12.2-1). From ASCE/SEI Table 12.2-1, response modification coef-
ficient, , is equal to 3 for this system. Also, the seismic importance factor, , is equal to 1.0 for Risk
Category II buildings (see ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-2). Thus,

The value of need not exceed that determined by ASCE/SEI Equations (12.8-3) or (12.8-4), whichever is
applicable. These equations include the long-period transition period, , and the period of the building, .

The long-period transition period, , is determined using ASCE/SEI Figures 22-14 through 22-17. At this
site, from ASCE/SEI Figure 22-14. This quantity can also be obtained from Reference 5.

The fundamental period of the structure, , is determined in accordance with ASCE/SEI 12.8.2. According
to that section, it is permitted to determine the approximate building period, , from ASCE/SEI Equation

In this equation, is the vertical distance from the base of the building to the highest level of the SFRS.
Because the moment frames are used over the entire height of the building, is equal to 86.0 ft. The
approximate period parameters and are obtained from ASCE/SEI Table 12.8-2. For concrete moment-
resisting frames that resist 100 percent of the required seismic force and that are not enclosed or adjoined
by components that are more rigid and will prevent the frames from deflecting when subjected to the
seismic forces, and . Therefore,

This period is valid in both the north-south and east-west directions because reinforced concrete moment-
resisting frames are used in both directions. As such, the seismic forces in both directions are the same.

Because , need not exceed that determined by ASCE/SEI Equation (12.8-3):

Also, must not be less than that determined by ASCE/SEI Equation (12.8-5):

Design Guide for Reinforced Concrete Diaphragms

Therefore, the seismic response coefficient, , is equal to 0.034.

• Determine the effective seismic weight, .

For this building, the weight of the slabs, beams, columns, partitions, cladding, and the mechanical unit
on the roof plus the superimposed dead loads must all be included in . The snow load at the roof level
need not be included because the flat roof snow load is less than 30 psf (ASCE/SEI 12.7.2(4); see Part 2(a)iii
of Step 2 above). The story weights, , which are the portions of that are assigned to level in the
building, are given in Table 10.7.

Table 10.7 Seismic Forces and Story Shears on the SFRS for the Building in Example 10.2

Story Weight, Height, Seismic Force, Story Shear,

(kips) (ft) (kips) (kips)

R 1,985 86 397,936 127.5 127.5

7 2,284 74 382,897 122.7 250.2
6 2,284 62 310,200 99.4 349.6
5 2,284 50 240,143 77.0 426.6
4 2,284 38 173,236 55.5 482.1
3 2,284 26 110,285 35.3 517.4
2 2,314 14 53,488 17.1 534.5
Σ 15,719 1,668,185 534.5

• Determine the seismic base shear, .

The seismic base shear is determined by ASCE/SEI Equation (12.8-1):

• Distribute the seismic base shear, , over the height of the building.
The seismic force, , induced at any level of a building is determined by ASCE/SEI Equations (12.8-11)
and (12.8-12):

In this equation, is the exponent related to the period of the building, :

for buildings where
– for buildings where

–  is to be determined by linear interpolation between 1 and 2 for buildings that have a period be-
tween 0.5 and 2.5 seconds or can be taken equal to 2

In this example, the building period is between 0.5 and 2.5 seconds and is determined by linear interpo-

The seismic forces over the height of the building are given in Table 10.7. Note that these seismic
forces are greater than the general lateral structural integrity forces prescribed in ASCE/SEI 1.4.2, which are
equal to at each level.

ii. Determine the seismic forces on the diaphragms.

The information in Section 4.2.3 of this publication is used to determine the seismic forces on the diaphragms
over the height of the building.

Design Guide for Reinforced Concrete Diaphragms

According to ASCE/SEI 12.10, diaphragms are to be designed for the larger of the following forces:

• Design seismic forces, , acting on the SFRS at the levels of a building

• Diaphragm design forces, , determined by ASCE/SEI Equations (12.10-1) through (12.10-3):



In these equation, is the portion of the effective seismic weight, , that is assigned to level (see the
values of in Table 10.7) and is the weight that is tributary to the diaphragm at level , which can be
taken as in buildings without structural walls (see the discussion in Section 4.2.3 of this publication). The
forces, , are the portions of the seismic base shear, , induced at level (see the values of in Table

The diaphragm design forces, , over the height of the building are given in Table 10.8. At the roof level,
. At all other levels, .

The term that is related to the required minimum value of the design seismic force on the diaphragm is equal
to the following:

The term that is related to the required maximum value of the design seismic force on the diaphragm is equal
to the following:

It is evident from Table 10.8 that the minimum seismic diaphragm force is required at levels 1 through 4.

Table 10.8 Design Seismic Forces on the Diaphragms for the Building in Example 10.2

Story Weight, Seismic Force,

(kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips)

R 1,985 127.5 1,985 127.5 0.0642 127.5

7 2,284 122.7 4,269 250.2 0.0586 133.8
6 2,284 99.4 6,553 349.6 0.0533 121.9
5 2,284 77.0 8,837 426.6 0.0512* 116.9
4 2,284 55.5 11,121 482.1 0.0512* 116.9
3 2,284 35.3 13,405 517.4 0.0512* 116.9
2 2,314 17.1 15,719 534.5 0.0512* 118.5
Σ 15,719 534.5
* Minimum governs.

The following are sample calculations for the design seismic diaphragm force at level 4:


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