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Case 3

Q2 Time and trends are flying very fast. People change their thoughts, food and lifestyle.
In my opinion since 2010, people find it trendy to undergo diets and healthy food. The USA
is the most advanced country in terms of veganism. Its main difference from other advanced
vegetarian countries is a sensible and rational approach to the idea of excluding animal
products. For example, MacDonalds noticed this fact and started sell salads etc. Actually,
people go to Macdonalds not to eat salads or healthy food, they want to eat fast-cooking food
and want to be energetic. However, there are many other place in which vegans prefer to eat.
I think that in the long-term prospective, this segments in Macdonalds will die. During this
time, when Burger King’s main rival will be stagnating, Burger King should to follow and
improve core segment. People associate our brand with burgers, not with salads or healthy
food. The main demographic segment for Burger King are males and females from 18 to 34
years old. That is why our fast-food has to procced this way. They can improve their menu by
increasing variety of meat meals, make new burgers’ names and diverse menu and increase
quality of food. In appendix 1, we can see that even now Burger King make more diverse
and attractive food than Macdonalds. By the way, I think that also our fast-food have to think
about demographic segments for people under 18. They can implement small menu for
children. However, my main point is to procced core segment way.
Q3 Nowadays many people, especially young generations do not watch TV so much as in
previous time. People start watching YouTube source because you can find everything what
you want in particular time. That is why I highly recommend making advertisements in
YouTube, it will attract more segments. However, we should not completely forget about
TV, especially movies. Once a year, Burger King can show their products in films, particularly
in Blockbusters, in this way brand will be known for many demographic segments. Now
there are many mobile and computer apps with advertisements, Burger King can also
capture this media region. Burger King and MacDonalds use aggressive posters strategy to
each other, you can see it in Appendix 2. They mocked at each other and underline minuses.
In my opinion thar such strategy is good for Burger King because they underline their
advantages and show rivals’ disadvantages. It is a good way to compete with big fast-food
I think that Burger King has to present new companies faces. David Beckham, Salma
Hayek are big stars, but now they are not very famous than 5-10 years ago. That is why I
recommend inviting celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Cara Delavigne, Ariana Grande, Dua Lipa,
etc. They are main media faces now. People will go to Burger King if their role model will
advertise this food. In my opinion, “Burger King restaurants: 2020 design” is better and
more attractive than “Light design” because it is more modern, more youth. Light design
very simple and annoy costumers in nearest prospective. That is why I would divide
marketing dollars in such way: YouTube – 30%, TV – 15%, Digital campaigns, PR and
involving new faces – 35%, Brand design – 20%.

Appendix 1. Burger King advertisement.

Appendix 2. Burger King advertisement.

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