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|| ஸஹ ரநாம ேதா ர ||

|| ी िव णु सह नाम तो म् ||
ஶு லா பரதர ஶ வ ண ச ஜ ।
ரஸ நவதந யாேய ஸ வ ேநாபஶா தேய ॥ 1॥
शु ला बरधरं िव णुं शिशवणं चतुभुजम्।
स वदनं यायेत् सविव ोपशा तये॥१॥
ய ய ரதவ ரா யா: பா ஷ யா: பர: ஶத ।
ந ந ஸதத வ ேஸந தமா ரேய ॥ 2॥
य य ि रदव ा ाः पािरष ाः परः शतम्।
िव ं िन ि त सततं िव व सेनं तमा ये॥२॥
யாஸ வ டந தார ஶ ேத: ெபௗ ரமக மஷ ।
பராஶரா மஜ வ ேத ஶுகதாத தேபா ॥ 3॥
यासं विस न तारं श तेः पौ मक मषम्।
पराशरा मजं व दे शुकतातं तपोिनिधम्॥३॥
யாஸாய பாய யாஸ பாய ணேவ।
நேமா ைவ ர ம தேய வா டாய நேமா நம: ॥ 4॥
यासाय िव णु पाय यास पाय िव णवे।
नमो वै िनधये वािस ाय नमो नमः॥४॥
அ காராய ஶு தாய யாய பரமா மேந।
ஸைதக ப பாய ணேவ ஸ வ ணேவ ॥ 5॥
अिवकाराय शु ाय िन याय परमा मने।
सदैक प पाय िव णवे सविज णवे॥५॥
ய ய மரணமா ேரண ஜ மஸ ஸாரப தநா ।
யேத நம த ைம ணேவ ரப ணேவ ॥ 6॥
य य मरणमा ेण ज मसंसारब धनात्।
िवमु यते नम त मै िव णवे भिव णवे॥६॥
ௐ நேமா ணேவ ரப ணேவ।
ைவஶ பாயந உவாச ---
ॐ नमो िव णवे भिव णवे।
ीवैश पायन उवाच ---
வா த மாநேஶேஷண பாவநா ச ஸ வஶ:।
ர: ஶா தநவ நேரவா யபாஷத ॥ 7॥
ु वा धम नशेषेण पावनािन च सवशः।
युिधि रः शा तनवं पुनरेवा यभाषत॥७॥

ர உவாச ---
ேமக ைதவத ேலாேக வா ேயக பராயண ।
வ த: க கம ச த: ரா மாநவா: ஶுப ॥ 8॥
युिधि र उवाच ---
िकमेकं दैवतं लोके िकं वा येकं परायणम्।
तुव तः कं कमच तः ा ुयुम नवाः शुभम्॥८॥
ேகா த ம: ஸ வத மாணா பவத: பரேமா மத:।
ஜப யேத ஜ ஜ மஸ ஸாரப தநா ॥ 9॥
को धमः सवधम ण भवतः परमो मतः।
िकं जप मु यते ज तुज मसंसारब धनात्॥९॥
ம உவாச ---
ஜக ர ேதவேதவமந த ேஷா தம ।
வ நாமஸஹ ேரண ஷ: ஸதேதா த: ॥ 10॥
भी म उवाच ---
जग भुं देवदेवमन तं पु षो मम्।
तुवन् नामसह ेण पु षः सततोि थतः॥१०॥
தேமவ சா சய ய ப யா ஷம யய ।
யாய வ நம ய ச யஜமாந தேமவ ச ॥ 11॥
तमेव चाचयि यं भ या पु षम ययम्।
यायन् तुवन् नम यं यजमान तमेव च॥११॥
அநா தந ஸ வேலாகமேஹ வர ।
ேலாகா ய வ ய ஸ வ :கா ேகா பேவ ॥ 12॥
अनािदिनधनं िव णुं सवलोकमहे रम्।
लोका य ं तुवि यं सवदुःखाितगो भवेत्॥१२॥
ர ம ய ஸ வத ம ஞ ேலாகாநா வ தந ।
ேலாகநாத மஹ த ஸ வ தபேவா பவ ॥ 13॥
यं सवधम ं लोकान कीितवधनम्।
लोकनाथं मह ूतं सवभूतभवो वम्॥१३॥
ஏஷ ேம ஸ வத மாணா த ேமாS கதேமா மத:।
ய ப யா ட கா தைவர ேச நர: ஸதா ॥ 14॥
एष मे सवधम ण धम ऽिधकतमो मतः।
य या पु डरीका ं तवैरच रः सदा॥१४॥
பரம ேயா மஹ ேதஜ: பரம ேயா மஹ தப:।
பரம ேயா மஹ ர ம பரம ய: பராயண ॥ 15॥
परमं यो मह ेजः परमं यो मह पः।
परमं यो मह परमं यः परायणम्॥१५॥
ப ராணா ப ர ேயா ம களாநா ச ம கள ।
ைதவத ைதவதாநா ச தாநா ேயாS யய: தா ॥ 16॥
पिव ाण पिव ं यो म लान च म लम्।
दैवतं दैवतान च भूतान योऽ ययः िपता॥१६॥
யத: ஸ வா தா பவ யா காகேம।
ய ச ரலய யா நேரவ க ேய ॥ 17॥
यतः सव िण भूतािन भव यािदयुगागमे।
यि मं लयं याि त पुनरेव युग ये॥१७॥
த ய ேலாக ரதாந ய ஜக நாத ய பேத।
ேணா நாமஸஹ ர ேம பாபபயாபஹ ॥ 18॥
त य लोक धान य जग ाथ य भूपते।
िव णोन मसह ं मे शृणु पापभयापहम्॥१८॥
யா நாமா ெகௗணா யாதா மஹா மந:।
:ப தா தா வ யா தேய ॥ 19॥
यािन नामािन गौणािन िव यातािन महा मनः।
ऋिषिभः पिरगीतािन तािन व यािम भूतये॥१९॥
நா நா ஸஹ ர ய ேவத யாேஸா மஹா :॥
ச ேதாS ததா ேதேவா பகவா ேதவ ஸுத: ॥ 20॥
ऋिषन सह य वेद यासो महामुिनः ॥
छ दोऽनु ुप् तथा देवो भगवान् देवकीसुतः॥२०॥
அ தா ஶூ பேவா ஜ ஶ ேதவ ந தந:।
ஸாமா தய த ய ஶா ய ேத ேயா யேத ॥ 21॥
अमृत शू वो बीजं शि तदविकन दनः।
ि सामा हृदयं त य शा यथ िविनयो यते॥२१॥
மஹா ரப மேஹ வர ॥
அேநக ப ைத யா த நமா ேஷா தம ॥ 22 ॥
िव णुं िज णुं महािव णुं भिव णुं महे रम् ॥
अनेक प दै या तं नमािम पु षो मं॥२२ ॥

ௐஅ ய ேணா யஸஹ ரநாம ேதா ரமஹாம ர ய।

ॐ अ य ीिव णोिद यसह नाम तो महाम य।
ேவத யாேஸா பகவா :।
ी वेद यासो भगवान् ऋिषः।
அ ச த:।
अनु ुप् छ दः।
மஹா : பரமா மா ம நாராயேணா ேதவதா।
ीमहािव णुः परमा मा ीम ारायणो देवता।
அ தா ஶூ பேவா பா ஜ ।
अमृत शू वो भानुिरित बीजम्।
ேதவ ந தந: ர ேட ஶ :।
देवकीन दनः ेित शि तः।
உ பவ: ே ாபேணா ேதவ இ பரேமா ம ர:।
उ वः ोभणो देव इित परमो म ः।
ஶ க ந த ச லக ।
श भृ दकी च ीित कीलकम्।
ஶா கத வா கதாதர இ ய ர ।
शा ध वा गदाधर इ य म्।
ரதா கபா ரே ா ய இ ேந ர ।
रथा पािणर ो य इित ने म्।
ஸாமா ஸாமக: ஸாேம கவச ।
ि सामा सामगः सामेित कवचम्।
ஆந த பர ர ேம ேயா :।
आन दं पर ेित योिनः।
: ஸுத ஶந: கால இ ப த:॥
ऋतुः सुदशनः काल इित िद ब धः ॥
வ பஇ யாந ।
ीिव प इित यानम्।
மஹா ய ேத ஸஹ ரநாம ேதா ரபாேட ேயாக:॥
ीमहािव णु ी यथ सह नाम तो पाठे िविनयोगः॥

। யாந ।
। यानम्।

ேராத வ ரேதேஶ ஶு ம லஸ ைஸகேத ெமௗ காநா

மாலா தாஸந த: ப கம ைப ெமௗ ைக ம தா க:।
ஶு ைரர ைரரத ைர ப ர ைத த ஷ வ ைஷ:
ஆந ந: யாத ந நகதா ஶ கபா த: ॥ 1॥
ीरोद व देशे शुिचमिणिवलस सैकतेम ि तकान
मालाकॢ तासन थः फिटकमिणिनभैम ि तकैमि डता ः।
शु ैर ैरद ै पिरिवरिचतैमु तपीयूष वषः
आन दी नः पुनीयादिरनिलनगदा श पािणमुकु दः॥१॥

: பாெதௗ ய ய நா யதஸுர ல ச ர ஸூ ெயௗ ச ேந ேர

க ணாவாஶா: ேரா ெயௗ கம தஹேநா ய ய வா ேதயம :।
அ த: த ய ய வ ஸுரநரககேகாேபா க த வைத ைய:
ர ர ர யேத த வந வ ஷ ஶ நமா ॥ 2॥
भूः पादौ य य नािभिवयदसुरिनल सूय च ने े
कण वाशाः िशरो ौमुखमिप दहनो य य वा तेयमि धः।
अ तः थं य य िव ं सुरनरखगगोभोिगग धवदै यैः
िच ं रंर यते तं ि भुवन वपुषं िव णुमीशं नमािम॥२॥
ௐ ஶா தாகார ஜகஶயந ப மநாப ஸுேரஶ
வாதார ககநஸ ஶ ேமகவ ண ஶுபா க ।
ல கா த கமலநயந ேயா யாநக ய
வ ேத பவபயஹர ஸ வேலாைககநாத ॥ 3॥
ॐ शा ताकारं भुजगशयनं प नाभं सुरेशं
िव ाधारं गगनसदृशं मेघवणं शुभा म्।
ल मीका तं कमलनयनं योिगहृ यानग यं
व दे िव णुं भवभयहरं सवलोकैकनाथम्॥३॥
ேமக யாம தெகௗேஶயவாஸ
வ ஸா க ெகௗ ேபா பா தா க ।
ேயாேபத ட காயதா
வ ேத ஸ வேலாைககநாத ॥ 4॥
मेघ यामं पीतकौशेयवासं
ीव सा ं कौ तुभो ािसता म्।
पु योपेतं पु डरीकायता ं
िव णुं व दे सवलोकैकनाथम्॥४॥
நம: ஸம த தாநாமா தாய ேத।
அேநக ப பாய ணேவ ரப ணேவ ॥ 5॥
नमः सम तभूतानामािदभूताय भूभृते।
अनेक प पाय िव णवे भिव णवे॥५॥
ஸஶ கச ர ஸ ட டல
ஸ தவ ர ஸர ேஹ ண ।
ஸஹாரவ : தலேஶா ெகௗ ப
நமா ரஸா ச ஜ ॥ 6॥
सश च ं सिकरीटकु डलं
सपीतव ं सरसी हे णम्।
सहारव ः थलशोिभकौ तुभं
नमािम िव णुं िशरसा चतुभुजम्॥६॥
சாயாயா பா ஜாத ய ேஹம ஹாஸேநாப
ஆ நம த யாமமாயதா மல த ।
ச ராநந ச பாஹு வ ஸா த வ ஸ
ஸ யபாமா யா ஸ த ணமா ரேய ॥ 7॥
छायाय पािरजात य हेमिसंहासनोपिर
आसीनम बुद याममायता मलंकृतम्।
च ाननं चतुब हुं ीव साि त व सं
ि मणी स यभामा य सिहतं कृ णमा ये॥७॥
|| ஸஹ ரநாம ேதா ர ||
|| ी िव णु सह नाम तो म् ||

ஓ வ வஷ காேரா தப யபவ ர :|
த த பாேவா தா மா தபாவந: ||1 ||
ऊँ िव ं िव णुवष कारो भूतभ यभव भु:|
भूतकृद् भुतभृ ावो भूताम भुतभावन: ||१||

1. வ : எ லா 1. Vis’vam: The One who is present in

ெபா க மா பவ everything in this Universe. Also referred
to as mono syllable “Om”. Omnipresent.
Cause of the entire manifested Universe.

2. : ஸகல ேசதந 2. Vishnu: The One who pervades and resides

அேசதந க அ த யா யா internally and externally
உ பவ

3. வஷ கார: தா 3. Vashatkarah: He who invokes in sacrifices

யா க ெப ற and mantras and He who is Omnipresent
ெபா கைளெய லா த and Cajoles entire Universe
ைன ப நட மா
வச ப பவ

4. தப யபவ ர : சகல 4. Bhoota Bhavya Bhavat Prabhu: Lord of

வரா தைலவ . Past, Present and Future
வ தமான க தைலவ .
(வ தமான க : கட தகால ,
க கால , எ கால )

5. த : ஸகல பதா த கைள , 5. Bhootakruth: Evolver of entire beings in

ஸகல வரா கைள த the Universe. He who creates, protects
ஸ க ப னா பவ and destroys all beings in the Universe

6. த : தா த 6. Bhootaprut: The sustainer of all beings in

உலக கைள தா பவ the Universe. He who protects all beings
in Satvika aspect

7. பவ: எ லா ெபா கைள 7. Bhavah: He who absolutely exists. He who

தன அ யாக ெகா பவ expands himself as the Universe or
remains as pure existence alone
8. தா மா: ஸகல த கள த 8. Bhootaatma: He who is the Self of all
ச ரமாக ெகா டவ Beings in Universe

9. தபாவந: தா வ , ேபா ப , 9. Bhootabhavanah: He who generates and

ேபாக கைள ெகா ப nourishes all beings in the Universe
ஆ யவ றா எ லா
ெபா கைள அ
ெச பவ

தா மா பரமா மா ச தாநா பரமா க :

அ யய: ஷ: ஸா ே ர ேஞாS ர ஏவ ச ||2||
पूता मा परमा मा च मु तान परमा गित:|
अ यय: पु ष: सा ी े ोऽ र एव च ||२||

10. தா மா: க ம பல கைள 10. Poothaatmaa: He who is very very Pure

அ ப வா மா self. Unlike the other beings who has to
ேபால லா க ம பல கைள address the deeds made by their existence
அ ப யாத ப தமானவ . either past or present

11. பரமா மா: தம ஒ ஆ மா 11. Paramaatmaa: The Supreme Self. He who

இ லாதப இ பைவ. தம is beyond cause and effects. Eternal, Pure,
தாேன ஈ வர . Absolute Consciousness and Free.

12. தாநா பரமா க : 12. Muktaanaam Parama Gati: Supreme Goal

ெப றவ க வாக of emancipated. Those attain Him never
ேச டமாக இ பவ . have return to existence.

13. அ யய: த க த ைன 13. Avyayah: He who is Unchanging or

யா பவ . Immortal

14. ஷ: ஸ வ வதான 14. Purusha: Supreme Person who pervades

ெச பவ . த க and resides in everything. He who gives
வா பவமா ற பரமாந த ைத eternity to those who attained Him.
ெகா பவ .

15. ஸா : பரமாந த ெப ற 15. Saakshi: He who cognizes by his own

த கைள தா Wisdom
பரமாந த ட பா பவ .
16. ே ர ஞ: த க அைட 16. Kshetrangya: He who has complete
ே ரமா ய ய ைய knowledge about all the fields of Eternal
வ அ தவ . World. Permanence understood not
supported by any authorities.

17. அ ர: த க அ ப க 17. Aksharah: He who is Undecaying Supreme

அ ப க கைர காணாத Self.
எ லட கா க யாண ண க
ல ப வதா அ பவ ஆன த
அ யா ப ெச றவ .

ேயாேகா ேயாக தா ேநதா ரதாந ேஷ வர: |

நார மவ : மா ேகஶவ: ேஷா தம: ||3||
योगो योदािवद नेता धानपु षे र: |
नारिसंहवपु: ीमान् केशव: पु षो म: ||३||

18. ேயாக: தாேம 18. Yoga: He is Yoga as He is to be reached by

உபாயமானவ . means of it. (Yoga here means “The
realization of oneness of the individual and
the Supreme by keeping under control the
senses of knowledge together with mind).

19. ேயாக தா ேநதா: 19. Yoga vitaam netaa: He is the leader of

உபாயா தரமா யப ேயாக those who know Yoga as He takes care of
ப னவ க the concerns of the Wise ones.
பல டா ப
வ றவ .

20. ரதாந ேஷ வர: 20. Pradhaanapurusheswara: He who is Lord

ர ைய அ க of Pradhaana and Purusha (Pradhaana
ட வ கைள here is referred to as Maya and Purusha
வ றவ . referred to as Jiva).

21. நார ஹவ : நர கல த 21. Naarasimhavapu: He who manifested

ஹமா அவதார ெச தவ . (incarnated) the form of half lion half man

22. மா : அ த நர ஹ 22. Sreemaan: He who eternally abides

அவதார “அழ யா தாேன” Lakshmi on His chest. Though attained
எ ப யாக இ பவ . man-lion form there is no diminution of
(எ ேபா மஹால ைய His Beauty.
த ைடய மா
த ததனா )
23. ேகஶவ: ழலழக . ேக எ ற 23. Kesava: He who has beautiful hair. He
அ ரைன ெவ றதா ேகஶவ . who slewed Kesini (A demon)

24. ேஷா தம: ப த, த, 24. Purushottamah: He who excel and sustains

ய க எ ற வைக the destructibles and non-destructibles.
ேசதந கைள கா உய தவ . Best of all Beings

ஸ வ: ஶ வ: வ: தா தா ர யய:|
ஸ பேவா பாவேநா ப தா ரவபவ: ர வர: ||4||
सव: शव: िशव: थाणुभूतािदिनिधर यय:|
स भवो भावनो भत भव: भूरी र: ||४||

25. ஸ வ: ஸகல சராசர கைள 25. Sarvah: He who is ALL. He the one who is
தாமாகேவ ைன நட பவ . the origin and end of all whether existent
or otherwise. He who cognizes ALL.

26. ரவ: தன உடலாக ள 26. S’arvah: He who is the Destroyer

வ க கைள (especially Evils). He who involves in all
அக றவ . ஸ வ வ கைள beings at the time of involution of the
தன ேள ரஹ றவ . Universe or cause of all beings to involve
into Himself.

27. வ: அைன வ க 27. S’iva: He who is Purest. He who is Free

ம களகரமா பவ . from three qualities. (Satva, Rajas &

28. தா : ைலயா இ பவ . 28. Sthaanuh: He who is Constant for ever. He

ைல எ ற பலைன த பவ . ைல who is the Constant source of Energy. He
றஅ ரஹ ைடயவ . who showers Constant state

29. தா : எ லா வ களா 29. Bhootaadi: He who is the Source of all

தாேம பரம ஷா தமாக beings in the Universe. First Cause of all
ஆவேலா அைடய ப பவ . being in the Universe

30. ர ய: (அ யய: :) 30. Nidhi & Avvyayah: He who is

ைவ தமா யானவ . Unchangable Resting place

31. ஸ பவ: ைதய ேபால 31. Sambhavah: He who manifests Himself to

மைற தா , கால ேதச various forms (incarnations) to firmly
வ தமாந ல establish Dharma in the Universe.
த தா ேபா ப பல அவதார க
ெச றவ .
32. பாவந: ப பல அவதார க 32. Bhavanah: He who Distributes fruits of
வ க கைள action to Jeevas.
இ ப அ உ பவ .

33. ப தா: த ைன த ர 33. Bhartah: He who is the LORD of Universe.

பாவ ளவ .

34. ரபவ: க ற த 34. Prabhavah: He who is Superior Origin. He

ஜனன ைடயவ . தைன ெச த who manifested in such a way that on just
மா ர ேலேய ஸகல “thought” destroys all sins
பாப கைள ெதாைல ப யான
ற வா த அவதார கைள
ெச றவ .

35. ர :ம யா 35. Prabhu: He who is most powerful in the

ஸஜா ய களான அவதார க Universe. He who is very powerful in His
த ற த பல கைள actions
ெகா ஆ ற ெப றவ .

36. ஈ வர: அவதார க ஈ வர 36. Ishvarah: He is who always GREAT.

த ைம ேஷஷமா
பய ப ப இ பவ .

ஸவய : ஶ ரா ய: காராே ா மஹா வந:|

அநா தேநா தாதா தாதா தா தம: ||5||
वय भू: श भुरािद य: पु कारा ो महा वन:|
अनािदिनधनो धाता िवधात धातु म: ||५||

38. வய : நா ந க ம க 38. Svyambhu: He who is Self-Born. He who

காரணமாக ேதா வ ேபால manifested Himself. He is the Foremost of all.
தாேம த க ைண னா He is the Supreme Lord not subject to any other.
அவத பவ .

39. ஶ : ெஶௗ ய, ெஸௗ த ய, 39. S’ambhu: He who bestows Good to His

ெஶௗல யா ண கைள ரகடந devotees.
ப ேப பம பவ .

40. ஆ ய: ஸூ ய ம டல 40. Aditya: He who is the Golden Person in

கா த பவ . the disc of Sub. He who is in the center
of the Sun.

41. காரா : ெச தாமைர 41. Pushkaraakshah: He who is Lotus Eyed

க ைடயவ .
42. மஹா வந: க ற த ேவத 42. Mahasvanah: He who has Holy Mighty
ஒ ைடயவ . Sound (Sound here refers to Word of God ie.,

43. அநா தந: ஆ அ த 43. Anaadinidanah: He who is devoid of birth

இ லாதவ . யமாக and death. He who is Immortal.
உ ளவ .

44. தாதா: நா கைன ( ர மா) 44. Dhata: He who is the Supporter. He who
த ச ரமாக ெகா டவ . Supports the Entire Universe in the form of
ஆ ேஶஷ ப ட Adhisesha. Dhaata also refers to Brahma as He
இ ட வைத conceived the Entire Universe.
தா பவ .

45. தாத: நா கைன 45. Vidhaatah: He who dispenses fruit of action

பைட தவ . ஆ ேஶஷ ம and inducer of actions. Vidhaatah also refers to
ம ற ஸூ கள பைட supporter of Nithya Sooris.
தா பவ

46. தா தம: அ த நா கைன 46. Dhaturuttamah: (Dhaatu + Uttamah)= He

கா ற தவ . who sustains the Universe and Superior to all
beings in Universe,

அ ரேமேயா ேகஶ: ப மநாேபாSம ர :|

வக மா ம வ டா த ட: த ேரா வ: ||6||
अ मेयो हृषीकेश: प नाभोऽमर भु:|
िव कम मनु व ा थिव : थिवरो ुव: ||६||

47. அ ரேமய: அ த 47. Aprameyah: He who is indefinable. He

நா க உ ளப உணர cannot be reached by senses; nor through
லம லாதவ . inference as He is devoid of characteristic mark
relating to inference; nor through Analogy as He
is without parts; nor through inference from
circumstances as it is impossible to attain
anything without Him; nor through negative
proof as He is the very existence and witness of
negation; nor through testimony of Sastras as He
is devoid any peculiarities that may be deduced
from them.

48. ேகஶ: 48. Hrushikes’ah: He who is Lord of Senses.

இ ய க ெக லா
தைலவ . ெச , வா , க
ேபா ற இ ய களா
அ வ க ேவ யவ .

49. ப மநாப: நா க 49. Padmanaabha: He who is Lotus Navelled.

ற டமான கமல ைத த Lotus symbolizes the source of Universe
நா உைடயவ . which is in His Navel.

50. அமர ர : நா க ம 50. Amaraprabhu: He who is Lord of

ேதவ க அ கார பத கைள Immortals.
ெகா நட பவ .

51. வக மா: உலக 51. Vis’vakarma: He is who is the Creator

யாபர கைளெய லா த of Universe. This who Universe is by His
ெச ைககளாகேவ இ பவ . action.

52. ம :ஸ க பச வா தவ . 52. Manu: He is who is the powerful


53. வ டா: உலக கைள ேதவ 53. Tvas’ta: He who is the Reducer of all
ம யா ர Beings during involution of Universe.
ப க ைவயா வ பவ .

54. த ட: ல ப ள 54. Stavis’ta: He who is the biggest. He

எ லா பதா த க who is the cause of expansion of the
தாமாகேவ பர grossest matter.
இ பவ .

55. த ர வ: எ ஞா 55. Staviro Dhruvah: He who is Old and

ைலயா பவ . பலவைக Firm. (Stavirah is old – a
உலக களா மா த septuagenarian[in Sanskrit it is called
வ ப ெகடாம இ பவ . Stavira]) and Dhruvah is Firm

அ ரா ய: ஶா வத: ேணா ேலா தா : ரத தந: |

ர த க தாம ப ர ம கள பர ||7||
अ ा : शा त: कृ णो लोिहता : तदन:|
भूत ि ककु ाम पिद ं म ळं परम् ||७||

56. அ ரா ய: ர க யாதவ . 56. Agraahya: He who cannot be grasped.

There is NONE over Him.
57. ஶா வத: உலக பைட 57. S’aas’vata: He who is Ever Existing.
ெதா இைட டா ஈ
ப தலா ஓ இ லாதவ .

58. ண: ஜக லா 58. Krishnah: He who is Intelligent and is

ரஸ நா எ ேபா blissful. (Krish means Intelligence and na
ம யா இ பவ . க ல means bliss). He who is dark blue
வ ண ைடயவ . coloured

59. ேலா தா : ஜக 59. Lohitaakshah: He who is Red-Eyed (Like te

யா ம யா colour of Lotus)
இ பதா தாமைர ேபா ற
க க வ இ பவ .

60. ரத தந: ரளய கால 60. Pratardanah: He who is the Destroyer and.
எ லாவ ைற He who is the Eater of Movables and
ஸமஹ பவ . Immovables during Pralaya.

61. ர த: ஒ ஒ 61. Prabhutah: He who is Well-Endowed with

ைற லாம Wisdom, greatness and other qualities. He who
எ லாவ ைறவர is Full and Ever even after destruction of the
ைற இ பவ . Universe.
இ வ ட வ
அ தா ைமயாக
இ பவ .

62. க தாம: ய ( பா 62. Trigakuttaama: He who is the Base of three

) என ப பரமப region (Upper, Lower and Middle). He who
இ பவ . lives in Tripaat Vibhudhi (Paramapadham)

63. ப ர :ப த 63. Pavitram: He who is Holy. He who means

வ பமானவ . Purification.

64. ம கல பர : ம கள 64. Mangalam Param: He who is beneficent and

ண கேள ர ன the Best. He who nurtures only good
வ பமானவ . qualities.

ஈஶாந: ராணத: ராேணா ேய ட: ேர ட: ரஜாப :|

ர யக ேபா க ேபா மாதேவா ம ஸூதந:||8||
ईशान: ाणद: ाणो ये : े : जापित:|
िहर यगभ भूगभ माधवो मधुसूदन:||८||
65. ஈஶாந: ஸ வ வாக ய 65. Is’aana: He who is the Ruler of All Beings.
அைன ச ஒ He who do not deteriorate an iota of His
கால ைறயா பவ . strength to perform His actions at all times.

66. ராணத: ய ைக க ய 66. PraaNadah: He who is the Mover of

ெச ய ய ச ைய ய PraNaas. He who destroys PraaNaas (Life) in
ஸூ க அ பவ . the form of Death, or He who purifies

67. ராண: த ைன 67. Pranah: He who is the Life of Lives. He who

அ யவ க உ ராக is the Principal Life.
இ பவ .

68. ேய ட ேர ட: 68. Jyes’tah S’reshtah: He who is Eldest and

எ லாவ Excellent. Jyes’tah being Universal cause and
த வராைகயா யவ . S’reshtah being above all other Beings. He who
ய ஸூ க எ is highly powerful being lauded by Nitya Sooris.
பதாநா க
ெப றவ .

69. ரஜாப : க ற பான 69. Prajaapatih: He who is the Lord of over-

ய ஸூ க தைலவ . lords (Nithyasooris.)

70. ர யக ப: ர யெம 70. Hiranyagarbah: He who Created Golden

ெபா லகெம Egg (Brahma dwells in Gold Egg). Golden Egg
அைழ க ப பரமபத came FIRST INTO EXISTENCE in the
வா றவ . Universe. He who dwells in Paramapadam

71. க ப: மாேத எ த த 71. Bhoogarbah: He who has the entire

ெக த வராதப கா பவ . Universe in His Womb. He who protects the
entire Universe. He who is the Creator of Fire,
Water and Earth. (Arni Wood which has Fire in
its Womb, which has water in its womb which
has Earth in its Womb)

72. மாதவ: மாமகைள த 73. Maadhavah: He who is the Husband of Sri

மா வ பவ . Mahalakshmi. He who has Sri Mahalakshmi in
His abode.

73. ம ஸூதந: ம எ ற அர கைன 74. Madhusoodhanah: He who slayed

ெகா றதா ம ஸூதந . Madhu (Demon). Demon Madhu was
யஸூ க இ ய கைள born to Karnamisra. On the request of
(ம ) அட பவ . அவ Brahma and Sages He destroyed Madhu
த ைமேய இல கா பவ . the Demon. Madhu also refers to the
senses of Nithyasooris. He who controls
the senses of Nithyasooris. He who also
Self target for those senses.

ஈ வேரா ர த ேமதா ரம: ரம:|

அ தேம ராத ஷ: த ஞ: ரா மவா ||9||
ई रो िव मी ध वी मेघािव िव म: म:|
अनु मो दुराधष: कृत : कृितरा मवान् ||९||

75. ஈ வர: தா ைன த 75. Is’varah: He who is All-Potent and He who

தைடபடாம பவ . அ ட is the possessor of Eight Siddhis
மா க ைடயவ .

76. ர : பரா ர ளவ . 76. Vikramih: He who is Valiant

77. த : ஸா க எ 77. Dhanvii: He who is in possession of Bow

ைடயவ . (Saarngam). He who is Rama among the
wielders of Bow.

78. ேமதா : இய ைகயான 78. Medhaavih: He who is most powerful in His

ஸ வ வ வா தவ . Memory. He who is able to grasp several ideas
of different subject at a time.

79. ரம: ப ராஜனான க டைன 79. Vikramah: He who has great strides. He
வாகனமாக உைடயவ ( =ப who has traversed around the Universe as he
ராஜ ) (krama) rides on (Vi) Garuda

80. ரம: எ லாவ 80. Kramah: He who is the Walker. He who

யா பவ . steps into the Universe with prosperities. Also
referred as Omnipotent.

81. அ தம: த கா 81. Anuttamah: He who is UnExcelled. There is

யா லாதவ . nothing Above, or Below or Equal to Him.

82. ராத ஷ: கட ேபால 82. Dhuraadarsha:He who is unassailable. He

ஆ பதா எவரா who can never be defeated.
கல க யாதவ . யாராேல
ெவ ல யாதவ .

83. த ஞ: நா ெச அ ப 83. Kritajnah: He who is Fully Aware of His

ைஜகள ெப தாக actions done. Good or Bad He who is
ள ெகா பவ . grateful to confer emancipation on those that
are offered to Him even if it be insignificant
leaf or flower.

84. : “எ ண ேள 84. Krithi: He who is considered to be the

இ ேன அ base of all every act. He who is considered
அத ந ேள” எ ப யா to be the “Effort”.
த ைன கஎ ண
உ டாவத காரணமா ய
ஸு த தாேமயாக இ பவ .

85. ஆ மவா : அ ப ப ட 85.Atmavaan: He who is Centred in His own

ஸு களான ஆ மாக glory. “Where doth Immensity abide My
ெசா தமானவ . Loard! It abideth its own glory”. He who is
in possession of Souls (Atmah) who had
given up the idea that their bodies at Atmaa.

ஸுேரஶ: ஶரண ஶ ம வேரதா: ரஜாபவ:|

அஹ ஸ வ ஸேரா யாள: ர யய: ஸ வத ஶந:||10||
सुरेश: शरणं शम िव रेता: जाभव:|
अह संव सरो याळ: यय: सवदशन:||१०||

86. ஸுேரஶ: அமர க எ லா 86. Sures’ah: He who is the Lord of all Devas
தைலவ .

87. ஶரண : த ைம அைடபவ 87. S’aranam: He who is the Refuge for All
தாேம உபாயமாக இ பவ . Beings in the Universe. He who destroys the
misery of the miserable

88. ஶ ம: ேப 88. S’arma: He who is the Supreme Bliss

தாேமயா பவ .

89. வேரதா: எ லா 89. Vis’vareta: He who is the Cause of Entire

உலக க ெக லா ல Universe
காரணமா பவ .

90. ரஜாபவ: எ லா 90. Prajabhavah: He who is the source of all

ரைஜக தா த த Beings in the Universe. He who is the only
சாதன கைள ெகா ேட த ைம source of all Beings through which the Beings
ேச மா அைவக attain Him.
இ டமா பவ .
91. அஹ: அநா யான மாைய னா 91. Ahah: He who is the Bright Light (Day). He
உற எ தவ who does not destroy the people who belongs to
தலாக த வ ப ைத Him (a=does not, ha=destroy)
கா பதனா பக
ேபா றவ .

92. ஸ வ ஸர: ேம ய 92. Samvastsarah: He who is the Aspect of Time

அ கா க அ ேலேய (Year). He who protects who are in good lives
வ பவ . (Vas=To Live)

93. யாள: அ ப கைள அ ட 93. Vyalah: He who identifies Himself as

ஏ ெகா பவ . Special with His Devotees. He who is extremely
difficult to catch hold (as in the case of a
Serpant). He who is extremely difficult to
control as the case of rogue Elephant. He who
is the chief destroyer of the Universe.

94. ர யய: அ ப க த ட 94. Pratyayah: He who is always Conscious

ந ைக டா பவ . of His Devotees.

95. ஸ வத ஶந: அ ப க 95. Sarvardars’anah: He who is

கால ரம த ட Omnispective. He who has Eyes on all sides.
உ ள எ லா கா ப He who shows (darshan) Himself to All
ெச பவ . Beings in the Universe.

அஜ ஸ ேவ வர: த: : ஸ வா ர த:|
ஷாக ரேமயா மா ஸ வேயாக த:||11||
अज सव र: िस : िसि : सव िदर युत:|
वृषाकिपरमेया मा सवयोगिविन सृत:||११||

96. அஜ: அ ப க த ைம 97. Ajah: He who is Unborn. He who destroys

அைடவத இைட றாக all hindrances of His devotees who wants to
இ பைவகைள தாேம attain Him.
அக பவ . ற இற
இ லாதவ .

97. ஸ ேவ வர: 97. Sarves’varah: He who is the Lord of all. He

தைலவ க ெக லா who is the Lord of Lords. He who always be
தைலவ . எ லா present with his Devotees.
அ ப க ட தாேம ெச
ேச பவ .
98. த: இ உபாய கைள 98. Siddah: He who is Eternally Perfect
ெகா ேதட ேபா னேம
அைம பவ .

99. : உபாய க ேதட ப 99. Siddhi: He who has transcendental form. He

பலனாக இ பவ . who is Imperishable. He who is the Wisdom in
all substances. He who can be attained.

100. ஸ வா : ஸகல பல க 100. Sarvaadih: He who is the Origin of all

ஆ காரணமா பவ . Beings

101அ த: அ ப கைள 101. Achyatah: He who is not shaken by His

லகாதவ . own glory. He who do not swerve from His Path
at any point of time

102. ஷாக : த மேம வ வமான 102. Vrs’aakapi: He who is called the

வராஹ அவதார எ தவ . DHARMA BOAR (Kapi= Boar and Vrisha=
Dharma). This name was given by Kashyapa
Rishi. He who destroys the miseries of Indra
(Vrisha=Indra, Aku=sins, pi- absorb and

103. அேமயா மா: அ ப க 103. Ameyatmah: He who is of undefinable

அ ரஹ ெச ற nature.
அள ட யாதவ .

104. ஸ வேயாக த: பல 104. Sarvayogavinisrutah: He who is devoid

வைகயான உபாய க னா of all Contacts. He is who is beyond reach of
எ ர க அைடய various systems of Yogas taught in Sastras.
யவ .

வஸு வஸுமநா ஸ ய ஸமாதமா ஸ த ஸம:|

அேமாக: ட காே ா ஷக மா ஷா :||12||
वसुवसुमना स य मा मा सि मत सम:|
अमोघ: पु डरीका ो वृषकम वृषाकृित:||१२||

105. வஸு: அ ப க ட 105. Vasuh: He who is the Dweller. He who

அ ட வ பவ . dwells in the hearts of Sages, the Nyayins and in
Purified Ones

106. வஸுமநா: அ ப கைள யாக 106. Vasumanah: He who is of Great in Mind.

ைன பவ . (Vasu signifies Wealth which in turn signifies
Excellence and Superiority. He is the who is not
polluted by afflictions of desire, aversion and
with the pair of Pride and hence is Great in
Mind). He who is auspicious in Mind itself

107. ஸ ய: அ ப க 107. Satyah: He who is always True. He who is

ப கைள ைறேவ பவ . the virtue of Holy men.

108. ஸமா மா: த ைன 108. Samaatmah: He who is of Equal-Minded.

ப னவ க ஏ ற தா He whose mind is not disturbed by Love or
பாராம அைனவைர கராக Hatred. He is same in all Beings. (One should
க பவ . understand that Self is the SAME in all).

109. ஸ த: அ ப க அட 109. Sammitah: He who is Unlimitedly

இ பவ . ப த ேதய . measurable. (Saamitha refers to one who is
below 16 years of age). He is who always be
with His Devotees.

110. ஸம: அ தாக வ த 110. Samah: He who is Always Equal at all

ப தைன ெந நா பழ னவ times. He who is free from all changes. Though
ேபா பா பவ . தாயாரான there was no previous experience the Devotees
ல ைய எ ேபா call him “He”. (Sa-with; ma-Lakshmi. He who
யாதவ . is United with Lakshmi)

111. அேமாக: த ைம கா பத ேகா 111. Amogah: He who fulfills the desires when
பத ேகா எத ப worshipped, praised or remembered and never
படாதவ . த ைம ெதா ப ேகா, leaves aspirations unfulfilled. He who has will
ைன ப ேகா எவரா unobstructed. Truthful is His wish and Truth is
அவ த த பல கைள His resolve.
ெகா பவ . எ ேபா
உ ைமயானவ .

112. ட கா : ட க எ 112. Pundarikaaskshah: He who pervades Lotus

நா ளவ க க in His heart. (Pundarika=Lotus, Aksha=
ேபா றவ . pervades or seen in it). He who is Lotus Eyed.
He who protects like Eyes in the Nithyavibhuthi.

113. ஷக மா: தா ப ய ைத 113. Vris’akarma: He who is of Righteous Action

ஆ த ைமயான த (Vrisha=Dharma, karma=Action)
ெச ைக ைடயவ .

114. ஷா :அ ப க 114. Vrsus’kruthih: He who Incarnates for

தாப கைள ேபா அ த Establishing Righteousness. He who shows His
ெபா வ ேபா Purified Figure for Devotees who suffer from
ய ப ளவ . their sins.
அ ப க காக ம ைத ைல
நா ட அ வ ேபா அவதார க
எ பவ .

ேரா பஹு ரா ப வேயா ஶு ரவா:|

அ த ஶா வத தா வராேராேஹா மஹாதபா:||13||
ो भुिशरा ब ुिव योिन शुिच वा:|
अमृत शा त थाणुवरारोहो महातपा:||१३||

115. ர: த அ த களா 115. Rudrah: He who destroys misery and its

அ ப கைள ஆன த க cause. He who makes the Devotees cry (tears
அழ ெச பவ . that comes out automatically due to extreme
happiness) on His Actions.

116. பஹு ரா: பல ஆ ர 116. Bahus’irah: He who is Myriad headed

தைல ைடய ஆ ேஶஷனா
இ பவ .

117. ப : ஆ ேஶஷ ப 117. Babhruh: He who holds the Entire Universe

ெகா இ வ ட ைத on His Head in the form of Adhisesha
தா பவ .

118. வேயா : த ைம 118. Vis’vayonih: He who is the Universal

அைட தவ க எ ேலாைர cause. He who takes every beings who have
த ேமா ஒ றாக ெகா பவ . attained Him as Himself.

119. ஶு வரா: அ யா க இ 119. Suchisvarah: He who has Holy Name. He

ெசா கைள அத அ த whose names are worth of being heard. He who
நாத ைத ெச ம hears only Pure Hearings.
ேக பவ .

120. அ த: அ ப க 120. Amirtah: He who is Immortal and

ஆராவ தா இ பவ . Undecaying

121. ஶா வத தா : எ 121. S’aas’vatastaanuh: He who is Eternal and

அ லாம ப த க ட Firm. He who cannot be approached and to be
ைலயா பவ . Enjoyed.

122. வராேராஹ: த ைம 122. Varaarohah: He who is of Excellent

அைட தவ கைள ப Symbol. He who is the Supreme Goal (because
ற லாம ெச த ைமேய those ascend Him never returns..”By reaching
ேச க ெச பவ . whom men never return”..)
எ லாவ ற ததா
ள பவ .

123. மஹாதபா: எ ைல லா 123. Mahatapah: He who possess Greatest

(அள ட யாத) ஞான ளவ . Knowledge. He whose greatness and glory are

ஸ வக: ஸ வ பா : வ ேஸேநா ஜநா தந:|

ேவேதா ேவத த ய ேகா ேவதா ேகா ேவத க :||14||
सवग: सविव ानु: िव व सेनो जनादन:|
वेदो वेदिवद य ो वेदा ो वेदिव किव:||१४||

124. ஸ வக: 124. Sarvagah: He who is All-Pervading. He

ஸம கப டவ ைறெய லா who is the Universal cause.
தாேமயைட வ பவ .

125. ஸ வ பா : 125. Sarvavidh Bhaanu: He who is Omniscient

ஸம கப டவ ைறெய லா and effulgent. When He shines all shines after
பைட கா ய களான Him (The splendor which is in the Sun)
ரப ச க அைன ைத
அைடபவ . எ லாவ ைற
பைட தாேன கார
ள பவ .

126. வ ேஸந: எ 126. Vis’vaksenah: He who is always with His

வ க த ைம ர கராக devotees who are to be protected (Vis’vak=on all
ெகா ப ெச பவ . sides, sena=Lord). He who routes the armies on
all sides to protect His Devotees.

127. ஜநா தந: தா ெச 127. Janardanah: He who is the Oppressor or

ர ண இைட Wicked Men. (Jana=Men, aradhana=prays).
ெச பவ கைள உத ேதடாம He who is prayed by all Beings for prosperity
ெதாைல பவ . and eternal happiness. He who is the
Promulgator of Vedas.

128. ேவத: ஶா ர ரதான 128. Vedah: He who destroys the darkness born
ெச பவ . of ignorance by the luminous lamp of Wisdom
by abiding in their Self (Bhagavad Gita-10-11)

129. ேவத : ேவத ெபா கைள 129. Vedavid: He who is the knower of Vedas.
உ ளப உண பவ . Bhagavad Gita 15-15: I am the author of
Vedanta as well as the knower of Vedas.
130. அ ய க: ேவத க ஆ 131. Avyangah: He who is the Perfect. He who
அ க க த ட ைற is unmanifested.
ர க ெப றவ >

131. ேவதா க: த ைமய 131. Vedangah: He who has Vedas as His

ஷய ேவத கைள க யாக Parts. (Taitreeya Upanishad says: He who does
உைடயவ . ேவத ேவ ய . not know Veda is not Ompresent)

132. ேவத : ைவ க த ம கைள 132. Vedavidh: He who spreads the knowledge

அ ப ெச தம of Vedas. He who is understandable by Vedas or
ஆராதனமாக ெப ெகா பவ . hundreds of Dharmas which are to be learned.

133. க : எ லாவ ைற 133. Kavih: He who is All-Seer. There is no Seer

ஸா ா க பவ . Except Him.

ேலாகா ய ஸுரா யே ா மா ய : தா த:|

ச ரா மா ச ஹ ர த ர ச ஜ:||15||
लोका य सुरा य ो धम य : कृताकृत:|
चतुरा मा चतु यूह तुदं तुभुज:||१५||

134. ேலாகாத ய: த ம 134. Lokadakshyah: He who is the Lord of the

ராண களான மஹா கைள ந Worlds. He who is the Superintendent of
பா பவ . administration of Justice.

135. ஸுராத ய: அ ப ப ட த ம 135. Suradakshyah: He who is the Lord of

ராண களா ஆரா க Devas. He who is the Presiding Deity of Devas
ேதவ கைள ஸா ா காரமாக who are to be worshipped in ceremonies.
அ பவ . ேதவ கைள தாேம
ஏ ப யவ .

136. த மாத ய: ஸகல 136. Dharmaadakshyah: He who is cogniser of

க ம க உ ய பல கைள Dharma. He who perceives Virtue and Vice with
ெப க வ லவ . a view to bestowing appropriate fruits.

137. தா த: ஐ வ ய த ய 137. Kruthakritah: He who is the Cause and

பல கைள த ர Effect of all Beings in Universe. He who
த மமாக ஶா வதமான ேமா investigates whether one deserves or not, to be
பலைன த bestowed with corresponding results.
த மமாக இ பவ .

138. ச ரா மா: நா களா 138. Chaturaatma: He who has four-fold

உலக பைட கா natures to evolute, protect and destruct.
அ பவ . பைட த ஹ
ஆ ற களான- மா, த , ேநர
ம உ ன க ; கா த
ஆ றலகளான- ,
ம , ேநர ம உ ரன க ;
அ த ஜநா தந
ஆ ற களான- ர , காலா ,
மரண ம உ ன க
ேபா ற நா ஆ ற க
இ டமானவ .

139. ச ஹ: ேம ெசா ன 139. Chaturvyuhah: He who is of Four

நா க ஜா , Manifestations. (Vasudeva, Sankarshana,
வ ந , ஸுஷு , ய Prathyumna and Aniruddah)
எ நா அவ ைதக
ெபா னவ .

140. ச த ர: க க 140. Chaturdhamshtrah: He who has Four

ஆதாரமான பரவாஸுேதவ ப Teeth (Also referred to as Horns). In His
நா ேகாைறப க உைடயவ . incarnation of Nrusimha He possessed
(இ மஹா ஷல ண ) similarity of horns to fangs.

141. ச ஜ: பரவாஸு ேதவ 141. Chaturbhujah: He who is Four Armed. He

ப நா ஜ க is described in Vedas as “Beautifully Limbed”.
உைடயவ .

ரா ேபாஜந ேபா தா ஸ ஜகதா ஜ:|

அநேகா ஜேயா ேஜதா வேயா : ந வஸு:||16||
ािज णुभ जनं भो ता सिह णुजगदािदज:|
अनघो िवजयो जेता िव योिन: पुनवसु:||१६||

142. ரா : பர வ ப ைத 142. Bhrashinuh: He who is the very Essence of

உபா பவ க ல ப Light
த ைம ளவ .

143. ேபாஜந : ப த க உண 143. Bhojanam: He who is Essence (Rasa).

ேபா இ தாக Bhojanam=Food. Here Food is referred as
அ ப க யவ . Prakrithi and Maya as the object of Enjoyment
144. ேபா தா: ப த க அ ேபா 144. Bhoktah: He who delightfully enjoys even a
ேவதந ெச பவ ைற small offering from the Devotees
ஏ ெகா பவ .

145.ஸ : ற கைள 145. Sahishnuh: He who is the subduer of

ஸ (ெபா ) மா Daityas such as Hiranyaksha. He who endures
ண ைடயவ . all disregards shown by Devotees (ofcourse

146. ஜகதா ஜ: ஜகத அ கரண 146. Jagadaadijah: He who is First Born in the
த களா ய க l universe. He who manifests Himself as
ஒ வராக ( தலாவதாக) Hirangarbha in the beginning of the Universe
ேதா யவ .

147. அநக: அவதார க 147. Anagah: He who is Sinless. He who is Free

பாப லாதாவ . from All Sins

148. ஜய: மா ம வ 148. Vijaya: He who excels in Everything

எ ற க த (Wisdom, Dispassion and Greatness). He who
கா யக ெவ ெப ப makes His embodiments successful in their
ெச பவ . duties.

149. ேஜதா: மா ம வ 149. Jetah: He who transcends All.

இ வைர அட ஆ பவ .

150. வேயா : அ வைர 150. Vis’vayonih: He who has the Universe in

ெகா நட த ப கா ய His Womb. He who is the only cause of the
ரப ச வ Universe.
காரணமா பவ .

151. ந வஸு: அ வ 151. Punarvasuh: He who dwells in the bodies

ப க அ த யா யா of Kshetragnyas. He who is a repeated dweller.
இ பவ .

உேப ேரா வாமந: ரா ஶு: அேமாக: ஶு த:|

அ ர ஸ கரஹ ஸ ேகா தா மா யெமா: யம:||17||
उपे ो वामन: शु: अमोघ: शुिच िजत:|
अती सङ् ह सग धृता मा िनयमो यम:||१७||

152. உேப ர: இ ர 152. Upendrah: He who is Above Indra.

இளயவராக அவதார ெச தவ . According to Harivamsa He is placed by the
Vedas as Lord and Indra above. So He was
Praised as Krishna, Upendra on Earth.
153. வாமந: இ ர காக வாமந 153. Vamana: He who begged shrinking
அவதார ெச தவ . Himself to Dwarf for the sake of Indra. He who
sits as Dwarf in the middle of Heart

154. ரா ஶு: ரம அவதார 154. Prams’uh: He who became Tall instantly

ெச எ பர றவ . from Dwarf. When water was poured into His
hands, the dwarf was no longer dwarf. The Lord
manifested Universal form, when Earth was at
His feet, sky His Head and Sun and Moon His
Eyes. In Cosmic Form, He traversed the Earth.
When He Still rose Tall ultimately the Sun and
Moon became his Navel, All Gods were below
His Knees.

155. அேமாக: இ ரைன ேபாலேவ 155. Amogah: He who is Fruitful in His Actions.
மஹாப ப படாத He whose glory is Unlimited.
அ ரஹ ைத ெகா தவ .

156. ஶு : தா ெச மஹா 156. S’uchih: He who is Purest. He purifies

உபகா னக ைக மா those who remember, praise and worship Him.
க தாைம எ ற ைம He who purifies his devotees disregarding their
வா தவ . offering or otherwise.

157. ஊ த: ேரா கைள 158. Urjitah: He who has Immense Strength and
வ யட க த க Firm.
வ ைம ைடயவ .

158. அ ர: இ ர 158. Atiindrah: He who transcends Indra in

இைளயவராக ேதா னா அ Wisdom and Greatness.
மா ஷ ேச த காளா
இ ர ேம ப டவ .

159. ஸ ரஹ: ப த களா எ 159. Sangrah: He who is All-Destroyer

ர கப பவ .

160. ஸ க: த ைம தாேம ஆ 160. Sargah: He who is the cause of Evolution.

அ பவ .

161. தா மா: ஆ மா கைள 161. Drutaatmah: He who is of Controlled Self.

உ க ெச பவ . He who is changless, free from birth etc. By
Him all Devotees are supported by gifts of
162. யம: ஸகல வரா க 162. Niyamah: He who is the Director of all
உ இய அவ க த Beings in their respective functions.
ப ைய ெச பவ . ப த
ேரா கைள அட பவ .

163. யம: அ த யா யா 163. Yamah: He who is the Controller. He who

எ லாவ ைற நட பவ . Directs all Beings (Universe) as Indweller.

ேவ ேயா ைவ ய: ஸதாேயா ரஹா மாதேவா ம :|

அ ேயா மஹாமாேயா மேஹா ஸாேஹா மஹாபல:||18||
वे ो वै : सदायोगी वीरहा माधवो मधु:|
अतीि प महामायो महो साहो महबल:||१८||

164. ேவ ய: அவதார க த 164. Vedyah: He who is knowable by those who

ம ைமகைள ெவ ப desire Supreme Good.
யாவ அ ய பவ .

165. ைவ ய: த ைம 165. Vaidyah: He who knows all Vidyas. He

பவ க ற ம who grants Eternity and No Re-birth to His
இற த யவ ைற ேபா Devotees.
வைகய தவ .

166. ஸதா ேயா : ேம ெசா ன 166. Sada Yogi: He who is Eternal Yogin. He
ேப த க எ ேபா who is ever in Manifested Form. He who is
ஊ க ளவ . always awake in all Beings.

167. ரஹா: த க க னா 167. Viraha: He who is the slayer of the valiant.

பரமா ம ஞான ைத ெகா He who slays Asuras in order to protect
வா கைள ஒ பவ . righteousness. He who slays proclaim false

168. மாதவ: “மா” எ பரமா ம 168. Madhava: He who is the Lord of

ஞான ைத அ பவ . Knowledge. He who is beloved indeed of the
Wise. (Ma=Meditation; dha=introspection;

169. ம : “உள க 169. Madhuh: He who causes great happiness

அ யவ த க உ ள ய like Honey.
ேதைன” எ ற வா ய ப
ப த க ேத ேபா
பவ .
170. அ ய: ல க 170. Atindriyah: He who transcends all senses.
எ டாதவ . He who is soundless and untouched.

171. மஹாமாய: த ைம 171. Mahamayah: He who is the Great

சரணைடயாதவ க ைர Illusionist. He who is veiled by Yoga Maya
ேபா ற மாையைய கா பவ .

172. மேஹா ஸாஹ: ஆ த 172. Mahotsaahah: He who is of greatest

ண தஊ க ளவ . diligence. Because Creation, Preservation and
Destruction of the Universe are carried out by
His being Ever Ready for the same.

173. மஹாபல: அஸஹாய 173. Mahabalah: He who possess Great

ஸூர த ைம வா தவ . Strength. He who is the Strongest of the
Strongest. He who never feels tired as he is self-
established in own glory.

மஹா மஹா ேயா மஹாஶ மஹா :|

அ ேத யவ : மா அேமயா மா மஹா ||19||
महाबुि महावीय महाशि तमहा ुित:|
अिनद यवपु: ीमान् अमेया मा महाि धृत्||१९||

174. மஹா : ஏககால 174. Mahabuddhi: He who is of Mighty Intellect.

எ லாவ ைற அ ய யவ . He who is wiser than wise.

175. மஹா ய: எத கார 175. Mahaviryah: He who is of Great in

படா பவ . Energy.He whose strength never changes.

176. மஹாஶ : ற தஶ 176. Mahas’akthih: He who has immense Power.

வா தவ . He who possess energy of material and
instrumental causes

177. மஹா : ற த ேதஜ 177. Mahadyutih: He who has Great splendor

ெபா தவ . Internally and Externally. He who is self-
radiant. He who is the Light of Lights. He
whose light never depends on assistance of

178. அ ேத யவ : உவைம 178. Anirdes’yavapu: He who is of indefinable

ெசா ல ெபாறாத ய ம கள Form. As it is impossible define as “this” or
ரஹ ைடயவ . “that”.
179. மா : அ த ேம த த 179. Sriiman: He who is the Lord of All Good.
யாபரண ேஶாைப ளவ . He who possess all six kinds of prosperities.

180.அேமயா மா: அள ட யாத 180. Ameyatma: He who possess remarkable

த ைம ளவ . intelligence which cannot be measured by all
Beings in the Universe. He who is unfathomable
as ocean.

181. மஹா : பா கடைல 181.Mahadridhrit: He who supported Mandara

கைட த ேபா ம ர மைலைய Mountain when Ocean was churned. He who
தா றவ . ேகாவ தந supported Govardhana Mountain to protect the
மைலைய தா cows and cattles.
ப டநகைள கா தவ .

மேஹ வாேஸா ம ப தா வாஸ ஸதா க :|

அ த: ஸுராந ேதா ேகா ேதா ேகா தா ப :||20||
महे वासो मिहभत ीिनवास सत गित:|
अिन : सुरान दो गोिव दे गोिवद पित:||२०||

182. மேஹ வாஸ: அவதர க 182. Maheshvasah: He who has mighty Bow and
அ தமாந அ கைள எ தவ . Arrows

183.ம ப தா: ஆ ம யா 183. Mahibarthah: He who supports the Earth

எ ேபா ைய த பவ . when it was submerged in Waters.

184. வாஸ: 184. Srinivaasa: He who has Lakshmi on his

அல ேம ம ைக ைர மா ப . chest for ever. The dwelling place for Sri
Mahalakshmi. According to Valmiki Rishi He is
like a shade of the tree to Wise Men.

185.ஸதா க : அ த ல 185 Sataamgatih: He who is the Refuge for

ஸ ப த னா ஸா க Good. He who is the means of attaining all
த சமா பவ . human aspirations.

186. அ த: த தட கல ற 186. Aniruddha: He who is Unobstructed in His

ய ேஷ த உைடயவ . manifestations by any one else.

187. ஸுராந த: ேதவ கைள க க 187. Suranandah: He who gladdens all Gods
ெச வ .
188. ேகா த: அ த ேதவ க 188. Govinda: He who transcends the Heaven.
ெச ெமா கைள He who knows All Weapons. He who protects
ெப பவ , Cattles. He who is known by Vedas. He who is a
thunderbolt (having Vajra marks on His feet).
He who known in all the Quarters. He who
resides in the eyes of the persons. He who is in
the Form of Sun. He who covered the Earth
from Titans. He who has Seat in the Waters.

189. ேகா தா ப : ேவத வா க 189. Govidampatih: He who is the Lord of Wise.

அ த ைவ க கைள He who is the Lord of knowers of Vedas in the
காபா ரவ . Form of Swan.

ம தமேநா ஹ ஸ: ஸுப ேணா ஜேகா தம:|

ர யநாப ஸுதபா: ப மநாப: ரஜாப :||21||
मरीिचदमनो हंस: सुपण भुजगो म:|
िहर यनाभ सुतपा: नाभ: जापित:||२१||

190. ம ச: தம மாச ற ய 190. Marichah: He who is the Refulgent. He

ப ைத கா றவ . who outshines the most brilliant. He who is the
Splendour of the Splendid. He who reveals
Himself to others in the form of Incarnations.

191. தமந: த ய ேதஹ ஒ யா 191. Damanah: He who is the repressor to those

ஸ ஸார தாப கைள ேபா பவ . swerve from their assigned duties.

192. ஹ ஸ: ஹ |ஸாவதார ெச 192. Hamsah: He who removes the fear of

அ யவ . Samsara for those who meditate on Him. He who
moves in all the bodies (Being in the Universe).
He who is in the form of Hamsa in Heaven.

193. ஸுப ண: ேம ய 193. Supernah: He who leads His devotees to

ஹ ஸாவதார அழ ய the other side of Ocean (Samsara). He who has
ற கைள ெகா தவ . Beautiful Wings.

194. ஜேகா தம: அரவணேம 194. Bhujagottamah: He who has the King of
ப ெகா உ தமரா Serpents (Adisesha) as His Bed.
ள பவ .

195. ர யநாப: ெபா ேபால 195. Hiranyanaabhah: He who has auspicious

ன ப த க நா ைடயவ . Navel. Of Golden Hue.
196. ஸுதபா: ய ஞாந வ . 196. Sutapah: He who is Excellent in

197. ப மநாப: நா தாமைர 197. Padmnabhah: He who has the Navel like a
ப உைடயவ . Lotus Flower

198. ரஜாப : அ த நா 198. Prajapatih: He who is the Father if all

ற த மா த Beings in the Universe. He who is the Lord of
அ ரைஜக தைலவ . Brahma who appeared First from His Navel

அ ஸ வ ஹ: ஸ தாதா ஸ மா ர:|
அேஜா ம ஷண ஶா தா தா மா ஸுரா ஹா||22||
अमृ यु सवदृक् िसंह: स धाता सि धमान् ि थर:|
अजो दुमषण शा ता िव ुता मा सुरािरहा||२२||

199. அ : ைவ 199. Amrityuh: He who is Free from Death and

த பவ . its causes.

200. ஸ வ : எ லாவ ைற 200. Sarvadrik: He who cognizes actions of all

ந றாக பா பவ . Being in the Universe through His innate light

201. ஹ: நர க ப 201. Simhah: He who is in the Form of Lion. He

ெகா டவ . who incarnated as Half Lion Half Man
(Nrusimha Incarnation)

202. ஸ தாதா: அ ப ப ட 202. Sandhaata: He who is the Regulates the

நர ஹ அவதார எ தேபா results of action of all Being in Universe. He
ர லாத த யப த க who bestowed prosperities to Prahalada and
த ேமா ேச ெகா டவ . others.

203. ஸ மா : அ ப க 203 Sandhiman: He who Enjoys the results that

எ ேபா த ேச ைக are being showered to all Beings in the
கா க ெச பவ . Universe. Prahlada and other attribute to Lord
in the form of Siddhi.

204. ர: அ ப க ட தா 204. Stirah: He who is always Constant. He

ைவ த அ அவ க who is Constant in His distribution of results
ற க னா
மா றெவா ணாதப
ைல பவ .
205. அஜ: 205. Ajah: He who is on the Move. He who
ேதா யதா ம றவ கைள appeared from the Column [Stupa] and not
ேபா றவாதவ . from the Womb as in the case of Nrusimha

206. ம ஷண: ைவ களா 206. Durmarshanah: He who is Unbearable to

தா க யாதவ . த ர his Enemies. He who can slay His Enemies by
யா ச கைள அ tip of his finger.
ஆ ற ெகா டவ .

207. ஶா தா: இர ய த ய 207. S’astha: He who is the Ordainer

ேரா கைள ந றாக தவ .

208. தா மா: ெச ய 208. Vis’rutaatmah: He who is Renowned Self.

அவதார ச ர ைடயவ . He who is Specially Declared (Sruthis)

209. ஸுரா ஹா: அம க 209. Surarihah: He who is the destroyer of Foes

பைகவனான இர யைன ள
ெகா றவ .

தேமா தா ஸ ய ஸ யபரா ரம:|

ேஷாS ஷ ர வாச ப தார :||23||
गु गु तमो धाम स य स यपरा म:|
िनिमषोऽिनिमष वी वाच पित दारधी:||२३||

210. தம: ரம 210. Guru Gurutamah: He who is the

தலானவ க எ லா Promulgator of all Vidhyas. He who is the
க கைள உபேத ததனா imparter of Brahmavidhya to Brahma and
ஆசா ய க ேமலான ஆசா ய others. He who created Brahma and imparted to
him all the Vedas.

211. தாம: அைன 211. Dhama: He who is Effulgent. He who is the

இ டமாக உ ளவ . Supreme Light. He who is the abode of all

212. ஸ ய: ரளய கால த ைம 212. Satyah: He who is the Essence of Truth. He

அ ம தலான ஸ க who is the Truth of Truth. He who supports
உத யவ . Satyaloka.

213.ஸ ய ரா ரம: அ த ம 213. Satyaparakramah: He who is the Truthful

தலான ஸ க ட (Real) valour.
த ைடய ஶ ப படாம
உ ைமயாக ெப றவ .
214. ஷ: ஆ த ேரா க 214. Nimishah: He whose eyes are closed
ஷய க ைண ற during Yoganidhra. He who never open His
கடா ெச யாதவ eyes towards enemies (of mankind)

215.அ ஷ: ஸ கைள 215. Animishah: He who is always Awake. He

கடா ஷய இைம who took the incarnation of Fish (Matsya
ெகா டா பவ . Avataram) which never close their Eyes.

216. ர : ைவஜய எ 216. Srigvih: He who is always ears Vyjayanthi

வனமாைலைய த பவ . garland (The Symbol of Tanmatras, rudimental
of Elements)

217. வாச ப உதார : ேவத 217. Vachaspathih udaradhi: He who is the

ெபா கைள ெவ Lord of Vidhyas and of Grand Intellect.
மஹாவா என ெபய ெப றவ .
க ற த ஞான ளவ .

அ ர ராம : மா யாேயா ேநதா ஸ ரண:|

ஸஹ ர தா வா மா ஸஹ ரா : ஸஹ ரபா ||24||
अ णीग मणी: ीमान् यायो नेता समीरण:|
सह मूध िव ा मा सह ा : सह पात्||२४||

218. அ ர : அ ப கைள உய 218. Agranih: He who is the Leader to the Front.

க ெகா ேபாமவ . He who Leads those desirous of Liberation- to
the Supreme Seat. He who Leads His devotees
near Himself.

219. ராம : ய த க 219. Gramanih: He who is the Director of the

ட யாமகரா பவ . group of Beings. He who directs His Devotees
to Nithyasiddhas.

220. மா : த பரேம வர 220. Sriman: He who is radiant. He who is the

ம ைம ைற லாம Light which excels all.
இ பவ .

221. யாய: ஒ தைதேய 221. Nyayah: He who is always Logical. He

ெச பவ . who enunciates differences and proceeds upon
proof. He who is the unshakable reason to those
who want to deviate from Sastras.
222. ேநதா: ப த கைள 222. Netah: He who the regular of the machine
கைறேய பவ . of Cosmos. He who dives and bring up the
sinking Great Souls.

223.ஸ ரண: ற த ய 223. Samiranah: He who is the cause of motion

ேஷ த க உைடயவ . in Beings. He who is the Breath of all Beings.

224. ஸஹ ர தா: அள லா 224. Sahasramoordah: He who has more than

தைலகைள உைடயவ . thousand Heads

225. வா மா: தம ஞான 225. Visvatma: He who is the Universal Soul

ஶ க னா உலக
எ லாவ யா பவ .

226. ஸஹ ரா : அள லா 226. Sahasrakshah: He who has more than

க கைள உைடயவ . thousand Eyes

227. ஸஹ ரபா : அள லா 227. Sahasrapad: He who has more than

கா கைள உைடயவ . thousand foot.

ஆவ தேநா தா மா ஸ த ஸ ரம தந:|
அஹ ஸ வ தேகா வ ர ேலா தர தர:||25||
आवतनो िनवृ ा मा संवृत सं मदन:|
अह संवतको वि सिनलो धरणीधर:||२५||

228. ஆவ தந: ஸ ஸார ச கர ைத 228. Avartanah: He who always turning the

ஓயா ழ wheel of Samsara
ெகா ேட பவ .

229. தா மா: ரா த 229. Nivrttatmah: He who is Liberated from the

பாவ கைள கட தான Minds of Samsara
பாவ ளவ .

230. ஸ த: அ க 230. Samvrutah: He who is veiled by Avidhya

ள காம மைற பவ . which covers the Nature.

231. ஸ ரம தந: த ைம 231. Sampramardanah: He who crushes the

அ தவ க மாையைய Death and the rest manifesting Himself as
ெதாைல அ பவ . Rudra. He who destroys the darkness of His
devotees by His knowledge.
232. அஹ ஸ வ தக: பக 232. Ahassamvartakah: He who regulates the
த ய கேளா கால Day as in Sun. He who regulates Day and
ச கர ைத உ பவ . Time.

233.வ : யாவைர தா பவ . 233. Vahnih: He who carries the oblation of

Gods. He who apportioned Himself as whole

234. அ ல: யாவ உ ப 234. Anilah: He who is Beginningless. He who

ெச பவ . is Supreme. He who is the Life. Sruti Says: Who
will live and Who will be sentient without Him

235.தர தர: ைய தா பவ . 235. Dharanidharah: He who is the bearer of

the Earth (Adisesha and Varaha)

ஸு ரஸாத: ரஸ நா மா வ வ :|
ஸ க தா ஸ த ஸா ஜ நாராயேணா நர:||26||
सु साद: स ा मा िव सृि व भुि वभु:|
सकत स कृत साधुज ुन रयाणो नर:||२६||

236. ஸு ரஸாத: அ ப க 236. Suprasaadah: He who is Gracious. He who

தஅ பவ . gave Salvation even to wrong-doers such as

237. ரஸ நா மா: ெவ 237. Prasannatmah: He who is of delightful

கல க க எ ேபா ெத nature. He who is untainted by the qualities of
ெப ற தைன உ ளவ . Rajas and Tamas. He who is ever-merciful on
account of His having no desire to be satisfied.

238. வ : உலக கைள 238. Vis’vaskruk: He who is the Supporter of

பைட தவ . Cosmos. He who Created the Entire Universe.

239. ஶவ : எ லா 239. Vis’vabhuk: He who is the Ruler of

உலக கைள ஆ பவ . Cosmos. He who Enjoys the Cosmos.

240: : பைட த உலக க 240. Vibhuh: He who is multiform as

யா கா பவ . Hiranyagarbha and others. He who is Eternal
and Multiform

241. ஸ க தா: ஸ கைள 241. Satkartah: He who is a worshipper and

ெவ மா பவ . serves Gurus. He who is Radiant.
242. த: ஸா காளா 242. Satkritah: He who is worshipped. He who
ஆரா கப பவ . becomes pleased with little offerings.

243. ஸா : ெச த , 243. Sadhuh: He who is righteous one. He who

ேதேரா த ேபா ற அ ப க accomplishes or fulfills a thing without the help
யவ ைறெய லா ெச of necessary requisites. He helped the good by
பவ . being a messenger and a Chariot rider as the
case may demand

244. ஜ :ப ய றவ க 244. Jahnuh: He who is the Disintegrator of

த ைம மைற பவ . Beings during involution. He who leads those
devoid of devotion away from Supreme.

245. நாராயண: அ யாத ய 245. Narayanah: He who is the Cause and

வ க ர Pervades them and thus His Abode. He who is
ஆதாராமா பவ . the seat of Naras.

246. நர: த ைம ேச த ேசதந 246. Narah: He who leads everything. He who

அேசதந க யா has vibhutis as parts of His Body.
அ யாம க ெப றவ .

அஸ ேயேயாS ரேமயா மா ட ட :|
தா த ஸ க ப: த ஸாதந:||27||
अस येयोऽ मेया मा िविश ि श कृ छुिच:|
िस ाथि स स प: िसि दि सि साधन:||२७||

247. அஸ ேயய: எ ைற த 247. Asankhyeyah: He who is unaccountable.

ேசதந அேசதந களா ய கைள He who has no Names, Numbers, Form etc. He
உைடயவ . who has All Jivas as His parts.

248. அ ரேமயா மா: எ ைற த 248. Aprameyatmah: He who is Immeasurable.

பதா த க எ லாவ His Jivas are immeasurable.
உ ற யா பவ .

249. ட: த ற 249. Vis’shita: He who is Transcendental. He

ெபா யவ . who transcends all

250. ட : த ைம 250. S’ishtakrit: He who Frames Laws. He who

சா தவ கைள ந ண is the Protector of Virtuous Ones.
ந ெச ைகக உ ளவராக (Krit=Protection)
ெச பவ .
251. : தம தாேம ைம 251. S’uchih: He who is Stainless. He who
ெப றவ . makes His devotees shine according to their
devotion, which they are deprived off at any
point of time.

252. தா த: எ லா 252. Siddhartah: He whose objectives are

வயமாகேவ க ெப றவ . fulfilled. He who obtains whatever He wishes.
He whose Wish is Truthful. There is Nothing
which is either to Fulfill or Fulfilled.

253. த ஸ க ப: ைன ைத 253. Siddhassankalpah: He who is

எ லா ைன த மா ர accomplished of His resolutions. He whose
ைறேவற ெப பவ . resolution is Truth.

254. த: ைய 254. Siddhidah: He who bestows Siddhis to

றவ க அைத those who desire.
ெகா பவ .

255. ஸாதந: த ைம 255. Siddhisaadanah: He who is the Means of

உபா ப பல ேபா Siddhis. He who makes His Devotees Happy
இ பமாக ேதா ப ெச பவ . even at the performance of action

ஷா ஷேபா : ஷப வா ேஷாதர:|
வ தேநா வ தமாந ச த: ஸாகர:||28||
वृषाही वृषभो िव णु: वृषपव वृषोदर:|
वधनो वधमान िविव त: ुितसागर:||२८||

256. ஷா : த ைம த 256. Vrshaahih: He who is the Performer of

அ னேம எ லா Sacrifice for Dharma.
ந ைமக நா
ேபால அ த ன ற பாக
இ க ெப றவ .

257. ஷப: ஸ ஸார னா 257. Vrishabhah: He who showers Desired

க வ ப த ைம வ Objectives to His Devotees.
ப பவ கடா அ த
தாைரைய ேபா ெபா பவ .

258. : அ ப கடா க 258. Vishnuh: He who traversed the Entire

ெப றவ கைள எ ேபா Universe in three steps. He who does not
யா பவ . separate Himself from those Devotees who have
been showed with Desired Objectives.
259. ஷப வா: த ைம வ 259. Vrishaparvah: He who has Dharma as
ேச வத வ ணா ரம Step for Salvation. Those who wish to reach
த ம கைளேய ப களாக Supreme Abode have to go through the Dharma
அைம பவ . Step.

260. ேஷாதர: த மேம 260. Vrushodarah: He who has Womb contains

வ ெவ த வ ைற all Beings. He from whose womb pours all the
உைடயவ . பரம ைவ க க Beings in the Universe. The offerings of the
ேவதன ெச உண கைள virtuous are in His stomach.
உ ெகா வதா அைனவைர
கால ேசஷ வ
ைவ கா பவ .

261. வ ந: ஆரா பவ கைள 261. Vardhanah: He who is the nourisher. As

ேம ேம வ ள பவ . per the Smriti, “We should be protected by thee,
O King, as we are in thy womb”.

262. வ தமாந: அ ப க வள வ 262. Vardhamanah: He who expands Himself to

க தா வள பவ . the size of Universe. He who increases His
People in everything.

263. த: தம ேக ற பா 263. Viviktah: He who is The Solitary. He who

ச ர ைத உைடயவ . thus pervades the Universe but yet exclusive. He
who is distinguished Himself by Supreme

264. ஸாகர: ந க கட 264. S’ruthi Sagarah: He who is the Ocean of

ேபா ேவத க Srthis (Vedas). Sruthis Rest in Him. Sruthi
க டமா பவ . Reveals Him

ஸு ேஜா தேரா வா மேஹ ேரா வஸுேதா வஸு:|

ைநக ேபா ப: ட: ரகாஶந:||29||
सुभुजो दुधरो वा मी महे ो वसुदो वसु:|
नौक पो बृह ूप: िशिपिव : काशन:||२९||

265. ஸு ஜ: சரணாகத க 265. Subhujah: He who has Goodly Arma.

பார கைள வ கவ ல ேதா (Goodly refers to Protecting the Universe)
வ ைம உைடயவ .

266. தர: 266. Dhurdharah: He who is Difficult to be

மனவ ைமய றவ க னா borne. None can support and bear Him who
தய ேகாச supports even the Earth etc., that supports all.
தா க யாதவ . He whom all Yogins (who is desirous of
Liberation) find it difficult to locate their hearts
during meditation.

267. வா : பவ அவதார க 267. Vaagmih: He From whom Proceeds the

ெச ய ெச ெசா கைள Speech. He who replies intelligently like
ெசா பவ . Brihaspati.

268. மேஹ ர: பரேம வர த ைம 268. Mahendrah: He who is the Lord of Lords.

வா தவ , He who is the Lord of Splendour, Strength and

269. வஸுத: ெபா கைள 269. Vasudah: He who gives Wealth. He who is
பவ அதைன அ பவ . the Consumer of Food and Giver of Wealth. He
who is Equal to Kubera in charity.

270. வஸு: ேவெறா ெபா 270. Vaush: He who is the Wealth. The Wealth
பாதவ க தாேம He gives to others is Himself. He who veils
ெபா ளா பவ . ேசேல Himself in Maya (vas=Cover)
க ய ெப ெச வ
ந ம க ….அவேர இ யாவாேர
எ றப .

271. ைநக ப: வ பமாக ப பல 271. Naikarupah: He who has many forms. He

ப கைள உைடயவ . who appears manifolds by His Maya. He who is

272. ரஹ ப: அ ஙேன 272. Brihadrupah: He who has Huge Form as

ெகா உ வ க எ லா in the incarnation of Varaha Avatar. Bhagavad
ைசகைள ேம லக ைத Gita 11-20 “Thou hast pervaded Earth and
இைடெவ ைய Heaven.
யா ப ெப ய உ ட
இ பவ .

273. ட: ரண க 273. S’ipivishtah: He who is the soul of

ரேவ யா பவ . sacrificial animals. He who dwells in the
sacrificial offering in the form of Sacrifice.
(Yagna). Sipi=Rays as they draw and protect
the water; Vishta=Lord of Cosmos, who resides
in the rays

274. ரகாஶந: தம ய ப ைத 274. Prakas’anah: He who is the Illuminator of

காண க பரம ப த க All. He who reveals His Form to Devotees.
த ைம ள க கா பவ .
ஓஜ ேதேஜா தர: ரகாஶா மா ரதாபந:|
த ப டா ேரா ம ர: ச ராஶு பா கர :||30||
ओज तेजो ुितधर: काशा मा तापन:|
ॠ प ा रो म : च शुभ कर ुित:||३०||

275. ஓஜ ேதேஜா தர: பல , 275. Ojastejoyutidharah: He who possess Vital

பரா ரம , ஒ Life Energy (Ojas), Valour (Tejas) and
இவ ைற ைடயவ . Effulgence (Dhutidharah). Bhagavad Gita (7-11
and 10 Reads) Of the Energetic I am the Energy,
I am the Light of those possess Light. Effulgence:
of Wisdom

276. ரகாஶா மா: 276. Prakas’aatmaa: He who is Radiant Self.

அ க ட Even by the ignorant ones His Supreme Nature
ெவ பைடயாக ெத ற த can be easily known.
ரபாவ ைடயவ .

277. ரதாபந: பைகவ கைள த க 277. Prataapanah: He who is the Burner of

ெச பவ . Cosmos by His Manifestations such as Sun etc.

278. த: எ ேபா 278. Riddhah: He who is Wealthy. He being

ஸ ேயா பவ / endowed with Dharma, Knowledge and
ர பவ . Dispassion and the like.

279. பா டா ர: தம 279. Spashtaakshrah: He who is of Clear

ம ைமகளா ெத வாக Pronounciation. As in the syllable of “Om”. He
ெவ ப ேவதா ர கைள whose svara or rhythm is High.
வ டவ .

280. ம ர: த ைன மனன 280, Mantrah: He who is taught by Mantras.

( பவ கைள) கா ப றவ . He who protects who think on Him.

281. ச
ரா ஶு: த ைம 281. Chandrams’uh: He who is the rays of
பவ கைள கைள ைப Moon. He is the like of Moon, Brings Delight to
ெச ைப ைள பதா those minds whose minds are afflicted with the
ச ரைன ேபா scorching rays of Samsara (Sun).
ஒ யா பவ .

282. பா கர :ர 282. Bhaskradyutih: He who is Bright as Sun.

(ஸூ ய )ைய க ட இ ேபால The similarity is on account of Overpowering.
பைகவ பா பற ேதா
பரா ரம ைடயவ .
அ தா ஶூ பேவா பா : ஶஶ ஸுேர வர:|
ஔஷத ஜகத ேஸ : ஸ யத மபரா ரம:||31||
अमृत शु वो भनु: शशिब दु सुरे र:|
औषधं जगत सेतु: स यधमपरा म:||३१||

283. அ தா ஶூ பவ: ச ர த 283. Amrutaams’hudbhavah: He who is the

மன ேதா ற ெப றதாம source of Moon. The Moon came from His Mind
ச ர ற டமா பவ . and Sun from His Eyes.

284. பா : ய த ய ட 284. Bhanuh: He who is Radiant. When He

ெபா க ெக ல shines the Sun depends on Him.
ஒ யா பவ .

285. ஶஶ : ெக ட வ 285. S’as’abhinduh: He who Nourishes like

ெச பவ கைள அ பவ . Moon. Having become the watery Moon
nourishes the herbs.

286. ஸுேர வர: ந ென 286. Sures’varah: He who is the Lord of Suras.

நட பவ கைள உேய க Suras are those who confer Good.
ெச பவ .

287. ஔஷத : ற ெய 287. Aushadham: He who Himself is the

ேநா ம தா பவ . Medicine. For the disease of Samsara.

288. ஜகத ேஸ : உல ய 288. Jagatassetuh: He who is the Limit of the

பாப பல கைள பாறாம World. He who is the means of emancipation of
ெகா பவ . Beings in the World. He who is the Limit,
Upholder of the World, so that they may not fall
in ruin.

289. ஸ ய த ம பரா ரம: தம 289. Sathya Dharma Parakramah: He who is of

க யாண ண க true Dharma prowess
ரா ரம க ப தைடயாதப
உலக ைத உ பவ .

தப யபவ நாத: பவந: பாவேநாSநல:|

காமஹா காம கா த: காம: காம ரத: ர :||32||
भूतभ यभव थ: पवन: पावनोऽनल:|
कामहा कामकृ का त: काम: काम द: भु:||३२||
290. தப யபவ நாத: 290. Bhutabhavyabhavannathah: He who is the
கால க உ ளவ Lord of Present, Past and Future. He who is
கடவ . sought by all beings.

291. பவந: கா த ச ைய 291. Pavanah: He who is the Purifier.

ஊ பவ . Bhagavad Gita (10-31): Of the purifiers I am
the Wind. He who is the Mover.

292. பாவந: க ைக ேபா ற ப த 292. Paavanah: He who causes the motion of

வ க ப ைய Wind. According to Sruti “From the fear of Him
அ பவ . the Wind Blows”. He who gives Purifying effect
to the Holy objects such as Ganges.

293. அநல: அ யா க 293. Analah: He who is the Fire. An- Pranas;

எ வளேவ ந ைம அ த ற La= Receives, Jiva who receives Pranas as His
ேபா ெம ற எ ண லாதாவ . Self. He who neither smells, nor tastes. He who
“உ ன யா never stops doing good though He has showered
எ ெச ேவென ேற இ ” all goodness to His Devotees.
எ றா ந மா வா .

294. காமஹா: தம ண க 294. Kamahah: He who is the Destroyer of

ஈ ப டவ க ம ற Desires, in those who desire Salvation. He who
ஷய /ஈ பா ைட destroys the projects of the enemies to His
ெக பவ . Devotees.

295. காம : ஞா க 295. Kamakrit: He who fulfills the Desires to

த ட ப ைத தாேம those of Saatvika nature. He who is the Father
ைள பவ . of Pradhyumna

296. கா த: வ வழ 297. Kantah: He who is Beautifiul (Superlative

த யவ றா யாவரா Degree)
ப வ மவ .

298. காம: ம மத உலைக 298. Kamah: He who is Desired by all by those

மய க ெச த ைமைய தாேம who seek human aspirations. As He possess
அ தவ . good qualities He is desired by all.

299. காம ரத: அவரவ வைத 299. Kaamapratah: He who grants all desires to
அ பவ . His Devotees.

300. ர : எ ேலா ைடய 300. Prabhuh: He who is really existent. He

மன ைத கவர வ லவ . who drags the eyes and mind of all by beauty of
His Form.
கா காவ ேத ைநகமாேயா மஹாஶந:|
அ ேயா ய த ப ச ஸஹ ர தந த ||33||
युजािदकृ ुगावत नैकमायो महाशन:|
अदृ यो य त प सह िजदन तिजत्||३३||

301. கா : ரளயமானேபா 301. Yugaadikrit: He who is the Institutor of

ப பைட த ெச பவ . Yugas. He who starts the Yugas.

302. காவ த: நா 302. Yugarvartah: He who brings about cycle of

க கைள அைடேவ ப Yugas as He himself is the Time.
ெச பவ .

303. ைநகமாய: ஆல மர 303. Naikamayah: He who has many illusions.

இைல ஒ பாலகனா ப The Best being the one when He posed Himself
ெகா த தலான பல வைக as an infant on Banyan Leaf.
ஆ ச ய ெசய கைள உைடயவ .

304. மஹாஸந: ஞால ஏ 304. Mahsaanah: He who is the Great Eater as

உ பதா ய ெப ைய He consumes Everything during Pralaya
உைடயவ .

305. அ ய: மா க ேடய 305. Adris’ya: He who is invisible to Great

த யவ க உ ைம Intellects and senses.
ல படாத ச ைதகைள உைடயவ .

306. ய த ப: தம க ைணயால 306. Vyaktarupah: He who has manifested form

ெத வாக ல ப ய ம கள in physical embodiment, self-radiant to become
ரஹ ைடயவ . cognizable to Yogins.

307. ஸஹ ர : ஆ ர 307. Sahasrajit: He who is the Conqueror of

க களாக எ ண ப ரளய thousands of Asuras in battle. He who reclines
கால ைத ேயாக ைர in Water (alone) for a period of thousand Yugas
ெகா ேட ஜ பவ . and could vanish Enemies.

308. அந த : தம ம ைம 308. Anantahjit: He who is the conqueror of

ைவ யா innumerable beings through His Unlimited
காண டாம பவ . powers excels in every being in war etc. No one
can understand His ends.

இ ேடாS ட ேட ட: க நஹுேஷா ஷ:|

ேராதஹா ேராத க தா வபாஹு ம தர:||34||
इ ोऽिविश ि श े : िशख डी नहुषो वृष:|
ोधहा ोधकृ कत िव बाहुमहीधर:||३४||

309. இ ேடா ட: (அ ட: 309. Ishtah Avis’ishtah: He who is the Pleasant

இ ட:) ரளய கால த being the highest Bliss. He who is worshipped in
வ ெகா ள ப ட யாவ Yajnas. He who is also permeated as Indweller
வா தா ேபா (Antaryamin) in all. Even the ignorant one
ப இ பவ . equally wish to see Him.

310. ேட ட: மா க ேடய 310. S’is’heshtah: He who is Loved by the

ேபா ற ேம ம களா Learned or He Loves Learned. Bhagavad Gita
பரம ஷா த எ 7-17: “For excessively dear am I to Jnani and
ப ப பவ . he is dear to me”. He who is beloved of Wise.

311. க : யாரா 311. S’ikhandih: He who adorns Peacock

ெவ லெவா ணாத அள கட த Feather. Sikhandah means the Splendour of
ஐ வ மா ய ற த ம ைமையேய Supreme Lord.
ற த ேரா ஷணமாக உைடயவ .

312. நஹுஷ: தம மாைய னா 312. Nahushah: He who is the Deceiver of

வ கைள க பவ . beings through His Maya.

313. ஷ: அ ப கைள அ த 313. Vrushah: He who is Dharma as He

ேபா ற ேம ஓ னா showers all desires. He who consoles and cools
இ ெசா காளா நைன பவ . down His tired Devotees with His Sweet Words.

314. ேராதஹா: பர ராம அவதார 314. Krodhaha: He who is the Destroyer of

ெச த ேபா ேகா ல ம னைர Anger in Good men. He who pacified the anger
ேவ கா ஒ ம வா of Parasurama in connection with Kings at the
ேபா ேகாப த ய ெப றவ . request of Kashyapa.

315. ேராத க தா: 315. Krodhakrit: Kartah He who is the Creator

ரய கைள ெகா ல ேவ (Agent) of Anger in Wicked Men. He who is the
ேகாப ெகா டவ . த Slayer of Angry ones (Asuras)
ேகாப இல காக
கா த யைன தவ .

316. வபாஹு: ேரா கைள 316. Vis’vabaahuh: He who has Arms on all His
ெதாைல ப னா உலக க sides. He who is the dependent for all Worlds.
ே மமான ைககைள
உைடயவ .
317. ம தர: ைமயான 317. Mahidharah: He who is the bearer of the
ட கைள ெதாைல ைய Earth. He who accept the Worships (Mahi)
ைல ெப பவ .

அ த: ர த: ராண: ராணேதா வாஸவா ஜ:|

அபா ர டாநம ரம தா: ர த:||35||
अ युत: िथत: ाण: ाणदो वासवानुज:|
अपाि िध रिध ानम म : िति त:||३५||

318. அ த: த ைடய ைலைம 318. Achyutah: He who is Unswerving from His

தவறாம பவ . Nature as He is Free from six kinds of Nature
(i.e., Birth, Death etc.)

319. ர த: உலக ைர த 319. Prathitah: He who is Famous on account

களாள . of His creation and rest of the Universe.

320. ராண: அைன 320. Pranah: He who is the Life Energy of all
வரா க உ ராக Beings.
இ பவ .

321. ராணத: மாவதார 321. Pranadah: He who is the Life-Giver. He

ேதவ க கட கைடவத ய who is the Destroyer of Asuras.
ேதஹ வ ைமைய ெகா தவ .

322. வாஸவா ஜ: அ த ன 322. Vaasavaanujah: He who is the younger

இ ர அைத ெகா க Brother of Indra during incarnation of Kurma
ேவ அவ ற தவ . Avatharam.

323. அபா : கட 323. Apam nidhih: He who is the Ocean

கைடய ப ேபா அத
ஆதாரமாக எ அதைன
தா யவ .

324. அ டாந : கட ைட த 324. Adhishthanam: He who is Mainstay of all

ேபா ம ர மைலைய தா Beings. Bhagavat Gita 9-4: “All beings are in
றவ . me”.

325. அ ரம த: அ யா கைள 325. Apramattah: He who is Never Careless in

கா பைத ஊ க apportioning fruits of Karma to the recipients
தவறா பவ .

326. ர த: தம ேவ 326. Pratishtitah: He who is Well-Centered in

ஆதார ேவ டாதப த His own Glory.
ம ைம ேலேய த ைலயா
இ பவ .

க த க ததேரா ேயா வரேதா வா வாஹந:|

வாஸுேதேவா ஹ பா ரா ேதவ: ர தர:||36||
क द क दधरो धुय वरदो वायुवाहन:|
वासुदेवो बृह ानुरािददेव: पुर दर:||३६||

327. க த: அஸுர ரா ஸ கைள 327. Skandah: He who flows like Nectar as He

அ பவ . dries up (Skand) everything

328. க ததர: 328. Skandharah: He who supports the path of

“ேஸநா ப க நா Virtue.
க த ” எ ற ைத வா ப
ேதவ ேஸநா ப யான
க தைன தா பவ .

329. ய: உலகமா ய 329. Dhuryah: He who bears the Yoke of all

ெப ைமைய தா பவ . Beings.

330. வரத: ேலாக வாஹ ைத 330. Varadah: He who grants Boons or desired
வ ேதவ க அ த objectives. He who distributes money in the
வ லைம டா ப வர sacrifice being Himself the Sacrificer.
அ பவ .

331. வா வாஹந: உலக 331. Vayuvahanah: He who Directs All Vayus

ராணனான கா ைற (7 Nos of Vayus)
நட பவ .

332. வாஸுேதவ: எ 332. Vasudevah: He who covers the Universe

உைறபவராக இ like the Sun with its Rays and resides in all
ளயா டகேவ ஸகல Beings. He who permeates all things and exists
ர ண ள ெச பவ . in all things and He who is the origin of all
Gods. He who is Omnipresent.

333. ஹு பா : வாக 333. Bruhudhbhanuh: He whose rays are in

எ ேபா ள Sun, Moon and others which illuminates the
ரகாச ைடயவ . Universe through them. He who is the
possessor of Great Rays.

334. ஆ ேதவ: உலக 334. Adidevah: He who is the First Deity. He

லகாரணமாக இ who is the possessor of brilliance and other
ஜக த யவ றா
ம பவ .

335. ர தர: அ ர க 335. Purandarah: He who destroys the cities of

ப டண கைள ள பவ . Asuras (enemies to Devas)

அேஶாக தாரண தார: ஶூர: ெஶௗ ஜேந வர:|

அ ல: ஶதாவ த: ப ப ம ேப ண:||37||
अशोक तारण तार: शूर: शौिरजने र:|
अनुकूल: शतावत: प ी प िनभे ण:||३७||

336. அேஶாக: ப கைள 336. As’okah: He who is unafflicted. He who is

ைட பவ . free from six afflictions. He who is the enemy of
pains in the body

337. தாரண: பய தாந கைள 337. Taranah: He who enables all Beings to
தா பவ . cross the ocean of Samsara. He who removes
the pains concerning elements.

338. தார: ஸ ஸார கட 338. Tarah: He who is the reliever of fears of

கைரேய பவ . conception, birth, old age and death. He who
removes the pains caused Divine things.

339. ஶூர: ேரா கைள ெவ வ 339. Surah: He who is Valiant.

வ லைம ைடயவ .

340. ெஶௗ : ரனான 340. Saurih: He who is the son of Sura

வஸுேதவ த வ . (Vasudeva)

341. ஜேந வர: ஜ தவ க 341. Janes’varah: He who is Lord of all Beings.

யாவ ஈ வரனா இ பவ .

342. அ ல: தம 342. Anukulah: He who is the Friend. Because

பர வ வ ைத பாரா டாம of His being the Self of all and as none does
அ யா கள அைனவைர அ anything unfavourable to Himself.
ப ய எ யவரா இ பவ .

343. ஶதாவ த: தம ஐ வ ய 343. S’atavartah: He who incarnates more than

அலகைள hundred times to protect Dharma. He who as
ெப ப இ பவ . Prana wends through the hundred nadis
344. ப : லார த ைத 344. Padmeeh: He who hold Lotus in His
எ ேபா ைக Hands.
ெகா பவ

345. ப ம ேப ண: தாமைர மல 345. Padma Nibhekshanah: He who has eyes

மல தா ேபா க கைள like Lotus
உைடயவ .

ப மநாேபாSர தா : ப மக ப: ஶ ர |
மஹ ேதா தா மா மஹாே ா க ட வஜ:||38||
प नाभोऽरिव दा :प गभ: शरीरभृत्|
महि ॠ ो वृ ा मा महा ो ग ड वज:||३८||

346. ப மநாப: தாமைர ேபா ற 346. Padmanabhah: He who is seated in the

அ ல தாமைர மலைர pericarp of Lotus. He who has His Navel in the
நா யாக உைடயவ . shape of Lotus

347. அர தா : தாமைர 347. Arandaakshah: He who is Lotus Eyed

மலைர ேபா ற க கைள
உைடயவ .

348. ப மக ப: உபாஸக களா 348. Padmagarbhah: He who is Contained in the

தய கமல Lotus as He is mediated upon in the Centre of
த ப றவ . Lotus of the Heart.

349. ஶ ர : உபாஸக ைடய 349. S’ariiabhrut: He who is the Nourisher of

தய கமல ெகா the Bodies through Food and Life energy. He
தம உடலான அ பாஸன ைள who supports all forms through His Maya.
ேபா பவ .

350. மஹ :ப த க ைடய ேயாக 350. Maharddhih: He who is the Great

ே ம கைள ைற Manifestation. Bhagavad Gita 10-10 “There is
நட பவ . no end to my divine manifestation O conqueror
of enemies”.

351. த: அ ப க 351. Riddhah: He who is the expanse of the

ஸ னாேலேய தா Universe
ஸ ெப பவ .

352. தா மா: இ வள 352. Vruddhaatmah: He who is the Ancient Self.

ம ைமகைள த உ ள ைக
அட னா ேபா ேதா ப
ெப தான வ ப ைடயவ .

353. மஹா : க டைன ற த 353. Mahakshah: He who has Great Eyes

வாகனமாக உைடயவ . (Garuda is His Vehicle)

354. க ட வஜ: அ த க டைன 354. Garudadhjavah: He who has Garuda in

ெகா யாக ெகா டவ . His Banner

அ ல: ஶரேபா ம: ஸமய ேஞா ஹ ஹ :|

ஸ வல ணல ேயா ல வா ஸ ஜய:||39||
अतुल: शरभो भीम: समय ो हिवहिर:|
सवल णल यो ल मीवान् सिमित य:||३९||

355. அ ல: 355. Atulah: He who is Incomparable. For Him

“த ெனா பா ல ப ” எ றப who name is Glory of the Universe, there is no
எ த வைக த ேமா ஒ Likeness. For Thy Equal does not exist, whence
இ பா லாதவ . another superior to Thee in the three worlds?

356. ஶரப: தா இ ட ேவ கைள 356. S’arabhah: He who is Pratyagatman.

அ பவ க யாேரா அவ கைள (S’ara: bodies so called from their perishable
ெதாைல பவ . nature; bha: to shine). Hence He who shines in
them as individual soul.

357. ம: வா ய த ய 357. Bhimah: He who is awe-inspiring. He

ேதவ க த ட அ whom all fear. If the word is prefixed with “a”
நட ப யாக உ ளவ . (Abhimah) becomes “causing no fear to those
who follow righteous path”.

358. ஸமயஞ: ப த க த ட 358. Samayajgnah: He who knows six systems

வ ேசரேவ ய கால ைத of Philosophy. He who is well verses with
அ தவ . Creation, Preservation and Destruction. He
whose worship consists in the worshipper being
equal in all beings.

359. ஹ ஹ : ேவ க 359. Havirharih: He who is he Receiver of

அ கப ற ஹ பாக கைள Oblations. In Bhagavad Gita (9-24) Lord says
ெப ெகா பவ . “I am indeed the enjoyer and also the Lord of
Sacrifices. He is named “Havis” as He is
worshipped through Oblations.
360. ஸ வல ணல ய: மஹா 360. Sarvalakshanalakshanyah: He who is
ஷ ல ண க எ லாவ known through all methods of researches. All
மாெல அ இட த கவ . methods of proof yield the same Result i.e.,
Himself as the reality.

361. ல வா : எ ேபா ல 361. Lakshmivaan: He who has the consort of

ஸ ப த ைடயவ . Lakshmi as Lakshmi resides forever in His

362. ஸ ய: வா மா க 362. Samitinjayah: He who is always Victorious

ேமா வாத ப மள அ த in battles. He who is the Destroyer of all pains
கலஹ ெவ ெப றவ . of Chetanas (Jivas)

ேரா ேரா ேதா மா ேகா ேஹ தாேமாதர: ஸஹ:|

ம தேரா மஹாபாேகா ேவகவாந தாஶந:||40||
िव रो रोिहतो माग हेतुद मोदर: सह:|
महीधरो महाभागो वेगवानिमताशन:||४०||

363. ர: அ ப க ட 363. Viksharah: He who is undecaying.

காத அ ெகா டவ . Example: His Love towards Lakshmana (during
Ramavatara) was undiminishing.

364. ேரா த: தாமரஈ உ 364. Rohitah: He who is Red-Hued. Here this

ற ேபா ற வ த Refers to Matsya Avatara
ற ைடயவ .

365. மா க: உபாஸக க னா 365. Margah: He who is the Path to Supreme

ேதட ப பவ . Bliss. He who is sought by those desirous of
liberation. He through whom Supreme Bliss is

366. ேஹ : ப த க 366. Hetuh: He who is the Cause. He who is the

ேகா ைகக ைக வத Material and Instrumental.
காரணமா பவ .

367. தாேமாதர: யேசாைத 367. Damodharah: He who is known through

தா னா க த the mind which is purified by means of “Dama”
வ ைற உைடயவ . or Self-Control and other qualities. He is Called
Damodhara as He is known by means of Dama
(Control of Senses). He who is tied up by
Yasodha by means of a chord (Dama round His
waist (Udhara). Dama Means World; As the
Worlds are in His Womb-He is Damodhara. He
who wears the Blissful Devotees as Garland

368. ஸஹ: அ ப ப ட 368. Sahah: He who is All-Enduring. He who

“க தா னா ” Supersedes All.
க இ தைல
ஸ பவ .

369. ம தர: ைமயான 369. Mahiidharah: He who is the Bearer of the

ட கைள அ ைய ைல Earth in the form of Mountains, Forests etc.
பவ .

370. மஹாபக: அள கட த 370. Mahabhagah: He who is Ever-Fortunate

ெஸௗபா ய ைடயவ . or taking any form He likes, Eats Excellent
Food that fall to His share. He who possess
Beauty in all His Limbs.

371. ேவகவா : ம ய 371. Vegavaan: He who is Swift. According to

ழ ைதயா ைளயா ய Sruti: “The Unmoving, the one, he who is
ப வ த பரேம வ swifter than mind.”
ச ேவக
ைறயாம பவ .

372. அ தாஶந: இ ர ெக 372. Amitas’anah: He who has Unmeasured

ஆய க ட அப தமான Appetite. He who consumes the Univers during
உண கைள தா உ டவ . Involution. Srimad Bhagavatham says: He
consumed Unlimited quantity of Food offered to
Indra by Gopas.

உ பவ: ே ாபேணா ேதவ: க ப: ரேம வர:|

கரண காரண க தா க தா கஹேநா ஹ:||41||
उ व: ोभणो देव: ीगभ: परमे र:|
करणं कारणं कत िवकत गहनो गुह:||४१||

373. உ பவ: த ைம யான 373. Udbhavah: He who is the Original of the

ெச பவ க ஸ ஸார ப Universe as its material cause. He who is free
ல ப ெச பவ . from Samsara and who frees His Devotees from
the Ocean of Samsara. He from whom Samara
374. ே ாபண: க ப வத ய 374. Kshobhanah: He who is the Agitator of
வரா கைள அவ றஈ Prakriti (Primordial matter) and Prusha
க மதா ய ர ைய (Jivatmaas) at the time of Creation. Vishnu
ரளய Purana (1-2-29) says: “Lord Hari mooted by
கால கல பவ . His perishable Prakriti and imperishable
உ ப யா ப ெச பவ . Purusha at the time of Creation.

375. ேதவ: லா 375. Devah: He is Called Dava as He sports

வாஹமா ற ளயா ைட with Creation and the Rest, Wishes to Conquer
உைடயவ . the Devas, Functions in all Beings, Shines as
Universal Soul, Praised by Holy men, Pervades
all. According to Sruti “There is only one

376. க ப: மஹால ைய 376. SriGarbha: He who contains Glory (Sri)

எ ேபா க ப ேபா கா பவ . within Himself in the shape of Universe.

377. பேம வர: அ த மஹால 377 Parames’varah: He who is Supreme Lord.

யேயாக னா பரேம வ Bhagavad Gita (13-17) “The Supreme Lord
ஸ பய ப பவ . remaining the same in all Beings”. Lord Rama
did shine more by receiving Sita in His

378. கரண : அ யா க த ைம 378. Karanam: He who is the instrumental in

அைடவத தாேம க யாக Evolution of the Worlds. Vyasa says: He is
இ பவ . identified Himself with Karanas, Senses, Mind
in Creation.

379. காரண : இ ய களா ய 379. Kaaranam: He who is the Material Cause.

க களா வ க எ லா He who does all through instrumentality of the
அ கைள senses.
உ ப றவ .
இ ய க அ டாந

380. க தா: எ த ஷய 380. Kartah: He who is the Doer. He the

வாத ய வா தவ . Instrumental Cause and also Independent.

381. க தா: ற ைடய ஹ ஷ 381. Vikartah: He who is the Creator of the

ேசாக க த யா தா Varied. He who identifies Himself in the
அவ ைற அைட Happiness and Misery of others.
கார ப றவ .
382. கஹந: அ ப ப ட 382. Gahanah: He who is unknowable with
மஹா ண ெந சா ைன க regard to His Nature, Capabilitiues or Acts.
லமாகதப இ பவ .

383. ஹ: உலகமைன ைத 383. Guhah: He whose Nature are Concealed

ர பவ . by Maya. He who is reclining in the Heart.

யவஸாேயா யவ தாந: ஸ தாந: தாநேதா வ:|

பர : பரம ப ட: ட: ட: ஶுேப ண:||42||
यवसायो यव थान: सं थान: थानदो ुव:|
परि : परम प : तु : पु : शुभे ण:||४२||

384. யவஸாய: எ லா 384. Vyavasayah: He who is Resolute, being of

த ட க ப க Pure Wisdom. He who is the Creator of Buddhi
ெப றவ . of resolution.

385. யவ தாந: ஸகல 385. Vyavasthanah: He who is the basis of

வய ைதகைள ெச பவ . Everything. He who is the regulator of the
guardians of the Universe and their respective
functions (Womb Born, Egg-born and Earth-
Born Life; and, Four Stages of Life-Pupil,
Householder, Hermit and Sanyasin)

386. ஸ தாந: எ லா 386. Samsthanah: He who is the ultimate stage

த ட ெப ப of all elements in the Universe during Pralaya.
இ பவ . He who is the Supreme Goal.

387.தாநத: உய த பத கைள 387. Sthanadah: He who is the Conferrer of

வ க அவ ைற Abode according to their Karma.
ெகா பவ .

388. வ: வ 388. Dhruvah: He who is Firm being

யா பவ . Unperishable.

389. பர : க யாண 389. Pararddhih: He who is of Supreme

ண க ப ணஸ ைய Manisfestation (Lord Rama)
உைடயவ .

390. பரம ப ட: அவத ர க 390. Paramaspashtah: He who is Completely

ய தமாக காண ய ேம ைம Plain Being independent of none and being
வா தவ . Pure Wisdom. He is plain on account of His
showing Grace to All.
391. ட: அ ப கைள கா க 391. Tushtah: He who is the Contended being
அவத க ப வதா ம Supreme Bliss. He is Contended with His
அைடபவ . Protection given to the world.

392. ட: ஸகல மஹா 392. Pushtah: He who is full being

ண க னா ர பவ . Omnipresent. He is Full on account of His

393. ஶுேப ண: பரம ப ரமான 393. Subhekshanah: He who is auspicious Look.

கடா ண ைடயவ . In as much as He thereby gives salvation to the
spiritually minded, Worldly enjoyments to those
desire them. Removes all Doubts. Breaks all the
knots of Heart. Burns up all Karma. Roots outs

ராேமா ராேமா ரேதா மா ேகா ேநேயா நேயாSநய:|

ர ஸ மதா ேர ேடா த ேமா த ம தம:||43||
रामो िवरामो िवरतो माग नेयो नयोऽनय:|
वीर शि तमत े ो दम धमिवदु म:||४३||

394. ராம: ேதஹ ண களா 394. Ramah: He who is Ever Blissful to Yogins.
ஆ ம ண களா Padma Purana saya: He who is the Eternal Bliss
இ க ப யாவ and Absolute Consciousness the Yogins Reveal.
த ட உக ைப அைட ப He who is the Son of Dasaratha as He has
இ பவ . assumed this form by His wish

395. ராம: ற ைடய ெப ைமக 395. Vramah: He who is the Abode of Rest.
யா த ட ஓ Brahma and others take rest in Him.
ேபா ப இ பவ .

396. ரத: எ த ஸுக ஆைச 396. Viradah: He who is Passionless He who is

இ லா பவ . ( ரஜ எ detached in his enjoyments of objects. (Also
ெசா வ - ரஜ: எ called as Virajah which needs to be spelt with
ெசா ேபா மா க: எ ற next name “Margah”in conjunction to be
அ த பத ைத ேச pronounced as Virajoh margaha which means
ெசா ல “ ரேஜாமா க” எ He who shows righteous path to His devotees).
ஒேர நாமமாக ெசா லேவ -
றம ற வ ைய கா பவ
எ ெபா )
397. மா க: ேயா க 397. Margah: He who is shows way to those
ேத ப யாக இ பவ . who wants to attain immortality. Bhagavad Gita
(10-35),”I am Margasirsha-Months of Months

398. ேநய: த ைடய ப த க 398. Neyah: He who is the Conductor, as Jiva is

த ைம ய ப அவ க conducted to Parmatmahood through right
அட இ பவ . knowledge. He who fulfills the requests of

399. நய: எ லாவ ைற அட 399. Nayah: He who is the Leader

நட ெகா ேபா றவ .

400. அநய: ேரா களா அட க 400. Anayah: He who is not Conducted by

யாதவ . others. There is no other Leader to Him.

401. ர: பைகவ கைள அ 401. Virah: He who is Valiant. He who creates

ந ப ெச பவ . fear in the minds of Raakshasaas

402. ஶ மதா ேர ட: ஶ 402. S’aktimadaams’reshtah: He who is the

வா த ேதவ க ற தவ . Chief of those endowed with energy.

403. த ம: ஸா ா த ம 403. Dharmah: He who supports all beings as

வ யாக ளவ . He is adored by Dharma

404. த ம தம: த ம 404. Dharmaviduttamah: He who is the best

அ தவ க க ற தவ . knower of Dharma.
Mentioned in Srutis and Smrithis (His
Expressed Commands)-He is the Best of all
knowers of Dharma, Manu etc.

ைவ ட: ஷ: ராண: ராணத: ரணம: :|

ர யக ப ஶ ேநா யா ேதா வா ரேதா ஜ:||44||
वैकु ठ: पु ष: ाण: णद: णम: ुथ:ु |
िहर य गभ श ु ो ओया तो वायुरधो ज:||४४||

405. ைவ ட: ப த க த ைம 405. Vaikuntah: He who prevents His Devotees

அைடவத இைட கைள ging into various paths. He who destroyes all
அக அவ கைள த ட intermediaries of His Devotees and makes them
ேச ெகா பவ . unite with Him. He who united Earth with
Water, Ether with Air and Air with Fire –That
why He is valled Vaikuntah.
406. ஷ: யாவ 406. Purushah: He who is the Person.
தைலமாயா பவ . Etymologically As He is the First (Purva) of all
and consumed (aushad) all sins, He is called
Purusha. He is Purusha as He lieves in all

407. ராண: எ லாவ ைற 407. Pranaha: He whose breath causes Motion

உ பவ . in Entire Universe.

408. ரணத: உ ைச அ பவ . 408. Pranadah:He who destroys Pranah

(during Pralaya). Without Him even Trees ets.,
become Dried.

409. ரணம: த ண க னா 409. Pranamah Or Pranavah: He who is

சராசர கைள த ைம வண ப praised or Saluted. He who causes everyone to
இ பவ . ( ரணவ எ salute Him.
ெசா வ - ரணவ எ றா
எ ேலாரா கப பவ )

410. : ெப வா தவ . 410. Prutuh: He whose fame expanded as the

size of Universe.

411. ர யக ப: ெபா ைதய 411. Hiranyagarbhah: He becuae of whose

ேபா றவ . vitality sprang the Golden Egg. The Birth Place.

412. ஸ ந: இ ய களா ற 12. S’astrugnah: He who is the dEstroyer of

பைகைய ெதாைல பவ . Enemies.

413. யா த: எ லா ட 413. Vyaaptah: He who is the Pervader of all

கரான அ னா ைர தவ . Effects as the Cause. He who shows equal Love
towards His friends or Enemies.

414. வா : த ைம பவ கைள 414. Vayuh: He who is the Aggreable Odour of

தாேம ேத ெச பவ . the Earth. He Himself approaches everywhere

415. அேதா ஜ: ல த 415. Adhoksajah: He whose vitality flows down

ம ைம றாம அவத பவ . in no time. Adhah-Earth; Akshah-Heaven; Ja-
Born – As He is is born as Vairaja (Between
Earth and Heaven)

ஸுத ஶந: கால: பரேம ர ரஹ:|

உ ர ஸ வ ேரா தே ா ராேமா வத ண:||45||
ॠतु सुदशन: काल: परमे ो िर ह:|
उ संव सरो द ो िव ामो िव दि ण:||४५||

416. : தாக உக க 416. Rithuh: He who is the Seasons in aspects as

வ ல ண க ஒ Time. He who removes difficulties of the people
ேமெலா ேசஷமாக by timely seasons.
யா ப ப த க
உ ள க ெச
ெகா பவ .

417. ஸுத ஶந: அழ ய ய 417. Sudarsanah:He who is of Good Eyes or He

ம கள ரஹ ேசைவ ைடயவ . whose knowledge leads to Salvation. He who
possess the Eyes like Lotus. He who is easily
Seen by His Demotees.

418. கால: ேசஷ னா 419. Kalah: He who is the Time as He counts

அ ட சராசர கைள Everything. Bhagavad Gita (7-9 & 10-30) “I am
த ட ேச ெகா பவ . the time of counting”. He who is death
personified to His Enemies.

420. பரேம : தம உய த 420. Paremes’tih: He who is Centered to His

தானமா ய ைவ ட Glory as He is accustomed to reside in the
இ பவ . Supreme Ether of the Heart. The Mantravarna
glorifies “The Parameshti supremely shines”.

421. ப ரஹ: ப த கைள தம 421. Parigrahah: He who is the Receiver. He is

வ ேச ப ர றவ . approached on sides by His devotees being
Omnipresent. He who is known in many ways.
He who accepts offerings as Tulasi and Flower
(Bhagavad Gita 9-26)

422. உ ர: த ம ேரா க 422. Ugrah: He who is Terrible as he causes

ஷய ெகா யவரா பவ . fear even to Sun. Sruti says “By Fear of Him
the Sun rises”.

423. ஸ வ ஸர: ஸ ஹார ய 423. Samvatsarah: He who is the abode of all

க கேளா கால beings.
எ ப ெகா ஆ ேசஷ
ேம பாதாள ேலாக
இ பவ .

424. த : ெகா ைளகார கள ய 424. Dakshah: He who is Clever as He

ேலச கைள வத ெச பவ . manifests Himself as Universe. He who
performa all actions dextrously. He who is to
be approached.

425. ராம: பாப கைள 425. Vis’ramah: He who is quiet. He brings

அ ப கைள ேபான quietude to the minds of those who have fallen
ஜன க இைள பா in toils of great miseries and small miseries and
இடமாக இ பவ . have plunged in the Ocean of Samsara with
stormy waves.

426. வத ண: அ வேமத 426. Vis’vadakshniah: He who is most skillful

யாக யைன Excelling all others in all His action. He who is
த ைணயாக ெகா தவ . the protector of all.

தார: தாவர தா : ரமாண ஜம யய |

அ ேதாSந ேதா மஹாேகாேஶா மஹாேபாேகா மஹாதந:||46||
िव तर: थावर थाणु: माणं बीजम ययम्|
अथ ऽनथ महाकोशो महाभोगो महाधन:||४६||

427. தார: க க ைத ஒ 427. Vistarah: He who manifests Himself as

த க ைத உ டா வதனா Universe. He who enlarges the results of
ேவத வ க ப Bakthas.
ைறகைள வாக
ெவ ப றவ .

428. தாவர தா : 428. Sthavarasthanuh: He who is Firm and

க யவதார இ ப த ம Motionless
ைல த ப ட ற ஒ வா
இ பவ .

429. ரமாண : த 429. Pramanam: He who is the Proof as He is

க ளவ க ந ைம the underlying principle of consciousness. He
ைமகைள ப அ பவ . who is the authority of Dharma or otherwise.

430. ஜம யய : [அ யய ஜ ]. 430. Bijamavyayam: He who is Undecaying

க ேபாெத லா Root as He is the Immutable Cause.
த ம ைத ைள க ெச வதா
அ யாத தாக இ பவ .

431. அ த: உ தம அ கா க 431. Arttah: He who is Desired by All as He

தாேம பயனாக இ பவ . bering the Eternal Bliss. He who is reached by
all who are freed from the sense of attractions.
432. அந த: ூ ர பல கைள 432. Anartah: He who does not have any desires
ேகா மவ களா as He has fulfilled all His desires.
ப படாதவ .

433. மஹாேகாஶ: அ ப க 433. Mahakos’ah: He who possess Great

எ வள தா ெச தா sheaths as Annamaya and the rest. He who has
அ யாதைவகளான நவ தக treasures which are immeasurable.
த யவ ைற த ெபா ஷ
சாைலயாக உைடயவ .

434. மஹாேபாக: ர த ேபாக க 434. Mahabhogah: He who is the Great Bliss.

அைன த பவ . The enjoyment of His Devotees are very Great.

435. மஹாதந: ந ேபா றவ க 435. Mahadhanah: He who has Great Wealth.

உதவ ய ெபா கைள From Him All Secure Great Wealth. He is the
அளவ றதாக ெப பவ . means of attaining Great Bliss.

அ ண: த ேடா த ம ேபா மஹாமக:|

ந ரேந ந ம: மா ஹந:||47||
अिनिव ण: थिव ो भूधमयूपो महामख:|
न नेिमन ा ी म: ाम मीहन:||४७||

436. அ ண: “ேசா பா 436. Anirvinnah: He who is Griefless. He who

இ ப ைவெய லா has no desires to fulfill. In fulfilling the desires
பைட த தா” எ ற ஆ வா of His devoted He never tires.
அ ெச தப உலக கைள
பைட ஷய
ேசா வைடயாம ேமா ெம
ஊ க ெகா பவ .

437. த ட: ந ர 437. Stavishtah: He who is the Oldest. Thr Fire

ம டலமா ய மார ர forms his Head, Sun and Moon are His Eyes.
யாக க வா பவ . He is in the form of Simsumara of Stars.

438. : வந ர ேச 438. Bhuh: (Abhuh=Un Born) Bhuh=Existant.

ேகாள கைளெய லா He who Holds the Entire Universe
தா பவ .

439. த ம ப: த ம ைத 439. Dharmayupah: He who is the binding post

தைலைமயாக ைவ பவ . for Dharma. He is the resting place for all
Dharmas which are the means for worshipping
440. மஹாமக: யாவரா க 440. Mahamakah: He who is the Great
த த யாக ைத தம Sacrificer as Sacrifices dedicated to Him confer
அவயமாக ைடயவ . Nirvana or Salvation. He who is to be
Worshipped by Yajna as it is His.

441. ந ரேந : ந ர க 441. Nakshtranemih: He who is the Nave of

என ப கேகாள ச ர ைத Stars. The planets, Sun, Moon etc, the Stars and
நட பவ . the Fixed are bound to Dhruva by bonds of
Vayu. Dhruva regulates the motion of the
system by residing in the tail of Stary
Simsumara Wheel. At the heart of the Wheel of
Luminaries, Vishnu like a Nave regulate the
entire wheel. “Vishnu is the Heart” says
Svadhdhyaya Brahmana while describing about
the Simsumara.

442. ந :ந ரம டல ைத 442. Nakshtrih: He who is the Moon (According

தா பவ . to Bhagvad Gita [10-21] “I am the Moon
among Stars”. He who is the Leader of Sun,
Moon, etc-who are the leaders of the Universe.

443. ம: எ லா உலக க 443. Kshamah: He who has enormous Patience.

பார ைத எ வ க He who is clever in all His actions. Valmiki in
வ லவ . his Ramayana (Balakandam 1-18) Sri Rama is
equal to Earth in Patience.

444. ாம: அவா ர ரளய 444. Kshaamah: He who resides in all Beings
ம றந ர க அ த ேபா As Self.
நா ந ர கேளா ம
வ அ இ பதா
இைள பவ எ
ராண ெசா யப கால
ேசஷ ைற ப பவ .

445. ஸ ஹந: கால 445. Samihanah: He who is Well-Desiring In

எ ேலாைர த த such actions as Evolution
அ கார க ஓ லாம
ரவ க ெச பவ .

ய ஞ இ ேயா மேஹ ய ச ர ஸ ர ஸதா க :|

ஸ வத தா மா ஸ வ ேஞா ஞாந தம ||48||
य इ यो महे य तु स ं सता ित:|
सवदश िनवृ ा मा सव ो ानमु मम्||४८||
446. ய ஞ: “யாகேம ”எ 446. Yagnah: He who Himself is Sacrifice. He
ேவத “ேவ மானா ” எ ற exists as Sacrifice in order to please all other
ஆ வா க ெசா யப Gods. “Sacrifice is indeed Vishnu” says Sruti.
யாக வ யாக ளவ . All the Vedic Sacrifices are His Powers.

447. இ ய: கா ய பல கைள 447. Ijyah: He who is the Object of Sacrifices.

ேகா றவ க இ ர They who worship through Holy Sacrifices, like
த ய ேதவைதக வ வமாக Devas or Pithrus, they worship indeed the
ஆரா க ப றாவ . Vishnu. The Self through the Self.

448. மேஹ ய: கா ய பல கைள 448. Mahejyah: He who is the object of Grat

பாதவ க த ைமேய Sacrifices. Being the Highest of the Dieties, who
ேநராக ஆரா பைதேய ற த confer emancipation, He is to worshipped
ஆராதநமாக ெகா டவ . through Sacrifice with Great Care & Devotion.

449. ர : அ ேடாம த ய 449. Kratuh: He who is the Sacrificial Post.

யாக க னா ஆரா கப றவ . Kratuh means Ahina or Ekaha and other

450. ஸ ர : பல யஜமான களா 450. Satram: He who is the Protector (Tra) of

ட கால ெச ர எ ற Good (Sat). The Satra is that the Sacrifice in
யாக ேசஷ தா which the order for the assembling and
ஆரா க ப றவ . congregating of learned men is given.

451. ஸதா க : ஸ க 451. Satamgatih: He who is the Refuge of Good.

க டமாக இ பவ . There is no other Refuge, excpt Him to those
who seek liberation.

452. ஸ வத : எ லாவ ைற 452. Sarvadars’ih: He who is All-seer. He

க டாக காணவ லவ . perceives all actions, good and bad and all
directly through His natural Wisdom.

453. தா மா: ( தா மா 453. Nivritaatmah: (Vimuktaatmaah). He who is

எ ப பாட ). ஸ தா the Emancipated Self. He is Ever Emancipated
ஷய கைள மன னா as well as the Atman. He who is Liberated.
ற பவ .

454. ஸ வ ஞ: த ைம 454. Sarvajnah: He who known everything. He

ஸ வா த யா யாக who recognizes all as His Manifestation.
அ பவ .

455. ஞாந தம : (உ தம 455. Gjanamuttamam: He who is the Supreme

ஞான ). எ லாவ ற த Wisdom. (Wisdom-Uncreated and Unlimited
ைவ ணவ த ம ைத யாவ and accomplishes everything)
ெத ெகா ள
காரணமா பவ .

ஸு ரத: ஸு க ஸூ ம ஸுேகாஷ: ஸுகத: ஸு |

மேநாஹேரா த ேராேதா ரமாஹு தாரண:||49||
सुवत: सुमुख सू म: सुघोष: सुखद: सुहृत्|
मनोहरो िजत ोधो िवरवाहुिवदारण:||४९||

456. ஸு ரத: ற த ரத ைத 456. Suvratah: He who has the Pure Vow. Sri
ஏ ெகா பவ . Rama says (Ramayana 6-18-33) “He who takes
refuge in me once at least, and he who begs
saying: ‘Thine am I’ to him I grant protection
from all beings: This is my vow”.

457. ஸு க: மேநாஹரமான க 457. Sumukah: He who has beautiful face.

ம டல ைத உைடயவ . According to Vishnuy Puranam (6-7-80) His
face is pleasing, beautiful, possessed of large
eyes like Lotus Leaf.

458. ஸூ ம: யான னா 458. Sukshmah: He who is subtle as He is free

ம ல பட ய க from physical sounds. He who is Omnipresent,
பமான வ ப ைடயவ . and very subtle.

459. ஸுேகாஷ: அைலயர கட 459. Sughoshah: He who is os auspicious

ேபால ழ நா மைறக னா Sound. In the Form of Vedas. Voice as Grand as
ேகா க ப றவ . Cloud

460. ஸுகத: பரம ஸுகமா ய 460. Sukhadah: He who is the conferror of

பலைன அ பவ . Happiness.

461. ஸு : எவ ஷய 461. Suhrut: He who is the Best Friend. He

ந ைமேய க ற த who confers benefits without desiring anything
மன ைடயவ . in return.

462. மேநாஹர: ப த க 462. Manoharah: He who is charming being the

மன கைள கவ றவ . unlimited Bliss.

463. த ேராத: அ யா க 463. Jitahkrodhah: He who is the conqueror of

காம ேராத க த யவ ைற Anger. He who destroys the foes of Devas not
ேபா பவ . out of anger but in order to protect the
464. ரபாஹு: ர த ைம வா த 464. Virabhaahuh: He who has Valiant Arms.
ேதா கைள உைடயவ . He slew the foes and established the method of
the Scriptures.

465. தாரண: ஆஸுர ர கைள 465. Vidharanah: He who is the destroyer of un

ேச பவ . righteous persons.

வாபந ஸவேஶா யா கா மா ைநகக ம |

வ ஸேரா வ ஸேளா வ ர நக ேபா தேந வர:||50||
वापन ववशो यापी नैका मा नैककमकृत्|
व सरो व सलो व सी र वगभ धने र:||५०||

466. வாபந: அழ ய 466. Svaapanah: He who causes confusion to

இ ய ேநா த யவ றா those who lose their vitrues. He who is
அ ப கைள அய ப ெச பவ . Stupefying. He renders, through His maya, the
Egos oblivious of the Nature.

467. வவஶ: ெத இ ட ப 467. Svavas’asah: He who is Independent.

ம இ பவ . Being the cause of Evolution, preservation and
involution of the Universe. He who is
completely dependent on His devotees.

468. யா : எ லா இட 468. Vyaapi: He who is All-Pervading As Ether.

யா பவ . He who is Omnipresent like Ether and Eternal.
Pervading as cause of all effects. He who
nourishes well all by His Energy.

469. ைநகா மா: பல உ வ கைள 469. Naikatma: He who is many souled. During
எ தவ . Evolution and Rest He manifests through His
instrumental Energies in various forms in all

470. ைநகக ம : பல 471. Naikakarmakrut: He who has many

ெச ைககைள ெச பவ . actions. He who is the Lord of Evolution,
Preservation and Involution of the Universe.

471. வ ஸர: ல ண ப ட 471. Vastarah: He who is the abode of all. He

எ லா ட அ த யா யாக dwells inside of all in order to establish
இ பவ . Dharma.
472. வ ஸல: அ யா க ட 472. Vatsalah: He who is affiionate to His
ேபர பவ . Devotees.

473. வ : ஆ ம வ க கைள 473. Vatsih: He who is the Father of all Beings

யாக உைடயவ . as Father of the Universe.

474. ர நக ப: அ யா க 474. Ratnagarbhah: He who is the Jewel

அ க ேவ ய த Wombed. He is quick in bestowing desired
தன கைள த ட objects.
ைவ பவ .

475. தேந வ : அவரவ க 475. Dhane’svarah: He who is the Lord of

ன ஐ வ ய கைள Wealth.
அ வ .

த ம த ப த ஸத ரமஸதம ர |
அ ஞாதா ஸஹ ரா ஶு தாதா தல ண:||51||
धमगु धमकृ म सद रमस रम्|
अिव ाता सह शु: िवधारा कृतल ण:||५१||

476. த ம : த ம ைத கா பவ . 476. Dharmagup: He who is the Protector of

Dharma. Bhagavad Gita (4-8) “I am born in
every age for firm Establishment of Dharma”.

477. த ம : எ ேலாைர 477. Dharmakrut: He who is the Doer of

த ட காளாக ெச பவ . Dharma. Though He transcends righteousness
and reverse, yet to protect righteousness He
acts righteously

478. த : எ லாவ ைற 478. Dharmih: He who is the supporter of

காபா வத த ம ைதேய ெபா Dharma. He posseses peculiar nature of
க யாக உைடயவ . protecting tho who take refuge in Him by
extraordinary methods.

479. ஸ : உள க டா 479. Sat: He whos is the Existence, the Reality,

உ தமென உள க டா the Supreme. This indeed is Sat.
எ ற ப எ ேபா
உளனா பவ .

480: அ ர ஸ : எ கால 480. Akshramsat: He who is Conditioned,

எ ேதச ண க Pershable (as He is all Beings) and is
ஸவ ப ைறபடா பவ . Imperishable. He whose Nature does not perish
at all times and in all places.
481. அஸ : யவ க ட 481. Asat: He who is Conditioned. He himself
கால லாத ஸார never trembles.
க ைத ெகா பதனா
அ யமா ய க பமாக
இ பவ .

482. அஸத ர : யவ க ட 482. Asatakshram: He who is Imperishable.

லாம ெச பவ .

483. அ ஞாதா: அ யா க 483. Avijgnatah: He who is the non-knower. He

ற கைள அ யாதவ . who is indifferent to the faults of His Devotees.

484. ஸஹ ரா ஶு: அளவ ற 484. Sahas’rams’uh: He who has thousand

ஞான கைள உைடயவ . rayed. The rays which are in the Sun and others
are His and hence He is the real Sun. Kindled
by that Light the Sun shines.

485.தாதா: அ யா க ைடய 485. Vidhaatah: He who is all Supporter. As He

ற கைள ேபா , is the Adisesha. Eight Cardinal Elephants, the
பாவ க பலைன த Chief of Mountains which supports all other
யம அவனா ெச beings.
அ வ யா கைள யாெதா
ெச யாதப தாேம நட றவ .

486. தல ண: தா அ ர க 486. Krithalakshnah: He who is ever conscious.

ேவ யவ கைள தாேம He who is the author of Sastras. He who made
அைடயாள ெச பவ . [ ர all beings the distinction of separation in their
பாவைனேயா வ தா species as well as others. He who has Srivatsa
ைக டமா ேடென றஉ in His breast
இ ெகா ள த க ]

கப ேந : ஸ வ த: ேஹா தமேஹ வர:।

ஆ ேதேவா மஹாேதேவா ேதேவேஶா ேதவ :॥52॥
गभि तनेिमः स व थः िसंहो भूतमहे रः।
आिददेवो महादेवो देवेशो देवभृ गु ः॥५२॥

487. கப ேந : ரண களா 487. Gabastinemih: He who is the Centre of

ஒ றஆ ர ைனகேளா Planetary System. He who remains as the Sun as
ய ச கர ைத உைடயவ . the Centre of the Wheel of Planets. He who
possesses Chakra which is very radiant.
488. ஸ வ த: சரணாகத க ைடய 488. Satvasthah: He who is the Abiding in
உ ள உைறபவ . Satva. He who chiefly presides over Satva
quality which is Radiant. He who resides
(sthah) in all Beings (Satva)

489. ஹ: ஆ த க 489. Simhah: He who is the Lion (Incarnation of

ேரா களா பவ க Nrusimha in contracted form). He who is the
பவ . Lion of Valour to the enemies of His Devotees.

490. தமேஹ வர: எ லா 490. Bhutamahes’wararh: He who is the Great

ரா கைள ய ற Lord of Beings. He is truly (Satva) the Great
ரம யம தலாேனா Loard
யாமக .

491. ஆ ேதவ: ஸகல ேதவ க 491. Adidevah: He who is the First Deity. He is
தவராக ள பவ . the “First” from whom all Beings came to Exist.

492. மஹாேதவ: 492. Mahadevah: He who is the Great Deity

ேம ப டவ களான ரம because abandoning all other concepts, He
தலானவ கைள ைவ Centres Himself in the Great Wealth of Self-
ெகா ைளயா பவ . Concentration

493. ேதேவஶ: ரம த ய 493. Deves’ah: He who is the Prominent Lord

ேதவ க எ ேலா to the Devas.
அவரவ க பத க
ய பவ .

494. ேதவ : ேதவ க 494. Devabridguruh: He who is the Instructor

வாகஹ ம த ைமயான to the Lord of Devas (Indra). He who nourishes
ஆசா ய . Devas and Instructs them.

உ தேரா ேகாப ேகா தா ஞாநக ய: ராதந:।

ஶ ர த ேபா தா க ேரா த³ ண:॥53॥
उ रो गोपितग ता ानग यः पुरातनः।
शरीरभूतभृ ो ता कपी ो भूिरदि णः॥५३॥

495. உ தர: ரம த ய 495. Utaarah: He who enables the Beings to

ேதவ கைள ஆப க Cross the Ocean of Samsara. He who is Most
கைறேய பவ , Excellent. He who uplifts all His Devotees from
496. ேகாப : ஸகல வா கைள 496. Gopatih: He who is the Shepherd
நட பவ . (Incarnation of Krishna). He who is the Lord of

497. ேகா தா: எ லா 497. Goptah: He who is the Protector of Beings.

ைதகைள காபா றவ . He who is the Protector of All Vidhyas.

498. ஞானக ய: 498. Jnanagamyah: He who is attainable only

ஞான னாேலேய அ ய ப பவ . through Jnana. He is Neither attained by Karma
nor by the combination of Karma and Jnana.
He attainable only through Jnana.

499. ராதந: அநா த . 499. Puratanah: He who is Ancient as He

transends Time.

500. ஶ ர த : தம ஶ ரமா ய 500. S’arirabhutabrith: He who is the Nourisher

ஸகல த கைள தா of elements of Body as He Himself is Prana. He
இ பவ . who assumes the form of Visvarupa (Universe)

501. ேபா தா: ஹ ய க ய க 501. Bhoktah: He who is the Enjoyer as He

எ லாவ ைற பவ . Protects and as He enjoys as the Supreme Bliss.

502. க ர: ராமாவதார 502. Kapindrah: He who is the Lord of

வானர களா ய ேதவ க Monkeys. “Kapi” means Boar Incarnation or
தைலவராக இ தவ . Lord of Monkeys : Sri Raghava.

503. த ண: த ம 503. Bhuridakshinah: He who gave large gifts.

தாபன காக உல பல த He who performed many sacrifices to define and
யாக கைள நட அவ illustrate Dharma and gave large sums as
அப தமான த ைணகைள Dhakshina.
ெகா தவ .

ேஸாமேபாS தப: ேஸாம: ஸ தம:।

நேயா ஜய: ஸ யஸ ேதா தாஶா ஸஹ: ஸா வதா ப :॥54॥
सोमपोऽमृतपः सोमः पु िज पु स मः।
िवनयो जयः स यस धो दाशाहः सा वता पितः॥५४॥

504. ேஸாமப: தாம ெச த அ த 504. Somapah: He who is the Quaffer of Soma as

யாக க ேஸாமரஸ ைத பான He Drinks Soma Juice in all Sacrifices as the
ப யவ . Deity Sacrified to and as the Sacrificer to
issudrate Dharma
505. அ தப: அ ப க 505. Amirtapah: He who is the Quaffer of
பரமபத த ைம Nectar of His Self. He who recovered the
அ ப பதா ய அ த எ ற ambrosia from Asuras and Drank it along with
பரமாந த ைத காபா றவ . Devas.

506. ேஸாம: தாேம அ தமாக 506. Somah: He who is the Moon of Nectar
இ பவ . Nourishing the plant in form of Moon or Soma
even means Siva who is ever with Uma or

507. : அவதார க பலைர 507. Purujit: He who is the Conqueror of Many

ெவ றவ .

508. ஸ தம: தம 508. Purusattamah: He who is Omnipresent

ண கைள அ ப க and the Best.
பல ட ரமாக
இ பவ .

509. நய: ஆஸுர ர கைள 509. Vinayah: He who is the Law that Punishes
தம பரா ரம நா அட யவ . the Evil-Doers. He who whos Supreme Himility.

510. ஜய: ஆ த களா 510. Jayah; He who is Victorious of all Beings.

ெவ ல ப அவ க ட He who is Conquered by His Devotees.
ேதா ஏவ ெதா ெச பவ .

511. ஸ ய ஸ த: அ யா கைள 511. Satyasandah: He who is of Right to His

காபா ஷய ெசா ன Resolutions. The Heavens May fall down, The
ெசா தவறாதவ . eArth may Crumble, The Mountains May Crush,
The Oceans Might become Dry, but the word
uttered to Krishna never becomes vain.

512. தாஶா ஸ: யாதவ ல 512. Das’arsah: He who is Deserved of Gifts.

க ணனாக ேதா யவ . The Lord (Krisha) born in Das’arsa Race.

513. ஸா வதா ப : பா ச ர ந 513. Satvadaampatih: He who is the Lord of

ஶா ர ைத ரவ Satvat. The Conferror of Good and Protector of
ஸா வ க எ பாகவத கைள those who follow “Satavata” Tantra. Satva
கா பா றவ . means meditation on Vishnu with Everlasting

ேவா ந தா ஸா ேதாS த ரம:।

அ ேபா ரந தா மா மேஹாத ஶேயாS தக:॥55॥
जीवो िवनियता सा ी मुकु दोऽिमतिव मः।
अ भोिनिधरन ता मा महोदिधशयोऽ तकः॥५५॥

514. வ: பா ச ரா ர ப 514. Jivah: He who supports Pranas, or senses

த ைம ஆரா பவ கைள in the form of Kshetrajna. He who enlivens the
உ க ெச பவ . devotees.

515. ந தா ஸா : பாகவத கைள 515. Vinayitasakshi: He who is the witness of

ராஜ மார ேபா ஆத Modesty of the Creatures. He who perceives
அவ க ஒ க கைள Nothing outside Himself.
ர ய மாக கா பவ .

516. த: ைய ெகா பவ . 516. Mukundah: He who confers Salvation.

517. அ த ரம: அளவ ற 517. Amitavikramah: He who is of unmeasured

பரா ரம ைடயவ . prowess. He whose steps were immesuarable
(Trivikrama Avatar)

518. அ ேபா : கட வ வமாக 518. Ambhonidhih: He who is the resting Place

உ ளவ . for Deavas. According to Sruti there are four
Ambhas viz., Devas, Men, Pithrus and Asuras or
Ocean. Bhagav Gita (10-24) “Of lakes I am the

519. அந தா மா: ஆ ேசஷ 519. Anantatmah: He who is of Infinite Self

ஆ மாவாக இ பவ . being Unlimited Space, Time and Substance.
He who is the form of Adhisesha.

520. மேஹாத சய: ெப கட 520. Mohodadhisayah: He who reclines on the

ப ெகா பவ . Great Ocean. When having distintegrated
everything He reduces them into Homogenity
and reclines on Primeval Waters.

521. அ தக: ரளய கால 521. Antakah: He who brings about the End
எ லாவ ைற அ பவ . (Death) to all. He is Antaka in the form of
Rudra and Sankarshana

அேஜா மஹா ஹ: வாபா ேயா தா ர: ரேமாதந:।

ஆந ேதா ந தேநா ந த: ஸ யத மா ரம:॥56॥
अजो महाहः वाभा यो िजतािम ः मोदनः।
आन दो न दनो न दः स यधम ि िव मः ॥५६॥
522. அஜ: அகார ெபா ளாக 522. Ajah: He who is Unborn OR He who was
ேதா பவ . born (ja) to Vishnu (a)

523. மஹா ஹ: ஆராதைன யவ . 523. Maharhah: He who is deserving Worship.

524. பா ய: இய ைகயாகேவ 524. Svabhaavyah: He who is centered in His

வா யாக அைம தவ . Own Self. He who is infinite in His Perfection.
He who is claimed as theirs by His Devotees.

525. தா ர: பக வ கைள 525. Jitaamitrah: He who has Conquered Foes

ெவ றவ . – Internally as Desire, Hatred etc., and
Externally as Ravana, Kumbakarna, Sisupala
and others.

526. ரேமாதந: த ைம 526. Pramodanah: He who is Ever Joyful.

பவ கைள ம பவ . Imbibing Nectar from His Own Self. As He
அவ க ம ைய க தா confers Bliss to those meditate upon Him on
ம பவ . every acts.

527. ஆந த: ைத ய உப ஷ 527. Anandah: He who is nurtures Bliss as His

ஆந தவ ெசா னப Own Nature. Struti Says: Of this Happiness All
வா மந எ டாத the other beings enjoy only a part.
ேபராந த ைடயவ .

528. ந தந: த ைடய 528. Nandanah: He who is the Source of

ர மாந த ைத ேமா Happiness
அ பவ .

529. ந தந: ஆந ய எ லா 529: Nandah: He who is Free from Worldly

ெபா க த ட Pleasures. Sruthi Says: That which is immensity
இ க ெப றவ . is felicity, there is no felicity in littleness.

530. ஸ யத மா: த ைடய 530. Satyadharmah: He who is True to

த மமா ய சரணாகத ர ண ைத Dharma.His Dharmas are ture and not false.
தவறா நட பவ .

531. ரம: 531. Trivikramah: He who tri-stepped the entire

ேவத க யா பவ . Universe. Three Steps were in the three worlds.
He who stepped (three worlds) by three steps.
He who walked over three worlds.

மஹ : க லாசா ய: த ேஞா ேம ப :।
பத தஶா யே ா மஹா க: தா த ॥57॥
महिषः किपलाचायः कृत ो मेिदनीपितः।
ि पदि दशा य ो महाशृ ः कृता तकृत्॥५७॥

532. மஹ க லாசா ய: 532. Maharshi Kapilacharyah: He who is the

ேவத கைளெய லா ேநராக Great Sage Kapila who saw the entirety of
க ட க ல எ ற ஆசா யராக Vedas. Other Sages were called Rishis and only
ேதா யவ . saw a part of it. Kapila taught the pure tatva
called “Sankhya”. Vyasa Samrithi says Sankhya
is the one which inculcates knowledge of Pure
Atman. According to Bhagvad Gita (10-26) “Of
perfected onces I am the Sage Kapila.

533. த ஞ: அபராத கைள 533, Kritanjnah: He who is the Universe and Its
த ந ைனகைளேய Soul. Krita-Created Universe; Jna-Knower (i.e.,
அ பவ . Atman). Vyasa clarifies He recognizes the
adorations even of defaulters.

534. ேம ப : தைலவ . 534. Madinipatih: He who is the Lord of Earth.

535. பத: ரணவ ள அகார 535. Tripadah: He who is Three Stepped. He

உகார மகார களா ய who stepped three worlds by His strides. He
பத க னா ெசா ல ப பவ . who expressed three Padas, Om, Tat, Sat,

536. தஶா ய : ரம த ய 536. Tridas’aatyakshah: He who is the Lord of

ேதவ கைள கா ப ன ர . Three States with three qualities.

537. மஹா க: 537. Mahashringah: He who is the Great

ம டலெம லா ைன Horned (Fish-Matsya Avatar). He tied the Ship
ஒ ெகா ப to His Great Horn and Sported in the Pralaya
ெப தான ேகாைர ப கைள Waters
உைடயவ . (வராக அவதார )

538. தா த : யமைன ேபா ற 538. Krutantakrit: He who is the Destroyer of

ர யா எ ற ெகா ய Created things. He who is the Death Himself
அஸுரைன அ தவ .

மஹாவராேஹா ேகா த: ஸுேஷண: கநகா க ।

ேயா க ேரா கஹேநா த ச ரகதாதர:॥58॥
महावराहो गोिव दः सुषेणः कनका दी।
गु ो गभीरो गहनो गु त गदाधरः॥५८॥
539. மஹாவராஹ: ைய 539. Mahavarahah: He who is the Great Boar.
இட ெத க ஒ ய வ ற வராஹ
யானவ .

540. ேகா த: மஹாவராஹ யாக 540. Govindah: He who is known through

ைய ப அைட தவ . Vedas. He who held up the Earth merged in

541. ஸுேஷண: அ ப கைள 541. Sushenah: He who possess good armies. He

வச ப வத ந ல possesses armies of Suris (Sages)
க கைள உைடயவ .

542. கநகா க : அ ரா தமான 542. Kanakaangadih: He who has golden

ேதா வைளகைள ஷணமாக Armlets.
எ ேபா அ
ேகா பவ .

543. ய: உப ஷ களா 543. Guhyah: He who is mysterious as He is

ம ேம அ யத க known only through Upanishads, or Secret
ெவ பைடயாக Sciences. He who is the Centre of Guha (Ether
ல படாத மா ய ய ம கள of the Heart)
ரஹ ைத உைடயவ .

544. க ர: அகாதமான ம ைம 544. Gabhirah: He who is unfathamoble in His

வா தவ . Wisdom, Dominion, Strength and Valor etc.
According to sruti He is Unknown.

545. கஹந: அளவ பதனா 545. Gahanah: He who is impenetrable as He is

ர க யாதவ . free from Evidence, Appearance and
Disapperance of the three states of

546. த: த ம ைமைய உண த 546. Guptah: He who is Concealed as HE is

வாசா ய களா beyond Grasp of Mind and Speech. Accordng to
ர க ப பவ . Sruti “Being Hidden nature of all Beings He is
not Manifested”. Aguptah-His Glorey is not

547. ஶ ரகதாதர: ஶ ர ம கைத 547. S’akragadhadarah: He who bears Discuss

த ய ஆ த கைள உைடயவ . and Mace to protect the Worlds. Discuss
symbolizes Mind Tatva and Mace symbolizes
Buddhi Tatva
ேவதா: வா ேகாS த: ேணா ட: ஸ க ஷேணாS த:।
வ ேணா வா ேணா : கராே ா மஹாமநா:॥59॥
वेधाः वा ोऽिजतः कृ णो दृढः स षणोऽ युतः।
व णो वा णो वृ ः पु करा ो महामनाः॥५९॥

548. ேவதா: அ ப க 548. Vedah: Brahma

ம கலமான பவ கைள
ெச பவ .

549. வா க: தம ஸ ேவ வர 549. Swangahah: Self-Instrumental as He is the

த ைம அ கமாக ைட auxillary cause of the Creation. His Limbs are
ஶாமர த ய of Golden Ones.
பரகர கைள ைடயவ .

550. அ த: “அ ைத” எ 550. Ajitah: Unconquered by any in any of His

ைவ ட நக அ ப Incarnations.

551. ண: கா ல ேபா ற 551. Krishnah: Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa.

க த வ ண ைடயவ . Vyasa is Lord Narayana Himself. Who else can
be the compiler of Mahabharata except the
Lotus Eyes Vishny?

552. ட: பா ய க 553. Dridhah: He who is Firm in His Nature,

வார க னா அச க யாத Capacity etc. Antinym: Adridhath: He is uneasy
ப ட ரா மண த . one who prostates before Him after sinning.

553. ஸ க ேணா த: ேசதந 554. Samkarshanochyutah: He who is the

அேசத கைள த ட ஒ involver and unswerving. He is called
ேச ப ஆக பவ . அவ த Samkarshana as He draws in at Pralaya of all
பத எ ேபா the worlds, and being unswerving in His Nature
லகாதவ . is called Achyatah

554. வ ண: எ லாவ ைற 554. Varunah: The Setting of Sun is called

மைற ெகா பவ . Varunah as He withdraws in Himself His Rays.

555. வா ண: த ைன வா யாக 555. Vaarunah: The Son of Varuna either

வ ற ப த க ட இ பவ . Vasishtah or Agastya. Antinym: Avaarunah: His
nature is never subject to veiling.

556. : ழ த மர ேபா 556. Vrikshah: He is the Tree on account His

அ ப க வ தைடவத stability. He alone stands in the heavens like an
ஆ ரயமாக இ பவ . unshaken Tree. He is ths sheltering Tree for the
557. கரா : க ைண ெபா 557. Pushkarakshah: He who is Lotus Eyed. He
அ ப கைள ேபா appears in the Lotus of the heart when
க கைள உைடயவ . meditated upon

558. மஹாமந: “உ ன யா எ 558. Mahamanah: He who is of Great Mind. He

ெச ெவ ேற ” எ றப who performs Creation, Preservation and
அ ப க எ வள ந ைம Destruction by His Mind. According to Vishnu
ெச ெபறாத சாலமான Purana: “He who evolves and involves the
மன ைத உைடயவ . Universe by His Mind alone…. “

பகவா பகஹாSSந வநமா ஹலா த:।

ஆ ேயா ேயா ரா ய: ஸ க ஸ தம:॥60॥
भगवान् भगहाऽऽन दी वनमाली हलायुधः।
आिद यो योितरािद यः सिह णुगितस मः॥६०॥

559. பகவா : க யாண ண கேள 559. Bhagavaan: According to Vishnu Purana,

ர இ பவ . Bhaga means full Dominion, Dharma, Fame,
Wealth, Dispassion and Salvation. He who
passes these six attirubutes is called Bhagawan.
Vishnu Purana further explains, He who knows
the Origin & End, Coming & Going, Vishya &
Avidhya is called Bhagavan.

560. பகஹா: ஐ வ ய , ய , 560. Bhagahah: He who destroys Wealth during

,ல , ஞான , ைவரா ய Pralaya. He who is the Goal to Wealth and
எ றஆ ண கைள Wisdom.
அைட பவ .

561. ந : ந தேகாபைர த ைதயாக 561. Nandhi: He who is the Son of Nanda Gopa.
ெப றவ . Antinym: Anandhi- He who is the Delighter
being Himself Bliss, He is Rich in Everything.

562. வனமா : ைவஜய எ 562. Vanamaali: He who wears Vanamaala

வனமாைலைய அ பவ . garland. He who wears Vaijayanthi garland
symbolizing the subtle elements

563. ஹலா த: பலராம அவதார 563. Halayudhah: He who is Armed with

கல ைபைய ஆ தமாக Plough in His form as Balabhadra. The saying
ெகா டவ . is that a Farmer who ploughs the land should
repeatedly say the name of Balarama if he is
desirous of Wealth.

564. ஆ ய: ற 564. Adityah: Here this refers to Vamana

அ யாக இ த ேதவ Incarnation-He who is the son of Aditi &
த வ Krishna Incarnation-Aditi means Devaki. He
who is the son of Devaki.

565. ேயா ரா ய: அ தமா 565. Jyotiradityah: He who is the Diety residing

ேதேஜாமயாமான ஸூ ய . in the Disc of the Sun

566. ஸ : அ யா க 566. Sahishnuh: He who is the endurer of the

அபரா கைள ெபா பவ . pairs of opposite such as heat and cold.

567. க ஸ தம: த வ கைள 567. Gatisattamah: He who is the refuge and

ெச வேன உண , உண தப the Best.
உைர பவ .

ஸுத வா க டபரஶு தா ேணா ர ண ரத:।

வ ஸ வ யாேஸா வாச ப ரேயா ஜ:॥61॥
सुध वा ख डपरशुद णो िवण दः।
िदव पृक् सवदृ यासो वाच पितरयोिनजः॥६१॥

568. ஸுத வா: ற த ைல 568. Sudhanvah: He who is in possession of

ஏ ளவ . Good Bow. The Bor named Sarnga which He
wields symbolizes the senses and the rest.

569. க டபரஶு: பைகவைர 569. Khandaparas’u: He who is posses the

க கவ ல Punishing Axe. May also be referred to us
ேகாடா பைடைய உைடயவ . Akhandaparush-Wielding the Punishing Axe.
Here Parasurama Incarnation is referred.

570. தா ண: 570. Darunah: He who is merciless to the Evil

ெவ பைகவ கைள Doers.
உ பைகவ கைள ைத பவ

571. ர ண ரத: யாஸ யா 571. Dravaninapradah: He who is the Giver of

ெகா சா தா ர அ தகளா ற Wealth as He gives Desired to His Devotees.
தன கைள ர ப ெகா பவ . He who gives wealth of Sastras as Vyasa.

572. வ :க ல 572. Divaspruk: He who is sky-reaching. One

எ டாதைத அ ய வ ல ஞான reaches Heaven by the supreme knowledge.
ப ைம உைடயவ .
573. ஸ வ . எ லாவ ைற 573. Sarvadrik: He who is Omniscient. He who
க ட றவ . is the Eye of all.

574. யாஸ: ேவத கைள 574. Vyasah: He who divided Vedas into Four
வ த னா யாஸ வைர [Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharva]. Rig Veda-Divided
ஆேவ தவ . into 21 branches, Yajur Veda-Divided into 101
branches, Sama Veda-Divided into 1000
branches and Atharva Veda-Divided into 9
branches or Sakhas. He also divided all the

575. வாச ப அேயா ஜ: யாஸ 575. Vaacaspatihayojinah: He who is the Lord

யா ஐ தாவ of Vidhyas and Unborn [not Born of any
ேவதமா ய மாஹாபாரத Woman]
ஸர வ வா யானவ .
ேயா ற இ லதாவ .

ஸாமா ஸாமக: ஸாம வாண ேபஷஜ ஷ ।

ஸ யாஸ சம: ஶா ேதா டா ஶா : பராயண ॥62॥
ि सामा सामगः साम िनव णं भेषजं िभषक्।
सं यासकृ छमः शा तो िन ा शाि तः परायणम्॥६२॥

576.ஸாமா: த ைம ெசா ற 576. Trisamah: He who is having three Samams.

ஹ , ரத ர , வாேத ய எ ற He who is praised by singers of three Samams,
வைக ப ட Deva, Vrita, Saman
ஸாம க னா கான
ெச ய ப பவ .

577. ஸாமக: ர மா பவ 577. Samagah: He who is the Singer of Saman.

ஆன த னா தா
ஸாம கைள
பா ெகா பவ .

578. ஸாம: ஸாம ேவத 578. Samah: He who is Sama Veda.

வ யானவ .

579. வாண : 579. Nirvahnam: He who is the Supreme Bliss

வ யா பவ . charecterised by the absence of all sorrow.

580. ேபஷஜ : ற எ 580. Beshajam: He who is the Medicine of the

ம தா பவ . Disease of Samsara.
581. ஷ : “ம வனா ற 581. Bhishak: He who is the Physician as He
மாம வ ணா” எ ஆ வா taught Bhagavad Gita that roots out the diseas of
அ ெசய ப ற எ Samsara. According to Sruti- “ I see thou Art the
ப ஹார ண த ைவ ய . best physician of all”.

582. ஸ யாஸ : ற ேநா 582. Sanyasakrit: He who instituted fourth

வத காரணமான ஸா க Ashrama-Sanyaasa Stage-as a step to Moksha.
யாக ைத ெச பவ . He who destroys Samsara.

583. ஶம: அட க ேவ ய காம 583. S’amah: He who is Calm as he taught the

ேராத த யவ ைற அட க principle of calmness into Sanyasins as the
வ கா யவ . necessary means to attain Wisdom. According to
Smriti-The Duty of Sanyasins is Calmness;The
Duty of Householders is Charity; The Duty of
Forest Dweller is Restraint and The Duty of
Bramacharins/Students is Service.
He who pacifies all Beings.

584. ஶா த: அைல ஓ த கட 584. S’anthah: He who is the Tranquil as He is

ேபா ஶா த வ யானவ . not involved in Material Pleasures. According to
Sruti-He who is without Parts, without action and
who is tranquil.

585. டா: எ லாவ 585. Nishta: He who is the Abode of all beings
ஆதாரமா பவ . during Pralaya.

586. ஶா : எலாவ ைற மற 586. S’anti: Peace-He who is Freed from every

த ைமேய அ ப form of Avidya. They rest in Him who have
ெகா க ெச பவ . abandoned all attachments.

587. பராயண : ேமா ற த 587. Parayanam: He who is the Supreme Goal

உபாயமான பரம ப ைய தாேம from which there is no return. Also this syllable
ெகா பவ . [பராயண: எ ப take masculine form Parayanah.
பாட . ற த தாந ைடயவ
எ ெபா ].

ஶுபா க: ஶா த: ர டா த: வேலஶய:।
ேகா ேதா ேகாப ேகா தா ஷபாே ா ஷ ய:॥63॥
शुभा ः शाि तदः ा कुमुदः कुवलेशयः।
गोिहतो गोपितग ता वृषभा ो वृषि यः॥६३॥
588. ஶுபா க: ேயாக 588. S’ubhangah: He who is Handsome. By Him
அ க களான யம யம the parts of Yoga become good.
த யவ ைற ைறேவ றவ .

589. ஶா த: தம ஸா யமா ய 589. Santidah: He who is the conferrer of Peace

ஶா ைலைய ெகா பவ . Charecterised by absence of Love, Hatred and
the rest.He who is the bestower of Moksha

590. ர டா: கரணகேளபர 590. Srashtah: He who is the Creator of all beings
ரதான ெச பைட பவ . in the Beginning of the Universe.

591. த: இ ல உல ள 591. Kumudah: He who delights in the Earth

ேசதந க ேவ ய
ேபாக கைள ெகா
ம பவ .

592. வேலஶய: இ ல ேலேய 592. Kuvales’ayah: The recliner upon Wate. The
ற இற உழ name may mean Takshaka, the Serpant that lived
ெகா வரா க in Badari fruit, and according to the curse of
அ த யா யா அவ கைள Rishi, bit King Parikshit. He is also a
manifestation of Hari. He who reclines in the
நட பவ . Serpant Sesha.

593. ேகா த: ந ைம 593. Gohitah: He who is the friend for the Cows
ெச பவ . as He protected them by holding the Goverdhana
hill above them. He who has been incarnated to
Lighten the burden of the Earth.

594. ேகாப : ேயாக யான 594. Gopatih: He who is the Lord to Earth. He
வ க வா . who is the Lord of Senses.

595. ேகா தா: இ ைம ளக ம 595. Goptah: He who is the Protector of the

பல கைளைன ர பவ . Universe. He who veils his nature with Maya.

596. ஷபா : த ம வ யாக 596. Vrushapakshah: He who has Eyes of

க ம பல கைள ர பவ . Dharma rains doen all wishes. The Dharma
shines on the shining of His Eyes.

597. ஷ ய: த ம க அ 597. Vrushapriya: He who delights in Dharma.

ைவ பவ . He who is beloved of virtuous.

அ வ தா மா ஸ ே தா ே ம வ:।
வ ஸவ ா: வாஸ: ப : மதா வர:॥64॥
अिनवत िनवृ ा मा स े ता ेमकृि छवः।
ीव सव ाः ीवासः ीपितः ीमत वरः॥६४॥
598. அ வ : ர த ம 598. Anivartih: He who never retreats. He who
ைடகைள ள இ ல never turns back from Dharma being its best
ற பனதா அவ கைள friend.
ஸ ஸார ைத வ க
ெச யாதவ .

599. தா மா: 599. Nivrittatmah: He who of restrained Self

த ம பவ க from Material plesures Naturally. The Jivas
ஈ வரரா இ பவ . become retired from Gunas, as they have nothing
to think.

600. ஸ ே தா: ர 600. Samksheptah: He who is the Involver of

த ம பவ க அ Expanded Universe during Pralaya into
ம ைம ப ெச பவ . distingration. Antonym: Asamksheptah-He who
never abandones His devotees

601. ே ம : த ம 601. Kshemakrit: He who is the Doer of Good as

ட க அ ம ைம He protects what has been acquired by His
காம வா ப devotees. Antonym-Akshemakrit-He who
ேமா ெம ற ே ம ைத destroyes the Evils of His devotees.
அ பவ .

602. வ: ந ேலா க நைமைய 602. S’ivah: He who is the Purifier of those that
ெச பவ . even call upon him by name.

603. வ ஸவ ா: 603. Srivatsavaks’ah: He who has the mark of

வ ஸெம ம ச ைத த Srivatsa on His breast.
மா ைடயவ .

604. வாஸ: மஹால 604. Srivasah: He whose chest is the Abode of Sri
எ ேபா த ட ேத வாச Lakshmi
ெச ய ெப றவ .

605. ப : மாமக ெகா ந . 605. Sripatih: He who is the Lord of Sri. Sri
Lakshmi has chosen Him as her Husband
rejecting all Devas, Asuras, and all others during
the churning of Ocean for Nectar. He is the Lord
of Parasakti. According to Sruti-The Supreme
Sakti of Him is declared to be various.

606. மதா வர: ெச வ ற 606. Srimataam varah: He who is the Chief of all
ெப ற ரம த எ ேலாைர those who possess Sri. The Vedas-Rig, Yajur,
கா ற தவ . Sama-He is the chief of Brahma who is the
possession of these Vedas.
த: ஶ: வாஸ: : பாவந:।
தர: கர: ேரய: மா ேலாக ரயா ரய:॥65॥
ीदः ीशः ीिनवासः ीिनिधः ीिवभावनः।
ीधरः ीकरः ेयः ीम लोक या यः॥६५॥

607. த: ரா எ ற 607. Sridah: He who is the bestower of Wealth to

ெபயைர அ தவ . His devotees.

608. ஶ: ரா அ வள 608. Sris’ah: He who is the Lord of Wealth.

ெப ைம வ தத
காரணமானவ .

609. வாஸ: ரா 609. Srinivasah: He who abides with Wealthy

எ ேபா ேச டமாக உ ளவ . (Sri)

610. : ரா தயாக 610. Srinidhih: He who is the treasure Hosue of

உ ளவ . Sri. In Him, who is also powerful, abide all
energies. Sri is protected like treasure.

611. பாவந: 611. Srivibhavanah: He who is the distributor of

ரா னாேலேய தம ற Wealth to all beings in accordance with their
உ டாக ெப றவ . Karmas.

612. தர: ரா ைய எ ஞா 612. Sridharah: He who supports all

த பவ . prosperities. He who bears Sri Lakshmi who is
the mother of all.

613. கர: த அவதார க 613. Srikarah: He who is the Conferror of Sri on

ஒ தப ரா ைய அவ க those devotees who remember, praise and
ெச பவ . worship Him.

614.ேரய மா : எ லா 614. S’reyah Sriman: He who bestows Salvation

ஷா த க காக [Eternal Bliss] and the possessor of Sri.
எ ேலாரா ஆச யபட த க
ரா யானவ த ட
எ ேபா ேச க ெப றவ .

615. ேலாக ரா ரய: ரா ட 615.Lokatrayas’rayah: He who is the Refuge for

தா ேச லக all the three worlds.
ஆதாரமா பவ .
வ : வ க: ஶதாந ேதா ந ேயா கேண வர:।
தா மாS ேதயா மா ஸ நஸ ஶய:॥66॥
व ः व ः शतान दो नि द य ितगणे रः।
िविजता माऽिवधेया मा स कीिति छ संशयः॥६६॥

616. வ : அழ ய க க 616. Svakshah: He who has Lotus like Eyes

தலான ேய ய க
உ ளவ .

617. வ க: க ற த ய 617. Svangah: He who has Beautiful Limbs.

ம கள ரஹ ைடயவ .

618. ஶதாந த: ேபராந த கைர 618. S’tanandah: He who is of Infinite Bliss.

கட ேம ேம ெப க According to Sruti-Of this Bliss all other beings
ெப றவ . enjoy only a part.

619. ந : எ ேபா ஆன த 619. Nandih: He who is Supreme Bliss.

ைற பவ .

620. ேயா கேண வர: 620. JyotihGanes’varah: He who is the Lord of

ஒ வமா ள ற the hosts of Luminaries. According to Sruti-When
யஸூ க ட க He shines all other shine after Him.
எ ேபா அ ப ைக க ய
ெச யெப றவ .

621. தா மா: அ ப க 621. Vijitatma: He who is of Conquered Mind.

ஷய தா இண ப This syllable refers to Rama Avarata where His
இ பவ . mind was inclined towards Sita.

622. ேதயா மா: ப த க 622. Vidheyatma: He who is unfathomed Nature

க டைள ட ெப by any one
அத ண நட பவ .

623. ஸ : ற த 623. Satkirthih: He who is of Pure Fame. His

வா தவ . fame is Supreme. He being the Husband of Sri

624. நஸ ஶய: இவ 624. Cinnasams’ayah: He who is Solved of

வச ப வாேரா மா டாேரா? Dobuts as He realizes everything directly as a
ஸுலபேரா லபேரா? என Fruit in the Palm. He has no doubts in anything.
ேதா ச ேதக க தம
ெஸௗல ைய கா பவ .
உ ண: ஸ வத ச ுர ஶ: ஶா வத ர:।
ஶேயா ஷேணா ேஶாக: ேஶாகநாஶந:॥67॥
उदीणः सवत ुरनीशः शा ति थरः।
भूशयो भूषणो भूितिवशोकः शोकनाशनः॥६७॥

625. உ ண: உ க ணா 625. Udirnah: He who is transcendent as He is

மா ரம க க ணா above everything. He who is not perceived by the
கா ப ெவ பைடயாகேவ eyes.
அவதா பவ .

626. ஸ வத ச ு: ர ய மாக 626. Sarvatachs’akshu: He who has eyes on all

அவத எ லா ட sides. Having eyes on all sides He perceives
எ ேலா ைடய க க everything thourgh His consciousness.
கா அ பவ .

627. அ ஶ: ப த க 627. Anis’ah: He who does not have Lord over

பரத ரமா த ைம னா Him. According to Sruti-None rules over Him.
வாத ய இ லாதவ .

628. ஶா வத ர: அ சா 628. S’aas’vatahstirah: He who is Eternal and

ரஹ க அத ேக ற Stable.
உ வ கேளா ஶா வதமாக
எ த பவ .

629. ஶய: அ ப க உக த 629. Bhus’ayah:He who rests on the Ground.

இட க ப கா ட பவ . Here this syllable refers to Rama Avataram who
rests on the shores of ocean on His way to Lanka

630. ஷண: ெஸௗல ய 630. Bhushanah: He who adornes the Worlds by

ண ைதேய த அல காரமாக his incrnations at His wish.
உைடயவ .

631. :அ ப க எ லா 631. Bhutih: He who is the source of all glories.

ெச வமாக இ பவ . He who has Be-ness. Antonym-Abhutih: No
Desire for Wealth to be found in His Devotees.

632. ேஶாக: [அேஶாக எ ப 632. Vis’okah: He who is Griefless being

பாட ]. அ ப கைள Supreme Bliss.
கா வதனா அவ கைள
இழ ேதா எ ற க பட
ேவ டாதவ .

633. ேஶாகநாஶந: க கைள 633. S’okanas’anah: He who destroyes the Grief

ைட பவ . of the Devotees by their very rememberance of
அ மாந த: ேபா ஶு தா மா ேஶாதந:।
அ ேதாS ர ரத: ர ேநாS த ரம:॥68॥
अिच मानिचतः कु भो िवशु ा मा िवशोधनः।
अिन ोऽ ितरथः ु ोऽिमतिव मः॥६८॥

634. அ மா : அ ரா தமான 634. Archisman: He who is Brilliant in Radiance.

ேபெரா ைய உைடயவ . He by whose Radiance Sun and others shine.

635. அ த: அ சா யா 635. Architah: He who is Worshipped by Brahma

அ சைன எ யரானவ . and the rest of whom all the world adore. Here
this syllable refers to Archavataram (Idol

636. ப: வ வழ 636. Kumbhah: He who is contains everything as

த யவ றா ப த களா in the Pot. Ku-Pushkara and other places of
ப ப பவ . Pilgrimage; Bha-He shines.

637. ஶுதா மா: தம 637. Vis’uddatmah: He who is of Pure Atma as

வ ப கைளெய லா He is free from all the three qualities. In the Pure
ப த க ஒ பவ . Heart His Nature shines.

638. ேஶாதந: ப த கைள 638. Vis’odhanah: He who is the purifier of Sins

ப த ப பவ . by mere remembrance of Him. Antonym-
Avisodhanah-not purifying the sins of the Evil-

639. அ த: அ த க 639 Aniruddhah: He who is the Fourth of the

அவதாரமான ஜநா தனராக Four Vyuhas. His influence is unbated in the
இ பவ . Pushakara and other places of Pilgimage.

640. அ ர ரத: ேரா கைள 640. Apratirathah: He who is without Enemies.

ெதாைல ப த பவ
யா லாதவ .

641. ர ந: எ லாவ ைற 641. Pradhyumnah: He who is very Wealthy.

ரகா க ெச பவ . Pradhyumnah is one of the four Vyuhas. He who
illuminaes all Atmans.

642. அ த ரம: ரம 642. Amitavikramah: He who is of Unmeasured

அவதார லக க த Powers. He who is unaffected of any powers.
வ ப
அட காம பவ .
காலேந ஹா ர: ெஶௗ : ஶூரஜேந வர:।
ேலாகா மா ேலாேகஶ: ேகஶவ: ேக ஹா ஹ :॥69॥
कालनेिमिनहा वीरः शौिरः शूरजने रः।
ि लोका मा ि लोकेशः केशवः केिशहा हिरः॥६९॥

643. காலேந ஹா: கால ச கர 643. Kaalaneminihah: He who is the slayer of

வ ைடயா ய அ ைய எ Asura Kalanemi. He who is the destroyer of
க க மஷ ைத அ பவ . wheel of time.

644. ர: த ர பைட தவ . 644. Virah: He who is Valiant

645. ெஶௗ : வஸுேதவ ர . 645. S’aurih: He who is Born in S’ura clan. He

க ண ர ெஶௗ who is known as S’auri in Utkala country
ெப மா எ நாம (Jagannath)
பைட தவ .

646. ஶூரஜேந வர: ஶூரனான 646. S’urajanes’varah: He who is the Lord of

ராம ரானாக ேதா Valiant. He who is the friend of Indra and other
ஶூர களான ஸு வ ம warriors owing to their superior martial powers
ஹ மா ேபா றவ க
தைலவனாக இ தவ .

647. ேலாகா மா: 647. Trilokaatmah: He who is the Soul of Three

ப தா ரஹ காக Worlds as He is the indweller (Atma) of three
லக க ெச பவ , worlds. Three Worlds do not exist in reality apart
from Him.

648. ேலாேகஶ: லக 648. Trilokes’ah: He who is the Ruler of Three

ர . Worlds-Ordained by Him attend to their
respective functions

649. ேகஶவ: ரம 649. Kes’avah: Kesas are the rays of Sun and the
வ ர . others-As He is the possessor of these Rays He is
named. Kesava. The Saktis(energies) are called
Brahma, Rudra and Vishnu-As He rules of these
He is called Kesava. In Harivamsa Siva Says to
Vishnu-As we (Brahma and myself) sprang from
your parts or manifestations-You are called

650. ேக ஹா: ேக எ ற ைர 650. Kes’iha: He who slayed Asura Kesin

க ட ெகா ட அஸுரைன
ெகா றவ .
651. ஹ : ஆ கைள ஹ பவ . 651. Harih: He who destroys Samsara with its

காமேதவ: காமபால: கா கா த: தாகம:।

அ ேத யவ ேராSந ேதா தந ஜய:॥70॥
कामदेवः कामपालः कामी का तः कृतागमः।
अिनद यवपुिव णुव रोऽन तो धन यः॥७०॥

652. காமேதவ: 652. Kaamadevah: He who is the Beloved Lord as

யவ ைறெய லா He is beloved by those who seek four kinds of
அ பவ . human aspirations.

653. காமபால: தா அ த 653. Kaamapalah: He who fulfills the Desires of

ேப கைள ப பாலன ெச பவ . those who seek happiness. Kama-The Desired
ones ie., Devotees; palah-Protector.

654. கா : ற த பல கைள தா 654. Kaamih: He who is of Fulfilled Desires. He

ெகா க அைவ த ட has always Desires concerning His Devotees.
ைறயற ர க ெப றவ .

655. கா த: அள கட த 655. Kantah: He who is Handsome as He

அழ ைடயவ . assumes most handsomes forms (during
incarnations). He who is the cause of anta (end)
of Brahma at the close of second half of his age.

656. தாகம: கைலக , 656. Krutaagamah: He who is the Author of

ேவத , க க ப , Agamas (Sruti and Smriti). Lord Himself says-
ெசா ெபா தா ம ற Sruti and Smritis are my commands. Vyasa said-
ைலக வானவ க Vedas, Sastras, Wisdom and all these came out of
ம றவ க ைம னா
அ ெச பவ .

657. அ ேத யவ : 657. Anirdes’yavapuh: He who is of Indecribable

இ தெம க யாத Form as He transcends all attribute-His form
ய ம கள ரஹ ைடயவ . cannot be defines in one way or other.

658. : எ லவ 658. Vishnuh: He whose radiance pervades

யா ைத பவ . firmaments and transcends it.

659. ர: சா ன ைத ந 659. Virah : He who is Valiant. The root “Vi”

யவ கைள தக க வ ல according to Dhatupadha means motion,
ய ைடயவ . creation, radiance, existence and involution. As
He has qualities above these He is called Vira.
660. அந த: அந த என 660. Anantah: He who is Infinite. Being all
அைழ க ப பவ . pervading, Eternal, Soul of All, He is Unlimited
எ ைல லாதவ . by Space, Time and Substance. According to
Vishnu Purana-The Gandharvas, Apsaras, the
Sidhaas, the Kinnaras, the Uragas, the Charanas
do not find the end of His attributes, Hence the
Imperishable Lord is called Anantah.

661. தந ஜய: தன ைத 661. Dhananjayah: He who is the conquerer of

கா க Wealth.
ப த கவ .

ர ம ேயா ர ம ர மா ர ம ர ம வ தந:|
ர ம ரா மேணா ர ர ம ேஞா ரா மண ய:||71||
यो कृ ा िववधन:|
िव ा णो ी ो ा णि य:||७१||

662. ர ம ய: ேசதந அேசதந க 662. Brahmanyah: He who is the Friend of

ஆ ற ெப ய வ க ெக லா Brahman. Here Brahman means-Vedas, Caste,
அ லமா பவ . Wisdom. He who is Beneficial to them
all.Brahman also means Jivas.

663. ர ம : ரணமான 663. Brahmakrit: He who is the authorof

உலக கைள பைட பவ . Brahman. Brahman means austerities as
explained in the previous syllable. Brahma-
Prakriti; Krit-Expands.

664. ர மா: ர மா 664. Brahmaah: He who Creates all as Brahma.

யாமக . Brahma creates the entire Universe having his
mind in Brahman.

665. ர ம: பர ம 665. Brahma: He who is Brahman, charecterised

என ப பவ . by Be-ness. He who is Great and all-pervading.
According to Sruti (Taitriya)-Brahman is be-
ness, knowledge and infinite. According to
Vishnu Purana-That knowledge which quiets
down all differences, pure in its aspects, beyond
the grasp of senses, and experienced in His Self
only, is called Barhman.

666. ர ம வ தந: தவ த ய 666. Brahmavivardhanah: He who is the

த ம கைள அ ெச பவ . increase of Brahman. Brahman-austerities and
the rest. Brahma here also means Brahma and
667. ர ம : ேவத க 667. Brahmavit: He who is the knower of
ைவ அ பவ . Brahman (Vedas and their meanings)

668. ரா மண: த தா ேரய 668. Braahmanah: He who instructs whole world

எ அ தணராக அவத தவ . in Vedas, through Brahmanas. Incarnation-

669. ர : ர ம என ப 669. Brahmih: He who is the manifestation of

ரா மண ேரமய க Brahma
அைன உைடயவ .

670. ர ம ஞ: ேவத கைள 670. Brahajnah: He who realises Brahman. He

ஸா ா க தவ . who knows Vedas which are in Himself.

671. ரஹாணம ய: ேவத வ ல 671. Brahmanapriyah: He who is Beloved of

அ தண கைள அ ப களா Brahmanas. He who is the Friend of Brahmanas.
உைடயவ . Lord Himself Says-He who does not salute
Brahmana evern though he may kill, curse or
rubuke him, he is a sinner, burnt up forest of fire
of the Brahman; he may be put to death or
otherwise punished; he does not belong to
us.Mahabharatha says- That God whom Devaki
begot of Vasudeva like the radiant of fire from
Arani wood for the protection of the Earthly
Brahman (the Brahamanas)

மஹா ரேமா மஹாக மா மஹாேதஜா மேஹாரக:|

மஹா ர மஹாய வா மஹாய ேஞா மஹாஹ :||72||
महा मो महाकम महातेजो महोरग:|
महा तुमहाय वा महाय ो महाहिव:||७२||

672. மஹா ரம: ேசதந க 672. Mahakramah: He who take god steps to
பத ஈடாக ப ப யாக spread devotion. According to Sruti (Taitreeya)-
உபாய கைள கா பவ . The far-stepping Vishnu grant us Welfare.

673. மஹாக மா: ற த 673. Mahakarma: He who does Great Deeds as

ெச ைககைள உைடயவ . the Evolution of the Universe. His actions are to
bestow knowledge on others.

674. மஹாேதஜ: இ த 674. Mahatejah: He who possess Great Radiance.

ஞால அக இ ைள He by whose Great radiance, the Sun and
ஒ ப யான luminaries become possessed of Light. He who
ேபெரா ளவ . possess great valour
675. மேஹாரக: க 675. Mahoragah: He who is the Great Serpant.
ெப யவரா தா அ ப க The Lord says in Bhagavat Gita- Of all serpants I
தய ரேவ பவ . am Vasuki.The Great Adiiseshan and other
serpants are His Vibhutis (manifestations)

676. மஹா ர : ெப ய 676. Mahakratuh: He who is Great Scrifice.

யாக க னா ஆரா கப பவ . According to Manu (11-260) Just as Aswameda
is the chief of all Sacrifice, such sacrifices also
are Himself.

677. மஹாய வ: த ைம 677. Mahayajnava: He who performs Great

ஆரா பவ கைள ற தவ களாக Sacrifices as He performs Sacrifices for the well
ெச பவ . being of the universe. The Great Sacrifices
belong to Him.

678. மஹாஹய ஞ: த ைம 678. Mahayajna: He who is of Great Yajna. The

ஆரா பைத எ லா Lord in Bagavad Gita saya Of all sacrifices I am
ஆராத க ேம ப டதாக Japa Sacrifice.
இ பவ .

679. மஹாஹ : ஆ மா எ 679. Mahahavih: He who is Great Offering as

ற த ஹ ைஸ அ க பவ . whole Universe is offered as offering in the

த ய: தவ ய: ேதா ர த: ேதாதா ரண ய:|

ண: ர தா ய: ய ரநாமய:||73||
त य: तवि य: तो ं तुत: तोता ऱणि य:|
पूण: पूरियता पु य: पु यकीितरनामय:||७३||

680. த ய: ேதா ர ெச ய 680. Stavyah:He who is the Object of Praise as

த தவ . He is Praised by all and He praises none. The
accepted once of Him are to be praised.

681. தவ ய: யா எ வைகயா 681. Stavapriyah: He who delights in Praise.

ேதா ர ெச தா அதைன
ஏ பவ .

682. ேதா ர : அவரவ க 682. Sttoram: He who the Hymn by Himself. The
ேதா ர க த ைடய Hymn which describes His attributes is Hari
அ ரஹ னாேலேய Himself
உ டாவதா ேதா ர
தாேமயாக இ பவ .
683. த: ய த க 683. Stutih: He who is the Act of Praising.
த ெகா ந ளவாக ள
யாவரா தா தா எ
அ தவாேர ற இ பவ .

684. ேதாதா: த ைம 684. Stotah: He who is the Adorer

பவ கைள தாேம க பவ .

685. ரண ய: ஸா ப ராண 685. Ranapriyah: He who delights in Battles. He

ெபா அர க க ட who bears Five Great Weapons to Protect the
அஸுர க ட த Universe.
ெச வ ப ளவ .

686. ண: அவா த ஸம த 686. Purnah: He who is Full as He possesses all

காமெர ப எ லா the objects of Desire and all Saktis (Energies).He
ைறேவற ெப றவ . possesses all knowledge, Dharma Sastra etc.

687. ர தா: ப த க 687. Purayitah: He who Fillsas He bestows

ேகா ைககைள ெச பவ . Prosperity on Entire Universe.

688. ய: பா கைள தராக 688. Punyah: He who is Holy as He removes all

ெச பவ . the sinsby very remembrance of Him.

689. ய : த ைம ப 689. Punyakirtih: He who is of Holy Fame as He

ஸ தந ெச பவ க ஸகல confers Holiness in all beings.
பாப கைள ேபா க வ லவ .

690. அநாமய: ற எ ெப 690. Anamayah: He who is of Uncorrupted

பைகயானவ . Essence as He is above all ills produced by
Karma, Internal or External.

மேநாஜவ தகேரா வஸுேரதா வஸு ரத:|

வாஸு ரேதா வாஸுேதேவா வஸு வஸுமேநா ஹ :||74||
मनोजव तीथकरो वसुरेता वसु द:|
वसु दो वासुदेवो वसुवसुमना हिव:||७४||

691. மேநாஜவ: ப த க 691. Manojavah: He who has Fleet as the Mind

அ ைடகைள மேனா ேவகமாக as He Being everywhere. The result of Devotion is
ெச பவ . as quick as the mind.
692. கர: பரம ப ர களான 692. Tirthakarah: He who is the Teacher of
க ைக த ய ய த கைள Vidyas. He is the Teacher and author of fourteen
உ ப யவ . vidyas and auxillary sciences. The Pauranikas
say that at the beginning of the Evolution, He in
the form of Hayagriva, slew two Asuras (Madhu
and Kaitabah) instructed Brahma in all the
Vedas and other vidyas, and taught the asuras
contradictory to the vedic teachings.

693. வஸுேரதா: த ைடய ய 693. Vasuretah: He whose essence is Gold. The

ேதஜைஸேய அவதார க Lord created the Waters, and Dropped into them
காரணமாக உைடயவ . His Vitality. It became the Golden Egg which is
the Supreme Source of Brahma.

694. வஸு ரத: ற த யாக 694. Vasupradah: He who is the Giver of Wealth.
த ைமேய த பவ . Kubera became Lord of Wealth only through His
Grace. He being the Direct Lord, bestows wealth
on His Devotees.

695. வஸு ரத: த ைம 695. Vasupradah: He who is the Conferror of

அ தவ க ேம ைமைய Salvation on His Devotees. He who deprives
அ பவ . Wealth to Asuras.

696. வாஸுேதவ: வஸுேதவ ைடய 696. Vasudevah: He who is the Son of Vasudeva
மாரராக அவத தவ .

697. வஸு: அவதார அ கமா ய 697. Vasu: He who si the Refuge of All as all
பா கட வ பவ . being dwell in Him He dwells in them. He who
conceals is Nature by way of Maya. He who
resides in the Milky Ocean (Thirupaarkadal)

698. வஸுமந: வஸுேதவ ட 698. Vasumanah: He who is Omnipresent as He

மன ைவ தவ . remains in all object without any distinction.

699. ஹ : வஸுேதவ ட 699. Havih: He who is the oblation. According

ந தேகாப ட தாக வ to Bhagvad Gita, Brahman is the offering and
ேச தவ . Brahman is the oblation. This syllable also
refers as offering to Nangagopa (concerning
safety of Krishna)

ஸ க :ஸ : ஸ தா ஸ : ஸ பராயண:|
ஶூரேஸேநா ய ேர ட: ஸ வாஸ: ஸுயா ந:||75||
स गित: स कृित: स ा स ूित स परायण:|
शूरसेनो यतु े : सि वास सुयामुन:||७५||
700. ஸ க : ஸா கைள கா ப 700. Satgatih: He who is Refuge to the Good.
அவ க க யா பவ . Here Good-are those who say Brahman exists.
Accordeing to Sruti, If a person known that
Brahman exists then all the wiseman call him
Good. He who is of Superior Intellect.

701. ஸ : ெவ ெண 701. Satkrutih: He who is of Good in His Acts As

கள ட , உர ைட the Protector of Universe.
யா ட , ரைவ ேகா த
த ய ய ச ைதகைள
உைடயவ .

702. ஸ தா: ஸா க தாேம 703. Sattah: The State of Be-ness. The State
ஸ ைதயாக இ பவ . (ஸ ைதயாக which is devoid of difference in its own species, as
இ ப -ந றா நா உ ைன well as in itself. According to Sruti-This is the
ய இேல க டா நாராணேன! Only One without a Second.
எ ைன ய இ ைல
எ ப இ த )

703. ஸ :ஸ க , ர 703. Sadbhutih: He who is of Supreme in

ப , த, ஸார ர களான Intelligence As He is Supreme Self anf ever
எ லா உத களா தாேம shining, He is “Intelligent”. The objective of the
இ பவ . world is not to be called “Intelligent” because of
its limitations, as it is neither Sat (Existing) or
Asat (Non Existing). The limitations of the
objects has been demonstrated in Sruti and
reasoning. Satbhutih is the Goal of the Good.

704. ஸ பராயண: ஸ கைளேய 704. Satparayanah: He who is the Supreme Goal

தம ய ஆதாரமாக of the Good. Here in this sentrence “of the
ெகா டவ . ஸ பராயண எ ப Good” means Knower of Reality.
ஸ க பரம ஆசா யரா
இ பவ எ ெபா .

705. ஶூரேஸந: பார ைத 705. Surasenah: Of Valient Armies. In His

ஷய யாதவ க Armies Valient men like Hanuman exists.
பா டவ க த ய ர கைள
தம ைணயா ேசைனயாக
ெகா பவ .

706. ய ேர ட: யயா 706. Yatusreshtah: He who is the Chief of Yadus.

ஶாப நா அேதாக
அைட த ய வ ஶ ைத
த தனா ய க
ற தவ .
707. ஸ வாஸ: ஸ ஷ க 707. Sannivasah: He who is the Abode of Good.
இைள பாற
ஒ டமா பவ .

708. ஸுயா ந: தா ய ைன 708. Suyamunah: He who is attended by the

ெச த ஜல ைட த ய Good Yamunas. His Attendants were-Devaki,
கா ய க எ லா ஸு தமாக Vasudeva, Nanda, Yasodha, Balabhadra,
இ க ெப றவ . Subhadra who are connected with Yamuna. He
who is the Attendant Shepard for Brahma and
other Devas in Human Form.

தாவாேஸா வாஸுேதவ: ஸ வாஸு லேயாSநல:|

த பஹா த பேதாS ேதா தேராSதாபரா த:||76||
भूतावासो वासुदेव: सव सुिनलयोऽनल:|
दपहा दपदोऽदृ तो दुधरोऽथापरािजत:||७६||

709. தாவாஸ: எ லா ரா க 709. Bhutavaasah: He who is the dwelling place

த ட ஆ ர ப for all Beings. According to Harvamsa-As the
இ பவ . Being live in you thou art named Bhutavasa.

710. வாஸுேதவ: வாதஶா ர 710. Vasudevah: He who envelopes the Universe

ம தர ைத உபேத த வாஸுேதவ with Maya. Lord says in Maha Samhikai-I
பமாக இ பவ . pervade the whole Universe by my Glory like the
Sun with its rays.

711. ஸ வாஸு லய: எ லா 711. Sarvasunhilayah: He who is the abode of all

உ க Life-Energies Being Jiva Himself [As He is the
இ டமா பவ . [எ லஓ abode of all Jivas]
ட ராணைன
ைவ ப யான
மேநாஹரமா பவ ].

712. அநல: அ யா க எ 712. Analah: He who is Unlimited. His Enegies

ெச ேபா எ and Powers are never Limited. He never forgives
ைனயாதவ . ேம ேம sinning against His devotees.
ந ைமக ெச வ ேலேய
யா பவ .

713. த பஹா: ேகாவ தந மைலைய 713. Darpah: He who is the repressor of Pride of
ைடயாக தா ற பா ஜாத those that stray from from the path of
ப ஹரண ெச த ேபா ற அ த righteousness. He curbed the pride of Indra by
ெச ைகக னா இ ர lifting the Govardhana Mountain.
த ேயா க ெகா ைப
அட யவ .

714. த பத: அ யா க த ைம 714. Darpadah: He who is the giver of Pride of

ப ணா பவ ெச ப those who follow righteousness. He who
இ “என கா க ைலேய. represses their Pride. Antonym-Adarpadah-He
என ைணயா ல ேத” எ does not allow His Devoteed to become proud.
க ேப ப அவ க
மத ைத ைள பவ .

715. அ த: த ைடய ெச வ 715. Adriptah: He who never allows His

ற களா தா க வ Devotees to become proud even if they perform
அைடயாதவ . [ தஎ பத many good acts. Antonym-Driptah-He who is
பாக ெச வ - proud and every delighting in the Bliss of Self.
யேசாைத னா
ந தேகாப னா
ெகா டாட ப டவ ].

716. தர: ட களா க 716. Dhurdarah: He who is the object of very

யாதவ . (அ) பா ய difficult contemplation. During contemplation, it
ைலக மதயாைனைய is very difficult to realise His Nature, as He is
ேபா ற த தா த ைதயரா beyond all Forms or Vehicles; However some
favoured few see Him with great effort in the
க யாதவ . lotus of their hearts after ardous meditations for
many incarnations. In Bhagavad Gita Lord says-
Greater is their trouble who thoughts are set to
be Unmanifested. For the Path of Unmanifested
is very hard for the embodied to reach

717. அபா த: த ைம அ ப த 717. Aparajitah: He who cannot be conquered by

ப ச பா டவ கைள ேதா the desires and rest internally and by ausras and
அ யயாதப ெச தவ . other externally.

வ மஹா : த ர மா |
மேநக ர ய த: ஶத : ஶதாநந:||77||
िव मूितमहामूित: दी तमूितरमूितमान्|
अनेकमूितर य त: शतमूित: शतानन:||७७||

718. வ : 718. Vis’vamurtih: He who is World-Form Being

உலக கெள லா த ஶ ரமாக the Soul of Entire Universe.
உைடயவ .
719. மஹா : வ ப 719. Mahamurtih: He who is of Great Form
கா ன ேபா பல ரமா ட க having reclined on Sesha couch. The whole
அட ன உலகைம ஒ Universe is part of Him.
ைல அட ட ப
ெப ய உ வ பைட தவ .

720. த : கஒ 720. Diptahmurtih: He who is Wisdon Formed or

ெபா னவ கைள எ லா Taijasa Form. Assumed by His own will, is
ேச தம ச ரமாக Radiant. He who possesses the radiance of
உைடயவ . thousand suns.

721. அ மா : 721. Amurtiman: He who has No form brought

பம றைவகளான ல ர on by Karma. His forms are Avyakta, Purusha
ம வா மா த யவ etc.
வா யாக இ பவ .

722. அேநக : பல வ வ கைள 722. Anekamurtih: He who has many forms. He

ெகா ள வ லவ . take many forms at His own wish during
incarnations to protect the World.

723. அ ய த: அவதார 723. Avyaktah: He who is unmanifested. Though

கால க த ம ைம He has many forms but still could not be defined
ெவ படாம க ெப றவ . precisely.

724. ஶத :எ லட கா 724. Satamurtih: He who is Myriad Formed. He

உ வ ெகா டவ . whose form is pure consciousness has many forms
created by His own thought. Brahma and other
forms were from Him.

725. ஶதாநந: அேநக 725. Satananah: He who has Myriad faced as He

க க ைடயவ . is Universal Form.

ஏேகா ைநக: ஸவ: க: ய த பதம தம |

ேலாகப ேலாகநாேதா மாதேவா ப தவ ஸல:||78||
एको नैक: सव: क: िकं य यदमनु मम्|
लोकब धुल कनाथो माधवो भ तव सल:||७८||

726. ஏக: ம ைம 726. Ekah: He who is “The One”. Being devoid of

ஒ பா லாைமயாேல அ ய . any distinction such as Sajatiya-pertaining to the
same species, Vijatiya-pertaining to the different
species. Svagata-pertaining different parts of the
same thing. According to Sruti-He is the Only One
without a.second. None is Equal or Superior to

727. ைநக: தம க 727. Naikah: He who is many by His Maya.

அந தமாக இ பவ . According to Sruti “The Lord Sports with many
forms by His Maya”. There is no limit to His
vibhutis (manifestations).

728. ஸ: அ ப ப டவ எ 728. Sa: He who is the Destroyer.

ெகா டாட த கவ .

729. வ: எ லா ரா க ட 729. vah: He who is the in Dweller. The Syllable

வ பவ . Sa and Vah together refers to Soma Sacrifice
where Soma plant is distilled.

730. க: எ ரகா 730. Kah: He who is the Happiness as He is

ெகா பவ . spoken of as such. Ka also refers to brightness.

731. : அ ேவ வய எ 731. Kim: Kim means What. As Brahman is

உப ஷ யப Supreme of all Prurusharthas He is to be
ேதட த தவ . enquired after

732. ய : அ யா கைள கா ப 732. Yat: Yat means-Which. The pronoun Yat

எ ேபா ய ந ைடயவ . refers to the existing objects. Sruti Says-From
which all came out….

733. த : அ ப க ஞான 733. Tat: Tat Means That. That which pervades.
ப கைள வள பவ . Tat,Sat has been taught to be triple designation
of Brahman

734. பத அ தம : [அ தம 735. Padamanuttamam: He who is Unequalled

பத ] தம ேம ரா ய Seat. Seat-He is sought after by those yearning
ஒ லாதப பரம after emancipation. Unequalled-He than whom
ரா யமானவ . there is no higher.

735. ேலாகப : உ த ேனா 735. Lokabhanduh: He who is the friend of

உறேவ தம இ ஒ க Entire Universe. Since all the world are tied up
ஒ யா எ றப எ ேலாேரா in Him since He is the support of all; He is the
சா வதமான உற உைடயவ . Father of all worlds and there is no friend equal
a Father; He instructs the World right and/or
wrong through Sruti and Smruti.

736. ேலாகநாத: 736. Lokanathah: He who is the Lord of

உலக க ெக லா வா யா Universe. As He is begged (nath) by the World;
இ பவ . or Solicited by the World; As He shines in;
Praised by: Loved by all the worlds.
737. மாதவ: ல ப 737. Madhavah: He who is borns in the family of

738. ப தவ ஸல: ப த க ட 738. Bhaktavatsalah: He who is merciful to His

தஅ ைடயவ . Devotees. He Destroyes the sins of His devotees
or Keeps them under His control.

ஸுவ ணவ ேணா ேஹமா ேகா வரா க ச தநா க |

ரஹா ஷம: ஶூ ேயா ரதா ரசல சல:||79||
सुवण वण हेमा ो वर ताना दी|
वीरहा िवषम: शू यो घृताशीरचल ल:||७९||

739. ஸுவ ணவ ண: ெபா ேபால 739. Suvarnavarnah: He who is Golden-hued.

மாச ள ய According to Sruti When the beholder beholds the
வ ப ளவ . golden coloured

740. ேஹமா க: ெபா றமான 740. Hemangah: He whose limbs are like Gold.
வ வ ைடயவ . According to Sruti That this Golden persons is
seen in the disc of the Sun.

741. வரா க: ற த ய ம கள 741. Varangah: He who possess beautiful Limbs.

ரஹ ைடயவ .

742. ச தநா க : ஆன தம 742. Chandanangadih: He who is with attractive

ய ஷண கைள த பவ . armlets. He who is besmeared with sandal.

743. ரஹ: அ ர ர கைள ேவேரா 743. Virah: He sho slays the valiants as He slays
அ தவ . the chiefs of Asuras to protect the righteousness.

744. ஷம: ட ரஹ ட 744. Vishamah: He who is Unequalled as He

ப பாலன ெச பவ ஆதலா transcends everything. The Lord in Bhagavad
இ ப ப ட ேவ ைம Gita says-There is none equal or Superior to
உைடயவ . Thee.

745. ஶூ ய: ற கெள லா 745. S’unyah: He who is the Void as He is without

னவ . any attributes. He is Free from faults.

746. தா : த 746. Ghritasih: He who is free from all Wishes.

ண க னா உலக ைத He ate the ghee from cow-herds’ houses.
உக ப ப ளவ .
747. அசல: அஸுர ர களா 747. Acalah: He who is immovable as He has no
அைச க ஒ ணாதவ . deterioration in His Nature, Power, Wisdom and
other attributes.

748. சல: பா டவ த ய 748. Chala: He who is moving as Vayu. He ran

அ ப க காக த ைடய as fast as Air from Vainkunta to protect His
ெசா ைல ர ைஞ Devotee Elephant [Gajendra]
ல றவ .

அமா மாநேதா மா ேயா ேலாக வா ேலாக |

ஸுேமதா ேமதேஜா த ய: ஸ யேமதா தராதர:||80||
अमानी मानदो मा यो लोक वामी ि लोकधृत्|
सुमेधा मेधजो ध य: स यमेधा धराधर:||८०||

749. அமா : அ யா க ற த 749. Amaanih: He who does not have egotism.

உய ைவ ைனயாதவ . Being pure intelligence, He has no mistaken
notion of Atmanin thisngs that are not such. He
who has no pride to His devotees.

750. மாநத: த ைம சா தவ க 750. Manadah: He who generates egotistic

ெகௗரவ அ பவ . consciousness. Through His Maya He make
others see Atman as the reverse; He confers
rewards upon His devotees; He who destroys the
notion of Atman in the things which are not
Atman of those that knows the Truth.

751. மா ய: ெவ மானம பவ . 751. Manyah: He who is to be Adored as He is the

Ruler of All

752.ேலாக வா : 752. Lokasvamih: He who is the Lord of Entire

உலக கைளெய லா த Universe. He who is the Lord of all the fourteen
ெபா ளாக உ ளவ . worlds.

753. ேலாக : க கைள 753. Trilokadhrik (Trilokadhrit): He who is the

தா பவ . ( ேலாக எ ப Supporter of Three Worlds.
பாட )

754. ஸுேமதா: ந ல 754. Sumedhah: He who is of Bright Intelligence.

எ ண ைடயவ . He told Gopas that He is born as their relative
and thus deceived them (not allowing to see His
full nature).

755. ேமதஜ: ேவ பயனாக 755. Medhajah: He who is Born in Sacrifice. He

ேதா யவ . took Birth in Yajna as the Son of Devaki.
756. த ய: அவதார க ெச வைத 756. Dhanyah: He who is Fortunate as His
ெபறா ேபறாக ெச பவ . objects are fulfilled.

757. ஸ யாேமதா: அவதார க 757. Satyamedhah: He who is of unfailing

கா வ உ ைமயாக Intelligence.
இ க ெப றவ .

758. தராதர: ேகாவ தன மைலைய 758. Dharadharah: He who supports the Earth
ெபய எ தவ . through His Amsas as manifestations as Sesha
and others. He who lifted Govardhana Mountain.

ேதேஜா ேஷா தர: ஸ வஶ ர தாம வர:|

ர ரேஹா ரேஹா ய ேரா ைநக ேகா கதா ரஜ:||81||
तेजो वृषो ुितधर: सवश भृत वर:|
हो िन हो य ो नैक ु ो गदा ज:||८१||

759. ேதேஜா ஷ: அ ப கைள 759. Tejovrashah: He who showers Radiance as

கா பைத தம ச ைய He showers Rains through Sun. He who showered
யாக உபேயாக ப பவ . His effulgence (in Universal Form) to creat faith
in Arjuna

760. தர: அ மா ய ய 760. Dhyutidharah: He who is the bearer of

ச உைடயவ . Radiance of His form. He bears the Radiance fit
to be at the Head of all Devas.

761. ஸ வஶ ர தாம வர: 761. Sarvas’astrabhrutaamvarah: He who is the

அ ர ை ெப றவ கைள Best of those who weilds Weapons.
ற தவ .

762. ர ரஹ: அ ப கைள த 762. Pragrahah: He who is the Receiver of

ெசா ப நட பவ . offerings such as Leaf, Fruit etc from His
Devotees OR He who is an uncrontrolled Horse
like senses roaming over the forest of sense-
objects bound by His Grace as with reins.

763. ரஹ: எ கைள அட பவ . 763. Nigrahah: He who is the Independent

Controller. He controlled Arjuna in the Battle.

764. ய ர: ஆ த ேரா கைள 764. Vyagrahah: He who is Indestructible OR He

ெதாைல ப பரபர ளவ . is ever intent on fulfilling the desires of His
765. ைநக க: ேரா கைள 765. Naigas’hrungah: He who has many horns.
அ ப பல த உபாய கைள Actions are not important to please Him
உைடயவ .

766. கதா ரஜ: கத எ 766. Gadagrajah: He who is the elder brother of

யாதவ தலாக ற தவ . Gada. OR. He who appears in the beginning of

ச ச பாஹு ச ஹ ச க :|
ச ரா மா ச பாவ ச ேவத ேதகபா ||82||
चतुमूित तुब हु तु यूह तुगित:|
चतुरा मा चतुभाव तुवदिवदेकपात्||८२||

767. ச :ய ல 767. Chaturmurthih: He who is Four-Formed.

அவத தேபா பலப ர , Virat, Sutratma, Avyakrita and Turiya. He who
வாஸுேதவ , ர ந ம has white, red, yellow and dark-blue coloured
அ த எ ற நா bodies
கைள ெகா டவ .

768. ச பாஹு: நா 768. Chaturbahuh: He who has Four-Arms. This

ஜ க ட ேதவ வ has conventionally called Vasudeva.
ேதா யவ .

769. ச ஹ: ஞான த ய 769. Chaturvyuhah: He who has four Vyuhas.

ஆ ண க வாஸுேதவ Four Vyuhas or the persons as mentioned in
ப சமமாக ர ம ற Aitraya Upanishads are; The person in the Body,
ப க இர ர டாக The person in the Chandas, The person in the
Vedas and The Great Person
தைலெய இ ப நா
வைகயாக ள பவ .

770. ச க : இ ரபத , 770. Chaturgatih: The Goal of Four States of

ர மபத , ைகவ ய ம Life (Asrama) and the caste who observe their
ேமா எ ற நா க கைள respective rules.
ெகா பவ .

771. ச ரா மா: ஜா ர , வ ந, 771. Chaturatmah: He who is clear minded.

ஸுஷு , ய எ ற நா Having mind free from Desire, Hatred etc., OR
ைலக நா உ வ களாக Having fourfold Antahkarana or inner organ viz.,
ள பவ . Manas, Buddhi, Ahankara and Chitta
772. ச பாவ: வாஸுேதவ 772. Chaturbhavah: He who is the source of
ஸ க ஷண ர நஅ த Four (Righteousness, Wealth, Pleasure and
க ேலாக Emancipation)
சா ர ரதான த ய நா
ரேயாஜன கைள
ெவ ப பவ .

773. ச ேவத : நா 773. Chaturvedavit: He who is the knower of all

ேவத கைள அ தவ க Four Vedas and its meanings as they are.
தம ெப ைம கட தளேவ
ெத ப இ பவ .

774. ஏகபா : தம பாத க 774. Ekapad: He who is One footed. According

ஒ பாக னா அவத பவ . to Sruti: All Beings are His foot. According to
Smriti: I Stand supporting the whole world by
one part of myself.

ஸமாவ ேதா தா மா ஜேயா ர ரம:|

லேபா கேமா ேகா ராவாேஸா ரா ஹா||83||
समावत िनवृ ा मा दुजयो दुरित म:|
दुलभो दुगमो दुग दुरावासो दुरािरहा||८३||

775. ஸமாவ த: இ ல 775. Samavartah: He who is skillfull turner of

ப ப அவதார க ெச Wheel of Samsara. He who turns rightly for
ெகா பவ . Avatars.

776. தா மா: தைய னா 776. Anivartatmah: He who turns Himself away

ஒ ேச தா இய ைக னா being Omnipresent His nature nevers turns away
த த மன ைடயவ . from the Object of Senses,

777. ஜய: ஒ வா 777. Durjayah: He who is Invincible.

வச ப த காண
யாதவ .

778. ர ரம: தம வ கேள 778. Duratikramah: He who is Readily Obeyed

உல க டமா பதா as Everything fears Him and non dare to disbey
யா அ வ கைள கட க His Orders. According to Sruti-Through Fear of
யாதப இ பவ . Him burns the Fire, Through the Fear of Him
burns the Sun, Through the Fear of Him runs
Indra, the Wind, and Death as the Fifth. It is
great fear like uplifted thunder-bolt. OR There is
no other Resting place other than His Lotus Feet.
779. லப: 779. Durlabhah: He who is Obtained with Effort
ேத ய கள லாதைவக (Devotion). Devotion towards Krishna comes to
எ டாதவ . those men whose sins are burnt by auterities,
wisdom and meditations practiced in thousands of
incarnations. In Bhagavad Gita Lord says “I am
obtained by unflinching devotion. When there is
no single-mindedness, one is unable to perceive

780. கம: அைடவத 780. Durgamah: He who is known with difficulty.

அ ைமயானவ . Antonym: Adurgama-When single mindedness is
obtained once can easily reach Him.

781. க: அ ைய தலான 781. Durgah: He who cannot be realized easily

மைற க ேகா ைட ேபா through obstacles and difficulties. He is to be
ெகா பதனா ரேவ க approached like a fort by the enemies.
யாதவ .

782. ராவாஸ: த இ ட 782. Duravasah: He who cannot be easily lodged

யாவ எ டாததாக இ பவ . in the heart by yogins during medittion.

783. ரா ஹா: [இ த நாம த 783. Durarihah: He who the Slayers of Asuras.

த அவதார வ கப ற ]. He destroys even the sins acquired by
க ள ேவட ைத ெகா ேபா unrighteous.
ற கவா எ
ெசா ல ப ட த அவதார
ெக ட வ ெச றவ கைள
ேவத மா க ைத ப
தலான உபாய க னா
ெக தவ .

ஶுபா ேகா ேலாகஸார க: ஸுத த வ தந:|

இ ரக மா மஹாக மா தக மா தாகம:||84||
शुभा ो लोकसार : सुत तु त तुवधन:|
इ कम महाकम कृतकम कृतागम:||८४||

784. ஶுபா க: அஸுர க ந 784. S’ubhangah: He who has beautiful Limbs.

மய ப மாைய னா அழ ய He is to be meditated upon as having beautiful
வ ைடயவ . Limbs. The beautiful form which showered
happiness on the eyes of Gopis.

785. ேலாகஸார க: த 785. Lokasarangah: He who drains the essence

அவதார அஸுர கைள of Universe Like a Bee.OR The essense of the
வ க த க உபாயம தவ .. Universe is Pranava or Omkara as per Sruti.
உலக ேதா லா க த கதாக
க ஒ ைமயான ேபாக
ேமா க இர
மா க கைள அ
உ ேத தவ .

786. ஸுத : சா த ேவஷ 786. Sutantuh: He who is Beautifully expanded as

த யவ ைற ஏ the Universe.He is the good progeny to Vasudeva
கா பதா ய அஸுர வ கார and others.
வைலைய யா தா ட யாத
ப உ ளதா ப
ைவ பவ .

787. த வ தந: பாப 787. Tantuvardhanah: He who is the Progressor

பாச கெள of the Expanded Unvierse OR the Destroyer.He
ைழக னா ஸ ஸார is the Fine thread by Himself and He expands the
எ க ைற ெப க ெச பவ . thread of Universe. He increased the line of
Pradyumna and others

788. இ ரக மா: இ ர த ய 788. Indrakarma: He who resembles Indra in His

ேதவ க இண க கா ய கைள Glory and actions
ெச தவ .

789. மஹாக மா: மஹ தான 789. Mahakarma: He who does Great Deeds. He
கா ய கைள ெச தவ . whose Great efforts are the ether and other

790. தக மா: அஸுர க ஏமா 790. Kritakarma: He who has fulfilled

ேபாவத காகேவ அவ க achievements. He has nothing to be achieved
நா க ஆசார கைள தா further as He has performed all virtuous Deeds.
ஆத தவ .

791.தாகம: அ டான ைத 791. Kritagamah: He who is tha author of vedas.

ர ப வத காக த Here this refers to Buddha Agama Literature.
ஆகம , ைஜந ஆகம த ய சமய
லகைள ெச தவ .

உ பவ: ஸு தர: ஸு ேதா ர நநாப: ஸுேலாசந:|

அ ேகா வாஜஸ : ஜய த: ஸ வ ஜ ||85||
उ व: सु दर: सु दो र नाभ: सुलोचन:|
अक वाजसिन: ु ी जय त: सविव जयी||८५||
792. உ பவ: ேமா ைத 792. Udbhavah: He who is of Superior in Birth.
உபேத பவராக ெவ Being Born of His free will, where He likes; OR
கா பதனா ஸ ஸார ைத root of all. His Birth is unknown
கட தவ ேபால இ பவ .

793. ஸு தர: அஸுர க 793. Sundarah: He who is of Unequlled Beauty

க கைள கவ வைக அழ ய As He possess Glory transcending all. His
உ வ ளவ . Beauty is superior to that of Manmatha.

794. ஸு த: த வ வழ னா 794. Sundah: He who is of Great Mercy. He

அஸுர க மன கைள ந றாக Destroys good actions of His devotees (in
ெம ப றவ . salvation)

795. ர நநாப: தாவரதர 795. Ratnanabhah: He who has Naval as a Jewel.

லைமைய ந பவ கா
வ ைற தட வ னா ர ந
ேபா ற அழ ய நா ைய
உைடயவ .

796. ஸுேலாசந: அழ ய க கைள 796. Sulochanah: He who has charming Eyes OR

உைடயவ . He who has Superior Wisdom. His Wisdom is to
deceive Daityas.

797. அ க: மஹா மா எ க 797. Arkah: He who is worshipped By Brahma

த ட எ (ெபௗ த and others who are most worshipped.
அவரதார அஸுர களா )
க ெப றவ .

798. வாஜஸ : (ெபௗ த 798. Vajasanih: He who is the giver of food to the
அவரதார ) நா க வாத needy.
ெச இ ைம ய
ேசா ேலேய ைய
ைள தவ .

799. :அ ஸா ரத ைத 799. S’ringih: He who is horned. During

ெகா பத கா ெகா ேபா Pralaya he assumes the form of a Fish (to guide
ம ேதாைகைய ைக the world)
வ பவ .

800. ஜய த: ( தாவர ) நா க 800. Jayantah: He who is the conqueror of

வாத ைத பர ஆ க மத Enemies OR He who is the cause of conquest (Of
ேப றவ கைள ெவ றவ . Devas).

801. ஸ வ ஜ :எ ல 801. Sarvijjayih: He who is Omniscient and

அ தவ கைள ெவ Victorious- Internally: Foes like desire etc., and
றைம ளவ . Externally: Foes like Hiranyaksha and others
ஸுவ ண ரே ா ய: ஸ வவா வேர வர:|
மஹா ேதா மஹாக ேதா மஹா ேதா மஹா :||86||
सुवणिब दुर ो य: सववागी रे र:|
महाहृदो महागत महाभूतो महािनिध:||८६||

802. ஸுவ ண : 802. Suvarnabinduh: He who possess limbs

தாவதார ஸ வ radiant as Gold. He has Golden Body even upto
ச ளவராதலா nails. OR He whose Mantra are auspicious letter
ஸ வ கைள ஜ and Bindu (Anuvasara)
றைம னா எ க
ெசா க த ளஉ யான
ேப னா ஆ க வாத ைத
க பவ .

803. அே ா ய: ஆ த 803. Akshobhyah: He who is unruffled by Desire,

க ளவராதலா யாரா hatred etc., by the senses of sound etc and by foes
கல க யாதவ . of Devas etc.

804. ஸ வவா வேர வர: ேப 804. Sarvagees’vares’varah: He who is the Lord

றைம உ ளவ க ட of Lords of Speech
ேம ப டவ .

805. மஹா ரத: வ லர க 805. Mahahradah: He who is the greatest Pond.

க த தயரத ெப ற The yogins remain peaceful by His Bliss by
மரகதம தட எ plunging into this pond. Hense He is the simile of
ந மா வா அ ெச தப Great Pond. He is very difficult to be entered by
ெப ய தடாக ேபா பவ .

806. மஹாக த: தாவதார 806. Mahagartah: He who is Grat Chasm [His

தா ெச த நா க வாத க னா Maya is very difficult to cross]. Bhagvad Gita [7-
ஆ மா ெக ேபானவ கைள 14] Lord says “My Maya is very difficult to
ெரௗரவா நரக க எ cross”. Gratah-means Chariot [as per Lexico-
graphers]. Mahagratah-One who possess Grat
யவ .
(இ த நாம ட தாவதார
ைற ெப ற ).

807. மஹா த: ேமேலா கைள 807. Mahabhutah: He who is the Great Being as
அ ப களாக ெகா டவ . His Nature is Unlimited by three tenses, past,
present and future.

808. மஹா : அ த 808. Mahanidih: He who the Grat Adobe of all

மஹா மா கைள க ட beings.
ேபா அ ட ஆத பவ .
த: தர: த: ப ஜ ய: பவேநாS ல:|
அ தாேஶாS தவ : ஸ வ ஞ: ஸ வேதா க:||87||
कुमुद: कु दर: कु द: पज य: पवनोऽिनल:|
अमृताशोऽमृतवपु: सव : सवतोमुख:||८७||

809. த: இ ல ல வாழ 809. Kumudah: He who gladdens the Earth by

கம ெகா டவ . relieving its of its burden

810. தர: “ ”எ பாவ ைத 810. Kundarah: He who bestows reward as

ேபா பவ . agreeable as Kunda flower OR He who receives
rewards as pure as Kunda flower OR He who
took the form of a Boar to slay Hirayanksha and
tore (dara) the Earth (kum) and thus he is called

811. த: அ க ப ட பாவ 811. Kundah: He who has limbs transperant like

அ காதப ேபா பவ . Kundah flower. He who made a gift (da) of this
Earth (Kum) onto Kasyapa. According to
Harivamsa-The son of Bhrigu performed Horse
sacrificein order to purify all his sins. In that
sacrifice which required great gifts to be given
away, He, in the incarnation as son of Bhrigu,
gave the gift of this Earth to Marichi with great
pleasure.OR. He who brings this Earth under
subjection. OR Ku stands for rulers of Earth and
Da stands for slaying. Vishnu Dharma says-Ler
Hari the best of Bhargava family, who hade this
Earth free from Kshatriyas, and who cut off many
a times the thousands arms of Kartavirya, be with
me for increase of prosperity.

812. ப ஜ ய: தா ப ய ைத 812. Parjanyah: He who is the rain charged

ேபா ஷய cloud. He extinguishes three kinds of miseries
ேவகமா பவ (அ யா கைள concerning body and the rest and even as a rain
ேர ெச பவ ). charged cloud that cools the Earth by its
downpour. OR He who showers down all the
desired objects like rain.

813. பவந: தாேம ப த க ட 813. Pavanah: He who is the purifier solely by his
ெச பவ . remembrance. His story if repeated purifies the
teller and hearer like foot-water (Ganga which
has her source at Vishunu’s Feet)

814. அ ல: ப த கைள 814. Anilah: He who is uninduceable. Ila means-

அ ர ப த ைம Sleep which indicates ignorant. A indicates
பவ ேவ டாதவ . negation. Hence Anila means-He is ever
Omniscient. OR “Nila” means inaccessible.
“Anila” means Easily accisible to His devotees.

815. அ தாஶ: ப த க த 815. Amritas’ah: He who is the drinker of Nectar

ண களா ற அ த ைத Being Himself the Source of Nectar. OR He who
ஊ பவ . distributed Nectar to Devas and pasrticipated in it
OR He whose desire is for Amrita i.e, Immortality.

816. அ தவ : அ த ேபால 816. Amritavapuh: He has Immortal form

இ ய ேம ைடயவ .

817. ஸ வ ஜ: உண தவ . 817. Sarvagjnah: He who is Omniscient and all-

knower. He knows how to bestow everything on
His devotees.

818. ஸ வேதா க: ப த க த ைம 818. Sarvatomukhah: He has faces on all sides.

அைடவத இ ன தா In Bhagvad Gita (13-13) Lord Says- I hae eyes,
வ ெய லாம எ த Heads and Faces on all sides.
வ ைய யாஜமாக ெகா
அைடய யவ .

ஸுலப: ஸுவரத: த: ஶ ச தாபந:|

ய ேராேதா பேராS வ த: சா ரா ர ஷூதந:||88||
सुलभ: सुवत: िस : श ुिज छ ुतापन:|
य ोधोदुपबरोऽ थ: चाणूरा िनषूदन:||८८||

819. ஸுலப: எ ைம ண ளவ . 819. Sulabhah: He who is easily attainable even

by offer of leaves, fruits etc with full devotion.

820. ஸு ரத: 820. Suvratah: He who is of Excellent Vows. He

“ஸ ேதவ ரப நாய..ஏத ரத who obstains from food or worldly enjoyments
மம” த யவ
ெத க ப ட கரணாகத கைள
ஒ கா ைக டாைம எ ற
ற த ரத ைடயவ .

821. த: ப த க இ 821. Siddhah: He whose perfection at Best. As

ஸா க ேவ டாம ஏ கனேவ His perfection does not depend on others. The
தரா பவ . good one attain perfection on tapas, salvation
etc., by serving Him.

822. ஶ : பைகவ கைள 822. S’atrujit: He who is the conqueror of foes.

ெவ பவ .
823. ஶ தாபந: த ய 823. S’atrutaapanah: He who is the Scorcher of
ச னா க ப Foes (of Devas)and causes pains to the enemies
பைகவ கைள ெவ றவ களா ய through Kakutsa and others who are the
கா ஸ த யவ க ய ெகா punishers of enemies.
பைகவ கைள வ றவ .

824. ய ேராத: எ லாவ 824. Nygrodhah: He who is above all. He who is

ேமலானவ . மாைய னா the controller of all beings viels himself by Maya.
இ ல ள எ லாவ ைற
த வச ைவ பவ .

825. உத பர: எ லா 825. Udhambarah: He who transcends the Ether

வா மா க உணவானவ . as its cause. He who nourishes the Unvierse in the
[ ய ேராேதா பர எ ேச shape of Food.
ெசா ேபா - ய ேராத-உ -
அ பர எ . உத-அ பர
எ ப ஆ ஷ . ேழ
ைக றவ க த கைள
அ ர க ேவ ….த
றவராக , உய த
பரமப தைத அைட தவராக
இ பவ ].

826. அ வ த: இ ப 826. As’vattah: That which is uncertain is called

நாைள ரா எ றப அ யமான As’vatta i.e., Samsara Tree. According to Sruti
பத க ெப ற இ ர ஸூ ய “The Eternal Tree shall have its root above and
த யவர அ ரேவ branches below”
எ லவ ைற நட றவ . [அ-
வ- த எ ப கலா ].

827. சா ரா ர ஷூதந: 827. Chanurandhranishudanah: He who is the

ேதவ க உலக க slayer of Andhra by name Chanura.
ேரா யான சா ர எ ற
அ ரனா ய ம லைன ெவ றவ .

ஸஹ ரா :ஸ த வ: ஸ ைததா: ஸ தவாஹந:|
அ ரநேகாS ேயா பய பயநாஶந:||89||
सह ािच: स तिह : स तैधा: स तवाहन:|
अमूितरनगोऽिच यो भयकृ यनाशन:||८९||

828. ஸஹ ரா :எ ற த 828. Sahasraarcchi: He who has innumerable

ரண கைள உைடயவ . rays. In Bhagvad Gita (11-12) If the splendor of
thousand suns were to rise up in the sky. The rays
of sun belongs to Him.

829. ஸ த வ: கா , கரா , 829. Saptajihavah: He who has seven

மேனாஜவ, ஸுேலா த, tongues.According to Smiriti, the Seven flickering
ஸு ரவ ண, , tongues of fire are Kali (the black one), Karali
வ ப த யஏ (the terrific one), Manojava (swift as mind),
Sulohita (the red one), Sudhumravarna (of purple
நா க ைடய அ
colour), Sphulingini (Emitting sparks) and
வ வானவ . Visvarupi (All shaped)

839. ைததா: ஔபாஸந த ய 839. Saptaidhah: He who has seven flames.

ஏ ைவ க ையக னா According to Sruti, O Fire thou hast seven flames
ஆரா க ப பவ . and seven tongues.

840. ஸ தவாஹந: காய த ய 840. Saptavahanah: He who has seven horses. OR

ஏ ஸ தஸுகைள ஏ He who is beein steered by the vehicle named
ைரகளா ஸூ யைன “Sapta”. According to Sruti The Horse names
நட றவ . Sapta is carrying Him.

841. அ : ப ச தமயமான 841. Amurtih: He who is Formless. Murti

ப ைத கா ேவ ப ட (Form)consists of movable and immovable things
அ ரா த ய ம கள and is capable of borne (i.e., Universe). The Sruti
ரஹ ைடயவ . says-Form that agitation form came to exist. aS
He is formless He is called Amurtih OR He who is
devoid of bodily organs and limbs which are keen
to perception and senses.

842. அநக: க ம க வச ப ட 842. Anagah: He who is Sinless and Painless.

வா மா கைள கா
ல ணரானவ .

843. அ ய: எ ப ப ட உய த 843. Achintyah: He who is inconceivable by any

வ கைள தம proof, being the witness of the knower etc., OR He
உவைமயாக ைன க தாகாதவ . that cannot be thought of in particular form as
separate from this expanded Universe.

844. பய : தம க டைளகைள 843. Bhayakrit: He who causes fear to those who

கட தவ க அ ச ைத follow the path of wickedness. OR He who dispells
உ டா பவ . fear from His devotees.

845. பயநாஸந: தம க டைளக 846. Bhayanasanah: He who destroys fear to who

பவ க பய ைத ஒ பவ . adhere to the rules of cast and states of life
(Asrama). Parasara Bhattar says-The Supreme
person Vishnu is worshipped by men who adhere
to the rules of caste and states of life (Asrama).
There is no other path to please Him.
அ ர ஹ ஶ: ேலா ண ேணா மஹா |
அ த: வ த: வா ய: ரா வ ேஶா வ ஶவ தந:||90||
अणुबृह कृश: थूलो गुणभृि गुणो महान्|
अधृत: वधृत: वा य: ा वंशो वंशवधन:||९०||

847. அ : க தான 847. Anuh: He who is very subtle as He is the

தயாகாச உ ளட minutest of all. According to Sruti The Subtle
அ யனான வா மா Atman is known by mind. He who is able to
உ ரேவ றைம னா permeate through Jivas.
அ மா எ ஐ வ ய
ெப றவ ஆதலா க
யமானவ .

848. ஹ : ம மா எ 848. Brihat: He who is Great, being greatest

ஐ வ ய உ ளவ . and biggest. According to Sruti He is Greater
than the greatest.

849. ஶ: ல மா எ 849. Krisah: He who is thinner than Air. He is

ஐ வ ய ளவ . ப கா ைற devoid of ingredients of matter. As per Sruti He
கா ேலசானவ . is not of a Gross Body.

850. ல: ப பவ . 850. Stulah: He who is Stout. Stout here means

ஓ ட இ ெகா ேட figuratively.
எ லா ெபா கைள ேந
ெதாட த தவ . (இ ரா
எ ஐ வ ய
ெசா லப ற ).

851. :த 851. Gunabhrit: He this is possessed of

ஸ க ப னா எ லா Attributes. Because of His being the Universal
ைலக எ லா Soul and the Lord of Creation, Preservation and
ெபா கைள தம ண Destruction through Satva, Rajas and Tamas.
ேபா த ட ைவ
தா றவ . (இதனா
உ ப பதா ய ஈ வ
எ ஐ வ ய
ெஸா லப ற ).

852. ண: ரா த ண க 852. Nirgunah: He that transcends all

ஒ த ட attributes As being in truth devoid of all
ப றாம பவ . (இதனா attributes. According to Sruti, He is pure and
ஒ உ படாம இ devoid of all qualities
வ வ ஐ வ ய
ெசா ல ப ற )
853. மஹா : எ லாவ க 853. Mahan: He who is the Greatest. It is
ற தவ . (இதனா impossible to speak about Him even for the sake
ைன தெத லா தைட of argument as possessing of any attribute as He
படாம பதா ய ராகா ய is devoid such attribute, as sound etc. He is
minutest of minute eternally pure and all-
எ ஐ வ ய pervading. According to Apasthamba-He is
ெசா ல ப ற ). devoid of limbs, sound, body and touch and
eternally pure.

854. அ த: இ ப ப ட 854. Adhritah: He who is Unsustainable. He is

வ ப பமா not sustained by any, who sustains the Earth,
ேம ைம னா ஒ that sustains all.
க படாம பவ .

855. வ த: த மாேலேய தம 855. Svadhritah: He who is Self-Sustained. This

தா றவ . nama is intruced here by way of answering the
possible doubt. The Sruti says-Where doth
immensity abid my Lord? It is abideth in its own

856. வா ய: எ ேபா 856. Svasyah: He who has beautiful

ற ததான இ ைப உைடயவ . complexion. He who has fascinating beauty as it
is compared to the inside of a lotus flower,
which is red. OR. He from whose face emanated
great mass of Vedic Textsfor teaching
Purusharthas (Human aspirations). According
to Sruti. From this Great Being emanated Rig

857. ரா வ ஶ: ஆ கால 857. Pragvams’ah: He who has created the

ெதாட யவ களா Universe First. Those who are descendants are
உ ளைவக ய called Paschatyas (after-comers: that which has
ஆதாராமா இ பவ . come out of Him), i.e., Universe is the First (in
order) not subsequent.

858. வ ஶ வ தந: வ ஶ 858. Vams’avardhanah: He who expands the

என ப யஸூ வ க ைத Universe OR He who dissolves the Universe. He
ேம ேம ம ழ ெச பவ . increases the progeny according to His wish.

பார க ேதா ேயா ேயா ஶ: ஸ வகாமத:|

ஆ ரம: ரமண: ாம: ஸுப ேணா வா வாஹந:||91||
भारभृ किथतो योगी योगीश: सवकामद:|
आ म: मण: ाम: सुपण वायुवाहन:||९१||
859. பார : ேசதந க ேயாக 859. Bharabhrit: He who bears the Weight. He
ே ம வாக ெபா ைப bears the weight of Earth in the form of Anantha
தா பவ . and Adisesha. He bears the weight of bondage
and freedom of Mukhtas, the liberated ones.

860. க த: ஸகல க யாண 860. Kathitah: He who is described in all Vedas.

ப ணராக ஸகல He alone has been declared Supreme in Vedas.
ஸா ர க According to Sruti (Katha Upanishad) “All the
ெசா ல ப பவ . Vedas describe of whom…”. According to
Smriti-I am that which is known by all the
Vedas. Harivamsa says-Vishnu is sung
everywhere in the beginning, in the middle and
at the end of Vedas, Ramayana and Holy
Bharatha-O best of Bharatha race. Katha
Upanishad says-He obtains the goal of the road
the highest place of Vishnu. In an answer to the
doubt as to what is the nature of highest goal,
the highest place of all-pervading Vishnu, it is
described as being above all senses and the rest.
He is called Kathitah who has been described
beginning with “Higher indeed than the senses
are their objects”and ending with “Higher than
the Purusha is nought; that is the lat imit of the
highest goal”.

861. ேயா : 861. Yogi: Yoga is gnanam-As He can be

அக தகடநாஸாம யமா ய reached by it is called Yogi. OR Yoga is
ரபாவ ெபா யவ . Samadhi-He who controls his self within His
Self is called Yogi.

862. ேயா ஶ: ஸநக ஸந தநா 862. Yogisah: He who is the Lord of Yogins.
ேயா க ேயாக ைத Other yogins are obstructed [in their progress]
ைறேவ பவ . by Yogic impedimentsand [consequently] fall of
from their progress [or from their own
position]. But He is free from such impediments.
Hence He is the Lord of Yogins.

863. ஸ வகாமத: ேயாக க 863. Sarvakaamadah: He who is the bestower of

தவ அவ க அ மா all wishes.
த ய ஐ வ ய கைள
ேயாக பலனாக ெகா பவ .

864. ஆ ரம: ரம கைள 864. Asramah: He who is the resting place, for
அக பவ . those who wonder in the forest of Samsara.

865. ரமண: ெஜ ம 865. S’ramanah: He who is the scortcher of

ெதா ட ேயாக ம ெஜ ம ignorant ones. He who allows those who fall
எ தாக அ ய ப from Yoga to continue their practice.
ெச பவ .
866. ாம: ேயாக ர ட க 866. Kshamah: He who is the reducer of all
த ைன யான ெச ய beings to nothing [during involution].
ெதாட ய ட அவ கைள
த களா ப ெச ய வ லவ .

867. ஸுப ண: ஸ ஸார கட 867. Suparnah: He who have good leaves. The
கைர ேச பவ . Leaves are Vedas in the Samsara Tree which
has its root in Him. In Bhagvad Gita Lord says-
“The leaves of it are Vedas”.

868. வா வாஹந: ேழ 868. Vayuvahanah: Through whose fear Vayu

தவ கைள ேமேல sustains all beings. According to Sruti-The Wind
பவ . blows thrugh the fear of Him. Vayu’s son
(Hanuman) became the vehicle of Sri Rama.

த தேரா த ேவேதா த ேடா தம தாSதம:|

அபாரா த: ஸ வஸேஹா ய தா யேமா யம:||92||
धनुधरो धनुवदो द डो दमियताऽदम:|
अपरािजत: सवसहो िनय ता िनयमो यम:||९२||

869. த தர: ஸா க எ 869. Dhanurdharah: He who is the weilder of

லா டா . the bow. He who wielded His Bow in the
incarnation of Sri Rama.

870. த ேவத: ைத 870. Dhanurvedah: He who knows the science

தாேம ரவ த . of Archery [as son od Dasaratha].
Adhanurvedah-Vyasa describes the bow used in
the Mahabharatha War is Veda.

871. த ட: அரச க லமாக 871. Dandah: He who is the Sceptre. Lord in

த டைனைய ெச பவ . Bhagvad Gita (10-38) says “Of punishers I am
the sceptre”.

872. தம தா: தாேம ராவண 872. Damayita: He who is the punisher of

ேபா றவ கைள த தவ . beings through Vaivastava (Yama) and others.

873. (அ)தம: தா யாரா 873. Damah: He is the punishment itself

அட கபடாதவ . inflictred on those who deserve it.

874. அபரா த: தம க டைளக 874. Aparajitah: He who is unconquerable by

எ ட , எ கால , his foes.
எதனா தைடபடாதவ .
875. ஸ வஸஹ: ேதவ க தலான 875. Sarvasahah: He who tolerates all. OR He
எ ேலாைர தாேம தா பவ . who is clever in His actions. He who tolerates
the worship of other Gods.

876. ய தா: பல ேதவைதக ட 876. Niyantah: He who is the ordainer of all in

ப ைவ ற பலைர their respective functions. According to one
அவரவ ப ப தாேம devotion one cause worship.
நட றவ .

877. யம: ேவதா தர க 877. Niyamah: He who is unrestrained. He

லமாக அவரவ பல கைள knows no restrains as He himself being all-
தாேம ெகா பவ . ordainer

878. யம: ேதவ க 878. Yamah: [Ayamah]He who knows NO

அ கார கைள ெகா DEATH. Niyamah and Yamah are two means of
நட பவ . [acquiring] Yoga. As He is reached by these two
he is called Niyama and Yama

ஸ வவா ஸா க: ஸ ய: ஸ யத மபராயண:|
அ ராய: ர யா ேஹாS ஹ: ய வ தந:||93||
स ववान् साि वक: स य: स यधमपरायण:|
अिभ ाय: ि याह ऽह: ि यकृ ीितवधन:||९३||

879. ஸ வவா : தஸ வ 879. Satvavan: He who possess Satva. SAtva

ண ைத அைட பவ . means Courage, Strength etc.

880. ஸா க: ஸ வ ண 880. Saatvikah: He who is Chiefly based on

பல கைள அ க வ லவ . Satva Qualit. He who causes one to become
[த ம , ஞான , ைவரா ய இைவ Satvik by his side glance.
ஸ வ ண பல க ]

881. ஸ ய: ஸ ய ைல 881. Satya: He who is true to the Wise. He who

ப றவ . is the possessor of truth.

882. ஸ யத ம பராயண: 882. Sathyadharma Parayanah: He who is ever

ஸா க களா ெச devoted to Truthfulness and Dharma [duty
த ம கைள அ ேபா ஏ பவ . charecterised by ordinance and prohibition]

883. அ ராய: ஸா க களா 883. Abhiprayah: He who is desired of those

தாேம பரம ரேயாஜனமாக who seek Purushartaas, OR He to whom all
ைன க ப பவ . things go directly during Pralaya.
884. யா ஹ: ய களான 884. Priyarhah: He who is worthy of being
ஞா கைள அ ர பத loved. Smriti says-By those who desire for
உ யவ . imperishable the most beloved things in the
world and choicest in the House should be given
to Him who is endowed with all good qualities.

885. அ ஹ: ஞா க தா 885. Arhah: He who is worshipped by such

ஒ வேர த யா பவ . things as Welcome address, offering of Seat,
Praise, Arghya or offering of water, milk etc,
padya or offering water for washing His feet,
Hymns, Prostrations etc.,

886.ய : இதர பல கைள 886. Priyagrit: He who is the fulfiller of desires.

பவ க He is not only be beloved but who also fulfills
த ைமேய ப ெச பவ . the desires those who worship by means of
Hymns etc.

887. வ தந: ப த க 887. Pritivardhanah: He who increases of

ப ைய அ க ப பவ . pleasure upon Him to those who worship.

ஹாயஸக ேயா : ஸு த :|
ர ேராசந: ஸூ ய: ஸ தா ர ேலாசந:||94||
िवहायसगित य ित: सु िचहुतभुि वभु:|
रिविवरोचन: सूय: सिवता रिवलोचन:||९४||

888. ஹாயஸக : ப த க 888. Vihayasagatih: He who has the abode in

பரமப ர தாேம the firmament.
உபாயமாக இ பவ .

889. ேயா : அ ரா 889. Jyotih: He who shines as light on His own

மா க த ப யான accord. Sruti Says-Narayana is the Supreme
ஒ யா பவ . Light. Archiradi (Northern) path is reminded by

890. ஸு :அ ரா 890. Suruchih: He who is of good effulgence or

மா க இர டா ப யான Desire. His wish is to uplift His devotees.
பகலா தாேம இ பவ .

891. ஹுத :அ தமாக 891. HutabhukVibhuh: He who is the consumer

ப ண ேஹாம ர ய கைள of Oblations. Though offered to different Gods
ச ர வள வதா ய in the Sacrifice. And He who is the all pervade.
வள ைறயா பவ . [ ல
ப அ ரா மா க
றாவ ப யா ].
892. ர : ஸூ ய ேமேல ஏ 893. Ravih: He who is the Sun to take away the
ரகா பதனா ற ததாக juices
ெசா லப ற
உ ராயணமா பவ .
[உ ராயண அ ரா
மா க நா காவ ப யா ]

893. ேராசந: உ ராயண 893. Virochanah: He who is of different tastes.

த ணாயந எ ற இர Here Virochana also means Year. Ravih and
மா க க ரத ெச Virochana puts together means-He who is the
ஸூ ய ரகா க Sun who takes away the juices of different tastes
like Samsara.
ஸ வ ஸரமாக இ பவ .
[ஸ வ ஸர அ ரா
மா க ஐ தாவ ப யா ].

894. ஸூ ய: வா ஸ ச 894. Suryah: From root Su i.e, to bring Forth

வா வாக இ பவ . [வா He who is Vayu by Himself.
அ ரா மா க ஆறாவ
ப யா ]

895. ஸ தா: ஸூ யனா மைழ 895. Savita: He who brings forth all wealth in
அதனா ப ைர வள பவ . the Universe. Vishnu Dharmottara says-He is
[ஸூ ய அ ரா மா க called Ravi as He takes away all the juicesand
ஏழாவ ப ] He is called Savita as He brings ofrth all in the

896. ர ேலாசந: ஸூ யனா 896. Ravilochanah: He who has Sun as His

ச ரைன , னைல , Eyes. Sruti Saya-He whose Head is Fire and His
வ ண ய ள ேக ெச பவ . eyes Sun and Moon.
[ஸூ ய ரண க
ரேவ ப னாேலதா ச ர
த யவ க ரகா றைன.
அ ரா மா க 8, 9, ம
10 ப களான ச ர , ன
ம வ ண இ
ற ப றா க ].

அந த ஹுத ேபா தா ஸுகேதா ைநகேதாS ரஜ:|

அ ண: ஸதாம ேலாகா டாந ம த:||95||
अन त हुतभु भो ता सुखदो नैकदोऽ ज:|
अिनिव ण: सदामष लोकािध ान म ुत:||९५||
897. அந த ஹுத ேபா தா: 897. Ananta hutabhuk Bhoktah: He who is
அளவ ற ம ைம ள endless because of his being eternal, all-
இ ரைன ரமைன pervading and unlimited by space and time. He
ைவ பவ . [இ ர who is in the form of Adhisesha. He who is the
consumer of oblations and offerings in Sacrifice
அ ரா மா க 11வ and He who is the Enjoyer of the insitient
ப யாக ம 12வ prakriti and matters.
ப யாக ற ப ற ].

898. ஸுகத: அமானவ எ ற ய 898. Sukhadah: He who is the conferror of

ஷ ெதா வதா ஸ ஸார Bliss on His devotees in the shape of
ஸ ஸார வாசைன ேசஷ Emancipation. Prefix of A to the name means-
அக ற ற த ைம அைடவதா ய Destroyer of Misery.
க ைத ெகா பவ . [இ த
அமானவ அ ரா மா க
13வ ப ].

899. ைநகத: எ ைற த 899. Naikadah: He who bestows Salvation to

மாைலக , அ சன க , His Devotees. Naikajah-Havings numerous
தா ர க , births for preserving virtues.
ர மாலர கார கைள
ெகா அ ஸர க இ த
தைன எ ெகா அைழ
த ட ேச ப ெச பவ .

900. அ ரஜ: இ ப வ தைட த 900. Agrajah: He who is First Born

த க அ ப ம ப (Hiranyagarbah). He who is enjoyed Supremely
ப ய க ைத by His devotees.
ெசா ன ேபா எ லா
ஐ வ ய க ர க
இ பமாக எ ேதா பவ .

901. அ ண: இ ப ேசதன 901.Anirvinnah: He who knows No

யைட த ற தா கவைல DEJECTION As He has achieved all his desires
பவ . and He has nothing more to be attained.

902. ஸதாம : எ கால த 902. Sadamarshih: He who always forgives

தம ெச ைக க ய கைள especially Good men. Seeing Muktas as
ஏ ெகா பவ . liberated ones, He feels that His work is over
with them.

903. ேலாகா டாந : 903. Lokadhishthanam: The stay of the Worlds

ேம லக க எ லா because three worlds rest on Him and need no
ஆதாராமா பவ . support being Brahman.
904. அ த: காணாத க ட 904. Adhbutah: He who is Wonderful. The Sruti
ேபா ஆச யபட த தவ . says-Who cannot be attained by means of even
hearing; whom, many though hearing do not
know; the expounder of Him is a wonder; and
able is He who obtains Him; Wonderful is the
knower is instructed by the able. The Lord in
Bhagvad Gita says-One sees me like a wonder.
OR Wonderful because of His Power,
Transaction and Form

ஸநா ஸநாதநதம: க ல: க ர யய:|

வ த: வ வ வ ஸவ த ண:||96||
सना सनातनतम: किपल: किपर यय:|
वि तद: वि तकृ वि त वि तभु वि तदि ण:||९६||

905. ஸநா : த களா ப 905. Sanat: He who is of Longer Duration. Time

ேபா ெகா அ ப க is manifestation of Supreme One. Vishnu
ப பவ . Purana says-The first emanation, O Dvija of
Parabrahman is Purusha. The next is Vyakta
and Avyakta.The last is Time. Sanat also means

906. ஸநாதநதம: எ கால 906. Sanatanatamah: He who is most ancient as

இ பவராதலா He is the cause of all and older than Brahma
அ ேபாைத க ேபா and others who are the oldest.
ஆராவா தமாக அ ப க
த தவ .

907. க ல: ன ந 907. Kapilah: Dark Blue hued like the colour of

ள காளேமக ேபால ய Badaba, the fire of final destruction.
ந ள பவ .

908. க ர யய: அ யய: க – 908. Kapiravyah: Avyahah-The indestructible

மா த ஒ லாம ய resting place of the Universe during Pralaya.
ஸுகத ைத அ ப கா பா Kapih-The Sun-He who dries up [pi] water[ka]
அ ப பவ . Or Kapih also means Varaha incarnation.

909: வ த: ஸ வ ம கள 909. Svastitah: He who confers all sorts of

ம மஹா ம கள blessings to His devotees.
ெகா பவ .

910. வ : த ைம 910. Svastikrit: He who is the doer of Good. He

ண கேளா ட causes one to do good deeds.
அ ப ப யாக
த க ஆ வாத
ெச பவ .

911. வ : தாேம ம கள 911. Svastih: He whose nature auspiciousness.

யா பவ . OR Supreme Bliss.

912. வ : எ லா 912. Svastibhuk: He who is the enjoyer of

ம கைள அ யாம blessings. OR He who enables His devotees to
கா பா றவ . enjoy His blessings.

913. வ த ண: தம 913. Svastidhakshinah: He who grows in

அ யா க தம ைக க ய auspiciousness. OR He who is capable of
ெச ய த யா யச ர ச conferring auspiciousness. He alone is capable
த ய பல ந ைமக of readily conferring blessings because all
attainments (Siddhis) are attained by merely
த ைணயாக ெகா பவ . remembering Him. It is said “I always refuge in
Hari, unborn, who, when remembered becomes
the source from which all auspiciousness
proceeds. By the rememberance of Krishna, the
body of accumulated sins breaks into pieces just
as the mountain is broken into pieces by

அெரௗ ர: ட ச ர தஶாஸந:|
ஶ தா க: தஸஹ: ர: ஶ வ கர:||97||
अरौ : कु डली च ी िव यूिजतशासन:|
श दाितग: श दसह: िशिशर: शवरीकर:||९७||

914. அெரௗ ர: க யாண ண 914. Araudrah: He that is not wrathful. Raudra:

னா ெஸௗ யமாக Karma is violent, Desire too is violent, so also
இ பவ . anger is violent. As He is free from these
Raudrasas He has achieved all His desires. He
has no desires or Hatred etc. Hence He is
called Araudrah.

915.ட : டல த ய 915. Kundali:He being in the form of Sepant

ய ஷண கைள எ ேபா (Adisesha). OR Because he wears pendants
அ பவ . which is as bright as thousand suns and
pendants in the shape of whale which represents
Sankhya and Yoga Sastras.

916. ச : வா த ய ய 916. Chakri: He who bears discuss in His

ஆ த கைள த பவ . Hands. He holds in His hands Chakra called
Sudarsana which represents principles of manas
or mind for protecting the worlds. Vishnu
Purana says-Vishnu holds chakra which
represent the mind which is unsteady and is
swifter than wind.

917. ர : ற த ய 917. Vikrami: He who is endowed with prowess

ேச த கைள உைடயவ . OR Movement of His feet. These two being so
peculiar to Him as distinguishes from other
persons, He is called Vikrami.

918. ஊ தஶாஸந: ைல ற 918.. Urjitas’ahsanah: He who has powerful

க டைளகைள உைடயவ . commands in the shape of sriti and smriti. The
Lord says-The Sruti and Smriti are my
commands and one who overrides them is a
violator of law and my hater. Such a man
though he may be my devotee is not a

919. ஶ தா க: ேவத வா க 919. S’abtadigah: He who transcends speech.

எ டாதவ . He is incapable of being described by speech
because he has no species which could be
denoted by words. Sruti Says-From whom the
speech with the mind returns without reaching
it. Vishnu Purana saya-The Supreme abode is
that transcends speechand is meditated upon by

920. ஶ தஸஹ: [இ த 920. Sabtasaha: He whom alone all Vedas

நாம கேஜ ர ேமா proclaim with one intent. The Sruti says-All
அ ப க ப ற ]. Vedas extol that abode. In Bhagvad Gita Lord
கேஜ ரா வா தைல says,”I alone to be known by all Vedas”.
வா அக ப “ லேம” எ
கத ன ெசா ைல வ த ேதா
ேக டவ .

921. ர: கேஜ ரன ஆ த 921. S’is’irah:He who is the Dewy Season as He

நாத ேக ட ைர ெச றவ . is the Dew which cools who are afflicted by
three kinds of pain, (Physical, Mental and

922. ஶ வ கர: கேஜ ர 922. S’arvarikarah: He who is the maker of

ர ண காக Night to those who bound in Samsara as Atman
ப சா த கைள ைக is as dark as Night; and to the Wise ones the
ெகா டவ . Samsara is (as) night. As He is the cause of
these two He called called Maker of Nights. In
Bhagvad Gita Lord says-“When it is Night to all
Beings then is the sAge Awake, When all beings
are Awake, then is the Night of Knowing Sage”.
அ ர: ேபஶேலா தே ா த ண: ணா வர:|
வ தேமா தபய: ய ரவண தந:||98||
अ ूर: पेशलो द ो दि ण: िमण वर:|
िव मो वीतभय: पु य वणकीतन:||९८||

923. அ ர: த ஈர ெந 923. Akroorah: He who is diveted of cruelty.

பைட தவ . Cruelty-It is a mental modification of excessive
wrath or internal affliction cause by it. As He
has obtained all desired objects, and is free
from every kind of desire, He has no anger and
no cruelty.

924. ேபஶல: கேஜ ரைன 924. Pes’alah: He who is Beautiful as His

கா பா வ உ டான Deeds, His Mind, His Words, His Body are
ேவக த மாைலக Beautiful.
ஆபரண க கைல பேத
ஒ அழ ய லைலயாக இ க
ெப றவ .

925. த : கேஜ ரைன கா க 925. Dakshah: He who is clever because of

ேவகமாக வ தவ . three qualities immensity, strength and quick
execution are natural in Supreme One.

926. த ண: இ ெசா களா 926. Dakshinah: He who is skilfull. While this

கேஜ ரைன ேத அ nama gives the same meaning as Dakshah
பாரா யவ . above-there is nofault in repeating the different
words with the same meaning. Dakshina also
means-To Go or to Slay

927. ணா வர: 927. Kshaminamvarah: He who is the Chief of

ெபா ைமயாள க தைலவ . those who forebears. He is the chief of Yogins
who have forebearance. He is the chief among
elements such as Earth which bears burdens. In
Ramayanan-Valmiki says-He (Sri Rama) is
equal to Earth in point of forebearance.
Although he upholds the entire Universe, He is
not afflicted ike Earth by that burden. Hence He
is Superior to Earth. Kshaminah also means
Strong. The Lord being endowed with all
powers, He is capable of doing all actions.
Hence He is the chief amongst the strongest.

928. வ ம: கேஜ ரன 928. Vidvattamah: He who is the foremost

உ க ைத அ ய வ லவ . among the Learned. He along and no other
possess most wonderful by which He knows
929. தபய: கேஜ ரன பய ைத 929. Vitabhayah: He who transcends all fears.
ெக தவ . He who has no fears pertaining to or
accompanying the transmigratory life. As He is
the Lord of all and ever Free.

930. ய | ரவண தந: 930. Punya s’ravana kirtana: He whose names,

கேஜ ர ேமா கைதைய acts are heard and recited lead to
ேக பதனா , ெசா வதனா , righteousness.The Phalashruti says-He who
ப த க தரா ப ெச பவ . hears this hymn and always recites it, he will
surely never get inauspicisousness either in this
world or in the world to come.

உ தாரேணா ஹா ேயா : வ நநாஶந:|

ரஹா ர ண: ஸ ேதா வந: ப யவ த:||99||
उ ारणो दु कृितहा पु यो दु: व णाशन:|
वीरहा र ण: स तो जीवन: पयवि थत:||९९||

931. உ தாரண: கேஜ ரைன 931. Uttaranah: He who is the redeemer fro the
கைரேய னவ . Ocean of Samasara.

932. ஹா: கேஜ ர 932. Dushkritiha: He who is the destroyer of

ெச த தைலைய sins and evil doings.
ெகா றவ .

933. ய: ந ேபா றவ க 933. Punyah: He who make those Holy even by

பாப கைள ல பவ . remembrance of Him. He who enables all to be
righteous by His commands in the shape of Sruti
and Smriti.

934. : வ நநாஶந: ெக ட 934. Dussvapnanaasanah: He who is the

கன க பல ைளயாடாதப dispeller of evil dreams that follows the coming
த பவ . [கேஜ ர ேமா கதா evils.
ரவண இ பலனாக
ெசா ல ப ற ]

935. ரஹா: கேஜ ர 935. Virahah: He who is the destroyer [ha] of

எ யா ைவ த தவ . various [hi] evil paths [ira]of worldly men by
conferring salvation on them

936. ர ண: கேஜ ரைன 936. Rakshnah: He who is the Protector of the

கா பா யவ . worlds by assuming Satva quaity
937. ஸ த: த ைமய தவ க 937.Santah: He who takes the shape of Holy
தா உளரா பவ . men for the increase of knowledge and modesty.

938. வந: கேஜ ரைன த 938. Jivanah: He who is the sustainer of Life of
தைலைய சாப ேமா all in the shape of Prana. He who gave the life
ெப தவ . [ வந எ to the crocodile in the shape of Gandharva.
பாட ].

939. ப யவ த: அ னா 939. Paryavasthitah: He who exists by

கேஜ ரைன றவ . overspreading the Universe.

அந த ேபாSந த தம பயாபஹ:|
ச ர ேரா க ரா மா ேஶா யா ேஶா ஶ:||100||
अन त पोऽन त ीिजतम युभयापह:|
चतुर ो गभीरा मा िविदशा यािदशो िदश:||१००||

940. அந த ப: ப த கைள கா த ள 940. Anantarupah: He who is of infinite forms.

எ ைற த வ கைள Many of His forms shives as the whole Universe.
ெகா பவ .

941. அந த : அளவ ற 941. AnantaSri: He who is of infinite powers as

ெச வ கைள ஆ த க காக He possess countless superior Sakthis. Sruti
ைவ பவ . Says-The Supreme Sakthi of Him is declared to
be various.

942. தம : ேகாப ைத ெவ றவ . 942. Jitamanyuh: He who is of subdued wrath.

[ேவ ய ேபா ேகாப ைத Even to the enemy of Elephant, Crocodile, He
வரவைழ ெகா வ லவ gave Ghandarva state.
எ றப ]

943. பயாபஹ: அ யா க 943. Bhayapahah: He who is the destroyer of

அ ச ைத அக பவ . fears of Samsara.

944. ச ர: ப த க 944. Catusrah: He who is Just as He distributes

கா ய கைள ப லாம ெச ய rewards to men in accordance with their
வ லவ . actions. Chaturras’rah [Four Divisioned] (1)
Dharma, Artha Kama and Moksha. He bestows
on the deserving the four desired objects
according to their desires. (2) The sacrificial
fire is of four kinds (3) He who bestows more
results ont hem who worship him in
Chaturasrah. i.e., Yandra a square in shape
(4)He who nourishes with food the four kinds of
creatures, born of womb, born of egg, born of
sweat and those that come out of earth. (5) He
protects the four kinds of people, the distressed,
those desirous of knowing the Lord, the desirers
of wealth and the wise ones. (6) He has four
heads in the form of Fire. (7) He is known by the
head (Upanishads) of four Vedas. (8) His
command is obeyed in the four quarters of the
world. (9) He destroys in tthe fire of death, at
the end, the four kind of creations (1) He
declared Four Vedas by His four faces (int he
form of Brahma) (11) His form shines
beautifully like four square object.

945. க ரா மா: ரம த ய 945. Gabiratmah: He whos is of Immeasurable

ேதவ க த ஆழ க ட ய Self. Here Self refers to Mind.
யாத வ ப ளவ .

946. ஶ: பவ க 946. Vidis’ah: He who is the bestowers of

ேதா தர எ டாதவ . diverse fuits to those deserving person for their
diverse actions.

947. யா ஶ: அவரவ 947. Vyadis’ah: He who sets diverse commands

பல பல கைள அ பவ . on Indra and other Devas.

958. ஶ: ரம த ய 958. Dis’ah: He who gives the results of action

ேதவ க அவரவ கா ய கைள sin the character of Vedas. He Created a
ய பவ . Wonder in Brahma and others by saving the
elephant king from bondage.

அநா ேவா ல : ஸு ேரா ரா கத:|

ஜநேநா ஜநஜ மா : ேமா ம ரா ரம:||101||
अनािदभूभवो लि म: सुवीरो िचरा द:|
जननो जनज मािद: भीमो भीमपरा म:||१०१||

959. அநா : ரம த ய 959. Anadih: He who has no beginning. Just as

ேதவ களா வா யாக the devotees of Him, though they are limited in
அ ய படாதவ . good qualities, treat others well, His opinion is
not accepted by the devotees of other Gods and
by the evil doers.

960. வ: அ ைமய னா 960. Bhurbhavah: He who is the supporter of

கைட ேத ன ப த தாேம the Earth. As the cuase of all Earth is the
இ டமா பவ . support. He is the supporter of Earth too which
is well known as the supporter of everything.
961. ல : அ யா க எ லா 961. Lakshmi: He who is resplendent. He is not
வைகயான ெச வ மா தாேம only the Supporter of Earth but also the
இ பவ . Splendour of the Earth. (Bhuh-This World;
Bhuvah-The Firmament; Lakshmi-Science of
Atman). Sri Stuti Says-Thou Art O Devi the
Sciene of Atman. OR He who is the Beauty of
Earth and Sky.

962. ஸு ர: ப த க 962. Suvirah: He who is of various auspicious

ஆப கைள ப ஹ கவ ல ற த movements
ச ைடயவ .

963. ரா த: தம அழ ய 963. Ruchirangitah: He who is adorned with

ேம ைய அ ப பத காக beautiful bracelets. OR He who confers
கேஜ ரா வா ெகா தவ . auspicious bodies on His devotees.
[இ த நாம ட கேஜ ர ேமா
ப ைறவைட ற ]

964. ஜநந: ஆ மா க கரண 964. Jananah: HE who is the Creator of Beings.

கேளபர கைள ெகா
ஜ ப ெச பவ .

965. ஜநஜ மா : ஜன க 965. Janajanmadih: He who is the primevial

ற தாேம பலனா cause of all Beings.
இ பவ . [த ைம
அ ப பத காகேவ ஜன கைள
ற அவ எ ற ப ]

966. ம: த ைம 966. Bhimah: He who is the terror. The Sruti

அ ப காதவ க க ப says-It is great fear like uplifted thunder-bolt.
வாஸ நரக த யைவகைள
த அ ச றவ .

967. மபரா ரம: ர யா , 967. Bhimaparakramah: He who is in

ர யக , ராவண possession of farful powers. He is the cause of
ேபா றவ க த பய கரமான fears to asuras and other [in His incarnations].
பரா ரம ைத கா னவ .

ஆதார லேயா தாதா பஹாஸ: ரஜாகர:|

ஊ தவக: ஸ பதாசார: ராணத: ரணவ: பண:||102||
आधारिनलयो धाता पु पहास: जागर:|
ऊ वग: स पथाचार: ाणद: णव: पण:||१०२||
968. ஆதார லய: உல ஆதார 968. Aaadhaara Nilayah: He who is the resting
த களான ர லாத ம place that supports. He is the Final abode or the
ஷணா க தேம support of the Earth and other elements which
ஆதாரமா பவ . supports all.

969. தாதா: உபேதச களா 969. Dhatah: He who drinks all beings during
அ டான களா உலக ைத involution. Antonym-Adhatah-He who is without
தா பவ . support. HE who is supported by Self and no
other support.

970. பஹாஸ: ப 970. Pushpahasah: He who is the blossom of

மல ேபா ற Universe-flower. As the buds of the flower
ெஸௗ மா ய ைடயவ . blossom-forth, He has blossomed forth the

971. ரஜாகர: இர பக 971. Prajaagarah: He who is ever-awake OR

ஆ தர ஜாக கராக He who is ever Wise. He is ever-awake int eh
(க ற காம ) இ பவ . affiars of His devotees.

972. ஊ தவக: எ லாவ 972. Urdhavagah: He who is Uppermost all

உய தவ . Beings as He stays ahead of all Beings.

973. ஸ தாசார: தம அ ெமௗ 973. Sapthacharah: He who walks in the path of

ெச வாத ற ந மா க righteousness.
அ ப கைள நட பவ .

974. ராணத: ஷயா தர ப னா 974. Pranadah: He who is the Life-giver. He

ஆ மநாசமைட தவ க ஆ ம has revived the life of Parikshit and others who
உ வன ெச பவ . were dead.

975. ரணவ: ஓ 975. Pranavah: This is the Monosylable

கார வ யானவ . “Om”denoting Paramatman. He is called
Pranavana as both are identical.

976. பண: தா ேச , ற 976. Panah: He who has dealings. According to

ேசஷ த க எ ற ைறைய sruti, He the wise remains creating various
மாறா வ ெச றவ . forms and giving names to each. Indirect
[ப த க தா meaning og Panah also means-He who awards
to who are entitled, collective virtues of their
அ ைம ப பவ ]. good Karmas.

ரமாண ராண லய: ராண ராண வந:|

த வ த வ ேதகா மா ஜ ம ஜரா க:||103||
माणम ाणिनलय: ाणधृ ाणजीवन:|
त वं त विवदेका मा ज ममृ युजराितग:||१०३||
977. ரமாண : த வா த கைள 977. Pramanam: He whose Wisdon shines in
ந அ பவ . Himself. Vishnu Purana says-The Nature of
Knowledge (Wisdom) is extremely pure.
Through illusionary understanding of it, it
appears as objects.

978. ராண லய: எ லா 978. Prana Nilayah: He who is the involver of

ஆ மா த ட Jiva during involution. The Resting place of
அட ப இ பவ . Prana, It may also mean Jiva into which the
senses as Prana, Apana etc merges, depend on
Jiva (Him). OR. Jiva and Prana merge into
Supreme Person.

979. ராண : வரா கைள தா 979. Pranadhrut: He who is the sustainer of

ேபால ேபா பவ . Prana by means of Food. He maintains His
devotees as He does His Life.

980. ராண வந: வ க தாேம 980. Pranajivanah: He who is the Life of Beings
உணவா பவ . Because He makes all beings to live by way of
Prana and Vital airs. Sruti Says-No mortal
whatsoever lives by Prana nor by Apana; they
live by another on which these both are founded.

981. த வ : ரப ச தாேம 981. Tatvam: He who is the Reality. The words,

ஸாரா ஸாமா பவ . Tatvam, Amirtam, Satyam, Paramarthasatatvam
are the synonyms which means Truth.

982. த வ : தம உ ைமகைள 982. Tatvavit: He who is the knower of the Truth

தாேம அ தவ . (as it is). He is the remaining principle of all

983. ஏகா மா: தா ஒ வேர 983. Ekatmah: He who is One Atman. Sruti
ேச யா பவ . Says-This indeed is One Atman. Smriti says-
That which pervads, That which receives, That
which enjoys the objectsand That which exists
always is called Atman. His mind is exclusively
in the knowers of the reality.

984. ஜ ம ஜரா க: ற , 984. Janmamruthyujaradigah: He who

இற ம இைவகைள transcends Birth, Death and Decrepitude. He
கட தவ . who goes transcending six kinds of changes,
such as, conception, birth, growth, maturity,
decay and death. Sruti Says-He, the intelligent,
is not born, nor, does he die.,

வ: வ த தார: ஸ தா ர தாமஹ:|
ய ேஞா ய ஞப ய வா ய ஞா ேகா ய ஞவாஹந:||104||
भूभुव: व त तार: सिवता िपतामह:|
य ो य पितय वा य ा ो य वाहन:||१०४||

985. வ த : லக 985. Bhurbhusvastaruh: He who causes to cross

ரா க தாேம three worlds by means of three Vyahritis, Bhu,
ேபா தாரகமா ப . Bhuvah, Svah. The RigVedins speak of three
Vyahritis, namely Bhu, Bhuvah and Svah which
are, as it were, the seence of three Vedas; by
means of these and through oblations (into fire)
one crosses the three worlds. Manu says-
“Sacrifies when carefully offered iont he fire
reach the Sun; from the Sun comes rain, from
rain food and from food all beings. Or it mean
the tree of Samsars of the Worls, Bhu, Bhuvah,
Svah or He is the tree extended to the three

986. தார: ஸ ஸார கடைல 986. Tarah: He who is the Rescuer From the
தா பவ . Ocean of Samsara. OR Tara also means

987. ஸ தா: எ லாவ ைற 987. Savitah: He who is the Father of all.

தாேம உ டா பவ .

988. ர தாமஹ: ரம 988. Prapitamahah: He who is the Grand-sire

த ைதயாக இ பவ . (Even of Brahma Grand-sire).

989. ய ஞ: ய ஞ ெச ய 989. Yajnah: He who is the form of Sacrifice

ச ய றவ க தாேம
ய ஞமா பவ .

990. ய ஞப : த ஆராதன 990. Yagnapatih: He who is the Lord of

பலைன அ பவ . Sacrifies or The Protector of it. In Bhagvad Gita
Lord says-“I am the enjoyer of all sacrifices and
also the Lord of them”.

991. ய ஞவா: ய ஞ 991. Yajva: He who is also the performer of

ெச பவராக தாேம இ பவ . Sacrifice.

992. ய ஞா க: ற ெச 992. Yajnangah: He who has sacrifices for His

யாக க தா ெச limbs in the incarnation of Varaha. Hrivamsa
யாக க ப டதா ப 42nd chapter says-The Vedas are His feet. The
ெச பவ . sacrificial post is His jaws; the Fire is His
tongue; the munja grass is His Hair and the
Brahma is the head of the Great Lord. The day
and night are His eyes, the Vedas are His limbs
and the Srutis are His ornaments; the Ghee is
His nose; the sacrificial ladle is His neck; the
Great Songs of Samaveda His talk; His body is
made of Virtue and Truth; and all God actions
are the movement of His feet. The expiation
ceremony is His finger Nails; The Sacrificial
animals are His knee; the Udgata is His bowels.
Homa is His generative Organ. The Fruits, the
seeds and herbs are His outward Body. The
Mantras are His Buttocks. The Vikrita Soma is
His blood; The sacrificial altar is His upper arm
(skandha). The oblation is His sense of smell.
The Havya and Kavya are His quicke
movements. Pragvamsa His Body. Thus the
Divine One is worshipped by vows. The Gift is
the Heart of Yogins and all the Yagas are made
for Him. The Upakarma ceremony is His lips;
The Prvargya is His Navel. His path is made of
various Chandas; the secrete Upanishads are
His seat. He is the consort of Chaya Devi and
He is uplifted like the peak of Mount Meru.

993. ய ஞவாஹந: ய ஞ கள 993. Yajnavahanah: He who is the carrier of

வ பவ . Sacrifices. OR He who fulfills all sacrifices that
produces result. .

யஜ ய ஞ ய ய ஞ ய ஞஸாதந:|
ய ஞா த ய ஞ யம நம நாத ஏவ ச||105||
य भृ कृ ी य भु य साधन:|
य ा तकृ गु ाम म ाद एव च||१०५||

994. ய ஞ : யஜஞ க க 994. Yajnabhrit:He who upholds all Sacrifices

ைற தா தாம ர ப OR who protects them. He increase the Yajna
ெச பவ . hen one performs with His remembrance and
Purnahuti, the last Homa.

995. ய க : உலக க 995. Yajnakrit: He who is the Creator of

ந ைம காக ய ஞ கைள ஆ Sacrifies OR He who destroys the Sacrifice (as
பைட தவ . in the case of Bali) in the beginning and at the
end of the Universe.

996. ய : எ லா யாக களா 996. Yajnih: He who is the ultimatum in the

தாேம ஆரா கப பவ . sacrifice. He is the whole of sacrifice where
sacrificers are only part.
997. ய ஞ : ய ஞக க 997. Yajnabhuk: He who is the enjoyer of
இைட கைள அக கா பவ . sacrifice.

998. ய ஞஸாதந: ய க க 998. Yajnasadanah: Having the Sacrifices as

வ யாக த ைம அைட ப means to reach Him.
பவ .

999. ய ஞா த : யாக 999. Yajnantakrit: He who is the giver of results

பலனாக த வ ஞான ைத of sacrifices. OR. He who fulfils the desires of
உ டா பவ . sacrificers by the repition of the Vaishnavi Rik
in the oblations.

1000. ய ஞ ய: யாக 1000. Yagnaguhyam: He who is the secret of

ரஹ யமா பவ . sacrifice. The Secrete of Sacrifie is Jnanayagna.
Yajna also mean any deed performed without
any desire for result; Brahman-as it is identified
with such deeds is called Yajnaguhya.

1001. அ ன : அ ன ேபா 1001. Annam: The Food. He cause all beings to

ப த களா அ ப கப றவ . eat and enjoy and He Himself eats or consumes
all beings.

1002. அ நாத: த ைம 1002. Annadah: He who is the eater of Food

அ பைவ பவ கைள தா The Word Eva-Shows the whole Universe is in
ேபா யமாக அ ப பவ . the shape of Food which includes the eater and
ஏவ-எ ற ெசா இ லக what is eaten. The word Cha-means and. By
combing these two words can be applied to
வ அ நமயாக இ பைத show that the whole world is Paramatman.
கா ற . ஏவ ச-எ ேச
ெசா ேபா இ பர த லக
பரமா மா எ
ட ற .

ஆ மேயா : வ ஜாேதா ைவகாந: ஸாமகாயந:|

ேதவ ந தந: ர டா ஶ: பாபநாஶந:||106||
आ मयोिन: वयंजातो वैखान: सामगायन:|
गेवकीन दन: ा ि तीश: पापनाशन:||१०६||

1003. ஆ மேயா : பா ட 1004. Atmayonih: He who is the Self-Cause

ச கைரைய ேச ப ேபா because Atman also is material cause (of the
இ ப அ ப பவ கைள Universe) and no other.
த ட ேச பவ .

1004. வய ஜாத: ஒ வ ைடய 1004. Svayamjatah: He who is Self-Born. This

ரா தைன காரணமாக shows He alone is the instrumental cause. That
Hari is both instrumental cause and material
இ லாம தாேம ஸ க ப cause is established by all Vedanta Sutra-He is
காரணமார அவத தவ . the material cause on account of His Promise
(of instruction) and of illustration.

1005. ைவகாந: அவத 1005. Vaikhanah: He is the Digger. It is well

அ யா க ஸ ஸார க கைள known in Puranas that He in the form of Varaha
கைள எ தவ . murthy dug the Earth killed Hiranyakshan.

1006. ஸாமகாயந: த க த ைம 1006. Samagayanah: He Who Is Praised By

அ ப ஸாமகான ெச ய Samans
பவ .

1007. ேதவ ந தந: ேதவ 1007. Devakinandanah: He who is the son of

ரராக ேதா யவ . Devaki. Mahabharatha saya-All illuminaries in
the orld, three worlds, the protector of the
worlds, the three vadas, three sacrificial fire,
five oblations all Devas are son of Devaki

1008. ர டா: உலக கைள 1008. Srastah: He who is the Creator of the
பைட தவ . worlds.

1009. ஶ: அவதார ெச வதா 1009. Kshthis’ah: He who is the Lord of Earth

ய பார ைத னதா
ஈ வர .

1010. பாபநாஶந: அவதார 1010. Papanasanah; He who is the Destroyer of

ேச த க Sins. When son of Dasaratha is praised,
அ ப பவ க பாப கைள worshipped and meditated upon, He destroyes
ெதாைல பவ . all classes of sins. Vriddhastatapa says-
Whatever sins are destroyed by virture of by
observinf vow or fasting for a fortnight, the
same is destroyed by the practice of hundred
Pranayamaas. What ever sins that are destroyed
by doing thousand Prayanamaas, the same is
destroyed in a minute by meditating Hari.

ஶ க ந த ச ஶா கத வா கதாதர:|
ரதா கபா ரே ா ய: ஸ வ ரஹரணா த:||107||
ஸ வ ரஹரணா த ஓ நம இ ||
श भृ दकी च ी शा ध वा गदाधर:|
रथा पािणर ो य: सव हरणायुध:||१०७||
ीसव हरणायुध ओं नम इित||
1011. ஶ க : பா ச ய ைத 1011. S’angabhrut: He who is the bearer of
த பவள ெச வாயா Conch Shell known as Panjajanyam
ேபா பவ . representing five elements Ahankara (egotism)
and the rest.

1012. ந த : ந தகெம 1012. Nandakih: He who is the Weilder of

வாைள ைடயவ . Sword known as Nandaka representing

1013. ச : வா யா வாைன 1013. Chakrih: He who is in prosession of

உைடயவ . Discuss called Sudarsana representing mind

1014. ஶா கத வா: ஶா க 1014. Sarngadhanvah: He who is the weilder of

எ லா டா . Bow called Sarnga representing Ahankara.

1015. கதாதர: ெகௗேமத எ 1015. Gadhadharah: He who is the bearer of

கைதைய உைடயவ . Club called Kaumedaki representing Buddhi.

1016. ரதா கபா : எ ேபா 1016. Rataangapanih:He has Car wheel in His
ைககழலா ேந யா . Hand.

1017. அே ா ய: த 1017. Akshobhyah: He who is incapable of

ம ைம னா யாரா being agitated and hence He is unassailable.
ெவ ல யாதவ .

1018. ஸ வ ரஹரணா த: எ லா 1018. Sarva Praharanayudhah: He who is

ப கைள க வ ல எ லா armed with all kinds of destructive weapons.
ஆ த கைள உைடயவ .
।பல ।
||फल ुित:||
இ த த ய ய ேகஶவ ய மஹா மந:।
நா நா ஸஹ ர யாநாமேஶேஷண ர த ॥ 1॥
इतीदं कीतनीय य केशव य महा मनः ।
ना सह ं िद यानामशेषेण कीिततम् ॥ १॥
ய இத யா ய ய சா ப தேய ।
நாஶுப ரா யா ேஸாS ேரஹ ச மாநவ: ॥ 2॥
य इदं शृणुयाि यं य ािप पिरकीतयेत् ।
नाशुभं ा ुयाि कि च सोऽमु ेह च मानवः ॥ २॥
ேவதா தேகா ரா மண: யா ேயா ஜ பேவ ।
ைவ ேயா தநஸ த: யா ர: ஸுகமவா யா ॥ 3॥
वेदा तगो ा णः या ि यो िवजयी भवेत् ।
वै यो धनसमृ ः या छू ः सुखमवा ुयात् ॥ ३॥
த மா ரா யா த மம தா சா தமா யா ।
காமாநவா யா கா ரஜா ரா யா ரஜா ॥ 4॥
धम थ ा ुया ममथ थ चाथमा ुयात् ।
कामानवा ुया कामी जाथ ा ुया जाम् ॥ ४॥
ப மா ய: ஸேதா தாய ஶு த கதமாநஸ:।
ஸஹ ர வாஸுேதவ ய நா நாேமத ர தேய ॥ 5॥
भि तमान् यः सदो थाय शुिच त गतमानसः ।
सह ं वासुदेव य ना ामेत कीतयेत् ॥ ५॥
யஶ: ரா ேநா ல ஞா ராதா யேமவ ச।
அசலா யமா ேநா ேரய: ரா ேநா ய தம ॥ 6॥
यशः ा ोित िवपुलं ाित ाधा यमेव च ।
अचल ि यमा ोित ेयः ा ो यनु मम् ॥ ६॥
ந பய வ தா ேநா ய ேதஜ ச த ।
பவ யேராேகா மா பல ப ணா த: ॥ 7॥
न भयं विचदा ोित वीयं तेज िव दित ।
भव यरोगो ुितमा बल पगुणाि वतः ॥ ७॥
ேராகா ேதா யேத ேராகா ப ேதா ேயத ப தநா ।
பயா ேயத த ேயதாப ந ஆபத: ॥ 8॥
रोगात मु यते रोगा ो मु येत ब धनात् ।
भया मु येत भीत तु मु येताप आपदः ॥ ८॥
கா ய தர யாஶு ஷ: ேஷா தம ।
வ நாமஸஹ ேரண ய ப ஸம த: ॥ 9॥
दुग यिततर याशु पु षः पु षो मम् ।
तुव ामसह ेण िन यं भि तसमि वतः ॥ ९॥
வாஸுேதவா ரேயா ம ேயா வாஸுேதவபராயண:।
ஸ வபாப ஶு தா மா யா ர ம ஸநாதந ॥ 10॥
वासुदेवा यो म य वासुदेवपरायणः ।
सवपापिवशु ा मा याित सनातनम् ॥ १०॥
ந வாஸுேதவப தாநாமஶுப யேத வ ।
ஜ ம ஜரா யா பய ைநேவாபஜாயேத ॥ 11॥
न वासुदेवभ तानामशुभं िव ते विचत् ।
ज ममृ युजरा यािधभयं नैवोपजायते ॥ ११॥
இம தவம யாந: ர தாப ஸம த:।
ேயதா மஸுக ா : ॥ 12॥
इमं तवमधीयानः ाभि तसमि वतः ।
यु येता मसुख ाि त ीधृित मृितकीितिभः ॥ १२॥
ந ேராேதா ந ச மா ஸ ய ந ேலாேபா நாஶுபா ம :।
பவ த யாநா ப தாநா ேஷா தேம ॥ 13॥
न ोधो न च मा सयं न लोभो नाशुभा मितः ।
भवि त कृत पु यान भ तान पु षो मे ॥ १३॥
ெயௗ: ஸச ரா கந ரா க ேஶா மேஹாத :।
வாஸுேதவ ய ேயண தா மஹா மந: ॥ 14॥
ौः सच ाकन ा खं िदशो भूमहोदिधः ।
वासुदेव य वीयण िवधृतािन महा मनः ॥ १४॥
ஸஸுராஸுரக த வ ஸயே ாரகரா ஸ ।
ஜக வேஶ வ தேதத ண ய ஸசராசர ॥ 15॥
ससुरासुरग धवं सय ोरगरा सम् ।
जग शे वततेदं कृ ण य सचराचरम् ॥ १५॥
இ யா மேநா : ஸ வ ேதேஜா பல :।
வாஸுேதவா மகா யாஹு: ே ர ே ர ஞ ஏவ ச ॥ 16॥
इि यािण मनो बुि ः स वं तेजो बलं धृितः ।
वासुदेवा मका याहुः े ं े एव च ॥ १६॥
ஸ வாகமாநாமாசார: ரதம ப க பேத।
ஆசார ரபேவா த ேமா த ம ய ர ர த: ॥ 17॥
सव गमानामाचारः थमं पिर क पते ।
आचार भवो धम धम य भुर युतः ॥ १७॥
ஷய: தேரா ேதவா மஹா தா தாதவ:।
ஜ கமாஜ கம ேசத ஜக நாராயேணா பவ ॥ 18॥
ऋषयः िपतरो देवा महाभूतािन धातवः ।
ज माज मं चेदं जग ारायणो वम् ॥ १८॥
ேயாேகா ஞாந ததா ஸா ய யா: பா க ம ச।
ேவதா: ஶா ரா ஞாநேமத ஸ வ ஜநா தநா ॥ 19॥
योगो ानं तथा सा यं िव ाः िश पािद कम च ।
वेदाः शा ािण िव ानमेत सवं जनादनात् ॥ १९॥
ஏேகா மஹ த த தா யேநகஶ:।
ேலாகா யா ய தா மா ேத வ க யய: ॥ 20॥
एको िव णुमह ूतं पृथ भूता यनेकशः ।
ॴ लोका या य भूता मा भु ते िव भुग ययः ॥ २०॥
இம தவ பகவேதா ேணா யாேஸந த ।
பேட ய இ ேச ஷ: ேரய: ரா ஸுகா ச ॥ 21॥
इमं तवं भगवतो िव णो य सेन कीिततम् ।
पठे इ छे पु षः ेयः ा तुं सुखािन च ॥ २१॥
ேவ வரமஜ ேதவ ஜகத: ர ம யய ।
பஜ ேய கரா ந ேத யா பராபவ ॥ 22॥
िव े रमजं देवं जगतः भुम ययम् ।
भजि त ये पु करा ं न ते याि त पराभवम् ॥ २२॥
ந ேத யா பராபவ ௐ நம இ ।
அ ஜுந உவாச ---
न ते याि त पराभवम् ॐ नम इित ।
अजुन उवाच ---
ப மப ர ஶாலா ப மநாப ஸுேரா தம।
ப தாநாம ர தாநா ராதா பவ ஜநா தந ॥ 23॥
प प िवशाला प नाभ सुरो म ।
भ तानामनुर तान ाता भव जनादन ॥ २३॥

பகவா வாச ---

ேயா மா நாமஸஹ ேரண ேதா ச பா டவ।
ேஸாஹSேமேகந ேலாேகந த ஏவ ந ஸ ஶய: ॥ 24॥
ीभगवानुवाच ---
यो म नामसह ेण तोतुिम छित पा डव ।
सोहऽमेकेन लोकेन तुत एव न संशयः ॥ २४॥

த ஏவ ந ஸ ஶய ௐ நம இ ।
யாஸ உவாச ---
तुत एव न संशय ॐ नम इित ।
यास उवाच ---
வாஸநா வாஸுேதவ ய வா த வந ரய ।
ஸ வ த வாேஸாS வாஸுேதவ நேமாS ேத ॥ 25॥
वासना ासुदेव य वािसतं भुवन यम् ।
सवभूतिनवासोऽिस वासुदेव नमोऽ तु ते ॥ २५॥
வாஸுேதவ நேமாS த ௐ நம இ ।
பா வ வாச ---
ी वासुदेव नमोऽ तुत ॐ नम इित ।
पाव युवाच ---
ேகேநாபாேயந ல நா ேணா நாமஸஹ ரக ।
ப யேத ப ைத ய ேரா சா யஹ ரேபா ॥ 26॥
केनोपायेन लघुना िव णोन मसह कम् ।
प यते पि डतैिन यं ोतुिम छा यहं भो ॥ २६॥
ஈ வர உவாச ---
ராம ராம ராேம ரேம ராேம மேநாரேம।
ஸஹ ரநாம த ய ராம நாம வராநேந ॥ 27॥
ई र उवाच ---
ीराम राम रामेित रमे रामे मनोरमे ।
सह नाम त ु यं राम नाम वरानने ॥ २७॥
ராமநாம வராநந ௐ நம இ ।
ர ேமாவாச ---
ीरामनाम वरानन ॐ नम इित ।
ोवाच ---
நேமாS வந தாய ஸஹ ர தேய
ஸஹ ரபாதா ேரா பாஹேவ।
ஸஹ ரநா ேந ஷாய ஶா வேத
ஸஹ ரேகா கதா ேண நம: ॥ 28॥
नमोऽ वन ताय सह मूतये
सह पादाि िशरो बाहवे ।
सह ना े पु षाय शा ते
सह कोिटयुगधािरणे नमः ॥ २८॥
ஸஹ ரேகா கதா ேண ௐ நம இ ।
ஸ ஜய உவாச ---
सह कोिटयुगधािरणे ॐ नम इित ।
स य उवाच ---
ய ர ேயாேக வர: ேணா ய ர பா ேதா த தர:।
த ர ஜேயா வா ம மம ॥ 29॥
य योगे रः कृ णो य पाथ धनुधरः ।
त ीिवजयो भूित ुवा नीितमितमम ॥ २९॥
பகவா வாச ---
அந யா தய ேதா மா ேய ஜநா: ப பாஸேத।
ேதஷா யா தாநா ேயாகே ம வஹா யஹ ॥ 30॥
ीभगवानुवाच ---
अन याि तय तो म ये जनाः पयुपासते ।
तेष िन यािभयु तान योग ेमं वहा यहम् ॥ ३०॥
ப ராணாய ஸா நா நாஶாய ச தா ।
த மஸ தாபநா தாய ஸ பவா ேக ேக ॥ 31॥
पिर ाणाय साधून िवनाशाय च दु कृताम् ।
धमसं थापनाथ य स भवािम युगे युगे ॥ ३१॥
ஆ தா: ஷ ணா: லா ச தா: ேகாேரஷு ச யா ஷு வ தமாநா:।
ஸ ய நாராயணஶ தமா ர த :கா: ஸு ேநா பவ ॥ 32॥
आत ः िवष णाः िशिथला भीताः घोरेषु च यािधषु वतमानाः ।
स ी य नारायणश दमा ं िवमु तदुःखाः सुिखनो भवि त ॥ ३२॥
காேயந வாசா மநேஸ ைய வா யா மநா வா ர ேத: வபாவா ।
கேரா ய ய ஸகல பர ைம நாராயணாேய ஸம பயா ॥ 33॥
कायेन वाचा मनसेि यैव बु या मना वा कृतेः वभावात् ।
करोिम य त् सकलं पर मै नारायणायेित समपयािम ॥ ३३॥
ௐத ஸ மஹாபாரேத ஶதஸாஹ யா ஸ தாயா
ைவயா யாமா ஶாஸ ேகப வ ம ரஸ வாேத
ேணா யஸஹ ரநாம ேதா ர ॥
ॐ त सिदित ीमहाभारते शतसाह य संिहताय वैयािस यामानुशासिनके
पविण भी मयुिधि रसंवादे ीिव णोिद यसह नाम तो म् ॥
இ ேணா யஸஹ ரநாம ேதா ர ஸ ண ।
इित ीिव णोिद यसह नाम तो ं स पूणम् ।
ॐ तत् सत् ।

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